Manufactured and Modular Housing News

News Reports: Housing news updates and reports for Manufactured Home and Modular Housing Industry professionals and investors. Business – daily fact checks, market reports, and analysis.


October 3rd Release of Official Manufactured Home Production Data for August 2022 Including Eye-Opening Trends, Additional Facts, and Exclusive Manufactured Housing Industry Analysis

Per MHARR, which cites official HUD provider data at this link here, these are the trends since the start of 2022.     HUD CODE INDUSTRY PRODUCTION GROWS IN AUGUST 2022 Washington, D.C., October 3, 2022 – The Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) reports that according to official …

October 3rd Release of Official Manufactured Home Production Data for August 2022 Including Eye-Opening Trends, Additional Facts, and Exclusive Manufactured Housing Industry Analysis Read More


Washington D.C. Updates on DOE ‘Energy Assault’ HUD is ‘Already Moving’ on DOE Standards MH Financing MHARR White Paper ‘Validated’ Again and More – MHI Side of Story, Facts & Analysis

In a release on 9.28.2022 from the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) to MHProNews are the following ‘Washington, D.C. Updates.’ – The Manufactured Housing Institute ‘side’ of the story is provided following the MHARR release. An MHProNews Analysis and Commentary in brief will follow.   MHARR REPORT AND …

Washington D.C. Updates on DOE ‘Energy Assault’ HUD is ‘Already Moving’ on DOE Standards MH Financing MHARR White Paper ‘Validated’ Again and More – MHI Side of Story, Facts & Analysis Read More

PainWillVaryBasedOnWhereYourHomeIsAndWhetherItsEntryLevelOrPalatialTurnHasHappenedHousingPricesPlungeIn77 PercentOfU.S.MetrosFactsMHVilleAnalysisMHProNews

‘Pain Will Vary Based on Where Your Home Is’ and ‘Whether it’s Entry-Level or Palatial’ – ‘Turn Has Happened’ – Housing Prices Plunge in 77 Percent of U.S. Metros – Facts & MHVille Analysis

Edward Pinto, J.D., the Director of the American Enterprise Institute’s Housing Center (AEI Housing Center) provided the following to MHProNews. It reflects AEI’s latest research as reported by Fortune. AEI’s introduction said the following. Below is a story based on an interview I recently had with Shawn Tully of Fortune …

‘Pain Will Vary Based on Where Your Home Is’ and ‘Whether it’s Entry-Level or Palatial’ – ‘Turn Has Happened’ – Housing Prices Plunge in 77 Percent of U.S. Metros – Facts & MHVille Analysis Read More


Manufactured Housing Institute Urges HUD, Federal Policy Support Preservation of Land-Lease Manufactured Home Communities – Explore MHI’s ‘Advocacy’ for ‘Mobile Home Parks’ – Friday Facts and Follies

“The top 9 most terrifying words in the English Language are: “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.” So said the late President of the United States, Ronald Reagan (R). In MHVille, the case should be explored that a similar declaration could be. ”I’m from the Manufactured Housing …

Manufactured Housing Institute Urges HUD, Federal Policy Support Preservation of Land-Lease Manufactured Home Communities – Explore MHI’s ‘Advocacy’ for ‘Mobile Home Parks’ – Friday Facts and Follies Read More


Truist, Other Investors Increase Multi-Million Dollar Stakes in Legacy Housing Corporation (LEGH), Corp Update by CEO Duncan Bates, with Added Facts, Analysis

MarketBeat says: “Legacy Housing currently has a “Moderate Buy” rating among analysts…” But in making that statement, the stock market information source apparently downplayed what might have been their headline. Namely, Truist Financial Corp increased its already multimillion dollar stake in the firm. So too did Redmond Asset Management LLC, …

Truist, Other Investors Increase Multi-Million Dollar Stakes in Legacy Housing Corporation (LEGH), Corp Update by CEO Duncan Bates, with Added Facts, Analysis Read More


U.S. Postal Service ‘Caught Tracking Mail’ of 1st and 2nd Amendment Advocates, per Reports Citing Gov’t Documents; plus Important Notice to MHProNews Readers, and MHVille REITs, Stocks Update

Important Programming Notice: MHProNews may be in the Hurricane Ian’s storm path once it hits land in Florida. Perhaps the biggest threat for MHProNews could be power outages, which means possible service interruption. MHProNews may pre-post certain articles, but they may lack the market segment (sorry but we don’t claim …

U.S. Postal Service ‘Caught Tracking Mail’ of 1st and 2nd Amendment Advocates, per Reports Citing Gov’t Documents; plus Important Notice to MHProNews Readers, and MHVille REITs, Stocks Update Read More


Home ‘Buyers Walk Away,’ Cancelling Agreements at Record Pace Because Projected Payments Rising – ‘They Cannot Afford’ to Buy – New Redfin Data, Graphics; Plus MHVille REITs, Stocks Update

In a segment report shown below a mainstream news source – CNBC – cited Redfin. So, to round out the picture more completely, MHProNews turned to Redfin to obtain their seemingly increasingly referenced data. Following the Redfin factoids, additional manufactured housing market insights will be provided along with our Daily …

Home ‘Buyers Walk Away,’ Cancelling Agreements at Record Pace Because Projected Payments Rising – ‘They Cannot Afford’ to Buy – New Redfin Data, Graphics; Plus MHVille REITs, Stocks Update Read More


Whistleblower Payout! Cavco (CVCO) Settle with SEC in Securities and Exchange Commission Case vs. Cavco Former CEO Joseph Stegmayer, Daniel Urness – 21-cv-01507 U.S. District Court of AZ

Preface. Someone doesn’t have to be an industry expert or a manufactured home aficionado to recognize the value of this timeless maxim: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”  That noted, let’s dive into the following press releases and other pieces of facts and …

Whistleblower Payout! Cavco (CVCO) Settle with SEC in Securities and Exchange Commission Case vs. Cavco Former CEO Joseph Stegmayer, Daniel Urness – 21-cv-01507 U.S. District Court of AZ Read More


Examining Joe Biden’s White House FACT SHEET on ‘Executive Order on Promoting Competition in the American Economy’ – EO #14036 – plus Sunday MHVille (Manufactured Home Industry) Headlines in Review

Some 14 months ago, Joe Biden signed Executive Order (EO) #14036 on 7.9.2021. “Today’s historic Executive Order established a whole-of-government effort to promote competition in the American economy. The Order includes 72 initiatives by more than a dozen federal agencies to promptly tackle some of the most pressing competition problems …

Examining Joe Biden’s White House FACT SHEET on ‘Executive Order on Promoting Competition in the American Economy’ – EO #14036 – plus Sunday MHVille (Manufactured Home Industry) Headlines in Review Read More

GinnieMae10-10 RuleEssentiallyWipesOutProgramItSupposedlyProtectsMHARRsMarkWeissExposesFHATitleIpetenseInPushForAffordableManufacturedHomeLoansPlusMHVilleStocksUpdateMHProNews

Ginnie Mae 10/10 Rule ‘Essentially Wipes-Out Program it Supposedly Protects’–MHARR’s Mark Weiss Exposes FHA Title I Pretense in Push for Affordable Manufactured Home Loans; plus MHVille Stocks Update

Despite the inherent affordability of HUD Code manufactured housing, the manufactured home connected equities broadly dropped on Friday along with much of the rest of the stock markets. Despite the obvious national need for more affordable housing – as numbers of local, regional, and national news reports underscores – manufactured …

Ginnie Mae 10/10 Rule ‘Essentially Wipes-Out Program it Supposedly Protects’–MHARR’s Mark Weiss Exposes FHA Title I Pretense in Push for Affordable Manufactured Home Loans; plus MHVille Stocks Update Read More


Job Creators Network, Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich Release Plan for Supporting Eight Point ‘Small Businesses Prosperity Plan’, plus Manufactured Home REITs, Stocks Updates

The difference between the interests of smaller businesses and larger businesses comes to light in the eight-point plan advanced by the Job Creators Network in conjunction with former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. When most professionals take a step back and look at their own profession, they see bigger businesses in …

Job Creators Network, Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich Release Plan for Supporting Eight Point ‘Small Businesses Prosperity Plan’, plus Manufactured Home REITs, Stocks Updates Read More


‘Dead Presidents’ – Deal Making by Manufactured Housing Institute PAC Contributors, Starting with Big Communities Buys by RHP Properties and Ross H Partrich; plus MHVille REITs, Stocks Update

“Dead Presidents is a “street” term for cash money. Obviously, this is drawn from the images of the “dead” US Presidents found on most US Currency,” according to the Urban Dictionary. Investing Answers says: “In the finance world, dead presidents are slang for U.S. currency.” That second sources goes on to say the following. …

‘Dead Presidents’ – Deal Making by Manufactured Housing Institute PAC Contributors, Starting with Big Communities Buys by RHP Properties and Ross H Partrich; plus MHVille REITs, Stocks Update Read More


IPS GILDED GIVING 2022-‘Wealth Inequality Distorts Philanthropy Imperils Democracy’ Reports Finger Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, More Philanthro-Feudalism Linked Billionaires; plus MHVille REITs, Stocks Update

The Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) describes itself as follows. “We’re a progressive organization dedicated to building a more equitable, ecologically sustainable, and peaceful society.” IPS’ writers Chuck Collins and Helen Flannery coauthored the following. “GILDED GIVING 2022: How Wealth Inequality Distorts Philanthropy and Imperils Democracy.” In their 2020 edition …

IPS GILDED GIVING 2022-‘Wealth Inequality Distorts Philanthropy Imperils Democracy’ Reports Finger Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, More Philanthro-Feudalism Linked Billionaires; plus MHVille REITs, Stocks Update Read More


Homebuilder Index Falls 9th Straight Month, Manufactured Housing Problems and/or Opportunities Ahead – plus MHVille REITs, Stocks Update

On SEP 19 20221:56 PM EDT, CNBC correspondent Diana Olick did a report that provided the following toplines or “key points” on the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). Information from the National Association of Realtors, the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR), the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI), and …

Homebuilder Index Falls 9th Straight Month, Manufactured Housing Problems and/or Opportunities Ahead – plus MHVille REITs, Stocks Update Read More


MHI Insider Declines Comment-Evolving Cavco Industries-MHI Connected Contradictions, New and Settled Legal Claims Against Cavco Industries and Leaders Analyzed; Manufactured Housing Updates

Facts and evidence are important for investors, affordable housing consumers, public officials, and manufactured home industry professionals. Absent accurate information, people from a variety of interest groups can make problematic or even costly decisions. This report will open with a series of direct quotes from an informed source with clear …

MHI Insider Declines Comment-Evolving Cavco Industries-MHI Connected Contradictions, New and Settled Legal Claims Against Cavco Industries and Leaders Analyzed; Manufactured Housing Updates Read More


Understanding Crony Corporate, Paltering Media, Washington D.C. Reality Check with B.S. Decoder Ring – Sunday Satire on National, Affordable Housing Issues, with Weekly MHVille Headlines Review

  There are some things that at first blush seem to be so bizarre that they seem too odd to believe. Picture two top Republicans at odds and then look at why. Last night (9.17.2022) at a “Save America” rally in Youngstown, OH, the 45th President of the United States …

Understanding Crony Corporate, Paltering Media, Washington D.C. Reality Check with B.S. Decoder Ring – Sunday Satire on National, Affordable Housing Issues, with Weekly MHVille Headlines Review Read More


What is an Excellent Credit Score? What is the Top Credit Score? Credit Rating Facts, Insights, and Tips for Manufactured Housing Pros per Experts; plus MHVille REITs, Stocks Update

As economic and political uncertainty continues to boil, it is perhaps no surprise that the second segment of today’s report reveals that four of the major market indicators are a sea of red, as is the graphic for manufactured housing connected equities. That market segment is further below. First up …

What is an Excellent Credit Score? What is the Top Credit Score? Credit Rating Facts, Insights, and Tips for Manufactured Housing Pros per Experts; plus MHVille REITs, Stocks Update Read More


Building Generational Wealth by Lowering the FHA’s MIP – Manufactured Housing Institute, MBA, NAHB, NAR Joint Request Unpacked in BS Detecting Friday Follies; plus MHVille REITs, Stocks Update

Expect at some point in the near term for the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) to issue a communique patting their own backs for having yet another ‘housing coalition partners’ letter that has been issued to the Biden Administration. There are already some headlines on the issue that the brought MHI, …

Building Generational Wealth by Lowering the FHA’s MIP – Manufactured Housing Institute, MBA, NAHB, NAR Joint Request Unpacked in BS Detecting Friday Follies; plus MHVille REITs, Stocks Update Read More


‘Owning Mobile Home Can Leave You on Shaky Ground’ ‘Mobile Home Park Residents Sue Corp Landlord’ per NPR, Other Media Spotlight Suits v Manufactured Home Communities; plus MH REIT-Stocks Update

Attorney Beth Fegan with the FeganScott law firm describes herself as a lawyer on a mission. Having sued the fellow who left-leaning Wikipedia described as “American former film producer and convicted sex offender, Harvey Weinstein,” FeganScott has now set their sights on the manufactured home community industry. This time, more …

‘Owning Mobile Home Can Leave You on Shaky Ground’ ‘Mobile Home Park Residents Sue Corp Landlord’ per NPR, Other Media Spotlight Suits v Manufactured Home Communities; plus MH REIT-Stocks Update Read More

Tail WagDogThreeFingersPointingBackDerangedPowerMadSociopathsPsychologyTodayDavidKupelianChrisPlanteVexingInsightsKeyIssuesWhistleblowerNewspeak2022PlusMHREITsMHVilleStocks

‘Tail Wagging Dog’ ‘Three Fingers Pointing Back’ ‘Deranged, Power-Mad Sociopaths’ – Psychology Today, David Kupelian, Chris Plante Vexing Insights on Key Issues; plus MH REITs, Stocks Update

The markets dropped sharply on 9.13.2022 following the news that the latest Consumer Price Index (CPI), per Yahoo News and other sources, stated that inflation is officially up some 8.3 percent over the inflation rate from a year ago. Manufactured housing connected equities shown further below are a ‘sea of …

‘Tail Wagging Dog’ ‘Three Fingers Pointing Back’ ‘Deranged, Power-Mad Sociopaths’ – Psychology Today, David Kupelian, Chris Plante Vexing Insights on Key Issues; plus MH REITs, Stocks Update Read More

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