WIFR and RockfordRegisterStar report that Rockford area manufactured home communities were among those awarded grants by the Illinois EPA for upgrades to their water systems. Illinois EPA Interim Director, Lisa Bonnett awarded close to $2 million to 18 small communities across the state for repair and improvements to their public water systems. Each community receiving the grant had experienced difficulty in achieving compliance with safe drinking water standards. “Due to their size and limited resources, these small communities do not have the fund readily available to perform the necessary corrective actions on such long-term projects,” said Bonnett. “These grants will aid them in improving the drinking water they provide to their consumers.” Mancuso Village Mobile Home Park, home to about 300 people, will receive $59,810 to build a hydropneumatic tank building and chemical rooms and a related system connection. Riverview Mobile Home Park, home to some 250 residents, will receive $132,550 to connect to the city’s water supply system.