“Mansion Maxine” Waters Doesn’t Live in Her LA District, Blexit, Bishop Rips Biden’s “Child Abuse,” Gays+Lesbians on Trump, Biden Statements on Court Packing, plus Sunday Weekly Headlines Review

MansionMaxineWatersDoesntLiveHerLADistrictBlexitBishopRipsBidenChild AbuseGaysLesbiansTrumpBidenStatementsCourtPackingSundayHeadlinesReviewMHProNews

Perhaps one of the most famous scenes in the classic hit military legal genre movie “A Few Good Men” is when the fictional character Colonel Nathan R. Jessep – played by Jack Nicholson – said, “You can’t handle the truth!” Millions of Americans, after years of gaslighting and brainwashing on a range of subjects, may react with anger when confronted with the cold, hard truth.



But for the billions of Christians, Muslims, Jews, eastern religions and others whose respective creeds say that deception is wrong and truth matters, the words “the truth will set you free” carry significant meaning.

To the headline claim, it is a fair question if challenger Joe Collins can unseat Maxine Waters (CA-D) from her district where she has ruled there as an entrenched incumbent for so many years.

But Collins is pulling a Kim Klick style video direct assault on Waters, whom MHLivingNews and MHProNews have spotlighted some of her favorable words before. Nevertheless, truth is truth, convenient or inconvenient. Waters – as is any soul – has a complex history. Collins is going head on with Waters for her LA district seat. Waters heads the powerful House Financial Services Committee, which includes several important issues of oversight and possible legislation for our profession’s segment of the affordable housing industry.



Speaking of the upstart black Republican Klacik, she has cut a new ad which compliments her first viral video. Both are posted below in the order they were released.



For those who wonder how broad the Republican Party ‘tent’ is, Klacik and Rick Grinnell reveal it is far broader than millions have been led to think.

Grinnell is an openly homosexual man. Like others from the LGBTQ community that have come out in favor of President Trump in 2016 or since, Grinnell makes the case that the President has been ‘the best’ for gay rights of any president in American history.

The Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.’s acclaimed vision for blacks and other minorities wasn’t for a nation where identity politics reigned.

Dr. King’s flatly stated his aim was for a society where character – not skin tone or other incidentals – ruled.

King favored a nation that enshrined and lived up to is Constitutional mandate of equal justice for all, not just power for a select group of elites. Indeed, many don’t realize that King wanted to lift up poor whites, not just oppressed minorities. By the way, King himself was a complex man whose personal history was tainted by claims of womanizing, allegations of harsh treatment of women, and plagiarism, among other attacks. If all that about him was true, the principle of separating the wheat from the chaff should be applied. There are no perfect sinless people walking planet Earth today. Former President Obama made that point to his own followers, when he said the following.


IdeaYoureNeverCompromisedYoureAlwaysPoliticallyWokeYouShouldGetOverThatQuicklyWorldIsMessyThereAreAmbiguitiesPeopleDoReallyGoodStuff HaveFlaws.FormerPresBarackObamaPhotoQuoteMHProNews
This is an interesting statement that voices across the left-center-right spectrum that are objective could embrace.

Agree or disagree with Mr. Obama’s politics, but that statement is arguably wise. Every person’s politics or other work must be weighed in its totality. Not just what they were years ago, but where are they now? Some people were fine before they entered politics and became corrupted by ‘the system.’ Others entered politics already tainted. Some others may have carried their shortcoming for years, before pivoting toward a more righteous position.

That noted, Saul Alinsky style tactics have been successfully deployed for years by certain – not all – Democratic candidates. In fairness, the argument can be made that some Republicans – while rejecting Alinsky’s dedication to Lucifer or some darker portions of Alinsky stratagems – have nevertheless deployed a boomerang application his methods with effect.


This quote doesn’t reflect MHProNews’ thinking. Rather it reflects the perspective of the one who said it. Understanding the meaning sheds light on those who take Alinsky thinking to heart today.

Politics is sadly a dirty business. Some are turned off by how ugly it is. But if you, others, or this writer can’t handle the truth and simply turn up our hands and walk away, what does that leave? Answer – it leaves those who made politics a dirty business in charge of the field. That’s unacceptable to people who believe in principles and values, which makes business and home ownership possible.

The argument can be made that those on the political left are okay with people not voting instead of voting for an opponent like fighter President Trump. Suppression polls aim to do just that, discourage voting. So, while posturing that everyone’s vote matters, what they mean is every voter who supports their cause matters.

If someone is going to fight in politics, they have to be willing to take up consider former President Barack H. Obama’s challenge. Mr. Obama infamously said, “If they (Democratic opponents, typically Republicans) bring a knife, we (Democrats) bring a gun.” If someone climbs into the political arena, they better be ready for a proverbial gun fight. In case some doubt that statement by the former president was authentic, the left-leaning FactCheck.org confirmed that quote on January 4, 2011: “Q. Did President Obama once say of Republicans: “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.” A: Yes.”

Follow the science” Obama-era VP Joe Biden lowered his mask to cough into his hand, watch.

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