“Rent control fights are heating up in California and Illinois, and manufactured homeowners are continuing to organize for better treatment from corporate landlords,” the leftist-activist group, MHAction stated in a release to the Daily Business News.
“Nationwide, MHAction is joining a coalition of affordable housing advocates calling for Congress to fully fund HUD and reject proposed rent increases for recipients of section 8 funds. Now, more than ever, as corporate real estate investors move into ownership of manufactured home communities, apartment buildings, and single family homes, we need a strong, fully funded HUD to advocate for our communities,” per their statement.
“On May 15th, manufactured homeowners in Illinois, from Urbana and Beecher, joined tenant activists with the Lift the Ban Coalition for a lobby day in Springfield to call for the repeal of the Illinois state law that prevents rent control. Many other homeowners from across the state who were unable to travel to Springfield participated by writing letters and making phone calls to their state Senators. We’ll be holding a conference call next week, Wednesday June 6th, to update everyone on the status of SB 3512 and talk about how we can build momentum for rent control this summer,” per MHAction.
Regular, long-time Daily Business News readers recall that MHProNews has been warning industry investors and professionals about the actions of this group for some years. A recent report, is linked below. So, thoughtful readers should not construe reports about them, as an endorsement of their efforts or thinking.
“In California manufactured homeowners are continuing to work in coalition with affordable housing advocates statewide to fight for expanded rent control and real solutions to the affordable housing crisis. We’ll be holding a conference call on Thursday, June 14th to discuss how manufactured homeowners can help pass the Affordable Housing Act in November, and use the increased focus on housing issues to build momentum for community fights,” per their release, which is peppered with sign ups, that have not been included in this column.
“In Maryland and New York, communities owned by Sunrise Capital Investors are continuing to fight back against drastic rent increases they received last January,” they stated in their call-to-arms for fellow activists.
“If you have updates on your local work you’d like us to share,” said MHAction, “or would like support from other manufactured homeowners, send us an email,” they requested.
The group creates stories, shares photos, graphics, and videos designed to attracts more activists. They have apparent ties to Black Lives Matter, the now-dissolved ACORN group, and other left-wing activist organizations.
As has been previously noted, their core thinking is heavily laced with socialistic and other flawed economic concepts.
MHProNews will continue to monitor the group for industry professionals and investors, and plans to report about their problematic activities periodically. “We Provide, You Decide.” © (News, analysis, and expert commentary.)
(Third party images, and cites are provided under fair use guidelines.)
Related Reports:
Frank Rolfe, MHU/RV Horizons Protest by MHAction; Nathan Smith/SSK/MHI Flashbacks?
Washington Post – Protests of HUD Secretary Ben Carson, Manufactured Housing Institute, by MHAction, New York Communities for Change, CarsonWatch – An Inside Look – manufacturedhomelivingnews.com
A recent Washington Post (WP, the Post, or WaPo) report about a recent protest made it clear that manufactured housing is an important part of the solution to the growing affordable housing crisis in the USA. Here is part of what the WP report said.
“Death by Government,” Fascism, Communism, Socialism, ‘Big Brother,’ per Williams, Rummel and Owens

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Soheyla is a managing member of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and MHLivingNews.com.