
Rent Control Passes Massachusetts House

Updating a story MHProNews last published Feb. 15, 2013 regarding a freeze on rents residents of Easton Mobile Home Park won in Easton, Mass. in 2005, and then lost in 2011 when the freeze expired, community residents may see a rent control bill passed in the Mass. legislature that they …

Rent Control Passes Massachusetts House Read More

Abandoned Manufactured Homes Set for Removal

The Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) in Northfield, Minn. intends to purchase and demolish five pre-HUD Code homes in Florella’s Park that have been abandoned for many years, and will also begin the same process for six additional homes. The HRA had to appear in court with the manager of …

Abandoned Manufactured Homes Set for Removal Read More

Battle Looms over Housing Finance Reform

As part of housing finance reform, the House Financial Service Committee passed a measure that will eventually eliminate Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and pass the job of bundling most mortgages into marketable securities to private investors. Under the Protecting American Taxpayers and Homeowners (PATH) Act, the government would supervise …

Battle Looms over Housing Finance Reform Read More

Proposed Law would Cost Community Owners

A proposed law in the Massachusetts Legislature, MA H1116, would provide out of court dispute resolution and require water, septic and sewer inspections at each home, something the residents say is needed, but owners say it could sink them. Costing $300-$500 per septic tank, and nearly as much for the …

Proposed Law would Cost Community Owners Read More

HUD Issues Ground Anchor Proposal for Manufactured Homes

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has published a proposed ground anchor testing and installation rule for manufactured housing in the July 26, 2013 edition of the Federal Register. The proposal would adopt recommendations made by the Manufactured Housing Consensus Committee to determine ground anchor performance. Since there …

HUD Issues Ground Anchor Proposal for Manufactured Homes Read More

Fire Safety in Modular Homes to be on Agenda

The fire department in the west central Texas town of Big Spring was to meet with city staff today to discuss fire codes relating to modular homes made from shipping containers that the city council voted to allow in at their last meeting. As MHProNews has learned from cbs7kosa, the …

Fire Safety in Modular Homes to be on Agenda Read More

Castle and Cooke Deny Wrongdoing

Updating a story MHProNews posted earlier today about allegations by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) that Castle & Cooke Mortgage of Salt Lake City made illegal incentive payments to loan officers, the president of C & C denied the charges and is seeking to resolve the issue. “We don’t …

Castle and Cooke Deny Wrongdoing Read More

New House Committee Chairmen Rake in the Chips

Campaign contributions for seven of eight newly installed GOP House committee chairmen have risen 59 percent in this year over the first six months of 2011. The 11 continuing committee chairmen only show a three percent average increase in first-half contributions this year over the same time frame two years …

New House Committee Chairmen Rake in the Chips Read More

CFPB Sues Lender for Violating Compensation Rule

A mortgage lender is being sued by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) for allegedly paying bonuses to loan originators that charged consumers higher interest rates in violation of the loan officer compensation rule. The 85th largest lender in the country, Castle and Cooke Mortgage LLC of Salt Lake City …

CFPB Sues Lender for Violating Compensation Rule Read More

Del. Rent Control Law to be Explained

Following the receipt of letters by manufactured housing community residents from landlords allegedly trying to lock them into long-term leases with built-in increases, two Del. lawmakers are holding a meeting on the new rent control measure set to become law Jan. 1. Under the new bill, community owners will be …

Del. Rent Control Law to be Explained Read More

Manufactured Housing Finance Needs to be in Reform Bill

While the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) reports the government-sponsored enterprise (GSE) finance reform bill in the House, called the Protecting American Taxpayers and Homeowners Act (PATH), is being prepared to move forward, there is no indication manufactured housing consumer financing is included. Although some industry reports say …

Manufactured Housing Finance Needs to be in Reform Bill Read More

Manufactured Home Receives Arkansas Variance

The Magnolia (Ark.) Planning Commission approved a variance request for the siting of a manufactured home in an R-2 zoning. Virginia Ball asked for the variance so she may provide living accommodations for a relative. She has one year to site the home, after which she will have to ask …

Manufactured Home Receives Arkansas Variance Read More

City Council Votes to Refuse Conversion

The Costa Mesa (Calif.) City Council voted 4-0 to deny changing the Rolling Homes manufactured housing community from general commercial to high-density residential for the development of a 208-unit apartment complex. An amendment to the city’s General Plan would be needed to change the 55-site community of seniors, who said …

City Council Votes to Refuse Conversion Read More

Siting, Appearance of Manufactured Homes Proposed

Updating and adding to a story posted by MHProNews July 16 concerning restrictions on manufactured housing (MH) placement in Magnolia Ark., the Magnolia City Council will consider the second part of the ordinance, which deals with the particulars of each manufactured dwelling. All homes must have a perimeter foundation enclosure …

Siting, Appearance of Manufactured Homes Proposed Read More

City Needs Updating of Land Use Ordinances

Manufactured homes dominated the discussion at the Prescott, Ark. Planning and Zoning Commission meeting Thursday night. The city’s ordinances have not changed since 1979, and the need for a comprehensive plan is crucial, especially since having annexed a substantial plot of land north and west of the city in 1995. …

City Needs Updating of Land Use Ordinances Read More

Board Rejects Seizing Manufactured Homes

The Board of Selectmen in Exeter, New Hampshire voted unanimously to issue a tax deed on a single-family home, thereby taking ownership of the home, but issued deed waivers on eight manufactured homes (MH) which are located in communities. All of the MHs have delinquent taxes going back to 2009, …

Board Rejects Seizing Manufactured Homes Read More

Amendment would Change Definition of Affordable Housing

Massachusetts’ controversial Chapter 40B provision allows developers to build housing complexes that do not conform to local zoning ordinances if the town does not have ten percent affordable housing in its stock. Belcherton, in west central Mass., has only 6.4 percent affordable housing, and its Board of Selectmen are considering …

Amendment would Change Definition of Affordable Housing Read More

Wisconsin Land Lease Community Converts to Co-operative

With $1 million in financing from ROC (resident-owned communities) USA Capital, Prairie Lake Estates land lease community became Prairie Lake Estates Homeowners Cooperative, as the residents of this 70 homesite community became a Wisconsin limited-equity housing co-op corporation. The Northcountry Cooperative Foundation (NCF) provided leadership and technical support to the …

Wisconsin Land Lease Community Converts to Co-operative Read More

When is a Manufactured Home not a Dwelling?

The definition of a dwelling in the Sussex County Code in southern Delaware is, “A building or portion thereof containing cooking and housekeeping facilities, designed or used exclusively for residential occupancy…,” but it excludes hotels, motels, lodges, tourist courts as well as manufactured housing (MH). An editorial in capegazette.villagesoup asks …

When is a Manufactured Home not a Dwelling? Read More

Cordray Confirmed to Head Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Following two years of uncertainty, the U S. Senate confirmed Richard Cordray as director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) by a 66-34 vote. While an outstanding lawsuit questions the original recess appointment of Cordray to the post by President Barack Obama, the confirmation solidifies the director’s position as …

Cordray Confirmed to Head Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Read More

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