Following up on an article we ran Dec. 27, 2011 about a Lustron House exhibit being displayed at the Ohio Historical Center in Columbus, the DaytonDailyNews tells history curator Cameron Woods has sent out a call for the public to help furnish this steel and ceramic relic from the 1950s. “What we’re looking for are hands-on objects, knickknacks, things from everyday life, anything that would have been in your house,” he says. They especially want comic books, toys and games, household appliances, furniture and clothing. The donated items will be used as part of an interactive exhibit this fall when the house is assembled inside the museum. The museum has original metal tubes of hair tonic, shampoo, and toothpaste. Advertised from 1948-1950 as “The House America’s Been Waiting For,” this modular house has been at the Museum of Modern Art in New York for three years but will now return to its hometown of Columbus where the original factory was. The company closed in 1951.