

Does the Government have a “Problem with Overspending” Tax Dollars?

“The federal government does not suffer from a lack of revenue; it has a problem with overspending our hard-earned tax dollars,” per an Op-Ed in The Hill contributed by Jonathan Williams and Alfredo Ortiz. Jonathan Williams is the chief economist at the American Legislative Exchange Council, and Alfredo Ortiz is …

Does the Government have a “Problem with Overspending” Tax Dollars? Read More


Pew Research Facts Don’t Lie, How Productive has the Trump Administration Really Been?

With a lack of resolve on issues such as a “repeal and replace” of ObamaCare, much of the mainstream media makes it appear that the Trump Administration hasn’t done much of anything since January. However, a new study from Pew Research Center tells a different story all together. “To date, …

Pew Research Facts Don’t Lie, How Productive has the Trump Administration Really Been? Read More


Ted Nugent Says ‘Kid Rock Ain’t Running for Squat’ – Really? Charge of Racism, Really?

“Somebody write this down: Kid Rock ain’t running for squat,” Ted Nugent said in an interview with Newsmax TV. “[The GOP] made it up and they’re running with it and they should probably stop and focus their resources on someone who can beat the Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi …

Ted Nugent Says ‘Kid Rock Ain’t Running for Squat’ – Really? Charge of Racism, Really? Read More


Senators Fighting for Preserve Access to Manufactured Housing, Reality Checks

“The CFPB is “protecting” people right out of affordable manufactured homeownership. Congress should fight to give families opportunities – not take them away,” said Representative Andy Barr (R-KY) when a group of bipartisan representatives introduced the Preserving Access to Manufactured Housing Act back in March, per Global Newswire. There is …

Senators Fighting for Preserve Access to Manufactured Housing, Reality Checks Read More


What Makes a “Worst Case” Renter? What’s Happening in Washington to Address Their Needs?

“The nation lacks enough affordable housing for hard-working families,” said Granger MacDonald, chair of the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). As was previously reported at this link here, “Worst Case Housing Needs 2017 Report to Congress” was recently released by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).  It …

What Makes a “Worst Case” Renter? What’s Happening in Washington to Address Their Needs? Read More

FHFA, Invisible Credit, and Change$ to Fannie and Freddie

A bipartisan pair of lawmakers – Senator Tim Scott, (R-SC), and Senator Mark Warner, (D-VA) – have come together to create a bill that aims to increase homeownership through reform of credit guidelines for those with “invisible credit.” “Invisible Credit” is when individuals or families have paid their bills – …

FHFA, Invisible Credit, and Change$ to Fannie and Freddie Read More


“Pilots like to know where they’re going,” says GOP Senator

“We are going to fight and fight and fight until this bill is dead,” said Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York, at a rally outside the Capitol Tuesday. So far, Senator Schumer is getting his wish. For Democrats, ObamaCare is perhaps the single biggest part of the 44th …

“Pilots like to know where they’re going,” says GOP Senator Read More


Owner Alert, DNC Vice Chair, Rep Keith Ellison Introduces National Manufactured Home Community Bill

A new bill introduced to the U.S. House of Representatives by Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), would provide a federal tax incentive for manufactured home community owners who are looking to sell the community, with a catch. That incentive will occur only if they sell their community to residents or to …

Owner Alert, DNC Vice Chair, Rep Keith Ellison Introduces National Manufactured Home Community Bill Read More


Sen Minority Leader Schumer Blasts Clinton, Left Leaning Network Digs “Bland” Democratic Rebranding

While most left-leaning along with some of the center-right media are busily undermining President Donald J. Trump’s national agenda items, the Democrats are facing the music of reality checks too. “Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer had choice words for Hillary Clinton in an interview over the weekend,” Fox News reported, …

Sen Minority Leader Schumer Blasts Clinton, Left Leaning Network Digs “Bland” Democratic Rebranding Read More


Taxes, Rep Gohmert (R-TX), GOP Slow Walking President Trump’s Big Agenda?

“Members from both parties have acknowledged the shortcomings of our current tax system and the need for meaningful reforms to encourage economic growth and alleviate many of the burdens imposed on hardworking taxpayers…As we work to achieve those goals, it is essential that Congress has the best possible advice and …

Taxes, Rep Gohmert (R-TX), GOP Slow Walking President Trump’s Big Agenda? Read More


Abandoned Manufactured Home Law Passed

The Ohio Manufactured Home Association (OMHA) tells MHProNews that they’ve successfully passed their desired change to state law regarding abandoned manufactured homes. “While several changes have been made to the verification of value, the most important change will be to homes with deceased titleholders,” OMHA said. “Prior law gave us …

Abandoned Manufactured Home Law Passed Read More


Manufactured Housing Institute Reports Preserving Access Language in Subcommittee Appropriation’s bill

The odds of passing the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) backed “Preserving Access to Manufactured Housing Act” may be rising. Sources tell MHProNews that MHI has reported to their members in an email yesterday that, “the House Appropriations Committee’s Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government (FSGG) passed the language of …

Manufactured Housing Institute Reports Preserving Access Language in Subcommittee Appropriation’s bill Read More


Governor’s Controversial Manufactured Housing Battle Concludes

“From the moment Governor John Kasich‘s Administration first proposed to eliminate the Ohio Manufactured Homes Commission, the air has been full of misleading information and derogatory comments directed at almost one million Ohio residents who live in manufactured homes,” said Tim Williams, Executive Director of the Ohio Manufactured Homes Association …

Governor’s Controversial Manufactured Housing Battle Concludes Read More


MHI Legislative Fly In Clouded By New Controversy

The Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) has created its own controversy, on the eve of their much ballyhooed “Legislative Fly-In” to Washington, D.C.  Two of the industry trade association’s senior staffers were allegedly terminated, days prior to their event, as was first reported by the Daily Business News, at this link …

MHI Legislative Fly In Clouded By New Controversy Read More


Competitive Enterprise Institute Grades Trump on Energy, Domestic Policies

There are certainly voices on both sides of the climate controversy and how that relates to energy policy. To oversimplify is to say that Secretary Hillary Clinton and Jill Stein represented those in the 2016 presidential race that broadly favored continuing along the path that President Obama’s administration had begun. …

Competitive Enterprise Institute Grades Trump on Energy, Domestic Policies Read More


President Trump to MHProNews, About “Witch Hunt,” Polling Back at 50%

In a series of messages to MHProNews, President Donald J. Trump has said as follows. “If you told me this would happen in America, I wouldn’t believe you… The losing political party is using a conspiracy theory — without having a single shred of evidence — to DERAIL a constitutionally-elected …

President Trump to MHProNews, About “Witch Hunt,” Polling Back at 50% Read More


Star Parker, Draining the Dodd-Frank Swamp

Wikipedia says that, “Star Parker is an American syndicated columnist, Republican politician, author, and conservative political activist. In 1995, she founded the Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE), originally the Coalition on Urban Renewal and Education. In 2010, she was the unsuccessful Republican nominee for the United States House …

Star Parker, Draining the Dodd-Frank Swamp Read More


Happy 71st Birthday, Mr. President, Quotes from Donald Trump

As much of the world knows, today is President Donald J. Trump’s 71 birthday. Wikipedia summarizes key points about Donald Trump on his birthday, as follows. Donald Trump 45th U.S. President Donald John Trump is the 45th and current President of the United States. Before entering politics, he was a …

Happy 71st Birthday, Mr. President, Quotes from Donald Trump Read More


“You Move, You Lose” MHC Issue Overcome

Governor Abbott has just signed SB 1248 into law. The bill, per the Texas Manufactured Housing Association (TMHA) is dubbed the “Right to Replace.” SB 1248 will go into effect September 1, 2017. TMHA tells MHProNews that “SB 1248 is the bill that preserves a manufactured home community owners’ right to replace …

“You Move, You Lose” MHC Issue Overcome Read More


Public Policies May Hurt Poorer, Older Residents

“Recent research shows that transit-oriented development programs can create social inequities and increase the pace of gentrification, and there is already evidence that this has been happening in D.C.,” says Yesim Sayin Taylor, with the D.C. Policy Center. The Washington Times noted today that, “The D.C. Policy Center’s report focuses …

Public Policies May Hurt Poorer, Older Residents Read More

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