This may be seen as one of the larger, most consequential reveals in the manufactured housing (MH) industry of 2017.
What Frank Rolfe told Inside MH viewers on MHProNews about the odds against passing Preserving Access in 2015 was actually acknowledged by a previous vice president of the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI).
The statement was made on-the-record, directly to MHProNews, and on behalf of MHI.
The surprising admission by the MHI VP clearly contradicted much of what MHI was telling its members and the industry for the next three years.
“Given Democratic gains in the House and Senate, it is not widely anticipated that Obama will seek to strike a conciliatory mood with Republicans on fiscal issues, or on issues related to a softening of Dodd-Frank,” said Jason Boehlert in an statement to MHProNews.
Boehlert, was the prior Government Relations (GR) VP, before current SVP Lesli Gooch, Ph.D. The context of Boehlert’s comments was the time frame in the aftermath of the 2012 re-election of President Barack Obama.
“How did so many thousands of MH Industry professionals miss this revelation that was hiding in plain sight?” L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach, publisher of MHProNews said, applying that statement to himself as well.
“We trusted MHI then,” but, “time and the many revelations about MHI and its often errant communications of the past couple of years should place Boelert’s comments in its clear meaning. Too many of us in the industry and as members were trusting. But in hindsight, Boelert said it himself.”
The MHI bill was never going to happen.
Time for MHI to Use Secretary Clinton’s Comment?

True MHI believers may shrug and say – as did Secretary Clinton at her infamous Benghazi hearing – “What difference, at this point, does it make?”
Just as those who bled, died and cried over Benghazi said, “plenty,” so too is this revelation.
That written comment was never retracted or corrected. It would, sources say, have to be okayed by higher ups before being sent to MHProNews.
Logically MHI’s leadership:
• Knew their multi year effort for Preserving Access was doomed to fail,
• Should have known, based upon the logic of Boehlert’s statement, shown again in the graphic below (Note: Boehlert was later promoted to SVP).

- If MHI leaders knew, then weren’t they deceiving their own members – and through them, the rest of the industry – on their ability to pass Preserving Access?
- And if they didn’t know, did they fail to think through the logic of Boehlert’s statement?
As a reminder, Richard “Dick” Jennison promised passage of Preserving Access to MH Industry members in 2015, during his address to industry members in Louisville in 2015.

MHI continues to be silent on this an all the other allegations, perhaps hoping it will blow over.
As the Daily Business News exclusively reported, their is word that Frank Rolfe, a member critical of MHI on such matters, has likewise decided to go silent.
Thus, the call for action outlined above, and added insights on this Dodd-Frank, Preserving Access related topic is linked cartoons below.
As the allegations and concerns about MHI continue to mount, another look at what Warren Buffett said about habits and history, are linked below.
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Submitted by Soheyla Kovach to the Daily Business News for