Manufactured and Modular Housing News

News Reports: Housing news updates and reports for Manufactured Home and Modular Housing Industry professionals and investors. Business – daily fact checks, market reports, and analysis.


Cultural Corner – O Fortuna, Hava Nageela, Mary Did You Know, and America x2

If videos and storytelling can move minds and hearts – and they are proven to do so – then music videos as a genre is something that affordable housing industry professionals should better understand.   Not long ago, for the 4th of July holiday, our publisher posted a video about …

Cultural Corner – O Fortuna, Hava Nageela, Mary Did You Know, and America x2 Read More


Objectivity – Obama, Trump, Controversies, Obstacles, Opportunities – Manufactured Housing Review

  There are those across the left-right spectrum who were shocked and outraged last week when President Donald J. Trump looked toward heaven on camera, and said that “I am the Chosen One…” Blasphemous?!?   There are those who were similarly disturbed when then candidate Barack Obama took the stage at …

Objectivity – Obama, Trump, Controversies, Obstacles, Opportunities – Manufactured Housing Review Read More


Zillow Research Reveals Propaganda? Warren Buffett, Manufactured Housing Institute, Life, Death, and Dancing with the Devil?

Propaganda is defined by the Safari-connected online dictionary as follows. ‘Information of a biased or misleading nature, used to publicize a particular political cause or point of view.’     As with many of our MHProNews articles, we will systematically build step-by-step toward the headline. Let’s begin. Propaganda could in …

Zillow Research Reveals Propaganda? Warren Buffett, Manufactured Housing Institute, Life, Death, and Dancing with the Devil? Read More


Powell “Leaving Door Wide Open” for Cuts, POTUS Trump “Orders” U.S. Business Out of China, plus Manufactured Home Investing News

There will be days, weeks, months and perhaps years of arm-chair quarterbacking about today and decisions in Beijing and Washington made regarding U.S.-China trade. Only those dialed into the economic engine potential of affordable housing can debatably appreciate how the current economic turmoil over tariffs, trade, interest rates, and other …

Powell “Leaving Door Wide Open” for Cuts, POTUS Trump “Orders” U.S. Business Out of China, plus Manufactured Home Investing News Read More


Opportunity Starts at Home Group Asks 2020 Presidential Hopefuls to Make Affordable Housing Priority, Stunning Poll Results

  It’s a hot issue.  Who says?   Anecdotal as well as polling/statistical evidence for some years suggests that ‘housing affordability’ has drawn ever more attention on the political left than the right. But during the Trump Administration, that gap may be narrowing, as HUD Secretary Ben Carson and the …

Opportunity Starts at Home Group Asks 2020 Presidential Hopefuls to Make Affordable Housing Priority, Stunning Poll Results Read More


ELS’ Howard Walker, on Where the Money is in Manufactured Housing

Some years back, the late Vice Chairman for Equity LifeStyle Properties (ELS), Howard Walker, JD, said this to our publisher. “Tony, the money in manufactured housing is in a book.”   Walker went onto explain that manufactured housing was filled with stories. For example. ·        There are the personalities, like …

ELS’ Howard Walker, on Where the Money is in Manufactured Housing Read More


Manufactured Housing Connected Billionaires Donors, List of Democratic Presidential Contenders with Most Billionaire Donations

Forbes and NewsMax are reporting a list of which 2020 Democratic Presidential hopefuls have the most billionaires providing them with campaign support.   Sam Zell, of Equity LifeStyle Properties (ELS) fame is among them. While most manufactured home professionals don’t ponder Bill Gates connections to manufactured and factory-built housing, they …

Manufactured Housing Connected Billionaires Donors, List of Democratic Presidential Contenders with Most Billionaire Donations Read More


Russia Collusion, Again? “Deep State” Comments Lead Overstock CEO Out, plus Manufactured Home Investing Updates

There isn’t much connection between this headline and manufactured housing on the surface, save this.  It is one more reminder that for some 2 years, much of the media were ‘covering’ a controversy that was cooked up.  MHProNews, over two years ago, said that it would lead no where with …

Russia Collusion, Again? “Deep State” Comments Lead Overstock CEO Out, plus Manufactured Home Investing Updates Read More


New Manufactured Home Community Owner Defends Actions in Legal, Media Uproar

There’s fake news, meh reporting, and then there is news plus analysis that shares a variety of perspectives that paints a richer picture involving often complex scenarios.   As thousands of manufactured housing industry professionals know, for some years, there have been seminars, boot camps, videos, and other so-called educational …

New Manufactured Home Community Owner Defends Actions in Legal, Media Uproar Read More


Implementation of the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000, Congressional Hearing, Redux

Mainstream media routinely does flashbacks to set the context for new or developing controversies. In manufactured housing, to be fair, there are some examples of that by others, but they are arguable often tilted with little or no evidence provided to support their often flawed thinking, easily debunked, and outrageous …

Implementation of the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000, Congressional Hearing, Redux Read More


County Plans Housing Fair Sept. 7, 2019, Dozens Getting Conventional, Manufactured Homes

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development program will be presenting a housing fair in Upper Lake, CA. The fair is set to begin at 11 AM, Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake Community Room, 9460 Main St., Upper Lake, per Lake County News. Since 2008, more than 500 …

County Plans Housing Fair Sept. 7, 2019, Dozens Getting Conventional, Manufactured Homes Read More


“Too Fast, Too Furious” Said POTUS Trump, “I Am the Chosen One” on China, plus Manufactured Home Investing Updates

Markets surged upward again.  On his way to address veterans in Kentucky, President Trump stopped to speak to reporters. As is often the case, he gave fodder to both his fans and his foes.  We will examine the meaning of those quotes above, and unpack the latest on rates, trade, …

“Too Fast, Too Furious” Said POTUS Trump, “I Am the Chosen One” on China, plus Manufactured Home Investing Updates Read More


Tucker Carlson on GOP Senator Mike Lee – “Maybe It’s…as Corrupt as It Looks”

Corruption is a strong word.  Talk show hosts on radio and television are accustomed at using phrasing that sparks a reaction.  Some bloggers do so too.  The reason is that it often leads to more clicks and views. That said, sometimes a topic is so important that strong words are …

Tucker Carlson on GOP Senator Mike Lee – “Maybe It’s…as Corrupt as It Looks” Read More


“We Seem to Have Lost Common Sense,” HUD Secretary Ben Carson – Homeless, Affordable Housing Crisis

The places across the country that seem to have the most homelessness, said HUD Secretary Ben Carson, seem to be the places that have the most regulatory barriers.  That was said on 8.20.2019, just last night on Fox News’ The Story with Martha MacCallum.   Secretary Carson said he also …

“We Seem to Have Lost Common Sense,” HUD Secretary Ben Carson – Homeless, Affordable Housing Crisis Read More


Federal “Operation Choke Point,” A Fresh Look from MHVille

“Operation Choke Point was real, and it exceeded legal limits. Overwhelming evidence, in the form of more than 900 pages of newly unsealed” documents were reported by American Banker on Nov 28, 2018.   More recently, the Consumer Finance Monitor said, “The FDIC has announced that it has entered into …

Federal “Operation Choke Point,” A Fresh Look from MHVille Read More


“More Extreme Ideas,” “More Fairy Tale Economics” – Frmr Rep John Delaney on 2020 Democratic Contest, Zogby on POTUS Trump, plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates

Businessman, former Democratic Congressman, and 2020 hopeful for his party’s nomination John Delaney is making the rounds on various cable news shows. His message?  He hopes to be the moderate candidate who will give his party’s voters an alternative to Joe Biden and to those in his party who have …

“More Extreme Ideas,” “More Fairy Tale Economics” – Frmr Rep John Delaney on 2020 Democratic Contest, Zogby on POTUS Trump, plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates Read More


Looking at “Legal” Tiny House Living Compared to HUD Code Manufactured Homes

ABC 7 and The Bold Italic (TBI) teamed up to do a report on what is billed as Northern California’s first ‘legal’ tiny house community.   To set the stage, readers are reminded of the following.  ·        Legality of tiny houses has been an issue since early on in the …

Looking at “Legal” Tiny House Living Compared to HUD Code Manufactured Homes Read More


Home Remodeling Industry – Risks, Costs, What it Tells Manufactured Housing Professionals

  “Homeowners and landlords in the U.S. spent an astonishing $424 billion on home improvements in 2017, according to Improving America’s Housing 2019, a Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies…” read that portion of a March 12, 2019 report in Money.  MarketWatch said that total number may be $450 billion …

Home Remodeling Industry – Risks, Costs, What it Tells Manufactured Housing Professionals Read More


“Deadman’s Switch” Activated, Google Whistleblower Sounds Alarm, plus Manufactured Home Equities, Investing Updates

There are already federal investigations of Google and others in Big Tech – notably the so-called FAANG companies – underway. There are already voices that have said that Google and other FAANG operations have attempted to tip the scales in favor of progressive views as opposed to conservative ones. To …

“Deadman’s Switch” Activated, Google Whistleblower Sounds Alarm, plus Manufactured Home Equities, Investing Updates Read More

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