Manufactured Home Communities


Manufactured Home Communities, Retailers, Developers Face Disruptive, Troubling Trend

There’s an old axiom that describes the purported three options that someone faces when confronted with a threat. “Fight, flight or deal with it.”   Marty Lavin, JD, is one of a few voices in manufactured housing who has publicly called out in digital print the problem of discrimination against …

Manufactured Home Communities, Retailers, Developers Face Disruptive, Troubling Trend Read More


President Donald J. Trump Proclaims June 2018 as National Homeownership Month, Industry Reaction

Via a release from the White House Press Room to the Daily Business News, the President of the United States (POTUS), Donald J. Trump, said as follows.   — start of extended quote — “During National Homeownership Month, we affirm the joy and benefits of homeownership.  For millions of Americans, …

President Donald J. Trump Proclaims June 2018 as National Homeownership Month, Industry Reaction Read More


Fannie Mae Touts MH Advantage Program, But Manufactured Housing Association Slams Plan as “Illegitimate,” “Bait and Switch”

In a letter to the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) and Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform presidents, Jonathan Lawless, Vice President of Fannie Mae advised the two national trade associations of their news “MH Advantage” program for manufactured homes.   The opening from the letter from Lawless to the two …

Fannie Mae Touts MH Advantage Program, But Manufactured Housing Association Slams Plan as “Illegitimate,” “Bait and Switch” Read More


Jobs, Jobs, More Jobs – What the Data Says, plus Manufactured Housing Industry Markets Update

Citing the monthly Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey released today, CNBC says that for the first time in U.S. history, for two months running, there are more job openings than people available to fill them.  That video and related commentary will be our market focus tonight. If you’re new, …

Jobs, Jobs, More Jobs – What the Data Says, plus Manufactured Housing Industry Markets Update Read More


Koch Brothers Battling POTUS Trump Tariffs, Economic Adviser Larry Kudlow Defends, Stocks Jump, plus MH Market Updates

“When you find the person opposed by the elites of both major political parties, then you’ve found your presidential candidate.”  That won’t turn up a search result for who first said that, but it’s a close paraphrase from a meme that was circulated during the 2016 political campaign. It’s a …

Koch Brothers Battling POTUS Trump Tariffs, Economic Adviser Larry Kudlow Defends, Stocks Jump, plus MH Market Updates Read More


7 Surprising Keys to Unlock Manufactured Housing Industry Sales Success

“Scientia potentia est,” is Latin that is commonly translated as Knowledge is Power, but it is more accurately translated into English as Knowledge is Potential Power.   All Knowledge comes from one of two sources, your own experiences, or insights learned from the experiences of others. There are no exceptions. …

7 Surprising Keys to Unlock Manufactured Housing Industry Sales Success Read More


“Cap X Coming Alive” “Don’t Punish Success” – Kudlow – Business, Economic, Political Outlook, PLUS MH Market Updates

When the left-of-center CNBC starts singing the praises of the Trump Economic Recovery. When Democratic politicos, and their allies get nervous, those indicators – plus the strong numbers posted today – are reminders of how the pendulum is moving.  Today’s jobs and economic numbers will be our focus tonight. If …

“Cap X Coming Alive” “Don’t Punish Success” – Kudlow – Business, Economic, Political Outlook, PLUS MH Market Updates Read More


Tariffs! Or Trade Tool? Markets Rocked, Manufactured Housing Industry Stock Updates

Depending on who you tune into, media are either blasting the Trump Administration, or are praising him for standing up for American businesses and jobs.  The markets dropped, over the latest round of tariff talk. But should they have?  That will be our market focus report for this evening. If …

Tariffs! Or Trade Tool? Markets Rocked, Manufactured Housing Industry Stock Updates Read More


Manufactured Home Community Owner Alert, Rent Control, MHAction Plans Organized Action in Several States

“Rent control fights are heating up in California and Illinois, and manufactured homeowners are continuing to organize for better treatment from corporate landlords,” the leftist-activist group, MHAction stated in a release to the Daily Business News. “Nationwide, MHAction is joining a coalition of affordable housing advocates calling for Congress to …

Manufactured Home Community Owner Alert, Rent Control, MHAction Plans Organized Action in Several States Read More

Tariffs Designed to Defend American Tech, Peter Navarro Video, Plus MH Market Updates

Stocks largely recovered today from four days of losses. The markets moved higher, even though the on-again, off-again tariffs and “trade war” talk is back on again.  That will be our market focus for this evening. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready …

Tariffs Designed to Defend American Tech, Peter Navarro Video, Plus MH Market Updates Read More


George Allen Blasts MHI, NCC Ignoring Own, Spencer Roane, SECO, COBA7, Tom Lackey Controversies

The absurdity of publishing only half-truths, ‘happy talk,’ endless self-promotion, and polite platitudes has been on full display in manufactured housing for years.   Google’s dictionary defines absurd this way: wildly unreasonable, illogical, or inappropriate – “the allegations are patently absurd” arousing amusement or derision; ridiculous – “gym shorts and …

George Allen Blasts MHI, NCC Ignoring Own, Spencer Roane, SECO, COBA7, Tom Lackey Controversies Read More


FEDs, AGs, Law, Weaponized Gov’t – Business Risk, and Defense

There is in all communications efforts the risk of saying too much, or too little, when seeking to make an important point.   In an era when thousands of messages are heard or seen daily by the average American, the risk of tuning out news or issues that seem disquieting …

FEDs, AGs, Law, Weaponized Gov’t – Business Risk, and Defense Read More


High-Rise Manufactured Home Stackable Towers, Compete with Modular/PreFabs, Density at Lower Cost

“It is no secret about lifting HUD [Code manufactured] homes…[it’s] done all the time,” said industry installation expert, George Porter.   “There are some differences because of the [different kinds of HUD Code manufactured home’s] frame, but fairly similar,” Porter told the Daily Business News via a series of emailed …

High-Rise Manufactured Home Stackable Towers, Compete with Modular/PreFabs, Density at Lower Cost Read More


Sunday Morning Manufactured Home Industry Research, Reports, Headline News Recap 5.20.2018 to 5.27.2018

“Proud to be an American” As we watched the release of Josh Holt and his Venezuelan wife, the ‘sound track’ of the Lee Greenwood song that includes the lyrics above was playing in our heads. First, the events of last night, courtesy of the White House press room to the …

Sunday Morning Manufactured Home Industry Research, Reports, Headline News Recap 5.20.2018 to 5.27.2018 Read More


‘Tip of Iceberg’ – Rick Rand; Marty Lavin, Communities have ‘No Confidence’ in Manufactured Housing Institute, New National Trade Group Announced

“We are at the tip of the iceberg,” for the manufactured home industry’s opportunities, said Rick Rand of Great Value Homes in WI.     Rand – a Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) board member, and award-winning communities veteran – would not weigh in on the latest controversies about the Arlington, …

‘Tip of Iceberg’ – Rick Rand; Marty Lavin, Communities have ‘No Confidence’ in Manufactured Housing Institute, New National Trade Group Announced Read More


Summary of Explosive Allegations of Illegal Spying by Feds of Trump Campaign, Plus MH Market Updates

In case you missed it (ICYMI), the markets have been roiled more by politics and international issues – which do at times, involve trade – as much or more that date or news about given stocks, economic, and market fundamentals. A variety of data, including corporate earnings, reveal a sound …

Summary of Explosive Allegations of Illegal Spying by Feds of Trump Campaign, Plus MH Market Updates Read More


“Big Tech Lies,” “You’re the Product,” Consider “Breaking Them Up” says Apple Co-Founder, Steve Wozniak – Plus Manufactured Housing Industry Market Updates

Steve Wozniak – Apple’s co-founder – unloaded a lot of thought-provoking fodder to Business Insider, and that will be our focus report for this evening. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready to get the MH professional fever – our headline reports are found …

“Big Tech Lies,” “You’re the Product,” Consider “Breaking Them Up” says Apple Co-Founder, Steve Wozniak – Plus Manufactured Housing Industry Market Updates Read More


US Manufacturers Roar, Hiring More, Paying More, Thanks to Tax Reform – Plus Manufactured Housing Connected Stocks, Investment Updates

President Donald Trump takes a bow with Jay Timmons, president and CEO of the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM).  General and manufactured housing specific reports indicate that the 45th president’s tax reform plan are helping to grow manufacturing, increase jobs, and are causing new production centers to open. That will …

US Manufacturers Roar, Hiring More, Paying More, Thanks to Tax Reform – Plus Manufactured Housing Connected Stocks, Investment Updates Read More


Michigan Rising Shipments, Home to Nine of Top 50 Largest Manufactured Home Community Owner-Operators

The manufactured housing industry is poised to have one of its best years in recent history. Michigan is responsible for a significant percentage of that, according to the Michigan Manufactured Housing Association, (MMHA).   “Michigan has always been a big proponent of manufactured homes, the communities and the people who …

Michigan Rising Shipments, Home to Nine of Top 50 Largest Manufactured Home Community Owner-Operators Read More


Seattle’s Assault on Amazon, Bigger Businesses Passes Affordable Housing Tax, Plus MH Market Updates

Late Monday, Seattle stayed in the national headlines, as it passed a modified version of their head tax on larger businesses, in order to pay for their growing affordable housing crisis. That will be our focus report this evening. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – …

Seattle’s Assault on Amazon, Bigger Businesses Passes Affordable Housing Tax, Plus MH Market Updates Read More

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