“Mansion Maxine” Waters Doesn’t Live in Her LA District, Blexit, Bishop Rips Biden’s “Child Abuse,” Gays+Lesbians on Trump, Biden Statements on Court Packing, plus Sunday Weekly Headlines Review
Perhaps one of the most famous scenes in the classic hit military legal genre movie “A Few Good Men” is when the fictional character Colonel Nathan R. Jessep – played by Jack Nicholson – said, “You can’t handle the truth!” Millions of Americans, after years of gaslighting and brainwashing on a range of subjects, may react with anger when confronted with the cold, hard truth.
But for the billions of Christians, Muslims, Jews, eastern religions and others whose respective creeds say that deception is wrong and truth matters, the words “the truth will set you free” carry significant meaning.
To the headline claim, it is a fair question if challenger Joe Collins can unseat Maxine Waters (CA-D) from her district where she has ruled there as an entrenched incumbent for so many years.
Do you know where I am?
Maxine Waters’ $6 Million Mansion.
Do you know where I’m NOT?
Her District.
Mansion Maxine Waters doesn’t live in her District — I do.
My name is Joe Collins and I’m running for Congress against Maxine Waters.
— Joe E. Collins III For Congress CA-43 (@joecollins43rd) October 10, 2020
But Collins is pulling a Kim Klick style video direct assault on Waters, whom MHLivingNews and MHProNews have spotlighted some of her favorable words before. Nevertheless, truth is truth, convenient or inconvenient. Waters – as is any soul – has a complex history. Collins is going head on with Waters for her LA district seat. Waters heads the powerful House Financial Services Committee, which includes several important issues of oversight and possible legislation for our profession’s segment of the affordable housing industry.
Speaking of the upstart black Republican Klacik, she has cut a new ad which compliments her first viral video. Both are posted below in the order they were released.
For those who wonder how broad the Republican Party ‘tent’ is, Klacik and Rick Grinnell reveal it is far broader than millions have been led to think.
Grinnell is an openly homosexual man. Like others from the LGBTQ community that have come out in favor of President Trump in 2016 or since, Grinnell makes the case that the President has been ‘the best’ for gay rights of any president in American history.
The Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.’s acclaimed vision for blacks and other minorities wasn’t for a nation where identity politics reigned.
Dr. King’s flatly stated his aim was for a society where character – not skin tone or other incidentals – ruled.
King favored a nation that enshrined and lived up to is Constitutional mandate of equal justice for all, not just power for a select group of elites. Indeed, many don’t realize that King wanted to lift up poor whites, not just oppressed minorities. By the way, King himself was a complex man whose personal history was tainted by claims of womanizing, allegations of harsh treatment of women, and plagiarism, among other attacks. If all that about him was true, the principle of separating the wheat from the chaff should be applied. There are no perfect sinless people walking planet Earth today. Former President Obama made that point to his own followers, when he said the following.
This is an interesting statement that voices across the left-center-right spectrum that are objective could embrace.
Agree or disagree with Mr. Obama’s politics, but that statement is arguably wise. Every person’s politics or other work must be weighed in its totality. Not just what they were years ago, but where are they now? Some people were fine before they entered politics and became corrupted by ‘the system.’ Others entered politics already tainted. Some others may have carried their shortcoming for years, before pivoting toward a more righteous position.
That noted, Saul Alinsky style tactics have been successfully deployed for years by certain – not all – Democratic candidates. In fairness, the argument can be made that some Republicans – while rejecting Alinsky’s dedication to Lucifer or some darker portions of Alinsky stratagems – have nevertheless deployed a boomerang application his methods with effect.
Politics is sadly a dirty business. Some are turned off by how ugly it is. But if you, others, or this writer can’t handle the truth and simply turn up our hands and walk away, what does that leave? Answer – it leaves those who made politics a dirty business in charge of the field. That’s unacceptable to people who believe in principles and values, which makes business and home ownership possible.
The argument can be made that those on the political left are okay with people not voting instead of voting for an opponent like fighter President Trump. Suppression polls aim to do just that, discourage voting. So, while posturing that everyone’s vote matters, what they mean is every voter who supports their cause matters.
If someone is going to fight in politics, they have to be willing to take up consider former President Barack H. Obama’s challenge. Mr. Obama infamously said, “If they (Democratic opponents, typically Republicans)bring a knife, we (Democrats)bring a gun.” If someone climbs into the political arena, they better be ready for a proverbial gun fight. In case some doubt that statement by the former president was authentic, the left-leaning FactCheck.org confirmed that quote on January 4, 2011: “Q. Did President Obama once say of Republicans: “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.” A: Yes.”
“Follow the science” Obama-era VP Joe Biden lowered his mask to cough into his hand, watch.
You can’t make this up.
Joe Biden just removed his mask to cough in his hand.
But that’s mild compared to concerns raised about alleged corruption being largely glossed over by the much of the mainstream media about Biden family members. A prior report of our spotlights well-documented concerns that don’t fit the narrative of those who can’t be bothered by the truth. See the report linked further below in our weekly headline recap.
Propaganda is used precisely because it works. These are just a few examples of how brazen gaslighting is occurring in the U.S. today. Benson is a conservative who is pro-Trump, and he summed up the vexing issue of media bias like this.
But once people who have been propagandized for years wake up, they often have a Kim Klacik or Candace Owens type reaction. People who realize that they have been not only betrayed but have also been played for suckers often become the most impassioned of all.
Even among pragmatic people like black billionaire Robert L. Johnson – founder of the Black Entertainment Television or BET – recently said he favors President Trump over Biden for a less than stirring reason. Johnson said he favors the devil he knows vs. the devil he doesn’t know. Ouch, but that’s how Johnson has reasoned his support for the re-election of President Trump.
MHProNews has sourced reports from the political left-center-and right from early on in our publishing. Why? First, because it is the only way to hope to discern what is true and what is fiction or spin. For instance, it was the left-of-center New York Times that broke the story that Secretary Hillary Clinton violated federal regulations and possibly laws by having a private email server instead of using the federal – and more secure – than Clinton’s private server proved to be. It was also the left-of-center New York Times that first reported on Crimson Contagion among top-ranking mainstream media. It was a powerful insight, even if the NY Times arguably used it as anti-Trump spin in a fashion that the facts didn’t support.
There are bad actors and corrupt politicians from both of the major parties. It isn’t just Democrats who have used ballot harvesting, for instance, in a corrupt way. A Republican got busted for that practice in North Carolina last year. But that only underscores that ballot harvesting and other mail-in-ballot schemes which the evidence suggests is far more common among Democrats is nevertheless a true risk to election integrity.
Restated, the truth is the truth no matter how painfully it cuts in a given circumstance.
A Catholic bishop has stated that Obama-era VP Biden’s support for abortion on demand is morally wrong and violates the creed Biden claims to hold. If Biden breaks with his church on that huge issue, why would he be expected to be faithful on other issues? Some one in five Americans is Catholic. But evangelical Christians are pro-life, as are orthodox Jews and Muslims.
I find it difficult to understand how any person with any sense of human dignity can support abortion, especially if one has any faith. Biden and the rest wish to allow the ultimate child abuse and the greatest against humanity, abortion. Some Catholics, including some clergy
Don’t miss today’s Postscript. With no further adieu, let’s pivot to the headlines that reflect on or impact our profession from the week that was from 10.5 to 10.11.2020.
Reading left wing sources must be balanced using the same discernment applied to right wing sources. MHProNews is seeking the truth on a given topic. Mere spin or blind partisanship can crumble quickly based on emerging facts. But citing sources accurately and striving for evidence not merely bias confirmation is a key to good reporting. Who says? Award winning journalist Sharyl Attkisson has advised, check your facts and follow the money.
Several months ago, a Democratic supporting leader at Green Courte Partners attempted to besmirch this writer with a purported type of Alinskite racial slur. It was laughable on its face, since I’m married to a minority, and my circle of friends are perhaps more minorities than Caucasian. We live in an ethnically diverse neighborhood with Hispanic, black and white neighbors. Our recent and upcoming invitations for dinner guests included Hispanics, an Ibo from Nigeria, an Anglo, and so on. Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Mormon, Catholic, agnostics, and various eastern religious believers are among our circle. I can’t think of an atheist in that group, but then, we don’t have a religious or ethical test for friends, family, professional associates, etc. Green Courte’s David Lentz’s allegation was arguably a crude and missed-by-a-mile attempt to besmirch this writer with the old ‘racist’ canard.
But the real question isn’t an ignorant or malign use of the ‘racist’ or similarly worn out ‘ad hominem argument’ tactic. The real question was why Lentz did it at all. Lentz said he’s often ‘defended’ MHProNews, as if that gave him the right to smear us? Instead of issuing an apology when confronted by facts, he back-peddled and finally hid electronically, avoiding the emailed exchange conclusion. Defending America, free speech, God-given and Constitutionally protects rights, and those who stand for that is a key motivation here. We’ve cited Democrats, Republicans, and others – including Communists and Socialists accurately. We’re independents. Don’t tread on me.
We’ve criticized some Trump appointments – as the reports linked below or here reflect. Why? Because the truth is the truth, no matter how it cuts. President Trump isn’t perfect, nor is his administration.
Facts, evidence, fairness, and eternal principles- not blind bias – drives us. Lentz, you still feeling frisky after that emailed beat back? I don’t think so. But if you are, debate me publicly. Defend your support for your candidates and MHI, if you are able to do so. If not, well…
But if Lentz and his buddies want to support Democrats because of whatever reason, it’s America. If Jim and Kevin Clayton want to do business with Warren Buffett, that’s allowed in America. But then you should apply the Buffett smell tests, shouldn’t you?
Buffett, Gates, George Soros, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Michael Bloomberg and their ilk and allies hate President Trump because he arguably represents a threat to their feudalistic schemes. That report is linked above. It reflects that the pandemic was used to make their class collectively a trillion dollars richer.
Many Democrats left (pardon the pun) the defense of the poor, minorities, and downtrodden years ago. The proof is whose money they take, and whose agenda they are working for — aren’t those deeds and the money trail more relevant than empty words?
It’s a cheap tactic to posture or project without performing on the words. It’s not new. Aesop’s fables taught the lesson of the lies from the ‘boy who cried wolf’ separate and apart from Christian, Jewish, or Muslim morality that condemns deception.
Some are stuck by habits in ruts that harm their own interests. Warren Buffett coyly grasps that; indeed, he and his ilk count on it.
This is a Buffett quote worth pondering in the light of MHI and related controversies
The Senate is a tossup in the rapidly approaching election. Few are even taking about the possibility that Republicans might retake the House via challenges like —- or Klacik’s.
But the prize of the White House will be decided by those who grasp that their are piles of lies and deceptions at play.
The only clear evidence of corrupt behavior by a presidential candidate is supplied by Obama-era VP Joe Biden when he bragged to a room full of like minded people that he demanded that a Ukrainian prosecutor investigating a company doing business with his son he fired.
The truth is hiding in plain sight. Yes, there are errors and problematic behaviors by all candidates. But it’s folly to trust a candidate i.e. Joe Biden – that Barack Obama diminished and besmirched.
Black Millennial leader Candace Owens led a group of minorities to the White House this weekend for the first event post-COVID19 treatment for President Trump.
This election isn’t an easy choice for those who have been propagandized. But for the informed and discerning, it’s a no brainer. Trump-Pence and other candidates who support them are how we will vote. Let manipulative ‘Political Correctness’ and efforts at gaslighting and propaganda be damned. Some who won’t embrace the truth – because they can’t handle it for reasons of habit, being propagandized, or whatever, might face the music if they get their wish and their is a Democratic sweep. But never forget, there are numerous other reasons to think – based on evidence – that President Trump will have a historic victory. We’ll explore that in the days ahead. Stay tuned.
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All on Capitol Hill were welcoming and interested with the discussion of manufactured housing related issues on our 12.3.2019 meetings. But Texas Congressman Al Green’s office was tremendous in their hospitality. Our son’s hand is on a package that included the Constitution of the United States and other goodies. MHProNews has worked with people and politicos across the left-right divide.
Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.
For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and MHLivingNews.com.
This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position, and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.
The featured image includes several metaphorical items. It can be seductive – but dangerous – to believe certain things. A mask, among other meanings, is used to project a false face, often used by actors. The eye conveys vision or understanding, which that woman and the mask partially obscures. The wall can stand for the harsh reality that sets in when illusion and the hard facts meet. https://www.manufacturedhomepronews.com/masthead/the-party-is-over-so-whats-next/