Manufactured and Modular Housing News

News Reports: Housing news updates and reports for Manufactured Home and Modular Housing Industry professionals and investors. Business – daily fact checks, market reports, and analysis.


Billionaire COVID19 Profiteers Seek to Silence Critics, “Never Let A Serious Crisis Go To Waste”

Following this news, analysis, and evidence-based opinion by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., there will be additional information, MHProNews Analysis and Commentary.    Critics must be silenced for billionaires to keep profiting from pandemic By controlling the media, billionaires like Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates can prolong a crisis indefinitely while …

Billionaire COVID19 Profiteers Seek to Silence Critics, “Never Let A Serious Crisis Go To Waste” Read More


“MHI in Action” As Manufactured Home Sales Slump, NAR Reports Red-Hot Housing Sales, plus Manufactured Housing Investing, Stock Updates

It is Friday night, not Satirical Saturday. So, these bullets are true, not satire. •          Conventional housing resales are hitting record numbers. •          Manufactured homes are in another year over year slump. •          The National Association of Realtors (NAR) and the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) releases monthly …

“MHI in Action” As Manufactured Home Sales Slump, NAR Reports Red-Hot Housing Sales, plus Manufactured Housing Investing, Stock Updates Read More


Kennedy Said: Crisis Spells Opportunity – Voices Across Left-Right Sound Alarm on Merging Power of Big Business, Big Tech, and Big Government – Mainstream News Snapshots

  Millions will recall the old adage that a frog tossed into boiling water quickly jumps out. But if a frog is placed in normal water and the temperature is raised slowly but steadily, you can boil the frog to death. That analogy may prove useful to the series of …

Kennedy Said: Crisis Spells Opportunity – Voices Across Left-Right Sound Alarm on Merging Power of Big Business, Big Tech, and Big Government – Mainstream News Snapshots Read More


“Falsus in Uno, Falsus in Omnibus;” Manufactured Housing Institute Admits Problematic Finance Stance, plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates

Mammoth Nation noted in an email to MHProNews today the following, which may make an apt pivot to the second part of our headline topics. “Falsus in Uno, Falsus in Omnibus.” Per Mammoth Nation, “This was a legal phrase invoked by President Trump’s lead attorney in his second impeachment trial …

“Falsus in Uno, Falsus in Omnibus;” Manufactured Housing Institute Admits Problematic Finance Stance, plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates Read More


“Devil Is In the Details” Legal, Economic Warnings to Manufactured Home Community Owners, MH Pros, Residents from JDSupra, The Progressive, Others – Report & Analysis

On February 1, 2021 a legal research report about allegations of “felony” market-rigging involving manufactured housing and manufactured home communities was published at this link here. While that groundbreaking and insightful research report at Knudson Law has numerous strengths, if there was an area that perhaps merited more detail, it …

“Devil Is In the Details” Legal, Economic Warnings to Manufactured Home Community Owners, MH Pros, Residents from JDSupra, The Progressive, Others – Report & Analysis Read More


POTUS Trump on Rush; Leaked Facebook Founder Video – Mark Zuckerberg Questions COVID19 Jab-plus, Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates

From the Office of the 45th President Donald J. Trump to MHProNews on the death of Rush Limbaugh. Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America  “The great Rush Limbaugh has passed away to a better place, free from physical pain and hostility. His honor, …

POTUS Trump on Rush; Leaked Facebook Founder Video – Mark Zuckerberg Questions COVID19 Jab-plus, Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates Read More

FHFATipLesliGoochManufactHousingInsCEOpicBackstabsManufacturedHomeowners IndependentsClayton21stVanderbiltSkylineChampLOGO

FHFA Tip w/Doc – Lesli Gooch, Manufactured Housing Institute CEO – “Backstabs” Manufactured Homeowners, Affordable Housing Seekers, MH Independents – Clayton, 21st, Vanderbilt, Skyline-Champion Response – Leaders Wanted!

A tip was provided to several days ago to MHProNews regarding claims that Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) CEO Lesli Gooch, Ph.D., had “backstabbed” the interests of literarily millions of owners of HUD Code manufactured homes. The claim sounded so bold and brazen, MHProNews asked for documentation to support the allegations. …

FHFA Tip w/Doc – Lesli Gooch, Manufactured Housing Institute CEO – “Backstabs” Manufactured Homeowners, Affordable Housing Seekers, MH Independents – Clayton, 21st, Vanderbilt, Skyline-Champion Response – Leaders Wanted! Read More


CNN v Fox – Arctic Freeze – Energy Prices Rise, Texas Warning for Green Energy? Plus, Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates

Today is one of those days when it pays to source information across the left-right divide. Even when doing so, sometimes key facts are overlooked, downplayed, or are missed entirely. The Biden-Harris team’s theme has been going green. Right-of-center media, such as Tucker Carlson or Townhall have stressed that windmills …

CNN v Fox – Arctic Freeze – Energy Prices Rise, Texas Warning for Green Energy? Plus, Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates Read More


Berkshire Hathaway Reality Check – Manufactured Housing Institute – Friend or Foe to Manufactured Homeowners, Affordable Housing Seekers, and Manufactured Housing Independents?

“We study history in order to understand the present and to prepare for the future. Because anything that’s happened before can happen again.” – House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (SC-D) on 2.29.2020. There are millions who rent who pay more than 30 percent of their income on housing. “A new …

Berkshire Hathaway Reality Check – Manufactured Housing Institute – Friend or Foe to Manufactured Homeowners, Affordable Housing Seekers, and Manufactured Housing Independents? Read More

NBCNewsLOGOLeticiaMirandaPICReport MobileHomeDwellersHitEvenHarderWhenFacingEvictionJohnOliverMobileHomesHitRoundTwoNewsAnalysisMHProNewsLOGO

NBC News’ Leticia Miranda Report – “Mobile Home Dwellers Hit Even Harder When Facing Eviction” John Oliver’s “Mobile Homes” Hit Round Two? News Analysis

Leticia Miranda is a business reporter for NBC News. Miranda is a journalistic veteran, as will be shown further below. On Valentine’s Day, 2.14.2021 at 6:00 AM, she shared an unloving look at manufactured home living wherein NBC asserted that “Mobile home dwellers hit even harder when facing eviction,” with …

NBC News’ Leticia Miranda Report – “Mobile Home Dwellers Hit Even Harder When Facing Eviction” John Oliver’s “Mobile Homes” Hit Round Two? News Analysis Read More


Food Supply, COVID19, Your Business Interests – Kennedy Family, Biden, and Trump Lessons – Sunday Weekly Headlines Review

It is a fact. If two relatively equal teams are playing a series of contests, and one team is thinking long-term, but the other is one is more focused on today or the shorter term, then the longer-term thinking team – especially if they already have money and influence – …

Food Supply, COVID19, Your Business Interests – Kennedy Family, Biden, and Trump Lessons – Sunday Weekly Headlines Review Read More

IamThrowingUpTiredAllTheLiesMollyBallTimeBillionairesMarkZuckerbergBill GatesEt Al BidenHarrisTrumpTragedyMHProNewsLogo

“I Am Throwing Up!” “I Am Tired of All the Lies!” Molly Ball, Billionaires Mark Zuckerberg-Bill Gates, et al, Biden-Harris & the Trump Tragedy

If these next few quotes – used with permission – sound like anyone you know, then you know they (or you…) are not alone. “I am throwing up! I don’t want to hear any more lies!” Variations on those expressions have been commonplace in recent weeks. Those specific quotes are …

“I Am Throwing Up!” “I Am Tired of All the Lies!” Molly Ball, Billionaires Mark Zuckerberg-Bill Gates, et al, Biden-Harris & the Trump Tragedy Read More


“Monopolistic” “Napoleonic” Complex-Late Sen Robert Kennedy’s Son Devastating, Detailed Analysis of Warren Buffett Ally Bill Gates, plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates

Tonight’s featured focus on the surface may seem distant from manufactured housing. But upon closer examination, it literally impacts every single person in America and in much of the world as well. That is not hyperbole. That is the cold, hard reality of the dynamic well evidence argument made by …

“Monopolistic” “Napoleonic” Complex-Late Sen Robert Kennedy’s Son Devastating, Detailed Analysis of Warren Buffett Ally Bill Gates, plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates Read More


“STRIPPERS” Alert – JCN Foundation Launches Campaign “Exposing” “Plot to Destroy Small Businesses” & Challenges “Job Loss Joe”

We study the past because anything that has happened before can happen again. For those with the gift of memory and who know that details matter, millions will recall how this new pair of media releases from the Job Creators Network (JCN) Foundation has a familiar echo to past events.  …

“STRIPPERS” Alert – JCN Foundation Launches Campaign “Exposing” “Plot to Destroy Small Businesses” & Challenges “Job Loss Joe” Read More


Progressive Glenn Greenwald Rips New York Times, Other Media – “Media Spreads Falsehoods Constantly To Millions,” plus Manufactured Housing Investing, Stock Updates

Warping reality has serious consequences. While not a word of what follows is about manufactured housing, that does not mean that our industry and scores of others aren’t being impacted. The same forces that are defining reality in the body politics are routinely ‘defining’ the public’s perception about manufactured homes, …

Progressive Glenn Greenwald Rips New York Times, Other Media – “Media Spreads Falsehoods Constantly To Millions,” plus Manufactured Housing Investing, Stock Updates Read More


Remembering Rush Limbaugh

Update: Kathryn Limbaugh just announced on 2.17.2021 that Rush Limbaugh has passed away earlier this morning. On February 4, 2020 during President Donald J. Trump’s State of the Union Address, First Lady Melania Trump placed the Presidential Medal of Freedom on Mr. Limbaugh, “in recognition of all that you have …

Remembering Rush Limbaugh Read More


Unpacking Cavco’s Latest Results, Q3 2021, “Order Rates Up” BUT Large Legal Costs, More – plus, Manufactured Housing Investing, Stock Updates

The backdrop for tonight’s report should be the report linked below that spotlighted Cavco Industries (CVCO) frank admission. Indeed, Cavco’s Mark Fusler encouraged an understanding of that topic. Quoting Fusler, “I encourage you to review Cavco’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission including, without limitation, the company’s most recent …

Unpacking Cavco’s Latest Results, Q3 2021, “Order Rates Up” BUT Large Legal Costs, More – plus, Manufactured Housing Investing, Stock Updates Read More


New York Democrat Claimed Election Fraud, Problems with Voting Machines, in 3-Month Disputed Congressional Race

From the left-and-right, there are voices that have been raised about the double obvious standards. “It is good to be a Democrat,” quips right-of-center rising and ‘top 5’ talk radio star Chris Plante. “If not for double standards, the left would have no standards at all.” If that sounds like …

New York Democrat Claimed Election Fraud, Problems with Voting Machines, in 3-Month Disputed Congressional Race Read More


“Fundamentally Discriminatory in Nature” – Zoning and Placement Battles, Is it Better to Fight or Switch?

The Corporate Finance Institute (CFI) defines “NIMBY” in this manner. “NIMBY, an acronym that stands for Not In My Back Yard, is used to characterize the opposition of residents to a proposed development plan in their area. NIMBY describes the phenomenon in which communities will adamantly resist a development plan …

“Fundamentally Discriminatory in Nature” – Zoning and Placement Battles, Is it Better to Fight or Switch? Read More

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