The community is set on 21 acres, but 5.8 acres is freshwater wetlands which necessitates approval from the Maine Department of Environmental Protection because a small amount of the wetlands would need to be developed, said Tom Fowler, a civil engineer working on the proposal.
MHProNews understands Connecticut Property plans to develop 10-12 sites each year for the manufactured home community (MHC). The sites will be leased to homeowners.
An earlier plan included boat storage on the property, but that has been put on the back burner because management determined existing water and sewer utilities need to be upgraded. Stormwater management also needs to be addressed as part of the expansion.
No vote was taken by the Belfast Planning Board since the project is still in the planning stage, and must go through a formal subdivision review. Belfast is located on the Penobscot River in south central Maine. ##
(Photo credit: businessbroker–Penobscot Mobile Home Park, Belfast, Maine)