
Daily Stock Reports and News Updates for Manufactured Home, Modular Housing, Factory Built Housing. Fact Checks, Analysis, and Commentary.


Michael’s a Monster, Set to Destroy, Disrupt – Plus Manufactured Housing Market Updates

The fallout from the flooding, waves and wind destruction from Hurricane Florence is still being assessed and addressed, while Hurricane Michael is heading for the Gulf Coast, likely the Florida Panhandle.  That will be our focus for this evening’s market report. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight …

Michael’s a Monster, Set to Destroy, Disrupt – Plus Manufactured Housing Market Updates Read More


“It’s the Economy, Kavanaugh” – Ted Cruz vs Beto O’Rourke TX Senate Race, Plus MH Market Updates

Tick-tock. It’s less than 30 days to the midterms, and one of the most watched races in the nation is in a top manufactured housing producing and retailing state. That race, and what it could mean for MHVille, will be part of our featured report this evening. If you’re new, …

“It’s the Economy, Kavanaugh” – Ted Cruz vs Beto O’Rourke TX Senate Race, Plus MH Market Updates Read More


September 2018 Jobs in 1 Graphic, Plus Manufactured Housing Industry Connected Equities Update

Manufactured housing, as with all big-ticket sales, depend upon people who can write the check, or obtain the credit. Those who finance are obviously going to come largely from workers, business owners, or those who get a government guaranteed check, such as retirees. So, the jobs report, and the employment/unemployment …

September 2018 Jobs in 1 Graphic, Plus Manufactured Housing Industry Connected Equities Update Read More


JP Morgan Downgrades Chinese Equities Over “Full Blown Trade War,” Plus MH Market Updates

It wasn’t that long ago when JP Morgan said they thought U.S.-Chinese trade tensions would be a skirmish, not a war.  That’s changed, which will be our evening focus on a day when stocks retreated. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready to …

JP Morgan Downgrades Chinese Equities Over “Full Blown Trade War,” Plus MH Market Updates Read More


Hidden or Obvious Agenda Behind Business, Other News, Plus Manufactured Housing Market Updates

When left-of-center Axios recent survey revealed that some 72 percent of Americans have a level of distrust for the mainstream media, that’s not new, but it is an interesting data – and tipping – point. If – as much of the nation believes – news is slanted to advance an …

Hidden or Obvious Agenda Behind Business, Other News, Plus Manufactured Housing Market Updates Read More


Fed’s Powell “Remarkably Positive Outlook,” Plus Manufactured Housing Market Updates

There is a steady stream of positive economic, consumer confidence, business and investor confidence news. The positive economic news stands in stark contrast to the roughly last 9 years before the 2016 election, when huge borrowing and a series of “QEs” – “Quantitative Easing” – artificially propped up an economy …

Fed’s Powell “Remarkably Positive Outlook,” Plus Manufactured Housing Market Updates Read More


USMCA: President Trump Announces NAFTA Replacement Promise Made, Kept – Stocks Soar, plus MH Market Updates

The Dow rose nearly 200 points today on news that began to leak out late last night that Canada and the U.S. had come to terms on a revision to the old – and much maligned – North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The Manufactured Housing Composite Value rose too. …

USMCA: President Trump Announces NAFTA Replacement Promise Made, Kept – Stocks Soar, plus MH Market Updates Read More


Former President Bill Clinton, Pivotal Moment for Manufactured Housing Industry, Sunday Morning Weekly Recap 9.23 to 9.30.2018

The photo above is a reminder of a pivotal time in the development of the manufactured housing industry’s history.  It’s a reminder that manufactured homes (MH), like affordable housing in general, are bi-partisan issues. Actually, manufactured homes and affordable housing ought to be nonpartisan issues. But we should know after …

Former President Bill Clinton, Pivotal Moment for Manufactured Housing Industry, Sunday Morning Weekly Recap 9.23 to 9.30.2018 Read More


Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg’s “Frankenstein Moment,” Plus MH Market Updates

  Manufactured home industry marketers and others use social media, including Facebook, on a routine basis.  Facebook has been drawing fire for much of this year, and was catching heat prior to 2018 too. An update on the news surrounding Facebook – including the latest allegations and data breach impacting …

Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg’s “Frankenstein Moment,” Plus MH Market Updates Read More


NAFTA Replaced by HAFTA? Plus, Manufactured Housing Market Updates

Millions of Americans have been tuned into the Ford-Kavanaugh hearing this afternoon, which at this time are still ongoing.  The Mel Watt/FHFA hearing will be covered another time too.  Markets closed up, and NAFTA vs. HAFTA was one of those hot topics.  That will be our focus for this evening. …

NAFTA Replaced by HAFTA? Plus, Manufactured Housing Market Updates Read More


4 Ways Fed Rate Hike Impacts You, Your Customers – Plus MH Market Updates

The Fed hiked rates today, and the markets slid. There are always multiple factors, which will be outlined in our headline bullets below.  But the focus this evening will be a video of the 4 ways that the Fed rate hikes impact you and your customers. If you’re new, already …

4 Ways Fed Rate Hike Impacts You, Your Customers – Plus MH Market Updates Read More


Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Berkshire Hathaway Backstory

  Arguably at the heart of the affordable housing crisis is an access to lending for the most affordable homes built in America, manufactured homes. “The Enterprises” of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are mandated by the Housing and Economic Recovery Act (HERA 2008) to support manufactured home lending under …

Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Berkshire Hathaway Backstory Read More


POTUS Trump ‘Keeps Another Trade Promise,’ Plus Manufactured Housing Market UPdates

Markets were mixed today, for reasons found in the bullets from CNN and Fox, further below. But one of the developments worth noting was President Donald J. Trump signing a trade deal with South Korean President Moon Jae-in.  It means more jobs in the U.S., and that can lead to …

POTUS Trump ‘Keeps Another Trade Promise,’ Plus Manufactured Housing Market UPdates Read More


Cracking America’s Rude Crude Fracking Rise? Oil and MH plus Manufactured Home Market Updates

Fuel costs are an important element to manufactured housing transportation. Domestic drilling is another tie-in with factory-built housing.  OPEC is the “Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries.” The OPEC cartel is primarily Middle Eastern. As fracking has made the U.S. rival Saudi Arabia and Russia in oil production, OPEC has …

Cracking America’s Rude Crude Fracking Rise? Oil and MH plus Manufactured Home Market Updates Read More

Did Google, Others Touching MHVille Take Big Step Toward AntiTrust? Plus MH Market Updates

Facts are facts. The Washington Post (WaPo) is owned by Jeff Bezos, a pro-Obama, pro-Clinton Democratic supporter. In May 2016, as President Barack Obama’s presidency was moving towards its close, WaPo reported, “But we have not seen a major shift in [antitrust] enforcement under Obama.” Slate is another left leaning media source. …

Did Google, Others Touching MHVille Take Big Step Toward AntiTrust? Plus MH Market Updates Read More


New Highs, Tired of Winning Yet? Plus, MH Market UPdates

Record-after-record on the stock markets since the election of President Donald J. Trump.  Record-after-record in employment for minorities, women, and all workers since the election of the 45th U.S. president. Some of the debate and outlook of what’s ahead will all be in our featured report this evening. If you’re …

New Highs, Tired of Winning Yet? Plus, MH Market UPdates Read More


Skyline Champion Makes Major Announcement, Plus “Insider” Look

In a media release to the Daily Business News on MHProNews, Skyline Champion Corporation (NYSE: SKY) announced that certain “shareholders (the “Selling Shareholders”) intend to offer for sale 6,000,000 shares of its common stock pursuant to the Company’s shelf registration statement filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). In …

Skyline Champion Makes Major Announcement, Plus “Insider” Look Read More


1 Million Jobs, Poof! Jack Ma Warns “20 Year Trade War,” Plus MH Market Updates

New York City Mayor Michael Rubens Bloomberg owns Bloomberg News. Bloomberg has signaled an interest in running against President Donald J. Trump in 2020 as a Democratic Party candidate. So even that brief background is enough to say that Bloomberg News is not a pro-Trump media outlet.  With that brief insight, tonight’s …

1 Million Jobs, Poof! Jack Ma Warns “20 Year Trade War,” Plus MH Market Updates Read More


If Dems Seriously Want Senate, Texans Beto O’Rourke vs Ted Cruz Key Contest, Plus MH Market Updates

Let’s note that new tariffs between China and the U.S. today still witnessed a strong day on Wall Street. There’s growing signs that the market is ‘getting it’ on the “America First,” POTUS Trump trade battle. That said, let’s pivot to a key Senate contest. If Democrats are going to …

If Dems Seriously Want Senate, Texans Beto O’Rourke vs Ted Cruz Key Contest, Plus MH Market Updates Read More


HUGE Hurricane Florence Damage Estimates, Plus Manufactured Housing Industry Updates

CNBC reports that Moody Analytics has estimated the damage from Hurricane Florence in the tens of billions, and could go higher.  That’s bad, but an estimate from CoreLogic would make that estimate look puny. Frankly, news of China appeared to be the bigger market-mover today, but our focus this evening …

HUGE Hurricane Florence Damage Estimates, Plus Manufactured Housing Industry Updates Read More

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