Manufactured and Modular Housing News

News Reports: Housing news updates and reports for Manufactured Home and Modular Housing Industry professionals and investors. Business – daily fact checks, market reports, and analysis.


Fast Company 2024 Report Highlights Manufactured Homes as Affordable Housing Solution ‘Hidden in Plain Sight’–Pew’s Rachel Siegel- ‘MH Stigma Perpetuated’ Insights-Analysis; plus MHVille Markets

“Rachel Siegel, who works on housing policy at the Pew Charitable Trusts,” said: “People think about the old dilapidated mobile home of yore, and as a result, manufactured housing has been zoned out. It’s relegated to the outskirts—parks and communities that are sometimes in flood zones or undesirable parts of …

Fast Company 2024 Report Highlights Manufactured Homes as Affordable Housing Solution ‘Hidden in Plain Sight’–Pew’s Rachel Siegel- ‘MH Stigma Perpetuated’ Insights-Analysis; plus MHVille Markets Read More


Manufactured Home Production Decline Continued in November 2023 per Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) January 2024 Report, Facts & Analysis; plus MHVille Markets

The Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) report on January 3, 2023 reveals that new HUD Code manufactured home production in November of 2023 continued to decline. Per MHARR, that means that the decline has now hit 13 straight months. MHARR cites official sources on behalf of the U.S. …

Manufactured Home Production Decline Continued in November 2023 per Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) January 2024 Report, Facts & Analysis; plus MHVille Markets Read More


Two More Class Action Antitrust Suits Hit High Profile Manufactured Housing Institute Members and MHI State Affiliate Members, Towsend in Case No. 1:23-cv-16462 and Muns; Pleadings and Analysis

According to the Justia legal website, Muns v. Datacomp Appraisal Systems, Inc. et al was filed on 12.1.2023. The plaintiff is Andrea Muns, and named defendants in that case includes Murex Properties, plus others that have become familiar to regular and detail minded readers of MHProNews and MHLivingNews. Per Justia, …

Two More Class Action Antitrust Suits Hit High Profile Manufactured Housing Institute Members and MHI State Affiliate Members, Towsend in Case No. 1:23-cv-16462 and Muns; Pleadings and Analysis Read More


‘Black Holes in Journalism’-Kristina Borjesson-‘Only Released Half Information’ Govt Agencies-Big Media Woes-‘Shadows of Liberty’ Acclaimed Full-Documentary with Exclusive Annotated Transcript

“They’re what I call black holes in journalism. There are certain events and certain subjects that you…you may not cover.” That’s according to Kristina Borjesson, a former CBS News journalist who reportedly was terminated for attempting to probe an area that CBS News’ parent company and federal officials purportedly did …

‘Black Holes in Journalism’-Kristina Borjesson-‘Only Released Half Information’ Govt Agencies-Big Media Woes-‘Shadows of Liberty’ Acclaimed Full-Documentary with Exclusive Annotated Transcript Read More

Welcome2024BraceYourselfForWhatOthersMayNot SaySince2009-100%ArtificialUnprecedentedMoneyPrintingDeficitsUp$27TrillionOver15YearsPlusSundayWeeklyMHVilleHeadlinesRecapMHProNews

Welcome to 2024–Brace Yourself for What Others May Not Say-‘Since 2009-100% Artificial Unprecedented Money Printing-Deficits Up $27 Trillion Over 15 Years;’ plus Sunday Weekly Headlines Recap

The Normalcy Bias is defined by left-leaning Wikipedia as a mental state that “causes people to underestimate both the possibility of a disaster occurring and its possible effects.” Patrice Lewis cited that below in her look back at 2023 and the look ahead at 2024. Lewis also cited a range of …

Welcome to 2024–Brace Yourself for What Others May Not Say-‘Since 2009-100% Artificial Unprecedented Money Printing-Deficits Up $27 Trillion Over 15 Years;’ plus Sunday Weekly Headlines Recap Read More


Outrageous! Is Your State on the List of Nearly 2 Dozen in U.S. Where State Officials Want to Limit Citizens Free Speech Rights? Facts & Analysis; plus MHVille Markets Update

It would have been difficult to imagine just a few years ago that state officials would go to court to argue to limit the rights of their own citizens to free speech. After all, free speech was considered so important in American history from its earliest days that after winning …

Outrageous! Is Your State on the List of Nearly 2 Dozen in U.S. Where State Officials Want to Limit Citizens Free Speech Rights? Facts & Analysis; plus MHVille Markets Update Read More

GiftsSightAndInsightsWhatsInStoreFor2024Including2023YearEndReflectionsOn MHVilleAndUSAsnapshotsFactsEvidenceObservationsAndAnalysisPlusMHMarketsUpdateMHProNews

Gifts of Sight and Insights – What’s in Store for 2024? Including 2023 Year End Reflections on MHVille and USA Snapshots – Facts, Evidence, Observations, and Analysis – plus MHMarkets Update

Reflections and insights in this report and analysis come from an array of sources, including personal encounters. For example. It has been a few years since this writer’s last eye examination. Having recently returned last year to Polk County, FL from nearby Osceola County, I was overdue for an eye …

Gifts of Sight and Insights – What’s in Store for 2024? Including 2023 Year End Reflections on MHVille and USA Snapshots – Facts, Evidence, Observations, and Analysis – plus MHMarkets Update Read More


Eye Opening! Gas Industry vs DOE Compared to Manufactured Housing Institute vs DOE-Compare Fed Register Facts Reveals Manufactured Housing Industry Woes and MHI Behavior; plus MHVille Markets

On 12.18.2023, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) published a notice in the authoritative Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 241 / Monday, December 18, 2023 / Rules and Regulations. Quoting from that notice in the Federal Register: “DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY 10 CFR Part 430 [EERE–2014–BT–STD–0031] RIN 1904–AD20 Energy Conservation …

Eye Opening! Gas Industry vs DOE Compared to Manufactured Housing Institute vs DOE-Compare Fed Register Facts Reveals Manufactured Housing Industry Woes and MHI Behavior; plus MHVille Markets Read More


‘Naughty No Shows’-HUD, SSA, Other Govt Offices Mostly Empty in 2023 Charges Senator Ernst While Senator Paul ‘Festivus Report’ Reveals Massive Waste; plus MHVille Markets Update

HUD recently revealed its annual report on homelessness. Despite federal, state, and local spending, HUD’s own data admitted that homelessness is on the rise to record levels, despite ever-higher spending. Perhaps U.S. Senator Joni Ernst’s (IA-R) “Naughty No Shows” list might spark the notion that vacant federal office space could …

‘Naughty No Shows’-HUD, SSA, Other Govt Offices Mostly Empty in 2023 Charges Senator Ernst While Senator Paul ‘Festivus Report’ Reveals Massive Waste; plus MHVille Markets Update Read More


Cavco’s HUD Approved Duplex Touted in MHI 12.22.2023 Email w/Meetings and ‘Education’ Fails Mention of Declining Manufactured Home Production – Hits-Miss in MHI ‘News’-Facts and Analysis

Near the end or ‘the bottom’ of the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) email that follows, MHI has the following statement. “MHI News & Updates is a bi-weekly, members-only publication with important updates on federal legislative and regulatory activities, association accomplishments, industry events and other items important to our membership.” However, …

Cavco’s HUD Approved Duplex Touted in MHI 12.22.2023 Email w/Meetings and ‘Education’ Fails Mention of Declining Manufactured Home Production – Hits-Miss in MHI ‘News’-Facts and Analysis Read More


Doing the Math on Christmas; Jesus the Jew; Celebrating Christmas Eve from the Moon, a Rabbi’s Thoughts on ‘(No) Christmas in Bethlehem’ – Charlie Brown, Linus and the True Meaning of Christmas

Full disclosure. MHProNews have not specifically fact checked the first article below about “Doing the Math” on Christmas. That said, over the years, several similar reports have been published that we have seen, which suggests that the information is common and presumably reliable. A quick check of Bing AI said: …

Doing the Math on Christmas; Jesus the Jew; Celebrating Christmas Eve from the Moon, a Rabbi’s Thoughts on ‘(No) Christmas in Bethlehem’ – Charlie Brown, Linus and the True Meaning of Christmas Read More


‘Facts are Stubborn Things-Whatever Our Wishes, Inclinations, or Passions, They Cannot Alter State of Facts and Evidence’-John Adams; True Lies; Evergreen and Sunday Weekly MHVille Headlines Recap

‘God has this problem: He seems to think that He is God.’ That’s an evergreen maxim just as the headline paraphrase of the following John Adams quote, confirmed by the Quote Investigator. “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, …

‘Facts are Stubborn Things-Whatever Our Wishes, Inclinations, or Passions, They Cannot Alter State of Facts and Evidence’-John Adams; True Lies; Evergreen and Sunday Weekly MHVille Headlines Recap Read More


12-2023 State-by-State Data, Regional-USA New Manufactured Housing Cost-Facts Reveal True State of HUD Code Manufactured Home Industry 1995-YTD 2023-What MHI-MHARR Sources Say-Don’t Say; MHMarkets

The average price nationally of a new HUD Code manufactured home in July 2023 was below the cost for the average manufactured home in in 2022 or 2021.  Who says? The most recent U.S. Census Bureau data. In July 2023, per the Census Bureau, the average cost for a new …

12-2023 State-by-State Data, Regional-USA New Manufactured Housing Cost-Facts Reveal True State of HUD Code Manufactured Home Industry 1995-YTD 2023-What MHI-MHARR Sources Say-Don’t Say; MHMarkets Read More


‘Banana Republic’ ‘The New Fight for Freedom’–Pundits and Politicos Cheer-Jeer-Fundraise over State Court’s Trump Ruling–Lifelong Democrat Decries; Buffett Buck$ Connection; plus MHMarkets

As this news analysis will explore, there are several states where primarily Democratic officials are attempting to keep deposed President Donald J. Trump from being on their  primary ballots under the premise that he is an “insurrectionist.” But remarks like those made by lifelong Democrat Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an …

‘Banana Republic’ ‘The New Fight for Freedom’–Pundits and Politicos Cheer-Jeer-Fundraise over State Court’s Trump Ruling–Lifelong Democrat Decries; Buffett Buck$ Connection; plus MHMarkets Read More


DOE Strikes Back-Manufactured Housing Institute and Texas Manufactured Housing Association vs. United States Department of Energy and Jennifer Granholm Case No. 1:23-CV-00174-DAE; plus MHMarket$

According to Mark Weiss, J.D., the latest Department of Energy motion “…continues DOE’s longstanding track record of Orwellian double-speak regarding this [manufactured housing energy] rule. Out of one side of their mouth, they claim that the May 2022 rule is “final.” Out of the other side, they claim that it …

DOE Strikes Back-Manufactured Housing Institute and Texas Manufactured Housing Association vs. United States Department of Energy and Jennifer Granholm Case No. 1:23-CV-00174-DAE; plus MHMarket$ Read More


Mortgage Payments on Average New House Up 90 Percent in U.S. Under Bidenomics–90%-Not a Typo! Factors Why Affordable Housing Crisis Worsened-Facts and Analysis; plus MHVille Market$ Update

David Ditch is a “Senior Policy Analyst, Budget Policy, Grover M. Hermann Center for the Federal Budget” at and per the Heritage Foundation. Ditch spoke with MHProNews on an affordable housing related topic on 12.19.2023. “The under-production of housing…has undermined the country’s prosperity and growth for decades,” said Ditch. More …

Mortgage Payments on Average New House Up 90 Percent in U.S. Under Bidenomics–90%-Not a Typo! Factors Why Affordable Housing Crisis Worsened-Facts and Analysis; plus MHVille Market$ Update Read More


‘First in Nation’ AG Suit Against Giant BlackRock-‘Deceptive Climate Policies’–Several Potential MHVille Implications for Corporations, Others in Potentially Seismic Case; plus MHVille Markets

BlackRock (BLK) reportedly has significant manufactured housing industry investments, some of which are noted herein below. That noted, the opening paragraph of a 73-page complaint against private equity giant BlackRock, stated the following. “As one of the world’s largest investment-management firms, defendant BlackRock, Inc. has been at the forefront of …

‘First in Nation’ AG Suit Against Giant BlackRock-‘Deceptive Climate Policies’–Several Potential MHVille Implications for Corporations, Others in Potentially Seismic Case; plus MHVille Markets Read More


HUD 2023 PIT–Homelessness Worst in Years-‘Homelessness Solvable Should Not Exist in United States’ Said Sec Marcia Fudge, Homelessness and Manufactured Housing Connection, Facts/Analysis

“Homelessness is solvable and should not exist in the United States,” said Secretary Marcia L. Fudge per the press release found below in this fact- and evidence-packed report and analysis that includes the entire statement from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The PIT is HUD’s abbreviation …

HUD 2023 PIT–Homelessness Worst in Years-‘Homelessness Solvable Should Not Exist in United States’ Said Sec Marcia Fudge, Homelessness and Manufactured Housing Connection, Facts/Analysis Read More


Dees-‘Price Fixing’ Defense MHCommunities Antitrust Case, Frank Rolfe on Buffett Moat, Research on Removable Chassis, DOE-Zoning-Finance-Image-Education, w/Sunday Weekly MHVille Headlines Review

Frank Rolfe and Dave Reynolds have been involved in the Kurt Kelley, J.D., quarterly MHReview since the early days when the quarterly was still a monthly publication. Rolfe, for example, often appears with an article in their pages. Ads by one or more of Rolfe/Reynolds enterprises are not uncommon in …

Dees-‘Price Fixing’ Defense MHCommunities Antitrust Case, Frank Rolfe on Buffett Moat, Research on Removable Chassis, DOE-Zoning-Finance-Image-Education, w/Sunday Weekly MHVille Headlines Review Read More


‘Output Building’ But Texas Real Estate Research Center and Texas Manufactured Housing Association Say What’s in Store for 2024 in Manufactured Home Industry-Facts/Analysis; plus MHVille Markets Update

The purpose of analytical journalism is to ‘connect the dots’ that a typical news report may not provide. When the Texas Real Estate Research Center (TRERC) released its latest monthly report on 12.13.2023, MHProNews made the decision to hang back a bit and see if any others in MHVille trade …

‘Output Building’ But Texas Real Estate Research Center and Texas Manufactured Housing Association Say What’s in Store for 2024 in Manufactured Home Industry-Facts/Analysis; plus MHVille Markets Update Read More

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