Mail Delivery a Problem at MHC

While the severest of weather cannot stop delivery of the U.S. Mail, residents of Airway Mobile Home Community in Oak Lawn on the south side of Chicago have learned cars or other obstacles that block their mailboxes may detour their mail to a post office for pick-up. SouthtownStarSun-Times reports a U.S. Postal spokeswoman says a previous letter carrier may have made exceptions, but the post office is undergoing budget cuts and the new carrier is just following policy. has learned the MHC qualifies as a curbside mailbox only delivery location with no on-foot delivery. However, the postmaster of the Moraine Post Office has agreed to meet with Mike Fiala, the manager of the 268 home MHC to discuss possible options.

Photo credit: Brett Roseman/Sun-Times Media—shown Christine Hawkins)

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