Manufactured and Modular Housing News

News Reports: Housing news updates and reports for Manufactured Home and Modular Housing Industry professionals and investors. Business – daily fact checks, market reports, and analysis.


Manufactured Housing Institute vs. Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform on Upcoming DOE Energy Rule and Pending MHCC Energy Rule Meeting-Facts & Analysis; plus Manufactured Home Markets

The email from the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) to their email readers on September 15, 2021 had no mention of the looming Department of Energy (DOE) rule which have been described as “costly,” burdensome, and not cost-beneficial. These DOE rules could hit manufactured housing producers, sellers, and consumers in the …

Manufactured Housing Institute vs. Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform on Upcoming DOE Energy Rule and Pending MHCC Energy Rule Meeting-Facts & Analysis; plus Manufactured Home Markets Read More


24 Felony Counts Hit Manufactured Home Pro, AOC Tax the Rich Scam, Warren’s Dystopian Reveal on Wells, GSEs, MH Financing, Bush Biden 9.11 Bash, Midweek News Briefs, Analysis; plus Man Home Markets Update

Some of what passes for news in the mainstream these days is upon close inspection thinly veiled propaganda. Sometimes that deception and misdirection is diabolically clever, sometimes that propaganda is brazen and discernable at-a-glance for those who set aside partisan talking points and then carefully consider the facts, evidence, and …

24 Felony Counts Hit Manufactured Home Pro, AOC Tax the Rich Scam, Warren’s Dystopian Reveal on Wells, GSEs, MH Financing, Bush Biden 9.11 Bash, Midweek News Briefs, Analysis; plus Man Home Markets Update Read More


“Evidence Matters” HUD PD&R “Transforming Knowledge Into Community Development Policy” on “Factory Built Housing” for ‘Affordability, Efficiency, Resilience’ HUD Research v HUD Admission? Plus, Manufactured Home Stock Updates

In a marvelous example of federal tax dollars, perhaps your tax dollars, at work are two separate reports by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). HUD has a division known as “The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD’s) Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R) [which] supports …

“Evidence Matters” HUD PD&R “Transforming Knowledge Into Community Development Policy” on “Factory Built Housing” for ‘Affordability, Efficiency, Resilience’ HUD Research v HUD Admission? Plus, Manufactured Home Stock Updates Read More


Praise+Problems-Washington Post Exposes HUD Research, Manufactured Housing Institute-Manufactured Homes Could Provide Millions “Resilient” “Good Value” Homes to Americans–Facts, Law, Analysis

“Resilient” and “value” are two of the phrases from a report by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R) report linked by a fresh news item in a leading newspaper. But the first of those two terms – “resilient” – did …

Praise+Problems-Washington Post Exposes HUD Research, Manufactured Housing Institute-Manufactured Homes Could Provide Millions “Resilient” “Good Value” Homes to Americans–Facts, Law, Analysis Read More


A Factory-Built Manufactured Home as a Means to Affordable Housing, Washington Post, Manufactured Housing Institute, Ayden Leader Mewborn’s “Plant A Home;” plus Sunday Weekly Headlines Review

As perhaps a billion or so people in some 70 plus countries know, the number 911 is an emergency phone call number. So, the 20th anniversary of the 9.11.01 reflections on surprise hijacked airliners terror attacks on the U.S. seem like an apt time for distressed HUD Code manufactured home …

A Factory-Built Manufactured Home as a Means to Affordable Housing, Washington Post, Manufactured Housing Institute, Ayden Leader Mewborn’s “Plant A Home;” plus Sunday Weekly Headlines Review Read More


9.11.01 Untold Lessons – After 20 Years, Betrayal and Botched Policies Reveal Corporate-U.S. Politicos Polices Harm Most Americans of All Backgrounds, Facts, Figures, and Solutions – plus MH Market Updates

Americans have been lied to many, many times. The cost of those lives in blood, treasure, social, cultural, and spiritual upheaval is not easy to quantify. That said, a reasonable case can be made that hundreds of thousands of lives of American lives have been lost in the 20th and …

9.11.01 Untold Lessons – After 20 Years, Betrayal and Botched Policies Reveal Corporate-U.S. Politicos Polices Harm Most Americans of All Backgrounds, Facts, Figures, and Solutions – plus MH Market Updates Read More


10 Big Items Manufactured Housing Institute Obviously Not Upset by Include Defense/Promo of Industry, Harm from MHI’s P.E.P. “Efforts;” plus Manufactured Housing Markets Updates, Facts & Analysis

In the summer of 2021, the Arlington, VA based Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) exhibited rather odd behavior for a trade association that claims to represent “all segments” of “manufactured housing” and “factory-built housing” that includes modular home producers. For an example illustrated by the screen capture and report linked below, …

10 Big Items Manufactured Housing Institute Obviously Not Upset by Include Defense/Promo of Industry, Harm from MHI’s P.E.P. “Efforts;” plus Manufactured Housing Markets Updates, Facts & Analysis Read More


“Medical Racism” Producer Says Black Americans “Waking Up” to Medical Tyranny Harming Minorities, Women, Business, Economic, Other Risks from COVID19-84? Plus, Manufactured Home Stocks Updates

“Africa, a continent of 1.3 billion people, has seen fewer deaths from COVID-19 than the UK, which has a population about a 20th of the size,” says Sky News. “Inevitably for such a huge landmass, there are major variations, with South Africa in particular experiencing high rates of infection and …

“Medical Racism” Producer Says Black Americans “Waking Up” to Medical Tyranny Harming Minorities, Women, Business, Economic, Other Risks from COVID19-84? Plus, Manufactured Home Stocks Updates Read More


Sun, Rolfe, Reynolds, Allen, MHI – Manufactured Home Oasis in Sea of Industry Scandals? 8500 and Counting… What Latest ROC Press Release Said and Didn’t Say; plus Manufactured Housing Stocks, Facts & Analysis

No offense to those who craft a news release, but there is routinely a different story lurking behind whatever is being presented by a given organization. When the New Hampshire Community Loan Fund’s (NHCLF) director of communications sent the release that follows, it is unlikely that Steve Varnum imagined that …

Sun, Rolfe, Reynolds, Allen, MHI – Manufactured Home Oasis in Sea of Industry Scandals? 8500 and Counting… What Latest ROC Press Release Said and Didn’t Say; plus Manufactured Housing Stocks, Facts & Analysis Read More


MA+Israeli Data Documents COVID19 ‘Cure’ Worse Than Disease – “Global Takedown” in Motion, Says Kennedy “The Cassandras Were Right” “Takedown of 99%” Claimed Cure “Far Worse Than Disease”

In a study conducted in July 2021, “80% of COVID Hospitalizations in Massachusetts Were Vaxxed.” That’s from our second report below, but from the first up is this pull quote. “Eighteen months in, most of the world is still being subjected to an endless Groundhog Day loop of dystopian restrictions …

MA+Israeli Data Documents COVID19 ‘Cure’ Worse Than Disease – “Global Takedown” in Motion, Says Kennedy “The Cassandras Were Right” “Takedown of 99%” Claimed Cure “Far Worse Than Disease” Read More


“Catastrophic” “Expensive Dog Food” “Least Liked Industry…Ever Studied” Joanne Stevens, Warren Buffett, Marty Lavin, Roper Report – Years of Costly Manufactured Housing Institute “Failures”-Facts & Analysis

In an undated document from the commercial real estate broker Joanne M. Stevens website that refers to the Roper Report are some interesting pull quotes. “Have you heard about the Roper Report? That’s the study that the Manufactured Housing Institute [MHI], our industry trade group, commissioned to tell the industry …

“Catastrophic” “Expensive Dog Food” “Least Liked Industry…Ever Studied” Joanne Stevens, Warren Buffett, Marty Lavin, Roper Report – Years of Costly Manufactured Housing Institute “Failures”-Facts & Analysis Read More


SEC Suit Hits Cavco, Joe Stegmayer, Dan Urness, Former Skyline Champion Official – Painful Truth’s Steadily Emerging, plus Sunday Weekly Headlines Review

Our newest MHLivingNews report linked below has the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) court pleadings and Cavco Industries’ (CVCO) brief response. The SEC press release is also included, along with our industry leading added information, analysis and commentary. In the wake of that SEC announcement, Cavco’s stock dipped. No surprises …

SEC Suit Hits Cavco, Joe Stegmayer, Dan Urness, Former Skyline Champion Official – Painful Truth’s Steadily Emerging, plus Sunday Weekly Headlines Review Read More


Zogby – Biden Buyer’s Remorse Among Blacks Hispanics Others as Afghanistan, Border, Inflation Fiascos Roar–Trump v Biden Perhaps 16 Million Swing Votes; plus Manufactured Home Stocks Update

There is a cunning, audacious – and at times malevolent – brilliance to hiding the truth in plain sight. There is also the risk that the truth, be that reality hidden or obscured, will in time be revealed. Whatever the truth is about the 2020 presidential election and claims of …

Zogby – Biden Buyer’s Remorse Among Blacks Hispanics Others as Afghanistan, Border, Inflation Fiascos Roar–Trump v Biden Perhaps 16 Million Swing Votes; plus Manufactured Home Stocks Update Read More


“Unleashing Potential Sales,” “Perception is Reality” “Savage Report” Good & Bad for Manufactured Housing Institute, MHI’s Roper Report, AARP, Marty Lavin Strike Again – plus Manufactured Housing Stock Updates

  “Members of the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) have already started to address many of the recommendations [from the Roper Report],” said then MHI Vice President Bruce Savage. Those recommendations from Savage’s report to MHI members included “such as increased attention to customer service and building a stronger resale market …

“Unleashing Potential Sales,” “Perception is Reality” “Savage Report” Good & Bad for Manufactured Housing Institute, MHI’s Roper Report, AARP, Marty Lavin Strike Again – plus Manufactured Housing Stock Updates Read More


Financing, Zoning – Examining Biden White House HUD FHFA Statements Manufactured Homes, Affordable Housing – Factory Built Industry Reaction, Facts, Analysis – plus MH Stocks Markets Updates

“Limited financing for manufactured housing and 2-4-unit properties—as well as other barriers—have restricted access to these alternatives. Today, the Administration is calling on state and local governments to reduce zoning and financing barriers to these kinds of housing – housing that allows families to achieve homeownership and build wealth.” – …

Financing, Zoning – Examining Biden White House HUD FHFA Statements Manufactured Homes, Affordable Housing – Factory Built Industry Reaction, Facts, Analysis – plus MH Stocks Markets Updates Read More


New Federal Data Updates Soaring Housing Costs, as Consumer Confidence Slumps – Economic & Housing Slowdown Ahead? Plus, Latest Manufactured Housing Stock Trends

“U.S. consumer confidence fell to a six-month low in August as worries about soaring COVID-19 infections and higher inflation dimmed the outlook for the economy,” said Reuters on August 31, 2021. “The survey from the Conference Board on Tuesday showed consumers less inclined to buy a home and big-ticket items …

New Federal Data Updates Soaring Housing Costs, as Consumer Confidence Slumps – Economic & Housing Slowdown Ahead? Plus, Latest Manufactured Housing Stock Trends Read More


DOE Energy Rule – MHARR Sounds Detailed Alarm-High Costs, Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Provides Same Day Update – Compare and Contrast – plus MH Stocks Updates

It is a study in stark contrasts. A few weeks ago MHProNews did a Sunday report that compared Work Horses like the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) to the proverbial Show Horses at the Manufactured Housing (MHI). That contrast was aptly illustrated on Monday August 30, 2021 via …

DOE Energy Rule – MHARR Sounds Detailed Alarm-High Costs, Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Provides Same Day Update – Compare and Contrast – plus MH Stocks Updates Read More


Unmasked – MF Advisory on Skyline Champion – ‘Questioning Investing Thesis Helps All’ – Unpacking Skyline Champion (SKY) Quarterly Earnings Statements – Facts & Analysis

“Questioning an investing thesis — even one of our own — helps us all think critically about investing and make decisions that help us become smarter, happier, and richer.” So said the Motley Fool (MF or Fool) investment news, advisory, and views website as part of their report on the …

Unmasked – MF Advisory on Skyline Champion – ‘Questioning Investing Thesis Helps All’ – Unpacking Skyline Champion (SKY) Quarterly Earnings Statements – Facts & Analysis Read More


Manufactured Housing Industry Executive Summary-True State of the HUD Code Manufactured Home Industry August 2021; plus Sunday Weekly Manufactured Headlines Review

“Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please.” So said author and newspaper man Samuel Clemens, a.k.a. Mark Twain per GoodReads. In order to grasp the true state of the contemporary manufactured housing industry in August 2021,  Twain’s insight should be carefully considered.  …

Manufactured Housing Industry Executive Summary-True State of the HUD Code Manufactured Home Industry August 2021; plus Sunday Weekly Manufactured Headlines Review Read More


JW FOIA Uncovers Damning Evidence – Gates Foundation, Dr. Fauci, China – Warren Buffett, Bill Gates Ties – “Noble Lies” Harming Americans, Other Nations; plus Manufactured Housing Stocks Update

It is safe to say that one of the top if not most disruptive events impacting the American economy and political landscape in roughly the past 20 months has been the COVID19 outbreak and its handling. That’s true for our part of the affordable manufactured housing industry, but for virtually …

JW FOIA Uncovers Damning Evidence – Gates Foundation, Dr. Fauci, China – Warren Buffett, Bill Gates Ties – “Noble Lies” Harming Americans, Other Nations; plus Manufactured Housing Stocks Update Read More

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