Legacy Communities Hits Manufactured Home Community Residents with $100 Monthly Increase, Legacy Communities Responds to Complaints ‘Rent Tripled’ ‘Unacceptable’ ‘Contact Governor’ per Tim Rose


Southway Villa is listed as a Legacy Communities owned property in Brooksville, Florida where Stephen Fucheck’s and his manufactured home’s front screen room gives him a pleasant view of a lake. “I’ve got plenty of nature here. I love the house and I’m going to stay here until the day I die.” But when Fucheck’s logged into his Legacy Communities account for Spectrum Bay News 9 account, a screen capture reveals his site fees are just under $400 for the month. So, a $100 monthly hike – the biggest so far, Fucheck said – is apparently forcing some of his fellow residents to sell. It sounds eerily similar to what Judy Annin told Oregon Live. “People living in manufactured home parks are soon to join the next wave of homelessness,” Annin said. Beyond the headline paraphrase, Tim Rose posted in remarks shown further below that: “If you want to live in a ghost town and pay $700 indefinite fees, this is the place to live. If you want meth heads burning down houses and walking across your lawn at 3 am – look no further. There’s a reason houses are so cheap. The senior and veteran residents are being priced out of their homes due to CORPORATE GREED.”

This fact-packed news-analysis on the latest chapter about Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) member Legacy Communities starts now.

Part I

1) Legacy Communities reportedly provided Bay News 9 a statement that claimed the following.

QuoteMarksLeftSideLegacy works diligently to mitigate costs to keep rent increases reasonable and to keep residents in our communities. Our business model is reliant on keeping our existing residents in-place and we are willing to work with residents who may have temporary challenges paying rent due to job loss, illness, and unforeseen medical bills.”

2) But there are several indicators that seem to contradict some, much, or all of those claims by Legacy. Fucheck said: “I don’t mind a little bit of an increase each year, but $100 is a lot of money,” he said. If that roughly $400 current site fee increased by $100, that would be about a 25 percent hike during a period when inflation has supposedly slowed in its rate of increase.

3) There are also apparent concerns about accuracy and veracity of Legacy Communities claim: “Our business model is reliant on keeping our existing residents in-place…” Their business model clearly appears to allow for those who decide to leave their communities for whatever reason. If someone is forced out by escalating costs that a given resident can no longer afford, they can obviously put that home up for sale. It is entirely possible that when some residents are forced out be economic considerations that Legacy Communities may pick up whatever profit margin on the vacated home, plus the opportunity to escalate the site fees (a.k.a. “lot rent”) on that space even faster than if that resident had stayed. If that remark by Legacy Communities was transmitted via “the wires” it arguably may involve a variety of possible legally questionable practices.

4) Molly Boyle is Legacy Communities designated contact. Boyle also happens to be the media contact for the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI). Legacy Communities is an MHI member. MHI’s CEO is Lesli Gooch, Ph.D.


from: L. A. Tony Kovach for MHProNews.
to: legacy@fpmgi.com,
cc: info@mfghome.org,
Lesli Gooch <lgooch@mfghome.org>
date: Jul 22, 2024, 5:57 AM
subject: Molly and Lesli, media outreach

Molly and/or Lesli,

You may be aware of this report.


Legacy asserted about their business model: “Legacy works diligently to mitigate costs to keep rent increases reasonable and to keep residents in our communities. Our business model is reliant on keeping our existing residents in-place and we are willing to work with residents who may have temporary challenges paying rent due to job loss, illness, and unforeseen medical bills.”

But that seems to be contradicted by remarks made by resident Stephen Fucheck. It also seems to be contradicted by listings like this one, which appears to confirm what Fucheck asserted.




Listed by:

Colette Veilleux 352-651-4684,

Southway Villa


Colette Veilleux appears to be working for Legacy Communities, correct? So, when a resident moves out for whatever reason, isn’t listing and selling that unit just another potential profit center for Legacy Communities, and thus part of their business model?

Please correct, clarify, or confirm the concerns raised by Fucheck and Spectrum Bay News 9 in that report, plus the evidence from Zillow. In your reply, also explain why you think the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) and their National Communities Council (NCC) “code of ethical conduct” isn’t being violated?

I think you both know the drill, but email your response for our mutual accuracy. We plan to report and would value your remarks on this and/or prior topics of MHProNews/MHLivingNews reporting.


L. A. “Tony” 


L. A. “Tony” Kovach

For MHProNews.com/MHLivingNews.com …##


5) The listing on Zillow on this date (7.22.2024) reflects the following.

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click the image and follow the prompts.

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6) From a posted online review about Southway Villa is the following posted ‘one star’ review.

Another rent increase. Every month the rent increasing with no new amenities. If you want to live in a ghost town and pay $700 indefinite fees, this is the place to live. If you want meth heads burning down houses and walking across your lawn at 3 am – look no further. There’s a reason houses are so cheap. The senior and veteran residents are being priced out of their homes due to CORPORATE GREED.

As long as rent keeps going up, you will continue to see houses for sale. Multiple lots inside the park are not owned by the park and have heavy unfamiliar vehicle traffic all hours of the night. When rent was Affordable, this was tolerable but now rent has tripled and this is unacceptable.

Email your Governor about this @GovRonDeSantis. Speak up before your homeless while the corporate execs can build giga mansions in Los Angeles.

(Search Michael Hume Scott mansion trailer park entrepreneur) …”


7) MHPHOA, a resident advocacy website, states the following on this date.

Legacy Communities LLC

  • Patrick O’Malley
  • Andrew J. Fells
  • Brad Valka
32313 Broadway Street, Suite 101 Sebring Florida 33870 75 2024-06-19 LegacyMHC.com


8) Regular and longer-term readers of MHProNews will be recalled that it the following was previously reported based on a Legacy Communities corporate press release.

“Andrew [Fells] will report to CEO Patrick O’Malley and will continue to office within Legacy’s Sebring, Florida corporate office.”


9) This is an apparent part of what MHI award winner Marty Lavin, J.D., himself a longtime community owner who sold a property to residents, called ‘the industry’s other image campaign.’




10) According to left-leaning Bing’s AI powered Copilot are the following insights.

BingCopilotAI-Screen1.3.2024MHLivingNewsLet me provide some information about these individuals:

  1. Patrick O’Malley:
  2. Andrew J. Fells:
  3. Brad Valka:

These leadership changes represent a strategic move to position Legacy Communities for sustained success and operational excellence within the manufactured home community industry1. …”


11) That response from Copilot sounds glowing, but the follow up from MHProNews to Copilot created a more sober reply.

Has Legacy Communities used either Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac financing?

BingCopilotAI-Screen1.3.2024MHLivingNewsYes, Legacy Communities has been involved in financing through Freddie Mac. However, there have been concerns about the impact of such financing on affordable housing. Let me elaborate:

  1. Freddie Mac Financing:
  1. Affordability Concerns:
  1. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s Role:

In summary, while Freddie Mac financing has been used by Legacy Communities, it’s essential to consider the impact on affordability and residents’ well-being. …”


12) Some more posts by residents, noting that there are cases when so-called ‘5 star reviews‘ in MHVille have been posted by those acting on behalf of management. So, while there are positive reviews, the ‘fake review’ concern must be kept in mind. That said, the following in a 1 start review.

QuoteMarksLeftSideElmo Bench| 1 star review

The park is very poor , they never put anything back into the park, watch out for the manager , he tries to take advantage of the women , and drinks on the job, they will pick and choose who they help , I’ve been trying to get a shed but they will not let me have one , he lies and let’s the person behind me get one , so be careful and very poor drainage and they do not care…”

Response from the owner
The manager you spoke about was no longer there when Legacy Communities purchased the community.

QuoteMarksLeftSideSecret Shopper | 1 star review

The lot rent is being raised again this time 27% increase. Last year was a 17% increase. This is a retirement community and there are many low-income people on a fixed income. This is truly unfair to have such a high rent increase every year.”


Response from the owner
Thank you for your review and feedback. We have forwarded your review on over to Corporate as well.

QuoteMarksLeftSideDelores English | 2 star review

Was a Low income , but decent mobile home park until New Owners purchased property and jacked up the lot rent with very few amenities to offer. Apparently its All about the Money and Dont care that this was for those Seniors with limited incomes…

Response from the owner
Delores, Thank you for your review and for bringing these issues to us. I will forward your comments to corporate.
14) Should Legacy Communities and/or MHI respond to the concerns, a follow up or update to this report may be warranted.  It is worth mentioning that Legacy Communities and Legacy Housing are NOT known to have any ownership links.  It would be troubling if just one MHI member firm had such vexing business practices, but this appears to be a pattern employed by multiple (not all) MHI linked firms.





ManufacturedHousingInstituteHitByAntitrustAllegationsInOpEd_MHI-AttorneyDavidGochMollyBoyleAskedRespondEvidenceBasedConcernsCopilot-AiFac CheckRefersToMHIsOrwellianApproachMHProNews
When MHI leaders and outside attorneys are asked by MHProNews to respond to remarks like the one posted above, they routinely remain silent. A recent example of MHI failing to respond to a standing invitation to weigh in, supplemented by an almost business-daily publicly announced remark to that effect, is a specific contact with respect to the timely and demonstrably relevant topics linked here. MHI launched the use of that new logo in 2022 when manufactured home production was in the early phase of what became a sharp 15-month long production downturn. Meaning, MHI’s use of such slogans are similar to Soviet-style or Orwellian propaganda slogans.  https://www.manufacturedhomepronews.com/manufactured-housing-institute-hit-by-antitrust-allegations-in-op-ed-mhi-attorney-boyle-asked-to-respond-to-evidence-based-concerns-ai-fact-check-refers-to-mhis-orwellian/




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The One Thing that Might Work at Improving U.S. Housing Crisis Faster than More Manufactured Housing Production – Which Others in MHVille Have Downplayed-Ignored; plus MHVille Markets

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Our son has grown quite a bit since this 12.2019 photo. All on Capitol Hill were welcoming and interested in our manufactured housing industry related concerns. But Congressman Al Green’s office was tremendous in their hospitality. Our son’s hand is on a package that included the Constitution of the United States, bottled water, and other goodies.

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for MHProNews.com.

Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.

For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and MHLivingNews.com.

This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.


Connect on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/latonykovach



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