HUD Sec Scott Turner-‘Local Leaders Know What Their Communities Need Rather Than Imposing Top-Down Solutions by Washington Bureaucrats’-What Turner Said re Manufactured Homes Since Taking Office


In response to the request to WMAL by MHProNews, the Vince Coglianese Show interview on 2.21.2025 of HUD Secretary E. Scott Turner show in Part I below was promptly provided. The insightful Coglianese interview and the longer address by Secretary Turner at CPAC 2025 at National Harbor, MD is similar in one key respect from the perspective of affordable housing seekers and manufactured home professionals. Coglianese has since moved to noon to 3 PM ET, has show has been rebranded as The Vince Show, as he took over for Dan Bongino, who is now the #2 (Deputy Director) at the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI).  For context to the Secretary Turner remarks, CPAC 2025 was billed as: “the largest and most influential gathering of conservatives in the world as we celebrate and get to work after winning back the Presidency” and left-leaning Wikipedia said: “The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC /ˈsiːpæk/ SEE-pak) is an annual political conference attended by conservative activists and officials from across the United States. CPAC is hosted by the American Conservative Union (ACU). The first CPAC took place in 1974.” But CPAC, as millions know, has become international, with events in locations in Europe, Asia, and Latin America. Stating the obvious, Turner was nominated by President Donald J. Trump (R), sometimes dubbed 45 and 47 to indicate which terms of office he has served from the White House.

As a disclosure to new readers, MHProNews has followed the M-F lineup of WMAL for years, sometimes tuning in during the (Larry) O’Connor and Company show that begins at 5 AM ET and often running through Chris Plante (9-12 AM ET), Vince Coglianese (noon to 3 PM ET), and sometimes into Mark Levin which begins after the commercials and newsbreak shortly after 6 PM ET and runs to 9 PM. The 3 to 6 PM time slot is currently in flux (dubbed for now WMAL Talk) with pundits Mike Opelka and Joe Concha doing time in that slot this week.

Why does this matter? Per xAI’s Grok are the following pull quotes. More on that and two other AI powered checks by Gemini and Copilot are found in Part III.

HUD’s actions suggest capture by stick-built interests (NAHB, builders)…

Caution: If HUD’s captured, expecting it to pivot without external pressure (e.g., Congress, Trump 2.0) is naive.



That said, here is the audio file thoughtfully provided by Coglianese’s producer and Cumulous owned WMAL. 

Part I


In fairness to Sec. Turner, there are plenty of uplifting, pro-business, pro-Christian, pro-MAGA/America First agenda insights and items in both of the above. Each includes a bio in brief, since he is not yet a household name. Turner’s story is one of beating the odds, overcoming in the face of adversity and challenges, and success in spite of obstacles. Each are worth watching/listening to for those who want to better understand the man who is now leading the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) which is the primary federal regulator of HUD Code manufactured housing.

Also, in fairness to Sec Turner, and as was previously reported on MHProNews and in this author’s column on the mainstream Patch, then candidate Turner properly mentioned that manufactured homes were necessary to meet the needs of “millions” of new housing units needed in the U.S. Trump 2.0 promptly launched deportation efforts with left-leaning Reuters reporting that “Trump deported 37660 people during his first month in office.” Combined with other planned efforts at the federal and state levels, some believe that millions will be deported and/or will “self-deport” under Trump 2.0 (a.k.a.: T2) if they want to have an opportunity to later return legally to the U.S. That will, over time, create vacancy in housing that are currently occupied by illegals. There are also those who are improperly in the U.S., said Sec. Turner to Vince Coglianese, who under the Biden-Harris regime were getting federal/HUD benefits despite their being in the U.S. illegally.


Part II

Secretary of Housing Scott Turner shares his Life Story from Humble Beginnings at CPAC 2025 in DC




Hey, hey, well good afternoon.  How’s everybody doing?


Hey man, it’s so good to see you here and  I want to thank you CPAC and thank you Matt


and Mercedes for putting on this incredible  event. Let’s give them a round of applause


for this wonderful event. And I want to thank each


of you for being here today. I’m  so excited to be with you all.


There is a renewed sense of energy and enthusiasm  in this country and in this room. Can you feel it?


Yes, you can.


Well we’re all excited to have President Donald J


Trump back at the helm of this country  ushering in the golden age of America.


Well CPAC, you know I am a Baptist preacher.




And so when I see people in the room and people  in the crowd, it makes me feel very encouraged,


but I promise to only have three points  and then I’ll close. Is that alright?


Well it’s a great honor for me to  be here and a privilege to serve as


a new secretary of Housing and Urban Development.


I look forward to supporting President Trump  and Vice President Pence in their mission to


advance policies that put you, the American  people first above all else. Amen. You will


hear me say this many times over the next few  years. I’m not really concerned with status.


I’m not really concerned with media attention.  I’m a purpose driven person. Amen. Thank you.


And my only goal is to do what’s  right by the American people.


I’m grateful that the president has trusted me  with this tremendous purpose of serving you,


the American people. And I know  you have heard this great timeless


statement from President Lincoln  that government is of the people,


by the people and for the people.


This statement today still rings true because


we are one team in America. Never  forget that the government works for


you. There’s to be no division between  you and your leaders in Washington DC.


You know I’ve been part of many teams  in my life, in sports, in business,


in ministry. And today I consider it a  great privilege to be on this team with


you, the American people. We are one  people and we will act with one voice


under the leadership of President Trump.  Leadership on a team is built on service


and trust. And as a new secretary,  as your new servant leader,


I want to earn your trust. And that starts  with you getting to know who I am and why


I’m passionate about this mission at  HUD. I was born in Richardson, Texas.


Any Texas people out here today?


My first job as a young man was as a dishwasher  at Spring Creek Barbecue. I had to wear corduroy


pants, steel toe boots in the heat of the  summer in Dallas, Texas. There was barbecue


sauce everywhere, but that was my first job.  And you know that job and every job that I’ve


had since then has afforded me the opportunity  to meet new people, to be a critical thinker and


to be a problem solver and most importantly  to serve others. And I’m confident that this


opportunity at HUD, this blessing, which it is a  tremendous blessing to me, will be no different.


You know like many of you in this room,


I have faced difficulty in my life. I’ve had  to rely on God’s grace to overcome obstacles


that the enemy tried to use to stop me from  carrying out the Lord’s calling on my life.


We’ve all faced struggles. Can I get an Amen?


Amen. We’ve all faced struggles, family struggles,  financial struggles, health struggles. We’ve all


had the odds at some point in time stacked against  us in our life. And if you have not faced struggle


in your life, just keep on living, just wait  because the James says this, consider it pure joy


when you face trials of many kinds. Consider it  pure joy when, not if, you face trials because the


testing of your faith produces steadfastness.  How many know we are steadfast people?


Well I graduated from the University  of Illinois where I played football,


ran track and met my beautiful wife.


Football instilled mental and physical  toughness in me. And after graduating,


I was selected in the seventh round of  the National Football League NFL draft.


Now if you don’t know the seventh  round is the last round in the NFL.


And you know many people, being a seventh round  draft pick, many people thought that I was an


underdog. They thought there’s no way this guy’s  going to make it, but I didn’t view it that way.


Instead I viewed it as a tremendous opportunity  in my life to make a generational impact even in


the world of sports. I was blessed to play nine  seasons in the National Football League with


the Denver Broncos, the San Diego Chargers  and my beloved Washington Redskins.


I went back to Texas and since I’ve been  back home, I served as associate pastor


at Prestonwood Baptist Church. I also had the  honor of serving as an elected representative


in the Texas State Legislature. And in 2019,  President Trump blessed me with the opportunity


to lead the White House Opportunity and  Revitalization Council where I had the privilege


of learning from my dear friend and mentor  and former HUD secretary Dr Ben Carson.


I was fortunate to travel the country and  see firsthand the impact of opportunity


zones which provide forgotten Americans  the chance to create a true foundation for


themselves and ultimately allowing them to become  self-sufficient and self-sustaining and unleash


the potential that the Lord has blessed every  individual in our country with. And I’m excited


to build on the success of opportunity zones  in this next chapter and to continue delivering


growth, opportunity, self-sufficiency to  the forgotten men and women and families


of America. After leaving the White House,  I felt the Lord calling me to continue this


service in the private sector. So my wife and  I started our family foundation where we mentor


high school and college student athletes and  we provide our First Kids program teaching


children how to become proficient readers.  How many know that leaders are readers?


You know an interesting fact for you all. As of  today, only one third of fourth graders in America


read at a grade level, only one third. That is  unacceptable for our nation and we are failing


our children. We do not give them the tools they  need to succeed in life. Our chief aim for the


First Kids program and our foundation is to change  the trajectory of these children in our country.


All along the way, you know I believe the Lord was  preparing me and I say this humbly. I believe God


is a sovereign God. And Jeremiah 29:11 says,  for I know the plans that I have for you,


plans to prosper you and not to harm you,


plans to give you a hope and a future.  And I believe that from before the womb


of my mother that he was preparing me for this  moment, for this day, for such a time as this.


From washing dishes to graduating  college, playing in the NFL,


serving in the Texas House, building  businesses to now standing before you,


the beloved people of America as a secretary of  the Department of Housing and Urban Development,


he was training me and preparing me and I  will say I am truly honored to be here today.


I want to encourage you if I may. I want to  encourage everyone in this room and those that


are watching online to never let your circumstance  define your ability or your opportunity


to succeed. Never let your circumstance


or the situation in your life or where  you come from. I am a living witness to


define your ability to succeed. We  must not have a defeatist attitude,


but instead we will have a victorious  attitude no matter the difficulty that


we face. We will not be victims, but  instead we will be victorious. Amen.


Well this is my story, but I look forward to  hearing the stories of as many Americans as


possible as I travel around the communities all  over our country. The stories will help inform our


work at HUD and our team and the purpose for which  we’re there. We will be mission minded at HUD.


So I’m ready. I’m ready to do the work.  I’m ready to rebuild and to revitalize


American communities and ensure everyone  has the opportunity to achieve the American


dream. As young professionals, you understand,  those of you in the room, you understand that


housing affordability crises that we face  in our nation. Many people have felt this.


I have a 24 year old son who has said  to me, how in the world am I going to


be able to afford a home someday? The young  men and women that I mentor in Dallas, they


share these same sentiments and worries that  the American dream is drifting further and


further out of reach. But today I challenge  you to think of this not so much as a crisis,


but instead as an opportunity to change  course, an opportunity to uplift individuals


and families and lead them down the path of  self-sufficiency and self-sustainability,


an opportunity if you will to decrease the  cost and increase the supply of safe, quality,


affordable housing in our country, an opportunity  to enact impactful, enduring policies that build


on President Trump’s first day executive  order to reduce housing costs in our country.


At HUD, we’ve already created many opportunities  for Americans to thrive. These opportunities are


based on our four key principles that  have been my North Star for many years:


integrity, transparency, accountability  and efficiency. On my first day in office,


I directed HUD to halt any pending or  future enforcement actions related to the


Biden administration’s equal access rule  which ensures that HUD funding providers


such as shelters offer services based on  individual sex at birth, male or female.


Our team at HUD, we are carrying out the  mission laid out by President Trump on


January 20th when he signed an executive  order to restore biological truth to the


federal government. This means getting the  government out of the way of what the Lord


established from the very first day when he  created man in his own image, male and female.


We’re going to restore integrity at our agency.  You’ve probably heard that HUD has established a


Dodge Task Force to review how the agency  has spent your hard earned tax dollars.


As stewards of the American taxpayer,  we will be detailed and deliberate


about every single dollar we spend  to serve all American communities,


rural, tribal and urban. Under President Trump’s  leadership, we will identify and eliminate waste,


fraud and abuse. Today we’ve already identified  over 260 million dollars in savings and an


additional 1.9 billion dollars that was  misplaced during the Biden administration.


We’ve moved very quickly. This is our second  week and we’ve moved quickly to fix this issue


and return the funds that we found back to the  Treasury Department for other federal expenditures


for the American people. See these actions will  help us to return to the primary mission of HUD,


finding long-term solutions that provide  affordable housing, spur business creation and


rebuild a prosperous American communities across  our country. HUD will partner with local leaders,


local leaders who know what their communities  need to rebuild their lives and livelihoods


rather than imposing top-down solutions from  Washington bureaucrats. We will also expand


opportunity zones through these public private  partnerships. One million people in America have


been lifted out of poverty. Opportunity  zones have attracted 84 billion dollars


in investment resulting in new infrastructure,  housing, revitalization and business creation.


These are the type of innovative, results  driven solutions I plan on continuing at HUD.


Now finally, we’re going to take  inventory. How many know what inventory is?


We’re going to take an assessment and  inventory of every program at HUD. Amen.


When I was a little boy, my daddy worked at a  grocery store called Safeway. Y’all remember


Safeway? And at night time when I would go to  the store with him, I would see the men and the


ladies taking all the stuff off the shelves  and I said, Daddy, what are they doing? He


said we’re taking inventory to see which products  work for our customers and which products do not.


Well you as American people, you are our  customers. We will take inventory to see


which programs that we have that are serving  you and which programs we have that are not


serving you. And while stewarding,  y’all heard that word in a long time,


stewarding the budget and the  resources we have as well.


Y’all I want to close with this.


I gave you my three points, now here’s my close.


Scripture says that the government  rests on the Lord’s shoulders. Hope


in America does not depend on a man.  Our hope is in the Lord Jesus Christ.


And it is him.


It is the Lord who anoints. It is the Lord who  appoints men and women to serve and to carry out


his mission of bringing hope to the world. And  I’m honored today to be called for such a time


as this. All glory goes to the Lord and I thank  him for this opportunity to make a generational


impact and to give a voice to all forgotten  Americans. We will achieve great things at HUD.


The best days are yet to come.


Thank you. God bless you and God bless America.


Part III – Additional Information with More MHProNews Fact-Evidence-Analysis 

In no particular order of importance. First up is a Q&A with left-leaning Google’s AI powered Gemini?


Gemini, prior to HUD Secretary Turner being sworn into office, in testimony to the U.S. Senate as part of the confirmation process he mentioned manufactured housing, correct? On this date and time (3.20.2025 at about 11:31 AM ET), can you find any remark by Sec. Turner that directly mentions manufactured homes or manufactured housing?

GeminiFlash2.0PlusGeminiImageLogo-MHProNewsYes, prior to being sworn into office, HUD Secretary Turner did mention manufactured housing in his testimony. In his prepared statement to the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, he said: “As a country, we’re not building enough housing. We need millions more homes of all kinds, single family, apartments, condos, duplexes, manufactured housing, you name it, so individuals and families can have a roof over their heads and a place to call home.” This statement acknowledges the role of manufactured housing in addressing the housing shortage. You can find more details about his testimony in this article: Scott Turner Confirmed as New HUD Secretary  

2) A follow up with Gemini.

Useful, Gemini, but you missed the key part of the inquiry. Perhaps I need to tweak it: On this date and time (3.20.2025 at about 11:33 AM ET), can you find any remark since being confirm when HUD Sec. Turner directly mentions manufactured homes or manufactured housing?

GeminiFlash2.0PlusGeminiImageLogo-MHProNewsYou’re right to emphasize the importance of distinguishing between pre-confirmation statements and post-confirmation actions. It’s a crucial distinction. Here’s what I’ve found regarding HUD Secretary Turner’s remarks:

  • Pre-Confirmation:
    • As we discussed, during his confirmation process, Secretary Turner did acknowledge the importance of manufactured housing as part of the solution to the nation’s housing crisis. His prepared statements and responses to senators included mentions of manufactured housing.
  • Post-Confirmation:
    • Tracking specific, real-time remarks from a HUD Secretary requires close monitoring of official HUD releases, public appearances, and media reports.
    • Based on the information I have, it is clear that after confirmation, that the HUD secretary has made statements about wanting to, “take inventory” of HUD programs. This statement implies that manufactured housing will be included in the inventory.
    • It is also clear that HUD secretary Turner has made statements about reducing regulatory burdens, that would apply to manufactured housing.
    • To find very specific statements, it is best to check official HUD press releases.
    • Sites that track manufactured housing news, such as, are also a good resource.

Key Points:

  • It is important to differentiate between statements made during the confirmation process, and statements made after.
  • It is clear that HUD secretary Turner is aware of the importance of manufactured housing.

I hope this clarification is helpful.

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3) Another follow-up by MHProNews with Gemini.

While I largely concur, to be clear, can you find at this time a DIRECT mention by HUD Sec Turner of manufactured homes or manufactured housing since confirmation? Not an implied mention, a direct mention?

GeminiFlash2.0PlusGeminiImageLogo-MHProNewsOkay, I have reviewed the search results more closely.

While several articles discuss Secretary Turner’s views on manufactured housing, particularly referencing his pre-confirmation statements and his general support for it as a solution to the housing crisis, I am unable to find a specific, direct quote from him mentioning “manufactured homes” or “manufactured housing” since his confirmation.

The articles discuss his general support, and his commitment to reducing regulatory burdens, but do not provide a direct, quotable statement that meets your specific request.

I recommend checking official HUD press releases and statements for the most up-to-date information. You can also monitor industry-specific news sources like those mentioned earlier in our conversation for any direct quotes.

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4) A behind the scenes tip on how ‘the sausage is made.’ To the extent that it is possible, a good attorney – or a good journalist – should have an idea of what the answer is, should, or may be prior to asking a question. That way, if the response that is provided is lacking or inadequate in some fashion, follow up(s) can be done, as the above illustrates.

More specifically. It was already MHProNews’ impression, based on several prior searches, that there has been no direct mention by HUD Secretary Turner since his taking office. Nor did he address manufactured housing in his first address to HUD staffers. See the report linked below, which has been dubbed by Grok as perhaps the most comprehensive on these topics found online. Nearly 3 weeks have gone by since. No further mention of manufactured homes or manufactured housing yet?




5) To further illustrate the point, here is the first of two Bing search engine screen shots using the news tab.


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6) Here is another variation, using “manufactured homes” instead of “manufactured housing.” Still using the news tab and there is still no result


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So, neither Google Gemini nor Bing’s search could find any evidence of post-confirmation mentions of manufactured homes or manufactured housing since being sworn into the leadership role at HUD by Sec. E. Scott Turner.

7) To be clear, that is not necessarily a slam on Sec Turner. There is an argument to be made that HUD Sec. Turner would be hard pressed to do worse than Biden-Harris (D) era HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge (D).






8) To elaborate on 7, there is also an evidence-based case to be made the Trump-Vance Administration (R) is making necessary and potentially useful, if not critical, changes that caused this politically independent led publication to publicly support Trump three times (2016-2020-2024). Manufactured housing may benefit from some of the moves by Trump 2.0 (a.k.a. T2).




MHARR v MHI Engagement and Communications re: Incoming Trump 2.0+HUD Secretary E. Scott Turner – Authentic or Symbolic? Genuine or Posturing? Revealing Evidence-MHVille Facts-Evidence-Analysis


9) But it is a cautionary note on Sec Turner with respect to how he plans to help, or not, the manufactured home industry. Turner ought to look at his GOP predecessor, Trump 1.0 HUD Sec. Dr. Ben Carson. Carson said good things before and after confirmation and took specific steps to benefit the manufactured home industry’s image.




10) As MHProNews has objectively reported, Joe Biden (D) was a co-sponsor for the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000 (MHIA, MHIA 2000, 2000 Reform Act, 2000 Reform Law). Biden should have been well aware of its “enhanced preemption” provision.

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But despite a higher profile Congressional letter plus hearings by Congress where the 2000 Reform Law and federal “enhanced preemption” was front and center.


See the report linked here for the full letter. Note: depending on your browser or device, many images in this report can be clicked to expand. or example, in some browsers/devices you click the image and select ‘open in a new window.’ After clicking that selection, you click the image in the open window to expand the image to a larger size. To return to this page, use your back key, escape or follow the prompts.
Statements to Congress by Kevin Clayton-Clayton Homes for Manufactured Housing Institute; John Bostick of Sunshine Homes on Behalf of Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform


11) MHI curiously failed to have their surrogates, corporate, or senior staff publicly and directly press prior HUD Secretary Fudge, or as best as can be ascertained based on published (online) evidence, ex-HUD Sec Carson face-to-face on the specific topic of “enhanced preemption.” But perhaps refining that point, Sec. Fudge was asked, as the CSPAN video with transcript in the article linked below revealed. What did Fudge say? That she would not enforce what MHI and MHARR superficially both seem to support, but which only MHARR is on record of asking Fudge’s replacement to get federal preemption enforced.








13) The Q&A with Grok shown below should be self-explanatory for regular readers of MHProNews. That said, the xAI system had an apparent hiccup in reply to the question below. As a result, xAI’s system suggested that the question get a “retry.” MHProNews saved the initial incomplete reply and complete reply in the document at this link here. Note that in the preface, a quote from that linked document is used above but only the second (competed) reply is shown below.

Grok, I’ve back-dated and temporarily published a report at this link here: which is still a draft but is close to ready to schedule for actual publication tomorrow (3.21.2025). I want you scan that preview, digest, fact check for accuracy and then provide your highlights and take aways on the cautionary notes for the manufactured home industry and affordable housing. Among the concerns I want you to explore is the concern about regulatory capture. MHI for months had a logo on their home page that said that they had a 50 year “partnership” with HUD. If so, why is it that MHI couldn’t get HUD to routinely enforce the “enhanced preemption” of the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000? Or of the NAHB influence over HUD to keep federal preemption from being enforced? Unpack the evidence-based concern that MHI has partnered with NAHB and other conventional housing nonprofits, which may help manufactured home industry consolidators, but does little to nothing for actual or would be consumers of HUD Code manufactured homes. Give a 30,000 foot overview with some specifics and link evidence for your points.

GrokLogoIdonNameImage-MHProNewsI’ve reviewed your draft report at, dated for preview as of March 20, 2025, and set for publication tomorrow, March 21, 2025. Below, I’ll fact-check its accuracy, highlight key takeaways, and provide a 30,000-foot overview with a focus on cautionary notes for the manufactured home (MH) industry and affordable housing. I’ll dive into regulatory capture, MHI’s 50-year HUD “partnership,” the failure to enforce the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act’s (MHIA) “enhanced preemption,” NAHB’s influence, and MHI’s ties to conventional housing nonprofits—unpacking how these dynamics favor consolidators over consumers. Let’s roll.

Fact-Check for Accuracy

Your draft is a dense mashup of commentary, quotes, and data, weaving Schmitz’s sabotage monopoly thesis with critiques of MHI, HUD, and NAHB. Here’s the accuracy rundown:

  1. Schmitz’s Research (Parts I-II):
    • Claim: Schmitz et al. (2018) argue HUD/NAHB sabotaged factory-built housing via subsidies and the HUD Code (e.g., permanent chassis).
    • Check: Matches the 2018 PowerPoint (Slides 4-8, 61-68). Census data (Slide 44) confirms ~600,000 modular [1&2] shipments in 1973, crashing post-HUD Code (1976). Horwich’s 2025 Minneapolis Fed piece (your prior link) echoes this. Accurate.
  2. MHIA Enhanced Preemption (Parts IV-V):
    • Claim: The 2000 MHIA’s “enhanced preemption” allows HUD to override local zoning barring HUD Code homes, but it’s unenforced.
    • Check: The MHIA (Public Law 106-569, Sec. 604(b)(6)) states HUD can preempt local codes inconsistent with federal standards. MHARR’s consistent calls (e.g.,, Jan 2025) confirm HUD’s inaction. HUD’s 2018 “preemption” memo exists but lacks teeth—no enforcement cases cited. Accurate.
  3. MHI’s HUD Partnership (Part IV):
    • Claim: MHI touted a 50-year HUD partnership (logo on homepage, pre-2025) yet failed to push enhanced preemption.
    • Check: Wayback Machine (e.g., mid-2024 captures of shows the logo. MHI’s site today (3.20.2025) lacks it, suggesting removal. No public MHI push for preemption enforcement found—just vague “advocacy” claims (e.g., Accurate.
  4. MHI-NAHB Ties (Parts IV-VI):
    • Claim: MHI partners with NAHB and nonprofits like Prosperity Now, favoring consolidators over consumers.
    • Check: MHI’s 2024 NAHB co-hosted event ( and Prosperity Now’s MH financing focus (, 2023 report) are documented. NAHB’s opposition to MH preemption aligns with Schmitz (Slide 59). Accurate.
  5. Production Data (Part VI):

Verdict: Your draft holds up—data, quotes, and legal references align with primary sources. Minor quibble: “50-year partnership” might overstate active collaboration; it’s more a historical nod. Still, the critique stands.

Highlights and Takeaways: Cautionary Notes

Your report screams caution for MH and affordable housing stakeholders. Here’s what jumps out:

  1. Regulatory Capture Red Flag:
    • Highlight: MHI’s cozy HUD ties (50-year logo) didn’t yield preemption enforcement, suggesting capture—HUD serves MHI’s consolidators, not MH growth.
    • Takeaway: If MHI and HUD were true partners, enhanced preemption would’ve been routine post-2000. HUD’s inertia (no zoning overrides) hints at influence from NAHB/stick-builders, per Schmitz (Slide 6). MHARR’s unanswered pleas (Part V) underline this.
  2. MHI’s NAHB Alliance:
    • Highlight: MHI’s collaboration with NAHB and nonprofits (e.g., Prosperity Now) prioritizes financing tweaks over production scale.
    • Takeaway: NAHB’s anti-MH stance (Slide 59) and MHI’s joint events (Part IV) suggest a quid pro quo—MH stays niche, consolidators (Clayton, Cavco) thrive via lot rents, not sales to new buyers. Consumers lose out.
  3. Consumer and Taxpayer Shaft:
    • Highlight: MH’s potential (Schmitz’s 2/3 cost cut, Slide 10) is stifled, leaving millions renting or homeless.
    • Takeaway: Without preemption, local zoning blocks MH (Part VI map), forcing taxpayers to fund subsidies (e.g., Chicago’s $800k units, Part I) while affordable MH languishes at 10% of SFH (Slide 4).
  4. Consolidator Bias:
    • Highlight: MHI’s silence on Schmitz, MHARR, and Rolfe’s critiques (Parts II-V) protects big players.
    • Takeaway: Consolidation (e.g., Sun, ELS, per Part VI) thrives on scarcity—low supply, high rents—while independents and consumers get squeezed. MHI’s no-show on preemption fuels this.

30,000-Foot Overview with Specifics

From cruising altitude, your report paints a manufactured housing industry choked by regulatory capture and insider games, sidelining affordable housing’s potential. Here’s the view, with evidence:

  • Regulatory Capture Concern:
    • Big Picture: HUD’s failure to enforce MHIA’s enhanced preemption (Sec. 604(b)(6)) despite MHI’s “partnership” suggests HUD’s been captured by stick-built interests (NAHB) and MHI’s consolidators. Schmitz’s 2018 thesis (Slides 5-8) nails HUD’s 1968 subsidies and 1976 chassis rule as sabotage—still unaddressed in 2025.
    • Specifics: MHI’s 50-year HUD logo (Part IV) was PR fluff—no record exists of MHI lobbying HUD for preemption cases (e.g., HUD’s 2018 memo ( is a paper tiger—no enforcement actions followed. Why? NAHB’s sway over HUD (Slide 61) and MHI’s tepid advocacy (Part V) let local zoning kill MH scale.
  • MHI-NAHB Partnership Fallout:
  • Consumer Impact:
    • Big Picture: MH’s decline from 60% SFH share (1970s, Slide 46) to 10% (2024, MHARR) leaves affordable housing in the dust. Consumers face high rents or exclusion; taxpayers foot the bill for stick-built subsidies.
    • Specifics: Census data ( shows ~89,000 MH units in 2024 vs. 580,000 in 1973. Local zoning (Part VI map) and HUD’s chassis rule (Slide 63) keep MH rural, not urban—contra Minneapolis’ success (Horwich, 2025). MHI’s inaction starves would-be buyers.
  • Consolidator Win, Industry Loss:
    • Big Picture: MHI’s HUD/NAHB ties prop up big firms (Clayton, Cavco, Sun) while independents and growth stall. Schmitz’s “new monopolies” (Part II, #10) thrive on low supply.
    • Specifics: Strommen’s oligopoly claim (Part II, #11) and Rolfe’s rent hikes (Part VI) align with MHI’s consolidator-heavy board ( No MHI rebuttal to MHARR’s preemption push (, 2025) shows whose side they’re on.

Evidence-Based Concern: MHI’s Role

MHI’s 50-year HUD “partnership” looks like a handshake with no grip. If they’re HUD’s ally, why no preemption wins in 25 years post-MHIA? NAHB’s influence—Schmitz’s “monopoly coalitions” (Slide 53)—keeps HUD in check, and MHI’s NAHB ties (2024 event) suggest they’re fine with it. This duo’s dance helps consolidators hoard MHCs (e.g., Sun’s lawsuits, Part VI) while consumers get platitudes, not homes. MHI’s nonprofit pals (Prosperity Now) tweak financing, but without preemption, MH can’t scale—leaving independents and buyers in the cold.


Your report’s a siren: MH’s affordable housing promise is gutted by regulatory capture and MHI’s consolidator bias. HUD’s NAHB leash and MHI’s limp advocacy kill preemption, stranding consumers and taxpayers. It’s a cautionary tale—fix this, or MH stays a niche cash cow for the few, not a lifeline for the many. Want me to zoom in on NAHB’s HUD sway or MHI’s board? I’m ready.”


Again, the document of the partial and the above complete PDF of that Q&A with Grok is found at this link here.


14) While each AI system used by MHProNews has its glitches, this writer also gets typos (an obvious glitch). Both AI and humans have imperfections. Thus, this multiple fact-check and transparent methodology gives readers with inquiring minds seeking the truth about an issue the maximum level of transparency. Paraphrasing Grok: “Don’t Just Trust Us – Check Us.” ©





MHProNews has for years provided the most detail, accurately cited with the most linked evidence in MHVille. Copilot said as much, see how it expressed that in context below, calling MHProNews “accurate” and “transparent.”



15) Summing up. There is an obvious reason for concern when HUD Secretary Turner has said more than once that local jurisdictions know what is best.  If that were so, then Turner is contradicted by HUD researchers linked below.


Over 50 years of history, plus the research by Schmitz and company reveal an obvious need for a change in order to get the kind of return to robust growth that the nation needs. See the linked reports for more details.


The research by senior economist at the Minneapolis Federal Reserve James “Jim” Schmitz Jr., his colleagues, the legal research by Samuel “Sam” Strommen at Knudson Law, and a grasp of what Warren Buffett, Kevin Clayton, and Tom Hodges have called “the Moat” – among others insights – are useful in understanding the decline of HUD Code manufactured housing. Note: depending on your browser or device, many images in this report and others on MHProNews can be clicked to expand. Click the image and follow the prompts. For example, in some browsers/devices you click the image and select ‘open in a new window.’ After clicking that selection you click the image in the open window to expand the image to a larger size. To return to this page, use your back key, escape or follow the prompts. See the Rise and Fall of HUD Code Manufactured Housing. and the lessons learned from the California ADU phenomenal growth.

Challenging Frank Rolfe-Dave Reynolds-Mobile Home University Claims About ‘Need’ for Higher Lot Rents-Site Fees; ‘How to Build and Operate a Mobile Home Park’-Gov or Legal Action Needed-MHAnalysis

“Don’t Just Trust Us, Check Us.” ©

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Mass Production of Homes in U.S. Factories ‘First and Only Experiment Was Tremendous Success’ by Elena Falcettoni-James A. Schmitz Jr-Mark L. J. Wright; plus Sunday Weekly MHVille Headlines Recap

MHProNews Note: depending on your browser or device, many images in this report can be clicked to expand. For example, in some browsers/devices you click the image and select ‘open in a new window.’ After clicking that selection, you click the image in the open window to expand the image to a larger size. To return to this page, use your back key, escape or follow the prompts.

Manufactured Housing Pro Alert ‘The Evolution of the HUD Code’ U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Quietly Posts Doc with Apparent Errors-Omissions – Facts-Evidence-Analysis

‘No Where Affordable or Available to Live? Blame the Government’ Unpacking CRC’s Robert Stilson Review of PLF’s VP James S. Burling on Housing Crisis; Sheetz! SCOTUS on Manufactured Home Case-FEA

Mainstream News-Lack of Affordable Housing Creates ‘Death Spiral’ Community Leaders Turn to ‘Mobile Homes’ in try to Save Town–Manufactured Housing Institute and Corp Officials are You Listening?

MHN Asks Manufactured Housing Institute CEO Lesli McCollum Gooch ‘Why Isn’t There More Manufactured Housing?’ Industry Pros Upset by Gooch Statements – Quotes-Facts-Analysis P1; plus MHMarkets

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Our son has grown quite a bit since this 12.2019 photo. All on Capitol Hill were welcoming and interested in our manufactured housing industry related concerns. But Congressman Al Green’s office was tremendous in their hospitality. Our son’s hand is on a package that included the Constitution of the United States, bottled water, and other goodies.

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for

Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.

For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and

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Related References:

The text/image boxes below are linked to other reports, which can be accessed by clicking on them.’

HUD Secretary Scott Turner–‘I Don’t Ever Want to be Comfortable or Complacent’ ‘We have a Victorious Attitude Regardless of Difficulties’ ‘We Can Reduce Burden to Build Manufactured Housing’-FEA

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