Manufactured and Modular Housing News

News Reports: Housing news updates and reports for Manufactured Home and Modular Housing Industry professionals and investors. Business – daily fact checks, market reports, and analysis.


Manufactured Housing Shipped to Hawaii, Alaska, State-by-State Data, Revealing National Data Betrays “Outrageous” MHI Industry Leader Claims, Facts & Analysis – plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates

Despite the arguably outrageous recent claims by the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) (see further below) and certain corporate leaders and surrogates who are MHI members, those who objectively look at the facts, trends, opportunities, and overall SWOT analysis will find that MHI is arguably engaged in deceptive and misleading marketing …

Manufactured Housing Shipped to Hawaii, Alaska, State-by-State Data, Revealing National Data Betrays “Outrageous” MHI Industry Leader Claims, Facts & Analysis – plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates Read More


Cavco Industries – More on Commodore Corporation Deal, Official Cavco (CVCO) and Manufactured Home Industry Profile with Facts & Analysis – plus Other Manufactured Housing Stocks Updates

The initial report on the acquisition deal by Cavco Industries (CVCO) of The Commodore Corporation (TCC or Commodore) deal on MHProNews is near the pinnacle of the most read reports in the manufactured housing industry for August 2021. This report will provide a mix of corporate updates on that Cavco-Commodore …

Cavco Industries – More on Commodore Corporation Deal, Official Cavco (CVCO) and Manufactured Home Industry Profile with Facts & Analysis – plus Other Manufactured Housing Stocks Updates Read More


What Rocks and Attracts Manufactured Housing Professionals, Affordable Housing Advocates, Public Officials, Nonprofits, Educators, Others? Plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates

This report will examine some of the hottest topics in manufactured housing today. It goes without saying that manufactured home, other factory-built housing professionals, advocates, public officials, educators, nonprofits and others read whatever they want to and when they want to do so. What those readers find of interest on …

What Rocks and Attracts Manufactured Housing Professionals, Affordable Housing Advocates, Public Officials, Nonprofits, Educators, Others? Plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates Read More


“A Lie Repeated Does Not Make It True”- Officer Says Biden “Bold Face Lie”- They Lied About Afghanistan, COVID, Too? “How Endless War” Became “Endless Pandemic” plus MHMarkets Facts-Analysis

When left-leaning MSNBC and ABC News reports are calling into question the increasingly and apparently flawed if not false claims about the situation in Afghanistan, perhaps it is no surprise that normally “non-political” comments by Dr. Joseph Mercola and his organization’s research has drawn useful parallels between the “bold face …

“A Lie Repeated Does Not Make It True”- Officer Says Biden “Bold Face Lie”- They Lied About Afghanistan, COVID, Too? “How Endless War” Became “Endless Pandemic” plus MHMarkets Facts-Analysis Read More


“First Electrically Self-Sustaining” “There’s No Utility Bill” S2A “Stunning” “MegaFactory” Plans Dozens of Factory-Built Housing Building Centers – Facts, Video, Report, Analysis

“Whatever energy you use throughout a year inside that home is roughly equal to the renewable energy that’s captured by that property. There’s no utility bill. It’s a fraction of the time and time is money so it’s a big savings.” So said S2A’s co-founder and CEO Brian Kuzdas in …

“First Electrically Self-Sustaining” “There’s No Utility Bill” S2A “Stunning” “MegaFactory” Plans Dozens of Factory-Built Housing Building Centers – Facts, Video, Report, Analysis Read More


Crimson Contagion Turns 2 – President Donald J. Trump’s, Joe Biden’s Unique Gifts to USA’s Struggle for the American Dream for All, Never Let Crisis Go To Waste; Sunday Weekly Headlines Recap

In an era of deception and misdirection, when numbers of news reports are widely believed to be fake, misleading, or propaganda, there are lessons to be learned. One of those lessons is the Saul Alinsky inspired take from Rahm Emanuel (D), former Mayor of Chicago and former Chief of Staff …

Crimson Contagion Turns 2 – President Donald J. Trump’s, Joe Biden’s Unique Gifts to USA’s Struggle for the American Dream for All, Never Let Crisis Go To Waste; Sunday Weekly Headlines Recap Read More


Mercola – “Puppet Master Portfolio” Who Owns Many of World’s Big Stocks? Housing and Macro Economy – Facts, Analysis Plus, Manufactured Housing Stocks Updates

When you want the truth, an old adage among investigators and journalists is to follow the money trail. Cui bono? See who benefits from what is occurring. To tee up the headline topic, jump back in time to the MHProNews report on Juneteenth, 6.19.2021. Our Daily Business News segment on …

Mercola – “Puppet Master Portfolio” Who Owns Many of World’s Big Stocks? Housing and Macro Economy – Facts, Analysis Plus, Manufactured Housing Stocks Updates Read More


Small Business Confidence Drops, Supply Chain, Labor, Regulatory, More – NFIB Info Confirms MHProNews Reports on Manufactured Housing Institute; plus Manufactured Home Stocks – Facts & Analysis

A series of press releases from the small business focused National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) will serve several purposes. Among them, is to provide third-party researched information on the headline topics of small business confidence, supply chain, labor, capital access, regulatory and other issues. The NFIB report will also …

Small Business Confidence Drops, Supply Chain, Labor, Regulatory, More – NFIB Info Confirms MHProNews Reports on Manufactured Housing Institute; plus Manufactured Home Stocks – Facts & Analysis Read More


New Democratic “Mobile Home Parks” Bills Signed Into Law, Murphy’s Laws Impacts Manufactured Home Communities, MH Sellers January 1, 2022; Plus Manufactured Housing Stock Reports, Analysis

The following press release was provided to MHProNews by Senator Laura Murphy (IL State-D). Murphy’s media release promotes two laws that may be coming to a state you or your firm are doing business in. Or, it may become the foundation for other bills that are working their way through …

New Democratic “Mobile Home Parks” Bills Signed Into Law, Murphy’s Laws Impacts Manufactured Home Communities, MH Sellers January 1, 2022; Plus Manufactured Housing Stock Reports, Analysis Read More


Taliban Leader Freed by President Obama, Joe Biden’s Afghan Disaster Threatens Manufactured Housing, U.S. Supply Chains with China; plus Manufactured Housing Stock Updates – Facts & Analysis

“Leadership is about taking responsibility, not making excuses.” – Alan Jones. To those who do not follow foreign affairs news and how it impacts American business, there may seem at first to be little or no connection between the gut-wrenching fall of Kabul, China, and Taiwan. But even before Kabul’s …

Taliban Leader Freed by President Obama, Joe Biden’s Afghan Disaster Threatens Manufactured Housing, U.S. Supply Chains with China; plus Manufactured Housing Stock Updates – Facts & Analysis Read More


HUD, FHFA “Collaboration” MOU on Fair Housing, Fair Lending Sparks Manufactured Housing Association’s Challenge; plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates

There is a daily array of business, governmental, nonprofit, and other news and media releases. Only some of these are selected for publication. For various reasons, the joint news release that follows below from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) …

HUD, FHFA “Collaboration” MOU on Fair Housing, Fair Lending Sparks Manufactured Housing Association’s Challenge; plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates Read More


‘Baseless, Discriminatory, Extreme’ Energy Standards for Manufactured Housing, DOE Scheme Ripped by Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) – plus Added Info, Analysis

The Washington, D.C. based national HUD Code manufactured home producers trade group, the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR), provided MHProNews with the following advanced copy of a press release.  As the illustration below reflects, on the issue of the Department of Energy (DOE) pending energy regulations for manufactured …

‘Baseless, Discriminatory, Extreme’ Energy Standards for Manufactured Housing, DOE Scheme Ripped by Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) – plus Added Info, Analysis Read More


Justice Clarence Thomas, Ilana Mercer Affair – What it Reveals About America and Affordable Manufactured Housing Today, plus Sunday Weekly Manufactured Home Headlines Review

Joan of Arc is one of the most famous women of French, European, and World History. The lesson? Among others, never underestimate the power of even a single woman.  Indeed, any one person is capable of being inspired to change the world. Says leftist Wikipedia, “Joan of Arc, nicknamed “The …

Justice Clarence Thomas, Ilana Mercer Affair – What it Reveals About America and Affordable Manufactured Housing Today, plus Sunday Weekly Manufactured Home Headlines Review Read More


Berkshire Hathaway Backed Apple Faces Backlash, Defends What Critics Call Orwellian iPhone Spyware Plan, Coming to Your Smartphone? – plus, Manufactured Housing Stocks Updates-Facts/Analysis

Apple’s famous co-founder Steve Jobs invested 5 months trying to recruit then Pepsi-Co CEO John Sculley to come to work for Apple. Sculley said no and shared Jobs’ reply. “Steve paused and thought for a while, and then he was about 18 inches away from me — and in those …

Berkshire Hathaway Backed Apple Faces Backlash, Defends What Critics Call Orwellian iPhone Spyware Plan, Coming to Your Smartphone? – plus, Manufactured Housing Stocks Updates-Facts/Analysis Read More


Allied Market Research (AMR) Claim $38.8 Billion Manufactured Housing Industry Market by 2027 – MBI, MHARR, MHI Response Manufactured Home Claims, plus MHMarket Stocks-Facts, News & Analysis

Allied Market Research (AMR) has claimed that their “Exclusive Research” points to a significant growth in Manufactured Housing by 2027. They say it will be $38.8 billion, several times what the current U.S. total dollar value would be. “Not a day goes by that I don’t get a google alert …

Allied Market Research (AMR) Claim $38.8 Billion Manufactured Housing Industry Market by 2027 – MBI, MHARR, MHI Response Manufactured Home Claims, plus MHMarket Stocks-Facts, News & Analysis Read More


Marlette Homes, Clayton Homes, CMH Division Clayton Hermiston, Hit by Federal Suit-‘Years of Racism’ Sexual Harassment, OPB-Clayton Admits Racial Slurs, plus Manufactured Home Stocks-Report & Analysis

State workplace complaint records plus a fresh federal lawsuit filed against Clayton Homes, CMH division Marlette Homes, claim a pattern of racial slurs, racial bias, a hostile workplace, and sexual harassment. While Clayton Homes strongly denied the prior state related complaint, the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) affiliate Oregon Public Broadcasting …

Marlette Homes, Clayton Homes, CMH Division Clayton Hermiston, Hit by Federal Suit-‘Years of Racism’ Sexual Harassment, OPB-Clayton Admits Racial Slurs, plus Manufactured Home Stocks-Report & Analysis Read More


Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Leaders & Attorneys Dodge Charges by MHI Corporate Official; plus, Manufactured Housing Industry Stocks, Reports, Analysis

As was reported in an exclusive news/analysis earlier this week, a corporate leader whose large firm is a member of the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) has accused the Arlington, VA based national trade group of not walking their talk. As a result, that informed source has forecast another manufactured housing …

Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Leaders & Attorneys Dodge Charges by MHI Corporate Official; plus, Manufactured Housing Industry Stocks, Reports, Analysis Read More


George Washington – The First American, Paine’s Crisis ‘Sunshine Patriots’ – Fighting Fear Porn via Inspirational Facts vs Fiction, Deception, and Misinformation; plus MH Markets Report 

The Delta Variant. COVID and the Lambda Variant. CRT and racial issues. Is the Housing Market Overheated. Record 10+ Million U.S. Job Openings. Debate over Causes and Cures to Rising Crime Rates. Southern Border and Immigration. Inflation’s impact on Retirees, Lower- and Middle-Income Americans. Obama’s 60th Birthday Bash. Trump’s Tax Returns. …

George Washington – The First American, Paine’s Crisis ‘Sunshine Patriots’ – Fighting Fear Porn via Inspirational Facts vs Fiction, Deception, and Misinformation; plus MH Markets Report  Read More


Big MHI Member Leader Explains “Downturn” Looms, “Support” MHProNews “Efforts” “Appreciate” “Investigative Reporting” – Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Surrogate, More MHI Linked Reactions

“Soon the industry will have a downturn for a variety of reasons and the non committed will suffer, maybe even fail.” So said a Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) member corporate leader in an off the record emailed statement this past weekend to MHProNews. By contrast, apparent MHI surrogate, “the Colonel” …

Big MHI Member Leader Explains “Downturn” Looms, “Support” MHProNews “Efforts” “Appreciate” “Investigative Reporting” – Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Surrogate, More MHI Linked Reactions Read More


Charles Hugh Smith, TalkMarkets – Corporate America Threat “You’re Powerless Because We Can Automate Your Job or Offshore it to Lower Slobovia” – plus Sunday Weekly Headlines Review

TalkMarkets has been cited by Bloomberg, Seeking Alpha, Nasdaq, Thompson Reuters, CNBC, and Investopedia, brags their “about us” page. They also mention their prior awards for “Best Stock Site of the Year.” “Charles Hugh Smith is the author of the blog,” which Audible says is “#7 in CNBC’s top alternative …

Charles Hugh Smith, TalkMarkets – Corporate America Threat “You’re Powerless Because We Can Automate Your Job or Offshore it to Lower Slobovia” – plus Sunday Weekly Headlines Review Read More

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