Manufactured and Modular Housing News

News Reports: Housing news updates and reports for Manufactured Home and Modular Housing Industry professionals and investors. Business – daily fact checks, market reports, and analysis.


Increasing Manufactured Home Sales – Oversight, Regulatory Connections Impacting MHVille

  For thousands of manufactured home operations, including independents of various kinds, increasing new HUD Code home sales in a profitable, sustainable, ethical fashion is a routine goal.   Among the roadblocks to achieving that are zoning, placement, and related issues.  As a recent report, linked below, reflected a growing …

Increasing Manufactured Home Sales – Oversight, Regulatory Connections Impacting MHVille Read More

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WH-“Bad Day for Swamp,” Tulsi Gabbard “Unchecked Power” “Big…Monopolies,” plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates

Tonight and tomorrow night on left-of-center CNN news will be the second round of Democratic debates. Yesterday, we spotlighted Senator Elizabeth Warren (MA-D), and pledged to provide a report from the White House, which will be found below, along with a report that features Democratic 2020 hopeful, Rep Tulsi Gabbard …

WH-“Bad Day for Swamp,” Tulsi Gabbard “Unchecked Power” “Big…Monopolies,” plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates Read More


Manufactured Housing Consensus Committee Meeting Advances MHARR Regulatory Reform Proposals

In a conference call today of members of the General Subcommittee of the Manufactured Housing Consensus Committee (MHCC), several developments occurred.  One will be the topic of an upcoming and separate report from this one, which may occur after the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) provides whatever ‘alert’ or ‘update’ to …

Manufactured Housing Consensus Committee Meeting Advances MHARR Regulatory Reform Proposals Read More


THIEL v GOYINGS – Modular Housing High Court Victory, Additional Details from Modular Home Builders Association

In case you missed it (ICYMI), last week there was a significant legal victory that the Modular Home Builders (MHBA) was pleased to have participated in.   That original report is linked here and below.  It is necessary to grasp the added details that follow. “Historic!” High Court Ruling on …

THIEL v GOYINGS – Modular Housing High Court Victory, Additional Details from Modular Home Builders Association Read More


‘Emotions kill,’ Billionaire Ray Dalio, ‘Income Inequality National Emergency,’ plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates

Let’s lay it out like this. On 60 Minutes, billionaire investor Ray Dalio said some things that are pretty savvy.  Other things sounded odd coming from a billionaire. We’ll sort that out with facts and analysis, on this evening in our report further below, prior to the mixed results on …

‘Emotions kill,’ Billionaire Ray Dalio, ‘Income Inequality National Emergency,’ plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates Read More


“Legalized Looting: Mobile Home Rent Increases Require Wall Street Reforms” Says Senator Warren

The letter that follows from Senator Elizabeth Warren (MA-D) is reproduced from the Iowa City Press Citizen from this link here under fair use guidelines. The Massachusetts maverick senator’s letter will be followed by an analysis and commentary by MHProNews.   Senator Warren is a 2020 Democratic presidential nomination hopeful. …

“Legalized Looting: Mobile Home Rent Increases Require Wall Street Reforms” Says Senator Warren Read More


Developer Nick Sinatra Sues City Over Manufactured Home Deal

  A Buffalo developer has filed suit with the Village of Alden in New York, alleging officials interfering with his agreements to sell an aging manufactured home community, causing losses of more than a half-million dollars.   The Alden Landings mobile and manufactured home community is a near the village’s …

Developer Nick Sinatra Sues City Over Manufactured Home Deal Read More


Chinese Flat-Packed Prefabs Target U.S., International Markets – Video, Details

MHProNews has provided periodic warnings for several years to domestic factory-built housing professionals about the potential impact of their modular, container, and other forms of prefabricated housing targeting the U.S. market.   Such Chinese prefab units have already been produced and shipped to the United States, typically for the West …

Chinese Flat-Packed Prefabs Target U.S., International Markets – Video, Details Read More


Facts are Stubborn Things, Manufactured, Modular Home Professionals Celebrate Victories

  As professionals of all kinds know, every day – each week – is a potentially important and impactful one. But some days and weeks are clearly more memorable than others.   In the past week: The modular home industry won a significant court case. The manufactured home industry obtained …

Facts are Stubborn Things, Manufactured, Modular Home Professionals Celebrate Victories Read More


Publicly Traded Manufactured Housing Firms – Which Source Do You Trust More? Why? MHI, MHARR, Others

  MHProNews has made the ‘stating the obvious’ argument before that the management of publicly traded firms have a fiduciary responsibility to their stockholders.  For those who have not seen that report, grasped that legal point, or who simply want a refresher on that topic, you can access it by …

Publicly Traded Manufactured Housing Firms – Which Source Do You Trust More? Why? MHI, MHARR, Others Read More


Under Pressure, MHI Pivots “HUD Must Implement and Enforce its Enhanced Preemption Authority”

  Three-word executive summary? ‘Sustained pushback pays.’   One sentence summary? ‘Routinely spotlighting purported failures by the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) to properly do their job is once more showing measurable results.’  But there is more work to do. Let’s dive into the background and the latest facts as it …

Under Pressure, MHI Pivots “HUD Must Implement and Enforce its Enhanced Preemption Authority” Read More


Google Under Fire, $50 Million Rep Tulsi Gabbard Suit, Peter Theil Cries Foul too, plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates

Google is catching heat from a variety of sources. Tech guru Peter Theil recently accused them of putting national defense at risk.  This week, 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful, Representative Tulsi Gabbard (HI-D) is filed suit, saying that Google has too much control over elections. The DOJ is probing big tech, …

Google Under Fire, $50 Million Rep Tulsi Gabbard Suit, Peter Theil Cries Foul too, plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates Read More


National Low Income Housing Coalition Touts “Yes In My Back Yard” Act, S. 1919

The National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC), as their name implies, is focused on issue of housing affordability.  It is regarded as a progressive operation by the left-of-center Huffington Post and others. That’s precisely what makes their spotlighting earlier this month of Senator Todd Young (IN-R)  “Yes in My Back …

National Low Income Housing Coalition Touts “Yes In My Back Yard” Act, S. 1919 Read More


“Historic!” High Court Ruling on Modular Home Case Touted by Modular Home Builders Association (MHBA) Tom Hardiman

  “…the Supreme Court could have ruled in favor of the Court of Appeals and ordered the Goyings to tear down their home. That would have been tragic. But we are proud to be a part of this ground-breaking ruling and proud of the homes our members build.” – MHBA …

“Historic!” High Court Ruling on Modular Home Case Touted by Modular Home Builders Association (MHBA) Tom Hardiman Read More


Patrick Riding High – Latest Data – plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates

Patrick is a supplier to the RV, Marine, and Manufactured Housing Industry, among others.  Their data is therefor of interest to manufactured housing industry professionals and investors for several reasons. Their press release on earnings and data will be this evening’s market feature. Every evening our headlines snapshots from two …

Patrick Riding High – Latest Data – plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates Read More


Approval for New Manufactured Home Development Obtained, Groundbreaking Planned, Details Others Lack

A new manufactured home community has been authorized by a vote of the Midland, Texas City Council earlier this month.   In the 1960s well into the 1990s, such approvals were fairly routine. But in the 20 years since manufactured housing hit its last high in 1998, the number of …

Approval for New Manufactured Home Development Obtained, Groundbreaking Planned, Details Others Lack Read More


Manufactured Housing Institute – Seth Appleton, Hunter Kurtz Begin Key Roles at HUD – Analysis

  On July 10, 2019, the Arlington, VA based Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) published the following.  It will be provided verbatim.  It will be followed by our MHProNews analysis.     Seth Appleton and Hunter Kurtz Begin Key Roles at HUD On June 28, 2019, Seth Appleton was sworn in …

Manufactured Housing Institute – Seth Appleton, Hunter Kurtz Begin Key Roles at HUD – Analysis Read More


“Revolving Door” – 2019 Research by Public Citizen Spotlights Swampy Problems

There are several organizations across the left-right political spectrum that have done research similar to what the nonprofit group Public Citizen has produced. Citing this research should not be construed as an endorsement of the organization’s other positions, or even of their proposals with respect to this specific issue of …

“Revolving Door” – 2019 Research by Public Citizen Spotlights Swampy Problems Read More


NAR, Land Use, Property Rights, Declining Existing, New Housing Sales

    “Home sales are running at a pace similar to 2015 levels – even with exceptionally low mortgage rates, a record number of jobs and a record high net worth in the country…” –        Lawrence Yun, Ph.D., National Association of Realtors (NAR) chief economist, July 23, 2019.   “Imbalance …

NAR, Land Use, Property Rights, Declining Existing, New Housing Sales Read More


Treasury Secretary Mnuchin “Absolutely Right” AG Investigating Antitrust Issues, plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates

The topic was the FAANG stocks, with a focus on Amazon. Berkshire Hathaway now has about $1 billion dollars of Amazon stock and the firm has a large stake in Apple too.  With Amazon moving into prefab housing, and given the parallels between what is occurring in retail and what …

Treasury Secretary Mnuchin “Absolutely Right” AG Investigating Antitrust Issues, plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates Read More

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