Manufactured and Modular Housing News

News Reports: Housing news updates and reports for Manufactured Home and Modular Housing Industry professionals and investors. Business – daily fact checks, market reports, and analysis.


Declining Manufactured Home Shipments More Serious Than Retailers, Communities Being Told

The new data for March 2019 is in. This May 2019 HUD Code production data update is arguably more serious than any other bloggers or trade media in manufactured housing dare publish. This Daily Business News on MHProNews report will reflect the latest toplines. But it will also shed light …

Declining Manufactured Home Shipments More Serious Than Retailers, Communities Being Told Read More


Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger Video Interview at Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting on GSEs Lending for Affordable Manufactured Housing and Clayton Homes

For those that are new or want a refresher, the exclusive report by the Daily Business News on MHProNews of the Clayton Homes related 2018 data from Warren Buffett and Berkshire Hathaway is found at the report linked from the text-image box below. 2018 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Report, Clayton Homes, …

Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger Video Interview at Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting on GSEs Lending for Affordable Manufactured Housing and Clayton Homes Read More


Nobility Homes Annual Report – New, Illustrated Investor’s Corporate Snapshot of Manufactured Modular Home Producer

Unless otherwise noted, the sources for the information that follows are from Nobility Homes (NOBH) 2018 annual report and/or their company’s website, YouTube page, or other company information. It is being provided here under fair use guidelines. Rephrased, this is our report, uses information from their firm, but is not …

Nobility Homes Annual Report – New, Illustrated Investor’s Corporate Snapshot of Manufactured Modular Home Producer Read More


Warren Buffett’s Profitable Lessons for Manufactured Housing

“”We can afford to lose money – even a lot of money. But we can’t afford to lose reputation – even a shred of reputation,” wrote Warren Buffett to managers,” according to a post on the Wall Street Journal’s Facebook page. Now contrast that with the investment-focused Motley Fool’s citation …

Warren Buffett’s Profitable Lessons for Manufactured Housing Read More


George F. Allen’s Unity Call for MHI, MHARR, and National Association of Manufactured Housing Community Owners (NAMHCO) Examined

What’s the largest national trade association in manufactured housing? As longtime former-member George F. Allen should know, it is the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI), based in Arlington, VA. They have for years claimed that “MHI is the only national trade organization representing all segments of the factory-built housing industry.” – …

George F. Allen’s Unity Call for MHI, MHARR, and National Association of Manufactured Housing Community Owners (NAMHCO) Examined Read More


HUD Secretary Carson on National TV, Touting Manufactured Housing, More Jobs & Investment Opportunities

For over a year, the Daily Business News on MHProNews has been virtually alone in the industry’s trade media in periodically spotlighting the Opportunity Zones that were part of the Trump Administration tax and economic stimulus plans. Given the nation’s complex ‘carrots and sticks’ federal tax system, the Opportunity Zones …

HUD Secretary Carson on National TV, Touting Manufactured Housing, More Jobs & Investment Opportunities Read More


Governor Signs 18’ Wide Single-Section Bill

“The first session of the 57th Oklahoma Legislature completed its third month last week as the Senate and House completed hearing bills on the floor of their respective chamber by the April 25 deadline,” said the Manufactured Housing Association of Oklahoma (MHAO). Governor Kevin Stitt has signed the bill that …

Governor Signs 18’ Wide Single-Section Bill Read More


Holocaust Remembrance Day, You Don’t Know What Tough Is, and Ramadan

We will weave two seemingly disconnected topics together. Holocaust Remembrance Day and the approach of Ramadan. First the Holocaust didn’t just impact Jews, who were certainly a prime target. Millions of non-Jewish people died in the same Nazi death camps. It is also not enough to wag a finger at …

Holocaust Remembrance Day, You Don’t Know What Tough Is, and Ramadan Read More


Top Ten Smaller Cities Millennials Moving to For Lower Housing Cost, Plus Stock Updates

Let’s have some fun admitting that while there are real pains to being the contrarian to the manufactured housing industry’s BOR-ing ‘Knoxville-Arlington Amen Corner,’ there is also a liberating quality to it. We on the Daily Business News on MHProNews don’t have to wonder what the big boys think when …

Top Ten Smaller Cities Millennials Moving to For Lower Housing Cost, Plus Stock Updates Read More


HUD Secretary Ben Carson Surprise Appearance at Manufactured Housing Consensus Committee, Exclusive Quotes – Addressing Manufactured Home Industry

HUD Secretary Ben Carson told the Manufactured Housing Consensus Committee (MHCC) yesterday that manufactured housing “is a product which clearly fills a need that would otherwise go unmet.” Secretary Carson made a surprise appearance that the MHCC meeting in Washington, D.C. yesterday. Per informed sources, HUD’s Office of Manufactured Housing …

HUD Secretary Ben Carson Surprise Appearance at Manufactured Housing Consensus Committee, Exclusive Quotes – Addressing Manufactured Home Industry Read More


Warning – Number 1 Manufactured Housing State, Texas – Reports Month Over Month Rise, Year over Year Shipment Decline Continues

Last night, the Daily Business News on MHProNews looked at regional data that revealed 3 states with increases, but 3 others with significant declines in new manufactured homes shipped. Now, in our pre-dawn report, multiple tips from members of the Texas Manufactured Housing Association (TMHA) provided their state’s latest – …

Warning – Number 1 Manufactured Housing State, Texas – Reports Month Over Month Rise, Year over Year Shipment Decline Continues Read More


Newly Published Regional State Data Reflects Gainers, Losers in New Manufactured Homes Shipped

Tips from members of the Manufactured Housing Association of Oklahoma (MHAO) members provided the data their state association produced. The graphic below summarized MHAO’s calculations of what the states of AR, KS, LA, MO, NM, OK, and TX shipped in February 2019 vs 2018, and a Year over Year (YoY) …

Newly Published Regional State Data Reflects Gainers, Losers in New Manufactured Homes Shipped Read More


One Word From Fed’s Jerome Powell Sent Stocks Lower, Plus Manufactured Housing Market Updates

MarketWatch has a column today about capitalism and the law that merits a good fact-check, but we will defer that topic for another date, as the headlines for today were focused on Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell’s “one word” that sent generally sent stocks down. On a day with slightly …

One Word From Fed’s Jerome Powell Sent Stocks Lower, Plus Manufactured Housing Market Updates Read More


Skyline Champion (SKY) Hedge Fund Dumps Shares, Value Declines

“Sankaty Advisors Llc decreased its stake in Skyline Champion Corporation (SKY) by 29.6% based on its latest 2018Q4 regulatory filing with the SEC. Sankaty Advisors Llc sold 2.01 million shares as the company’s stock declined 5.55% while stock markets rallied. The hedge fund held 4.79M shares of the homebuilding company …

Skyline Champion (SKY) Hedge Fund Dumps Shares, Value Declines Read More


MHARR Weighs in, HUD Secretary Carson Letter – “Discriminatory…Exclusionary Zoning of HUD-Regulated Manufactured Homes”

According to key “congressional supporters of the 2000 reform law” in a letter to HUD said that “…changes to the law [the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000] give “HUD the legal authority to preempt local requirements or restrictions which discriminate against the siting of manufactured homes … simply because …

MHARR Weighs in, HUD Secretary Carson Letter – “Discriminatory…Exclusionary Zoning of HUD-Regulated Manufactured Homes” Read More


Wild Washington “Impeachment,” “Infrastructure” Theater Fuels Wall Street Dip, plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates

President Barack Obama had two years to get the Democratic Party agenda through during his first term in the Oval Office.  While there was much of the usual back-and-forth, Democrats largely got their way. But with President Trump, objectively speaking, the charge of “Russian Collusion” has hung over his presidency …

Wild Washington “Impeachment,” “Infrastructure” Theater Fuels Wall Street Dip, plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates Read More


Manufactured Housing – White Hats, Black Hats, Investing, Consumers, MH Independents

Let’s begin this report with a clarification of the headline. The term white hats and black hats are metaphorical for ‘good guys’ and ‘bad guys.’ We know professionals in our industry who literally wear black hats. That should not be construed as a slam on any of those who literally …

Manufactured Housing – White Hats, Black Hats, Investing, Consumers, MH Independents Read More


Barron’s Big Money Manager Survey Democratic, Trump, Congress Result$, plus MH Stock Updates

Investors crave certainty. In a true constitutional republic, they should have that, but many if not most Americans may not know what those words actually mean.  Sad and costly. In the wake of the 2016 election, stocks began their record runup.  But as the elections of 2018 approached political uncertainty …

Barron’s Big Money Manager Survey Democratic, Trump, Congress Result$, plus MH Stock Updates Read More


New Manufactured Home Community Research Data – Site Fees, Occupancy Survey, YoY Changes, 20 Top U.S. Markets

Before you take out that credit card to pay for similar data to Datacomp-JLT or others, why not look at what this free snapshot provides. It may save you some money. In a release to the Daily Business News on MHProNews, Marcus & Millichap Research Services provided the following snapshot. …

New Manufactured Home Community Research Data – Site Fees, Occupancy Survey, YoY Changes, 20 Top U.S. Markets Read More

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