Leo Poggione, Craftsman Homes, Manufactured Housing Institute Chairman – Back Story on Cavco Industries, Consumer Affairs, “For a House” Customers, Better Business Bureau Claims; plus MHMarket Updates
As is true for several Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) “leaders,” prior or current, Leo Poggione is an outwardly affable and often well-liked by his peer’s personality. The company’s “ForaHouse.com” website proclaims that manufactured home retailer “Craftsman Homes president, Leo Poggione, takes pride in the fact that his staff are willing to go above and beyond to help every customer!” Poggione’s LinkedIn page notes that “Leo is the first Retailer to be elected Chairman of Manufactured Housing Institute in the last 16 years. Leo also served as Vice Chair and Secretary.” The RV/MH Hall of Fame lists Poggione as a 2019 inductee, a donor, and board member. For those who don’t go beyond those top-lines, or other similar ‘fluff’ from pro-MHI trade media and bloggers, Poggione might look like someone out of central casting for the honor by the industry’s insiders that he’s been handed. But a starkly contradictory story emerges when other information sources are examined about Poggione and Craftsman Homes. For example, when the Better Business Bureau (BBB), Yelp, or Consumer Affairs websites are examined, a different picture emerges. Given the recent years of drama around MHI member Cavco Industries (CVCO), it is perhaps no surprise that some fascinating facts have been obtained with respect to Poggione, Craftsman, Cavco, and MHI. These appear to continue the troubling trend among MHI’s “Executive Committee” board chairmen since Triad Financial Services (TFS) Don Glisson Jr. stepped down from the chairman’s role which was then assumed by Nathan Smith, ho cofounded SSK Communities which was later rebranded and taken public under the Flagship Communities [MHC-U.TO, FLGMF (OTCMKTS)] name. Tip. The meaty and newsy items about Poggione, Craftsman Homes, Cavco Industries (CVCO), and MHI are deeper into this report. But to create a broader, ‘fair and balanced’ report, fact-check and analysis, a range of information from several sources will be laid out first.
Regrettably, none of the facts, claims, insights, or even propaganda are from other manufactured housing industry publishers and bloggers that were examined prior to publishing this report. Why not? Because a check of MHInsider, ManufacturedHomes, MHReview, or George Allen’s blog on this date (2:44 AM ET, 12.7.2021) did not reveal any indication of the outcome of the 2021 MHI membership ‘election’ of their new corporate board leader Poggione.
The paragraph above and the next few below are a brief but useful segue into the report on Leo Poggione becoming MHI’s new chairman. Why? Because MHI-friendly ‘news sources’ – including MHI themselves – have seemingly made little-to-no mention of this change at the top. After all, how many of the roughly 330 million Americans would think to go Poggione’s LinkedIn page just to see if he was named MHI’s chairman? It is a safe bet that the answer to that would be only a minuscule or even microscopic subset of the national population.
Following this quick review of other manufactured home industry trade sources on Poggione, information developed from other various sources will be cited below, including the otherwise obscure statement referenced above from Poggione via LinkedIn.
To that point of masking a change, perhaps as or more telling is that a check of available MHI’s emails to their non-members makes no mention Leo Poggione in the last several months. Ponder that for a moment. MHI doesn’t tell manufactured housing industry readers about their change in board leadership in their own emailed ‘news’ updates? Much less did MHI mention that Poggione was ‘elected’ to be their new chairman last October 2021.
For example, on October 27, 2021 “News and Updates” – previously reviewed by MHProNews – from MHI had no mention of MHI’s election.
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That email 10.27.2021 does not mention MHI’s annual meeting, nor the changes in their board of directors.
But MHI did pitch meeting attendance, which their Form 990 reveals to be a profit center for the trade group.
Here is how their copy of that topic read on the MHI website on 12.6.2021. Quoting:
Join MHI In Person this October
Save your spot to attend MHI’s first in-person event in over a year! Register today to attend MHI’s Annual Meeting October 4-6 at Estancia La Jolla in La Jolla, CA. See longtime friends, meet new contacts, learn the latest industry trends and shape MHI strategies to capture new opportunities. We’ve designed the schedule to maximize time for both learning and networking. The schedule includes MHI’s division and council meetings, annual membership meeting and awards dinner, as well as an afternoon for networking and social activities.
MHI is planning the Annual Meeting with your health and safety in mind; we are monitoring guidance from the CDC for in-person meetings and will comply with state and local guidelines. Register Now! ##
From MHI Insiders to MHProNews
In a message to MHProNews, the statement was made from a normally reliable source that the change in MHI’s leadership “would have occurred at the 2021 MHI Annual Meeting which was held October 4th to 6th in La Jolla, CA.”
New MHI Chairman Poggione did not reply to direct inquiry from MHProNews. How is that for a start to transparency from MHI’s new titular leader?
A longtime MHI member told MHProNews: “Now that you [MHProNews]asked, I do not know if there was ever an email [from MHI] noting what took place at the meeting.”
These insights harken back to the claim by an MHI board member previously mentioned to and reported by MHProNews/MHLivingNews that MHI is increasingly operated like a “secret society.”
It also fits the specific concerns raised by former MHI board member Marty Lavin, J.D., who said that the organization is operated by and for the benefit of the “big boys” there. Any benefits that may appear for smaller firms exist, said Lavin, only to the extent that it benefits the “big boys” that dominate MHI.
But these are just the warm-up.
An online search on 12.7.2021 reveals the following.
“Leois the first Retailer to be elected Chairman of Manufactured Housing Institute in the last 16 years. Leo also served as Vice Chair and Secretary.” So, for several years, Poggione has apparently been ‘groomed’ for this role as MHI’s chairman.
From the RV/MH Hall of Fame website’s description is this quotation.
Leo Poggione
While he operates traditional retail sales centers, he has also worked as a developer utilizing resources not typically tapped by retailers in the industry.
That’s it from that RV/MH Hall of Fame page on Poggione. No age, time in the industry, family, educational, or other biographical information.
For a fee, this website will ‘unlock’ other ‘relationships.’ The collage above are those that are publicly shown. MHProNews Note: several of the images in this report can be opened to reveal a larger size. Depending on your browser or device, many images in this report can be clicked to expand. Click the image and follow the prompts.
The information available on Poggione from MHI’s website on 12.7.2021 are as follows.
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Clicking the linked item above would reveal the following information on this date. The highlighting is added by MHProNews to make Poggione’s name and role pop.
MHI Board of Directors
Chairman Leo Poggione, PHC, Craftsman Homes
Vice Chairman William Boor, Cavco Industries, Inc.
Patrick Waite, Equity LifeStyle Properties, Inc.
Eric Hamilton, Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance, Inc.
Past Chairman
Tom Hodges, Clayton Homes, Inc.
Amy Bliss, Wisconsin Housing Alliance
Lou Braun, Westland Distributing
Stephen Braun, Hometown America Communities
F. R. “Jayar” Daily, American Homestar Corporation
Jim Fox, Nortek Global HVAC
Randy Grumbine, Virginia Manufactured and Modular Housing Assoc.
Matt Nino, PHC, Cavco Industries, Inc.
Cody Pearce, Cascade Financial Services, LLC
Karl Radde, Southern Comfort Homes
Bill Raffoul, Sun Communities, Inc.
Ronny Robertson, CMH Manufacturing West, Inc.
Nathan Smith, PHC, Flagship Communities
Tim Williams, 21st Mortgage Corporation
Mark Yost, Skyline Champion
That list of “Proud Members of MHI” includes several who might aptly be described as ‘black hat’ operations, but that matter will be examined in a later report and analysis. Let’s note in fairness that black hat operations may have ‘good guys’ or ‘white hats’ working for them, and that not all MHI members are black hats. Some could fairly be described as honorable businesses that would merit a ‘white hat’ classification.
Against that backdrop, that the following tip was received.
The text of the message received by MHProNews is as shown below, minus the name and business/occupation of the tipster-sender. The reason to highlight in the above both William “Bill” Boor and Poggione’s names will become apparent.
Well, you never know what you’re going to find in an SEC report.
The below is from Cavco’s November 5, 2021 10-Q report. Does Craftsman Homes sound familiar? It should, because it is the business of MHI’s Chairman, Leo Poggione (who was also an MHCC member for a time, although I don’t remember the exact years).
So, since at least 2017, Cavco has had its claws into the guy that is now MHI’s Chairman — and has been for awhile, and was, I believe, Vice Chair before that. Would be interesting to compare the timeline of Poggione’ ascent within MHI, and MHCC service, and compare it with the below.
Funny, I don’t remember anyone ever publicly disclosing that Poggione, for at least 5 years, has been tied at the hip with Cavco.
Poggione was also inducted into the oh so objective RV/MH Hall of Fame in 2019 (wonder how that happened, huh?).
Would be interesting to see how much more of this sort of this has been going on and is going on. Still reviewing the 10-Q for other possibly interesting stuff. Will let you know.”
Per the SEC, the following information, which would have been supplied by Cavco Industries (CVCO). Typos/spacing errors in what follows are in the original. Highlighting is added by MHProNews.
Redeemable Noncontrolling Interest. In fiscal year 2017, we purchased a 50 % interest in Craftsman Homes, LLC and Craftsman Homes Development, LLC (collectively known as “Craftsman” or the “Entities”) from a third-party (“Seller”). Craftsman is a manufactured home street retailer in Nevada with four locations selling Company and other manufacturer branded homes. They also provide general construction to setup the home property and assist with multi-home developments and multi-family dwellings.
On July 4, 2021, we entered into an agreement (the “Craftsman Purchase Agreement”) with the Seller to obtain the remaining 50 % ownership in Craftsman, owned by the Seller, to be purchased over time. As provided in the Craftsman Purchase Agreement, 20 % of the equity of Craftsman owned by the Seller was obtained as of July 4, 2021 by us for cash and, as a result, we obtained a controlling ownership interest. We accounted for this transaction as a business combination to be achieved in stages (see Note 21) and consolidated the entities while recognizing a noncontrolling interest for the remaining Seller ownership as discussed below.
The Craftsman Purchase Agreement calls for an additional 20 % of the equity of Craftsman owned by the Seller to be purchased on December 31, 2023 by us for cash. As mandatory redemption of this ownership interest is required, $ 2.5 million for the fair value of this portion of the noncontrolling interest is recorded in the long-term liabilities section of the Consolidated Balance Sheet under the Secured financings and other caption. In each reporting period hereafter, until purchased by the Company, the mandatorily redeemable noncontrolling interest is adjusted to its current redemption value, based on a predetermined formula. Adjustments in the redemption value to the mandatorily redeemable noncontrolling interest are recorded to Interest expense.
After December 31, 2023, the Seller has the right to require Cavco to purchase all of Seller’s remaining 10 % ownership (“Put Right”) for an amount specified in the Agreement that is designed to approximate fair value. Likewise, Cavco has the right to require Seller to sell their remaining 10 % ownership (“Call Right”) based on the same timing as described above for the Put Right. The purchase price to be payable by the Company for the purchase of Seller’s remaining ownership pursuant to the exercise of the Put Right or the Call Right will be settled in cash. As redemption of this remaining ownership is not a current obligation, $ 1.2 million for the initial fair value of this portion of the noncontrolling interest is classified as a temporary equity mezzanine item between liabilities and stockholders’ equity in the Consolidated Balance Sheet under the Redeemable noncontrolling interest caption. The amount of income attributable to this noncontrolling interest is included in the Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income on the face of the Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income.” ##
Restated, during Poggione’s ‘vice chairmanship,’ he was already deeply into a deal with Cavco. Now, Cavco Industries ‘has their claws’ (see the sources comments, above) into Poggione, and Cavco currently holds the vice chairman’s role at MHI too. This should be kept in mind in the light of the recent SEC revelations, from their lawsuit against Cavco, their former chairman Joseph “Joe” Stegmayer, Dan Unruh, etc.
It would be difficult to make up a story that is this bizarre, but all of these points are apparent facts supported by evidence that originates from Cavco, Poggione, and MHI.
More Info on Poggione from MHI, RV MH Hall of Fame, and Craftsman – Followed by Troubling Online Third-Party and Customer Reviews
Leo Poggione (and Craftsman Homes) were announced by the RV MH Hall of Fame as donating $5,000 on 1/12/21.
Per MHI:
The awards were presented during the MHI Annual Meeting awards dinner Sept. 26, 2016, in Huntington Beach, Calif.
MHI Chairman’s Award: Leo Poggione, President of Craftsman Homes in Reno, Nev., received this award, presented by MHI Chairman Tim Williams. During the early 2000s when traditional street retailers were struggling and closing doors all over the country, Poggione was busy pushing the envelope of the retail sales center business model, learning how to utilize low-income housing tax credits, bidding on workforce housing projects, transporting homes on barges for projects in Alaska, purchasing homes for rental properties and providing customer services that in good times a retailer would normally subcontract out to others.
He also volunteered his time to serve in leadership positions at MHI and his state association. He is a MHI board member, has held leadership positions on the National Retailers Council, and has served on numerous MHI committees and task forces addressing some of the industry’s most challenging issues. These include lender’s best practices and home finance, as well as advocating for the industry during the Manufactured Housing Consensus Committee (MHCC) discussions on the Onsite Completion of Construction of Manufactured Homes Rule with HUD. ##
More on Poggione per the RV/MH Hall of Fame, where he is a donor. Following the added insights from the Hall, is information on Poggione from Zoom.
From the For a House website, which is Craftsman Homes website that is maintained and provided for them by a fellow MHI member, ManufacturedHomes, is the following. Note that they state that Cavco, Kit, and Skyline Champion are their new HUD Code manufactured home providers.
Craftsman Homes currently has 4 locations spread across the great state of Nevada! Our president, Leo Poggione was born and raised in Reno, Nevada, and we take pride in the fact that we have been servicing the state of Nevada, and surrounding areas since 1997! We’re also proud that we’re a member of the Nevada Housing Alliance, as well as the Manufactured Housing Institute.
When you come to visit us at one of our 4 locations in Reno-Sparks, NV, Winnemucca, NV, Silver Springs, NV, or Pahrump, NV, rest assured; you’re going to get the best customer service of any manufactured and modular housing dealer in the Western United States. … ##
That sums up the seemingly favorable items according to the sources above, which of course often would be those points provided by Poggione himself.
Next up, according to the Better Business Bureau (BBB) is the following. The BBB states that Poggione-led Craftsman Homes is an “F” rated business. As most people know, F is a ‘failing’ grade, or the worst grade possible on a A-F grading system. Notice that in some devices and browsers, the image below can be expanded to reflect a larger size.
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Per the Yelp website are these pull quotes below their overall rating, which is as shown.
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Two of several posts from Yelp are as shown below.
DONT DO IT!!!!! It is cheaper to have one stick built! My story is long and drawn out so I wont go into it all. Started off buying a lot model, looked at it for 2 years and finally just did it. Lori is very convincing and although sweet, they do not tell you everything upfront. Tim is a JERK, and has no idea of what customer service is! There is NO WARRANTY on your home! The warranty is shotty at best from the mfg, NOT craftsman. We learned that 10 months in as it was not explained how that works. They didnt grade my property correctly, so water runs into my full foundation and garage. We were not allowed to have a walk through until after signing, nor were we allowed to have the keys before that time to make sure everything was done inside. After it was paid for, the problems really started. My water lines leak, my septic had to be redug up and put in correctly as they didnt do it and it ran back into my home, they didnt even screw the lid to the septic tank down. The screws were on top of it when they dug it up. 10 months later, my water heater doesnt work. I got told, call a plumber its a parts only warranty on that. The electrical panel has dead circuits although I have lights, so the wiring is bad. Got told to call an electrician. We took possession in April of 2020. They didnt finish the work inside until November. If I could post photo’s of the “craftsmanship” nobody would ever buy another one. Be careful, you have no recourse once you sign your closing docs!
Autumn M praises the manufacturer of her home, but rips Craftsman. That is apparently why she gave a two-star rating, because she says they “love” their Kit manufactured home, which is described as “great.” But they described Craftsman Homes by saying their “service is horrible.”
We love our Kit West Home. James and John were great. Laura was great at helping find the right home. Would give them 5 stars if that was it. Unfortunately we were required to pay $1700 for closing up the home and for them to come out after one year to fix the settling cracks in the dry wall and paint. The painter who did the finish work was rude as was his son. They flushed masking tape down the toilet into our septic system. We have been requesting the work for the settling be done for over six months and it still has not been done. The house is great the follow up service is horrible.
Last for now among third-party inputs is the following from the Consumer Affairs website.
Consumer Affairs stated that the following is a “verified” review.
Stephanie of Yerington, NV Verified Reviewer
Original review: Nov. 29, 2021
This company alongside craftsman homes has been awful to work with. My house was delivered with rips in the vinyl flooring. Upon our move in the the service manager for craftsman contacted fleetwood to get more flooring. After 3 failed attempts at repairing my flooring, fleetwood agreed to send enough flooring to do a complete vinyl replacement. When the repair guy got here he only attempted to fix the area in which the flooring had already been messed up 3 times. He told me he was told only to replace the initial areas that were bubbled up and peeling back. To my surprise as I would not have agreed to this half ass fix for a 4th time. I sent pictures to the company for review once again. My floors are bubbled, the seams where they cut out a huge section of my flooring are off, and the peel up as the glue dissolves when you mop your floors. ” ##
Update on 12.12.2021 at 3:46 AM. Leo Poggione responded to some of the above. See that in the postscript of the report linked here.
MHProNews Summary, Analysis, Commentary in Brief and Related Reports
The takeaways from the above could be summed up as follows.
The praise of Poggione and his business are routinely from Poggione, or from MHI, or MHI corporate member influenced operations, such as the RV/MH Hall of Fame. In fairness to the Hall, they were arguably less political some years ago. Now, it is apparently an MHI and their corporate insiders club on the manufactured housing side.
The problematic reports are those that come from third-parties that have no apparent ties to manufactured housing, other than reviews that have been generated in good measure by Craftsman customers.
While some MHI members, as has been duly noted, could be classified as “white hat” brands, in the post-Don Glisson Jr. era of MHI chairmen, one after another has had a problematic history themselves and/or for their respective company.
This is a difficult to avoid reality for those who look at a range of information objectively about Craftsman Homes, Cavco Industries, and MHI. If a home-shopper stumbles onto this report, ‘caveat emptor’ applies. For possible or current Cavco investor investors, take a good look at the reports linked here, here, and th0se below.
It has required years of research to unpack the troubling truths about MHI and some of their key brands. As a disclosure, this writer and our firm were MHI members for several years. MHProNews and this writer were praised by MHI on numerous occasions. But as vexing facts and trends emerged, and we dutifully reported those findings to our readers, the praise began to fade, and MHI began to prop-up or support alternative media outlets in an effort to get their narrative heard and echoed.
That said, facts are facts. The facts shown and linked speak for themselves. It would be difficult to make up a trade association that postures more, but accomplishes less on behalf of “the industry” than MHI and their dominating brands leaders.
Next up is our business daily recap of yesterday evening’s market report, related left-right headlines, and manufactured housing connected equities.
The Business Daily Manufactured Home Industry Connected Stock Market Updates. Plus, Market Moving Left (CNN) – Right (Newsmax) Headlines Snapshot. While the layout of this daily business report has been evolving over time, several elements of the basic concepts used previously are still the same. For instance. The headlines that follow below can be reviewed at a glance to save time while providing insights across the left-right media divide. Additionally, those headlines often provide clues as to possible ‘market-moving’ news items.
Note: depending on your browser or device, many images in this report can be clicked to expand. Click the image and follow the prompts. To return to this page, use your back key, escape or follow your browser/device prompts. Note: Many images in this report can be clicked to expand. Note2: (UT-R) has accused the Biden team of implementing policies that harm the poorest and middle class more while enriching the wealthy. Weeks before others in the mainstream media began to flash their ‘inflation warnings,’ MHProNews added first the top, then later the second notice above. When someone has even a basic understanding of the principles of economics, ‘inflation’ was predictable. The question is, will hyper-inflation follow? There are voices on both sides of that debate.
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The Omicron variant of the coronavirus has spread to about one-third of U.S. states, but the Delta version remains the majority of COVID-19 infections as cases rise nationwide, U.S. health officials said on Sunday…. [Full Story]
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Manufactured Housing Industry Investments Connected Equities Closing TickersSome of these firms invest in manufactured housing, or are otherwise connected, but may do other forms of investing or business activities too.
NOTE: The chart below includes the Canadian stock, ECN, which purchased Triad Financial Services, a manufactured home industry lender
NOTE: Drew changed its name and trading symbol at the end of 2016 to Lippert (LCII).
NOTE: Deer Valley was largely taken private, say company insiders in a message to MHProNews on 12.15.2020, but there are still some outstanding shares of the stock from the days when it was a publicly traded firm. Thus, there is still periodic activity on DVLY.
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As 2021 draws to a close…Berkshire Hathaway is the parent company to Clayton Homes, 21st Mortgage, Vanderbilt Mortgage and other factory built housing industry suppliers. · LCI Industries, Patrick, UFPI, and LP each are suppliers to the manufactured housing industry, among others. · AMG, CG, and TAVFX have investments in manufactured housing related businesses. For insights from third-parties and clients about our publisher, click here. Enjoy these ‘blast from the past’ comments.MHProNews. MHProNews – previously a.k.a. MHMSM.com – has celebrated our 11th year of publishing, and is starting our 12th year of serving the industry as the runaway most-read trade media.
Sample Kudos over the years…
It is now 11+ years and counting…
Learn more about our evolutionary journey as the industry’s leading trade media, at the report linked below.
· For expert manufactured housing business development or other professional services, click here.
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Disclosure. MHProNews holds no positions in the stocks in this report.
All on Capitol Hill were welcoming and interested. But Congressman Al Green’s office was tremendous in their hospitality. Our son’s hand is on a package that included a copy of the Constitution of the United States and other goodies. Tamas has grown considerably since this photo was taken.
By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for MHProNews. Tony earned a journalism scholarship along with numerous awards in history. There have been several awards and honors and also recognition in manufactured housing. For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and MHLivingNews.com. This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position, and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.