Manufactured and Modular Housing News

News Reports: Housing news updates and reports for Manufactured Home and Modular Housing Industry professionals and investors. Business – daily fact checks, market reports, and analysis.


Revealing MHVille Reports – June’s Top 35 in Manufactured Housing–What Your Peers or Colleagues Probe You Should Know – Scientia Potentia Est-Knowledge is Potential Power; plus MHVille Markets

Curious minds want to know. Knowledge is potential power. Hold those thoughts for later. News ideally reflects reality. But as a recent national event revealed, reality – a.k.a. the truth – can be obscured by a steady dose of seemingly convincing half-truths, lies, and other forms of deception and misdirection. …

Revealing MHVille Reports – June’s Top 35 in Manufactured Housing–What Your Peers or Colleagues Probe You Should Know – Scientia Potentia Est-Knowledge is Potential Power; plus MHVille Markets Read More


Warren Buffett Accused-Evidence of Insider Trading Articles-Video Reveal Buffett ‘Nice Guy Billionaire Image a Ruse’ Clayton Homes-21st Mortgage-Vanderbilt Mortgage Implications; Facts-Analysis

“Warren Buffett, the legendary investor and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, has faced allegations related to insider trading and potential violations of the company’s conflict of interest policies. Confidential records reveal that, on at least three occasions, Buffett privately sold millions of dollars’ worth of shares in stocks that Berkshire was …

Warren Buffett Accused-Evidence of Insider Trading Articles-Video Reveal Buffett ‘Nice Guy Billionaire Image a Ruse’ Clayton Homes-21st Mortgage-Vanderbilt Mortgage Implications; Facts-Analysis Read More


US-50 State Manufactured Housing Production-Shipment Facts-Cost$ per Feds w/Conventional Housing Comps – SS Price Doubled Since 2014-Fell 3% Since 2022; plus Sunday Weekly MHVille Headline Recap

While the progress towards a ‘more perfect Union’ envisioned by the U.S. Constitution is apparently uneven, events this past week may have brought the Republic at least a step or two towards that noble aspiration. SCOTUS – the Supreme Court of the United States – handed down their much-anticipated Loper …

US-50 State Manufactured Housing Production-Shipment Facts-Cost$ per Feds w/Conventional Housing Comps – SS Price Doubled Since 2014-Fell 3% Since 2022; plus Sunday Weekly MHVille Headline Recap Read More


‘Deep State Hit’ by SCOTUS as Chevron Deference Upended by Loper Ruling – Will Regulatory Power be Limited? Hopeful Development for MHVille, Entrepreneurs and Smaller Businesses; plus MHMarkets

Bureaucrats don’t get to make laws. Lawmakers make laws. Bureaucrats are supposed to enforce laws as lawmakers intended: not more, not less. Courts rule when a law is unclear. The power of federal regulators to decide what they want federal law to mean has been limited, per several reports on …

‘Deep State Hit’ by SCOTUS as Chevron Deference Upended by Loper Ruling – Will Regulatory Power be Limited? Hopeful Development for MHVille, Entrepreneurs and Smaller Businesses; plus MHMarkets Read More


Post CNN Hosted Debate Reactions with Flash Poll-Tweets-Video Clips as Historic Trump-Biden Rematch Revealed Strengths, Weaknesses, Claims of Candidates with Fact Checks-Analysis; plus MHMarkets

“CNN Flash Poll: Majority of debate watchers say Trump outperformed Biden,” said a report published at 2:53 AM EDT on 6.28.2024 by CNN, which hosted the highly anticipated rematch between Joe Biden and deposed President Donald J. Trump. Left-leaning CNN was praised by some conservatives for a better-than-expected balance by …

Post CNN Hosted Debate Reactions with Flash Poll-Tweets-Video Clips as Historic Trump-Biden Rematch Revealed Strengths, Weaknesses, Claims of Candidates with Fact Checks-Analysis; plus MHMarkets Read More


Triad Financial Services–ECN Capital ‘Significant Barriers to Entry’ ‘Blackstone Partnership Extended-Expanded’-4 Year Trends w/Fed Funds Impact on MH-Negative YTD Returns-More; plus MHMarkets

“We are a de facto aristocracy now” said Dan Bongino on his nationally syndicated radio show 6.26.2024 at about 1:38 PM ET. According to their latest investor presentation: “ECN Capital Corp. (“ECN”) is a business services provider operating fee-based, asset-light platforms through which it originates, manages and advises on credit …

Triad Financial Services–ECN Capital ‘Significant Barriers to Entry’ ‘Blackstone Partnership Extended-Expanded’-4 Year Trends w/Fed Funds Impact on MH-Negative YTD Returns-More; plus MHMarkets Read More

Report 61%ofRentersCantAffordMedianApartmentRateInU.S.perRedfinAndCenterSquaresBethanyBlakelyObviousAndSubtleMHVilleImplicationsFactsAnalysisPlusMHMarketsMHProNews

Report – 61% of Renters Can’t Afford Median Apartment Rate in U.S. per Redfin and Center Square’s Bethany Blakely – Obvious and Subtle MHVille Implications-Facts-Analysis; plus MHMarkets

“The typical U.S. renter household earns an estimated $54,712 per year. That’s 17.3% less – or $11,408 in dollar terms – than the $66,120 a renter must earn to afford monthly rent for the median-priced U.S. apartment ($1,653),” said Bethany Blakely. When MHProNews previously published a report by Blakely on …

Report – 61% of Renters Can’t Afford Median Apartment Rate in U.S. per Redfin and Center Square’s Bethany Blakely – Obvious and Subtle MHVille Implications-Facts-Analysis; plus MHMarkets Read More


Statutory Remedies for Discriminatory Zoning w/Constitutional Remedies Research – ‘MHARR Takes Major Step on Exclusionary Zoning in Meeting with Acting HUD Secretary Adrianne Todman;’ MHMarkets

It has been said that “Winners never quit and quitters never win.” Many conflicts involve multiple battles sometimes fought over the course of years. Conflicts may be on a literal battlefield, or they may involve economic, social, political, spiritual, legal and other forms of battle.  For a rather well-known example, …

Statutory Remedies for Discriminatory Zoning w/Constitutional Remedies Research – ‘MHARR Takes Major Step on Exclusionary Zoning in Meeting with Acting HUD Secretary Adrianne Todman;’ MHMarkets Read More


Nobility Homes Sales-Earnings 1Q 2024 President Terry Trexler-‘We Expect Challenges Will Continue in 2024’ ‘FMHA Says FL Shipments Drop YoY;’ Value Investor Leland Roach ‘Long on NOBH’-Facts and Analysis

According to their most recent press release, Nobility Homes (NOBH) President Terry Trexler said: “We expect that these challenges will continue throughout 2024.” The specifics of those challenges are disclosed in the firm’s press release. Their press release also stated: “On June 5, 2024, the Company celebrated its 57th anniversary …

Nobility Homes Sales-Earnings 1Q 2024 President Terry Trexler-‘We Expect Challenges Will Continue in 2024’ ‘FMHA Says FL Shipments Drop YoY;’ Value Investor Leland Roach ‘Long on NOBH’-Facts and Analysis Read More


Democratic Congressman Seth Moulton (MA-D) Said ‘Democrats are Party of Ultra-Rich and the Ultra-Poor’ -Rigged System Revelations- Facts and Analysis; plus Sunday Weekly MHVille Headlines Recap

If someone is looking for a hyper-condensed summation of what has gone wrong in the U.S.A. in recent decades that have helped make Democrats the ‘party of the ultra-rich and ultra-poor,’ to paraphrase Democratic Congressman Seth Moulton (MA-D), look no further than what actor and activist Danny Glover said over …

Democratic Congressman Seth Moulton (MA-D) Said ‘Democrats are Party of Ultra-Rich and the Ultra-Poor’ -Rigged System Revelations- Facts and Analysis; plus Sunday Weekly MHVille Headlines Recap Read More


NAR Says Existing-Home Sales Edged Lower Median Sales Price Hit Record High $419,300; Fannie-Listings Rise Means Some Homeowners Won’t Delay Moving; MHI Memos-Insights-Analysis; plus MHMarkets

A steady stream of public opinion polling reflects what common sense already tells thinkers. Americans want and need more affordable housing. News releases from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) and Fannie Mae’s Economic & Strategic Research (ESR) to MHProNews on 6.21.2024 provide information that may not find its equivalent …

NAR Says Existing-Home Sales Edged Lower Median Sales Price Hit Record High $419,300; Fannie-Listings Rise Means Some Homeowners Won’t Delay Moving; MHI Memos-Insights-Analysis; plus MHMarkets Read More


‘Frontrunner Felon Ex-President’ Donald Trump Slammed for Floating End of Fed Income Tax via Higher Tariffs-Gov Gavin Newsom (D) Comparison w/MHVille Lessons-Insights-Analysis; plus MHMarkets

“The road to hell is paved with good intentions,” or so goes a thought-provoking old maxim. California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) might merit some credit for legislation that made Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) statewide preemption in his state a reality. Democrats and Newsom also played important roles in enacting minimum …

‘Frontrunner Felon Ex-President’ Donald Trump Slammed for Floating End of Fed Income Tax via Higher Tariffs-Gov Gavin Newsom (D) Comparison w/MHVille Lessons-Insights-Analysis; plus MHMarkets Read More


Sun Communities Q1 2024 Earnings Call Transcript, Sun SELLING MHCs, Sold Homes at Lower Margin to Boost Site Revenue, Negative Net Profitability, More Revelations-Facts and Analysis

Have the proverbial chickens from years of Sun Communities (SUI) leadership antics finally come home to roost? The latest earnings call transcript, related financials, and their June 2024 Investor Relations (IR) presentations (pitch) all point to substantial areas of concern for the manufactured housing (MH) community owner-operator that over the …

Sun Communities Q1 2024 Earnings Call Transcript, Sun SELLING MHCs, Sold Homes at Lower Margin to Boost Site Revenue, Negative Net Profitability, More Revelations-Facts and Analysis Read More


‘Truth Bombs’ About Juneteenth and ‘Tyrannical Elites’ ‘Let’s Get Back to an Uncontroversial Celebration of American Freedom Started in Texas’ – Recovering the American Dream; plus MHMarkets

Juneteenth is the newest federal holiday. “Until the widening divisions of the past four years, Juneteenth was an uncontroversial celebration of American freedom and the end of slavery in Texas. Let’s get that back.” So says a subheading from the commentary by Kevin Roberts, Ph.D., in the article from the …

‘Truth Bombs’ About Juneteenth and ‘Tyrannical Elites’ ‘Let’s Get Back to an Uncontroversial Celebration of American Freedom Started in Texas’ – Recovering the American Dream; plus MHMarkets Read More


‘Going Bankrupt-First Slowly, Then Suddenly’ ‘Homelessness Surging’ in Left Coast City-Lack of Affordable Housing Root Cause–Clear Manufactured Housing Implications Unpacked; plus MHVille Markets

According to GoodReads, best-selling author Ernest Hemingway famously quipped: “How did you go bankrupt? Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly.” According to left-leaning Politico and other sources, former President Barack Obama (D) “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f*ck things up” is also cited by the American Presidency Project. During a Democratic presidency, homelessness has surged. …

‘Going Bankrupt-First Slowly, Then Suddenly’ ‘Homelessness Surging’ in Left Coast City-Lack of Affordable Housing Root Cause–Clear Manufactured Housing Implications Unpacked; plus MHVille Markets Read More


‘Mad as Hell’ KOB 4 Investigates Legacy Communities, Coare Communities, Rolfe’s MHU Cited-‘Mobile Home Monopoly’ Emblazoned by Regional News ‘Inside America’s Mobile Home Crisis’ ‘They’re Vulnerable’

“4 Investigates: Mobile home seniors desperate for help in Albuquerque,” New Mexico (NM) stated the headline of KOB 4’s Ryan Laughlin about Legacy Communities. A source connected to the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) tells MHProNews about Legacy Communities: “They are a direct member of the NCC” (i.e.: MHI’s National Communities …

‘Mad as Hell’ KOB 4 Investigates Legacy Communities, Coare Communities, Rolfe’s MHU Cited-‘Mobile Home Monopoly’ Emblazoned by Regional News ‘Inside America’s Mobile Home Crisis’ ‘They’re Vulnerable’ Read More


MSNBC’s Joy Reid Moans-‘Biden Starting Another F-cking War,’ Plutocrats, Fatherhood Facts, Pelosi, Whitmer, Trump Conviction Stirs Up Dem Base-News Roundups plus MHVille Sunday Headlines Recap

“WELCOME TO THE PLUTONOMY MACHINE” said the all caps headline in a leaked report by Citigroup to select investors. That Citigroup report was cited as part one of the headlines in the weekly recap of MHVille headlines below. “Our economics team led by Lewis Alexander researches and writes about these …

MSNBC’s Joy Reid Moans-‘Biden Starting Another F-cking War,’ Plutocrats, Fatherhood Facts, Pelosi, Whitmer, Trump Conviction Stirs Up Dem Base-News Roundups plus MHVille Sunday Headlines Recap Read More


Multiple Marty Lavin Revelations, Warren Buffett Insights, It’s Your Future Musings, Manufactured Housing Industry = MHVille, Career and Life Hacks, Tomorrow Begins Today in USA, plus MHMarkets

In an email that included off the record remarks not included below, Marty Lavin, J.D., a multi-year manufactured housing industry financial success story who participated in numerous Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) meetings and discussions, said the following to MHProNews. Part I “I am very conservative and follow the advice of …

Multiple Marty Lavin Revelations, Warren Buffett Insights, It’s Your Future Musings, Manufactured Housing Industry = MHVille, Career and Life Hacks, Tomorrow Begins Today in USA, plus MHMarkets Read More

Harvard-Frank Rolfe-Lesli GoochWaPoOp-EdTake2-PamBlumenthal-Regina Gray-Affordable Homes-Charade-TrueLies-PurportedManufacturedHousingRuseFridayFolliesMHProNews

Harvard-Frank Rolfe-Lesli Gooch WaPo Op-Ed Take 2-Pam Blumenthal-Regina Gray-Affordable Homes-Charade-True Lies-Purported Manufactured Housing Ruse–Friday Follies; plus MHMarkets

To understand the confusion and lack of progress in solving the U.S. affordable housing crisis let’s start with an insight from the 1963 classic movie Charade. Author Robert Ringer explained a famous and wise piece of dialogue from that movie (italics added). “When Regina Lampert (Audrey Hepburn) asks Peter Joshua …

Harvard-Frank Rolfe-Lesli Gooch WaPo Op-Ed Take 2-Pam Blumenthal-Regina Gray-Affordable Homes-Charade-True Lies-Purported Manufactured Housing Ruse–Friday Follies; plus MHMarkets Read More


Rape, Multiple Sex Crimes plus Drug Charges Pending Against Manufactured Home Community Owner, Bond Set at $1.25 Million – More Facts, Allegations; plus MHVille Markets

According to KLFY: “A drug investigation into the owner of an Iberia Parish mobile home park” led investigators at the Iberia Parish Sheriff’s Officeto charge Eric Bulliard, 44, with multiple sex crimes alleged to have been committed in recent years. Bulliard, “the owner/operator of T-John’s Mobile Home Park on Norris …

Rape, Multiple Sex Crimes plus Drug Charges Pending Against Manufactured Home Community Owner, Bond Set at $1.25 Million – More Facts, Allegations; plus MHVille Markets Read More

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