Manufactured and Modular Housing News

News Reports: Housing news updates and reports for Manufactured Home and Modular Housing Industry professionals and investors. Business – daily fact checks, market reports, and analysis.

ManufacturedHomeLoansAnnouncedDaleBakerKeyBankPresidentOfHomeLendingGivesExclusiveAddedInsightsToLaunchOfMHLoansByFinancialServicesGiantWithAssetsOf$188 BillionMHProNews

Manufactured Home Loans Announced – Dale Baker – KeyBank President of Home Lending Gives Exclusive Added Insights to Launch of MHLoans by Financial Services Giant with Assets of $188 Billion

According to Bing AI: “KeyBank operates in 15 states with over 1,200 branches and 1,500 ATMs 1.” Bing AI also said on this date that “KeyBank is one of the largest bank-based financial services companies in the United States, with assets of approximately $188 billion as of September 30, 2023 1.” On October 26, 2023 KeyBank …

Manufactured Home Loans Announced – Dale Baker – KeyBank President of Home Lending Gives Exclusive Added Insights to Launch of MHLoans by Financial Services Giant with Assets of $188 Billion Read More


Artificial Intelligence Answers: ‘Why Manufactured Housing Has Underperformed in 21st Century During Affordable Housing Crisis?’ Facts, Analysis, plus Sunday Weekly MHVille Headlines Recap

A fresh series of Q&As testing the Bing AI (Artificial Intelligence) Chat tool reveals fascinating insights into modern manufactured housing. The following is a series of questions and answers with Bing AI Chat on 10.31.2023 through 11.5.2023 performed by MHProNews. Note that on these dates, Bing AI does not ask …

Artificial Intelligence Answers: ‘Why Manufactured Housing Has Underperformed in 21st Century During Affordable Housing Crisis?’ Facts, Analysis, plus Sunday Weekly MHVille Headlines Recap Read More


Manufactured Housing Production Decline Persists in Sept 2023 per Manufactured Housing Association ‘During Affordable Housing Crisis Affordable Manufactured Housing Continues to Underperform’, Facts Analysis –

The latest statistics for September 2023 were released on 11.3.2023 and are provided herein from the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR).  The data release reveals a month-over-month decline from August 2023 as well as a year-over-year drop since September 2022. New manufactured housing production has now been falling …

Manufactured Housing Production Decline Persists in Sept 2023 per Manufactured Housing Association ‘During Affordable Housing Crisis Affordable Manufactured Housing Continues to Underperform’, Facts Analysis – Read More


‘YES We Care Volunteers Unite to Transform Home for Deserving Resident’ per Yes! Communities–Backstories to Manufactured Housing Institute Award-Winner Yes PR Missed; plus MHVille Markets Update

“YES Communities is an operator of manufactured housing communities based in Denver, Colorado. YES has been recognized as the Manufactured Housing Institute’s “Community Operator of the Year” from 2009 to 2019.” So says the firm’s press release (PR) via Globe Newswire. Their PR pitches “A heartwarming community initiative” that per …

‘YES We Care Volunteers Unite to Transform Home for Deserving Resident’ per Yes! Communities–Backstories to Manufactured Housing Institute Award-Winner Yes PR Missed; plus MHVille Markets Update Read More


Governor Hochul Signs 3 Bills ‘to Support Homeowners at Manufactured Home Parks’ – Consequences of ‘Predatory’ Manufactured Home Community Operators Spread in U.S.; plus MHVille Market Updates

According to the press release from New York Governor’s office: “…Kathy Hochul today signed legislation to support homeowners at manufactured home parks, a critical source of affordable housing for residents in New York State, particularly Upstate and in rural areas.” New York State Senator James Skoufis said: “This bill package …

Governor Hochul Signs 3 Bills ‘to Support Homeowners at Manufactured Home Parks’ – Consequences of ‘Predatory’ Manufactured Home Community Operators Spread in U.S.; plus MHVille Market Updates Read More


‘It Reads Like a Crime Novel’ – Analysis by NVIC’s Barbara Loe Fisher ‘This is Not the America My Parents and I Grew Up In’ – Facts and Analysis, plus MHVille Market Updates

“It Reads Like a Crime Novel” is a pull quote from Barbara Loe Fisher’s article via the Mercola website and used below with their permission. Another pull quote is: “This is not the America my parents and I grew up in. It is not the America I want my children …

‘It Reads Like a Crime Novel’ – Analysis by NVIC’s Barbara Loe Fisher ‘This is Not the America My Parents and I Grew Up In’ – Facts and Analysis, plus MHVille Market Updates Read More


Homelight-‘Why Does the U.S. Have a Housing Shortage, and What Can Be Done to Fix It?’ ‘Roots of Problem Run Much Deeper’ – NAR, NAHB, and Manufactured Housing; plus MHVille Markets Update

According to HomeLight: “If you’ve turned on the news or tried to buy a house since 2020, you’ve probably already heard about the housing shortage and its contributions to the soaring cost of real estate. And while it’s easy to blame this shortage on the pandemic, the so-called “urban exodus,” …

Homelight-‘Why Does the U.S. Have a Housing Shortage, and What Can Be Done to Fix It?’ ‘Roots of Problem Run Much Deeper’ – NAR, NAHB, and Manufactured Housing; plus MHVille Markets Update Read More


Facts-Data-Surveys-U.S. Manufactured Housing Industry Production Trends from all 50 States with Latest Census Data 10.2023 for Manufactured Homes+HUD Single Family Conventional Housing Sales

An authentic way to track the trends in manufactured housing is by using factual measurements based upon new U.S. manufactured home production and trends. This report is being posted in part to counter apparent paltering and posturing of data, statistics, graphics and trends by others in MHVille rather than clearly …

Facts-Data-Surveys-U.S. Manufactured Housing Industry Production Trends from all 50 States with Latest Census Data 10.2023 for Manufactured Homes+HUD Single Family Conventional Housing Sales Read More


Manufactured Homes–Prosperity Now, Housing Assistance Council, Lincoln Institute Weigh in on Needs-Exploring Other Side of Manufactured Housing Institute Amen Corner; plus Sunday Weekly MHVille Headlines Recap

It is not only potentially useful, but important for manufactured home professionals and affordable policy advocates open to manufactured housing to consider research and position statements like the one below from Prosperity Now, the Housing Assistance Council (HAC), and the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. The document cited and republished …

Manufactured Homes–Prosperity Now, Housing Assistance Council, Lincoln Institute Weigh in on Needs-Exploring Other Side of Manufactured Housing Institute Amen Corner; plus Sunday Weekly MHVille Headlines Recap Read More


Sun Communities ‘Compelling Supply–Demand Fundamentals’ ‘Virtually No New Supply Added for Years’ but Manufactured Home Sales Drop, Quarterly-Y2D2023 Data with Analysis; plus MHMarkets

From the most recent Sun Communities (SUI) investor presentations (linked further below) are two of the headline statements. ‘Compelling Supply – Demand Fundamentals’ said SUI’s IR pitch with ‘Virtually No New Supply Has Been Added for Years.’ Those remarks are by a prominent Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) member with a …

Sun Communities ‘Compelling Supply–Demand Fundamentals’ ‘Virtually No New Supply Added for Years’ but Manufactured Home Sales Drop, Quarterly-Y2D2023 Data with Analysis; plus MHMarkets Read More


Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) and Manufactured Housing Institute October 2023 Washington, D.C. – Industry Updates – Exclusive Report-Analysis; w/MHVille Markets

It is useful to provide the views of both national trade associations engaged in the manufactured housing industry. MHProNews has been doing this from the early days of our publication, which is now over 14 years since our launch. For several years, the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) and the Manufactured …

Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) and Manufactured Housing Institute October 2023 Washington, D.C. – Industry Updates – Exclusive Report-Analysis; w/MHVille Markets Read More


Shock! Manufactured Housing Institute Says Rep Ralph Norman Amendment Could Stop Spending Package for Dept of Energy (H.R. 4394) Standards for Manufactured Homes-Backstory; plus MHVille Markets

Per attorneys for the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI), the manufactured home industry could suffer “Irreparable Harm” if the DOE energy rules for HUD Code manufactured homes are allowed to go into effect. Similarly, as the information that follows further below reflects, Cavco Industries CEO William “Bill” Boor is said by …

Shock! Manufactured Housing Institute Says Rep Ralph Norman Amendment Could Stop Spending Package for Dept of Energy (H.R. 4394) Standards for Manufactured Homes-Backstory; plus MHVille Markets Read More


TMHA and TRERC – ‘Texas Manufactured Housing Production Up But Still Outpaced by Demand’ – Wacky Wednesday Look at #1 Manufactured Housing ‘Lone Star State’ Remarks and Analysis; plus MHVille Market Updates

The Texas Manufactured Housing Association (TMHA) and the Texas Real Estate Research Center (TRERC) have been collaborating for some time on a monthly report on the manufactured housing industry in Texas. Several, but not all, of their reports have upon closer examination proven to be controversial. For example, there are …

TMHA and TRERC – ‘Texas Manufactured Housing Production Up But Still Outpaced by Demand’ – Wacky Wednesday Look at #1 Manufactured Housing ‘Lone Star State’ Remarks and Analysis; plus MHVille Market Updates Read More

BidenomicsEffectOnHousingPerNBCnewsAndDCNF-HomeShoppersBuyingPowerNowOnly½ ofPurchasingPowerInDecember2020ManufacturedHousingAnalysisPlusMHVilleMarketsUpdateMHProNews

‘Bidenomics Effect’ on Housing – per NBC News and DCNF – ‘Home Shoppers Buying Power Now Only ½ of Purchasing Power in December 2020’ Manufactured Housing Analysis; plus MHVille Markets Update

Left-leaning NBC News said on 10.21.2023 that: “A tough market for homebuyers keeps getting tougher as the combination of rising prices and climbing mortgage rates makes it even harder to afford a home, new data shows. In spite of these challenges, people are still buying homes. About 4 million are …

‘Bidenomics Effect’ on Housing – per NBC News and DCNF – ‘Home Shoppers Buying Power Now Only ½ of Purchasing Power in December 2020’ Manufactured Housing Analysis; plus MHVille Markets Update Read More


Manufactured Homes Eye-Opener for Investors-Simply Wall Street-‘Apples and Oranges’ Compare Producer Nobility Homes (NOBH) Stock vs. Equity LifeStyle Properties (ELS) and Sun Communities (SUI)

“Nobility Homes, Inc. engages in the design, manufacture, and sale of various manufactured and modular homes in Florida,” says a report by financial news site Simply Wall Street on manufactured home producer Nobility Homes (NOBH) that was updated on 22 October, 2023.  While the financial news site didn’t give them …

Manufactured Homes Eye-Opener for Investors-Simply Wall Street-‘Apples and Oranges’ Compare Producer Nobility Homes (NOBH) Stock vs. Equity LifeStyle Properties (ELS) and Sun Communities (SUI) Read More

UnlikelyAnyInUStoda CanBeSuccessfulAndBePoliticallyIgnorantUnpackingTheWestminsterDeclarationFullTextWhyItMattersPlusSundayWeeklyMHVilleHeadlinesReviewMHProNews

Unlikely Any in U.S. Today Can be Successful and Politically Ignorant – Unpacking the ‘Westminster Declaration’ – Full Text – Why it Matters – Plus Sunday Weekly MHVille Headlines Review

There is a case to be made that information is not only useful but it can be powerful. That implies a reverse truth. Namely, a lack of sound information is limiting. While free speech will always have its challenges, without free speech there are tremendous risks. When some palter, propagandize, …

Unlikely Any in U.S. Today Can be Successful and Politically Ignorant – Unpacking the ‘Westminster Declaration’ – Full Text – Why it Matters – Plus Sunday Weekly MHVille Headlines Review Read More


Tipster Provides ‘Secret’ ‘For Members Only’ Document-But Why? Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Monthly Economic Report for August 2023 – Data Released in October 2023; plus MHVille Markets Update

According to informed third-party sources, ‘rank and file’ manufactured home pros, managers, investors, and others are among the regular readers on MHProNews. Some entered manufactured housing with high hopes, only to see those hopes blunted. The ‘view from the trenches’ in MHVille is often different than manufactured housing ‘leaders’ project. …

Tipster Provides ‘Secret’ ‘For Members Only’ Document-But Why? Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Monthly Economic Report for August 2023 – Data Released in October 2023; plus MHVille Markets Update Read More

BidenEra GAOReportAffordableHousingCrisisGrowsWhileEffortsToIncreaseSupplyFallShortHUDhasNotFullyImplementedProposedChangesSupportingManufacturedHousingPlusMHVilleMarketsMHProNews

Biden Era GAO-‘Affordable Housing Crisis Grows While Efforts to Increase Supply Fall Short’ ‘HUD Hasn’t Implemented Proposed Changes’ Supporting Manufactured Housing – plus MHVille Markets Update

On October 12, 2023 the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) published a new report entitled “The Affordable Housing Crisis Grows While Efforts to Increase Supply Fall Short.” That GAO report looks specifically at HUD Code manufactured homes. Per the GAO website: “What GAO Does,” “GAO provides Congress, the heads of …

Biden Era GAO-‘Affordable Housing Crisis Grows While Efforts to Increase Supply Fall Short’ ‘HUD Hasn’t Implemented Proposed Changes’ Supporting Manufactured Housing – plus MHVille Markets Update Read More


Skyline Champion Acquisition of Regional Homes Closed, ‘Heath Jenkins Unwavering Commitment to Customer First’ – Stock Slips, More Details Beyond SKY Press Release; plus MHVille Markets Update

“Heath [Jenkins] not only brings years of industry retail experience, and strong leadership capabilities exemplified by the strength and tenure of the Regional Homes’ team but also exhibits an unwavering commitment to put the customer first. These are traits that perfectly align with our core operating principles.” So said Mark …

Skyline Champion Acquisition of Regional Homes Closed, ‘Heath Jenkins Unwavering Commitment to Customer First’ – Stock Slips, More Details Beyond SKY Press Release; plus MHVille Markets Update Read More


The Rise and Fall of HUD Code Manufactured Housing – a History of U.S. Manufactured Home Production by Year – 1995-2022 and 2023 Year to Date Data; plus MHVille Markets Update

We live in a period sometimes called the Information Age. Yet, it is surprising how a lack of accurate information seems to characterize certain issues and topics. Among those areas of concern for a lack of dependable facts is about manufactured housing in the United States. This article aims to …

The Rise and Fall of HUD Code Manufactured Housing – a History of U.S. Manufactured Home Production by Year – 1995-2022 and 2023 Year to Date Data; plus MHVille Markets Update Read More

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