What follows are a series of screen captures of news headlines from across the country.
These screen captures are from this morning, 10.22.2018, at the times shown.
There are two communities that sold for a total of $165 million dollars. That’s one of the headlines that professionals – notably those in or tied to the communities sector – are keenly interested in reading about.
Next, the State of New York’s Attorney General settled a case a big case with Sun Communities and others in the manufactured home community (MHC) business. The litigation involved rent-to-own or lease-purchase options. Keep in mind prior news we’ve covered on the Daily Business News on MHProNews that related to that hot topic, starting at this link here.
Consumers/MH Shoppers
Now, imagine yourself as a typical American. Picture that you are not in the manufactured home industry. You know only what you read, see, or hear from the mainstream news media.
This imaginary person is seeking affordable housing. You are more likely to be thinking the words ‘mobile home’ instead of ‘manufactured home,’ right? After all, that is what Foremost told us in their survey, linked here.
What if you are one of the claimed 25 million unique visitors that MHVillage says visits their website each year? Please, keep scanning, and keep that mind open for what follows.
This Google search is a common result. Page after page of what appears to be mostly bad news.
Objectively speaking, isn’t this what millions of Americans think about ‘mobile homes’ or more properly, manufactured homes – right? Millions wonder, what is the cost for them to get a lower price? Millions think no further than the headlines like those, shown above.

It is headline news like the above that is part of the reason why MHVillage – or for that matter, most every manufactured housing operation in the nation – has such a low percentage of closings vs visitors to their websites or business locations.
That sadly low closing ratio are common, even among the giants.
This is under 400 words. It’s the first part of today’s manufactured housing professional wake-up call. More to follow, as we lay out not only the challenges, but also solutions. ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)
(Related Reports are further below. Third-party images and content are provided under fair use guidelines.)
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Official Federal Housing and Construction Activity Report, Video
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