Manufactured and Modular Housing News

News Reports: Housing news updates and reports for Manufactured Home and Modular Housing Industry professionals and investors. Business – daily fact checks, market reports, and analysis.


Gold River Messenger Report – Seniors Face Economic Eviction Due to Rising Manufactured Home Site Rent Costs

  Shaunna Boyd with the Gold River Messenger filed a report and photo recently at this link here which will be reviewed below. The subheading under newspaper’s logo says “Written by the people, for the people.” Boyd’s report will be reproduced below under fair use guidelines for news media. Following …

Gold River Messenger Report – Seniors Face Economic Eviction Due to Rising Manufactured Home Site Rent Costs Read More

MHARR Points to New FHFA Document That “Vindicates” Long-Held View

MHARR Points to New FHFA Document That “Vindicates” Long-Held View

  Hours before a press release arrived about the headline topic, a source from the finance side of the manufactured home industry sent a short note to MHProNews that had a dark tone. The essence of their comment was don’t hold your breath waiting for the Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs) …

MHARR Points to New FHFA Document That “Vindicates” Long-Held View Read More


Census Bureau and HUD Conventional Housing Data Reveals Growth, Meanwhile, Manufactured Housing Slides

The HUD Code manufactured home industry is about a week away from the most recent manufactured housing product and shipment data release. So, the data from the U.S. Census Bureau and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) recent joint announcement should be cause for pause. As a …

Census Bureau and HUD Conventional Housing Data Reveals Growth, Meanwhile, Manufactured Housing Slides Read More


Cavco Industries Announces Initial Quarterly Results, plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates

We could sum up tonight’s snapshot of what Cavco Industries (CVCO) media release apparently seeks to accomplish in a single phrase. Ready? Here it is. “Turn the page.” More on that in our evening analysis of their formal quarterly initial snapshot, further below as our featured report item tonight.   …

Cavco Industries Announces Initial Quarterly Results, plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates Read More


Judge Declines Actor Brad Pitt’s Plea for Removal from Advancing Modular Housing “Make it Right” Foundation Lawsuit, Tragic Details, Videos

Nearly a year has come and gone since MHProNews reported on a lawsuit by modular home owners that seeks to hold Brad Pitt, the Make it Right Foundation, and others responsible for claims of defective homes reportedly plagued by mold, rotting wood, and other health or safety problems. Recently Judge …

Judge Declines Actor Brad Pitt’s Plea for Removal from Advancing Modular Housing “Make it Right” Foundation Lawsuit, Tragic Details, Videos Read More


Ukraine’s Historic Gift to America, “Quid Pro No” – VP Biden, POTUS Obama, Trump and Lessons Learned

  Days before award-winning independent investigative journalist and best-selling author Sharyl Attkisson did her recent column on the Hill and a related podcast, right-of-center talk radio, Fox News personality, and best selling author Mark Levin interviewed Senator Ron Johnson (WI-R) on a topic related to the headline. But each of …

Ukraine’s Historic Gift to America, “Quid Pro No” – VP Biden, POTUS Obama, Trump and Lessons Learned Read More


Community Leaders on the “Vampire King,” plus Sunday Manufactured Home Headlines in Review, Week of 10.20 to 10.27.2019

  “It has been discovered that with a dull urban population, all formed under a mechanical system of State education, a suggestion or command, however senseless and unreasoned, will be obeyed if it be sufficiently repeated.” – Hilaire Belloc, from An Essay on the Restoration of Property.   “The control …

Community Leaders on the “Vampire King,” plus Sunday Manufactured Home Headlines in Review, Week of 10.20 to 10.27.2019 Read More


“It’s a Con” – #OpenMarkets Touts Matt Stoller’s “Goliath,” “100-Year War Between Monopoly Power and Democracy”

To set the table for this specific and all of our sources and reports, thinking readers must be able to sift through the chaff and save the wheat. The Open Markets Institute is certainly one of the more aggressive researchers and advocates into the important topic of the monopolization of …

“It’s a Con” – #OpenMarkets Touts Matt Stoller’s “Goliath,” “100-Year War Between Monopoly Power and Democracy” Read More


How’s Economy Doing? Reuters – Depends On News You Watch, Read – plus Manufactured Housing Investing, Stock Updates

For tens of millions, perception is reality. That’s an important point for manufactured housing professionals to keep top of mind. It is an apt point for investors to consider too. Tonight we will look at a Reuters report of some Morning Consult research. It says something simple, yet insightful. Depending …

How’s Economy Doing? Reuters – Depends On News You Watch, Read – plus Manufactured Housing Investing, Stock Updates Read More


Pacific Legal Foundation’s Amicus Brief to SCOTUS on Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Case

“As every schoolchild knows, the federal government is divided into the legislative, executive, and judicial branches,” said the Pacific Legal Foundation in an email today. “This separation of powers was designed to ensure that government does not become oppressive. As James Madison put it, combining these powers into one branch …

Pacific Legal Foundation’s Amicus Brief to SCOTUS on Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Case Read More


A Tale of Two Cities, Affordable Housing, Manufactured Homes, and You

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was …

A Tale of Two Cities, Affordable Housing, Manufactured Homes, and You Read More


Bloomberg, Hillary In? Dem 2020 Hopeful Rep Tulsi Gabbard Has Wall Street Meeting, plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates

This evening will be not one or two, but 3 videos to cover the various aspects of the scuttle butt swirling around top Democratic donors, who the front-runners are, and is it time for someone new to get into the Democratic presidential primary process? Maybe it’s another Russian troll farm, …

Bloomberg, Hillary In? Dem 2020 Hopeful Rep Tulsi Gabbard Has Wall Street Meeting, plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates Read More


FEAR, Prudence, or Courage? Manufactured Housing State Association Execs Fight Back, Lay Back, or Go With the Flow – Plus HUD Brian Montgomery Whispers

“Evil lies close at hand.” “Evil lies.” – Dale Ahlquist, author of “The Complete Thinker: The Marvelous Mind of G. K. Chesterton”   “Fear is ‘False Evidence Appearing Real.’” – Smiley Blanton, per Snaket Pai.   A pull quote from a longer message from a state association executive to MHProNews …

FEAR, Prudence, or Courage? Manufactured Housing State Association Execs Fight Back, Lay Back, or Go With the Flow – Plus HUD Brian Montgomery Whispers Read More


Retail Industry Leaders Letter to Federal Trade Commission Asking for Antitrust Investigation, Action – Plus Antitrust Division Comments

RILA is the acronym for the Retail Industry Leaders Association. Why this is of interest to manufactured housing pros will become evident as this report is developed. RILA includes big names like Target and Walmart, who have formally addressed the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) about their concerns about the market …

Retail Industry Leaders Letter to Federal Trade Commission Asking for Antitrust Investigation, Action – Plus Antitrust Division Comments Read More


Doubling Down on Debunked Data, Latest Bold MHInsider Claim Unpacked

Some people when beaten in a street fight are smart enough to stay down. Others, not so much. If someone is clearly outclassed in tennis, chess, poker, or whatever, why keep going back for another beating? Hold that thought. Now, imagine a company with more “decision makers” than staff. What …

Doubling Down on Debunked Data, Latest Bold MHInsider Claim Unpacked Read More


Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform Federal Comments Letter, Reviewed

  As the map below reflects, the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) has their offices a short distance to the White House, HUD, the halls of Congress, and a variety of federal office buildings. The photo is of their location reveals, they are located across from one of …

Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform Federal Comments Letter, Reviewed Read More


Billions in Trump Administration Spending on Federal Housing Programs, New Federal Data, plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates

“With our national debt well above $20 trillion, now is the time to reverse the trend of climbing government spending. The President’s federal budget commits to restraint while prioritizing funding to rebuild our national defense and strengthen America’s borders,” according to the White House website. Our sister MHLivingNews site made …

Billions in Trump Administration Spending on Federal Housing Programs, New Federal Data, plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates Read More


Professional State Association Videos Promoting Manufactured Homes, Insights and Analysis

  The Michigan Manufactured Housing Association (MMHA) has professionally produced some useful videos that generally promote manufactured home living as an affordable housing option. Last April, they posted two new ones on YouTube, plus ran these on commercials that month on TV. “We are targeting those who are looking for …

Professional State Association Videos Promoting Manufactured Homes, Insights and Analysis Read More


Socialism’s Dangers and Communism Sucks – 63rd Anniversary of Hungarian Revolution – Tough Lessons for Americans, Businesses, and Investors

“Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.” – Winston Churchill.   “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana (both per White Board Business).   Investors hear and say that increased certainty is useful in making investment decisions, especially …

Socialism’s Dangers and Communism Sucks – 63rd Anniversary of Hungarian Revolution – Tough Lessons for Americans, Businesses, and Investors Read More


New, Heartbreaking Data Revealed by MHProNews for Omaha-Knoxville-Arlington Axis and Allies

Earlier this evening, a simple premise was laid out in the report linked here which will be useful in understanding the data that follows. Let’s sum up to set the table for what follows. There is an affordable housing crisis. Mainstream housing is far outperforming manufactured homes. The National Association …

New, Heartbreaking Data Revealed by MHProNews for Omaha-Knoxville-Arlington Axis and Allies Read More

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