MHProNews has learned that Vermont’s Lt. Governor Phil Scott and Secretary of Commerce and Community Development Lawrence Miller project for de-commissioning Irene damaged ‘mobile homes’ and replacing them with new manufactured homes has made significant progress. In a press release, the Lt. Governor’s office said “In our work so far, we’ve removed 45 (storm damaged) homes and filled 100 dumpsters,” Scott stated, adding: “But the true measures of success here are the homeowners and the park owners who will have a clean slate and be able to move forward with their lives.” Residents Bob and Patty Goodell, owners of the new manufactured home recently installed, said they were thrilled that to be in their new home in time for Thanksgiving. “The last two and a half months have felt like two and a half years,” Patty Goodell said, “but we’re so grateful to park owner Ellery Packard and to Lt. Governor Scott and his team for making this happen.” Work done to date has included Patterson’s Mobile Home Park in Duxbury, where 15 mobile homes were removed. Next, contractors will begin work Whalley’s land lease community located in Waterbury, and then on to additional manufactured home communities in Woodstock and Brattleboro.