Manufactured and Modular Housing News

News Reports: Housing news updates and reports for Manufactured Home and Modular Housing Industry professionals and investors. Business – daily fact checks, market reports, and analysis.


Anatomy of High-Tech, Scandalous Deception? National Trade Groups Agree on HR 4351 YIMBY Act

One of the definitions for the word “anatomy” includes “a study of the structure or internal workings of something.” A definition for scandalous includes: “a state of affairs disgracefully bad, typically as a result of someone’s negligence or irresponsibility,” e.g.: “a scandalous waste of taxpayers’ money.” There is a different …

Anatomy of High-Tech, Scandalous Deception? National Trade Groups Agree on HR 4351 YIMBY Act Read More


New, Existing Housing Data, Finance Rates Drop, plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates

As investors and Fed watchers know, an emergency meeting yesterday of the Federal Reserve resulted in an “emergency” drop in interest rates. What that means for housing finance will be part of our evening report. Additionally, our focus report tonight will include housing data comparisons that should be of interest …

New, Existing Housing Data, Finance Rates Drop, plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates Read More


Tornado Devastates, Death Toll at Least 25 – Videos, Reports and Manufactured Housing Lessons

Local and national media have extensively covered the devastation that people found in parts of Nashville, TN as the sun rose on “Super Tuesday.” WKRN, citing the National Weather Service (NWS) say there were apparently two tornadoes, one striking Mount Juliet experienced winds between 155-160 mph while Donelson sustained winds …

Tornado Devastates, Death Toll at Least 25 – Videos, Reports and Manufactured Housing Lessons Read More


“Aha!” Moment From New 2020 Manufactured Housing Data, plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates

Accountability is a marvelous thing. When facts, facts, and more facts are displayed often enough, many people – including the powers that be in manufactured housing – have a way of joyfully – or grudgingly -responding. How so? Tonight’s report will make it plain, using the latest facts. Oh! To …

“Aha!” Moment From New 2020 Manufactured Housing Data, plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates Read More


Bernie, Bloomberg, Biden at Brokered Convention? What’s Looming for Manufactured Housing Interests with 2020 Presidential Hopefuls

With Senator Amy Klobuchar (MN-D), former Mayor Pete Buttigieg (South Bend, IN-D), and billionaire and political climate activist Tim Steyer all dropping out of the 2020 Democratic Presidential nomination race ahead of Super Tuesday, the Democratic field continues to narrow. After the votes are counted tonight, their party’s 2020 presidential …

Bernie, Bloomberg, Biden at Brokered Convention? What’s Looming for Manufactured Housing Interests with 2020 Presidential Hopefuls Read More


Oh, Coronavirus – Markets Bounce – As New U.S. Cases, Deaths Rise Sharply? Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates

For those who digest volumes of news, academic, research and other reports, there are some events that on the surface seem self-contradictory. Last week, MHProNews reported that Warren Buffett buddy and fellow uber-billionaire Bill Gates was warning that the coronavirus was a “once-in-a-century pathogen we’ve been worried about.” Gates added …

Oh, Coronavirus – Markets Bounce – As New U.S. Cases, Deaths Rise Sharply? Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates Read More


Inside the Beltway – DOE, Dana Wade, GSEs, Budget, New Manufactured Home Standards – Washington, D.C. Updates

  In a release to MHProNews, the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) said the following. MHProNews analysis and related will follow MHARR’s statement. MHARR REPORT AND ANALYSIS IN THIS REPORT:                                                        MARCH 2, 2020   TAINTED DOE ENERGY RULE BROUGHT TO LIFE AGAIN HUD TO CONDUCT ZONING STUDY …

Inside the Beltway – DOE, Dana Wade, GSEs, Budget, New Manufactured Home Standards – Washington, D.C. Updates Read More


Fraud, RICO and Antitrust-Issues of Genius, Honesty, Legality, Competency-Berkshire Hathaway and Manufactured Housing Institute Leadership, Sunday Morning Headlines Review 2.23 to 3.1.2020

The powers that be in manufactured housing simply can’t have it both ways. Either Berkshire Hathaway Corporate and their manufactured housing industry unit leaders – as well as Manufactured Housing Institute key staff and members – are intelligent bosses producing great or “superb” results — or they aren’t. In an …

Fraud, RICO and Antitrust-Issues of Genius, Honesty, Legality, Competency-Berkshire Hathaway and Manufactured Housing Institute Leadership, Sunday Morning Headlines Review 2.23 to 3.1.2020 Read More


Buffett’s Board – Berkshire Hathaway, Interlocking Directorates, Ronald Olson – Manufactured Housing and Truth Hiding in Plain Sight

A systematic approach to the headline above will shed light on several manufactured housing industry related issues. This should prove enlightening to new as well as longtime readers. With that preface, on the next to last page of the recently published Berkshire Hathaway annual report to shareholders for 2019 is …

Buffett’s Board – Berkshire Hathaway, Interlocking Directorates, Ronald Olson – Manufactured Housing and Truth Hiding in Plain Sight Read More


“Be Greedy When Others are Fearful” – Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and Follow the Money, plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates

Bill Gates, who sits on the Berkshire Hathaway board of directors, and who has Warren Buffett sitting on the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation board of directors, has made a public statement about his ‘concerns’ for the coronavirus outbreak. We will look at what CNBC reported about Gate’s comment, and …

“Be Greedy When Others are Fearful” – Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and Follow the Money, plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates Read More


Endangered – University of Texas Study of Manufactured Home Communities

New research by the University of Texas law school has been published that has received scant attention by manufactured housing trade media, until now. As it is third-party academic research, it is worthy of consideration by industry professionals, investors, advocates and policy wonks. Heather K. Way, JD; Carol E. Fraser, …

Endangered – University of Texas Study of Manufactured Home Communities Read More


Manufactured Housing Institute Member Havenpark Capital Fuels Outrage, Fear – plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates

Legislation is not easy to pass. Thousands of bills proposed every year at the state and federal level and few get passed, which makes that point clear. The Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) is aware of that reality, as are there savvier members. Tonight’s report will feature an update on Havenpark …

Manufactured Housing Institute Member Havenpark Capital Fuels Outrage, Fear – plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates Read More


Bernie Sanders, UMH Properties – Investor Shock Wave Looms

“As U.S. stocks tumbled on Monday, hit by mounting coronavirus fears, analysts also flagged the possibility that investors haven’t been taking Bernie Sanders seriously enough, after the Vermont senator’s surprisingly broad support in the Nevada caucuses Saturday.” So said Bloomberg News, per Yahoo Finance on February 24, 2020 at this …

Bernie Sanders, UMH Properties – Investor Shock Wave Looms Read More


HUD Secretary Ben Carson’s Keynote Address USC Schwarzenegger Institute and USC Sol Price Center for Social Innovation, plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates

HUD Secretary Ben Carson’s Driving Affordable Housing bus tour took him to California, among other stops. Tonight’s featured focus includes a video address where Dr. Carson deviates from his prepared remarks to talk about manufactured homes. There is a steady, vocal supporter for manufactured homes in the nation’s capital, as …

HUD Secretary Ben Carson’s Keynote Address USC Schwarzenegger Institute and USC Sol Price Center for Social Innovation, plus Manufactured Home Investing, Stock Updates Read More


Housing Affordability Challenges, Presidential Economic Report and Manufactured Home Opportunities

MHProNews has been unpacking aspects of the newly-released the “Annual Report of the Council of Economic Advisers” and February 2020 “Economic Report of the President.” While there is a problematic area to their report that will be examined at another time, the focus of our article today will be on …

Housing Affordability Challenges, Presidential Economic Report and Manufactured Home Opportunities Read More


Manufactured Housing Industry Research, Info and Analysis vs Smoke and Mirrors, plus Manufactured Home Stock, Investing Updates

On both sides of the left-right media divide, there are accusations periodically hurled between competitors. Perhaps that is to be expected. The reality is that there is often truth found on either side of the media, political, business or other divides. Thus accurate discernment becomes a relevant issue. On September …

Manufactured Housing Industry Research, Info and Analysis vs Smoke and Mirrors, plus Manufactured Home Stock, Investing Updates Read More


“People are Afraid to Speak Out” – Extortion by Fear, Hobbs Act – Residents, Manufactured Housing Institute Members, Association Controversies

“People are afraid to speak out,” KCRG cited Candi Evans as saying during an interview in a North Liberty, Iowa manufactured home community. In that state, a bill to provide protections for residents against predatory site fee hikes has died in committee just days ago. It is part of broader …

“People are Afraid to Speak Out” – Extortion by Fear, Hobbs Act – Residents, Manufactured Housing Institute Members, Association Controversies Read More


Long-Knives – Sanders Surges, Bloomberg Campaign Prepares Sharper Attack, plus Manufactured Housing Investing, Stock Updates

No doubt the coronavirus influenced today’s biggest one-day slide in two years. But ignoring the obvious is that Senator Bernie Sanders won by a wide margin in Nevada. The Biden Campaign’s claim of electability is falling apart. The long-knives are out for Bernie, with left-leaning media taking aim and the …

Long-Knives – Sanders Surges, Bloomberg Campaign Prepares Sharper Attack, plus Manufactured Housing Investing, Stock Updates Read More


Warren Buffett’s New Letter, Clayton Homes and Related Manufactured Housing Controversies

Compared to some previous years, Warren Buffett’s famous annual letter to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders says surprisingly little about Clayton Homes and their associated manufactured housing lending activities. Key portions of his comments are quoted herein further below. But why is so relatively little is said in Buffett’s often seemingly folksy …

Warren Buffett’s New Letter, Clayton Homes and Related Manufactured Housing Controversies Read More


Destabilization in Manufactured Housing Market Ahead, plus Sunday Weekly Manufactured Home Headline Review 2.16 to 2.23.2020

MHProNews asked an economics professor the following hypothetical scenario. Note that this was framed in terms of housing in general, but we will return to how this applies to manufactured homes and communities following this initial review addressed to economics professor Daniel Zarycki.   Imagine for the next for moments …

Destabilization in Manufactured Housing Market Ahead, plus Sunday Weekly Manufactured Home Headline Review 2.16 to 2.23.2020 Read More

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