On 10.11.2020, just days before the 2020 general election, the left-of-center AP reported that Michigan Governor “Gretchen Whitmer knew she’d have the spotlight Thursday. And she decided not to waste it.” That purported plot was foiled by a raid on a manufactured home that sought several of suspects in the case that federal agents say targeted Governor Gretchen Whitmer (MI-D) for “kidnapping.” Fast forward to the present, when on 4.8.2022 jurors in Michigan who sat in judgement of that case acquitted two men prosecutors had charged with a mistrial (hung jury) verdict in case against two other defendants. It was originally the manufactured home connection that caught MHProNews’ eye about this matter. The original report is linked below and a few news videos from that timeframe posted below about that FBI raid on a manufactured home.
Our original report on that made clear that at least one of the parties initially involved was an apparent AntiFa supporter, even though numbers of media were portraying them as radical pro-Trump militiamen. That and more are unpacked in the still relevant flashback found below.
This matter has finally wound its way through the legal process in a trial that has now concluded. Courtesy of the WND Newscenter to MHProNews is the following report.
Jury acquits 2 in Whitmer case, mistrial declared for 2 others
Had been accused of plotting to kidnap Michigan governor
By Bob Unruh
Published April 8, 2022 at 3:57pm
Jurors in Michigan on Friday acquitted two men of prosecutorial claims they conspired to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer because of her heavy-handed abuse of the constitutional rights of the state’s residents during COVID.
A mistrial was declared regarding two other defendants.
A jury of six men and six women found Brandon Caserta and Daniel Harris not guilty on all counts, but did not reach verdicts for two other defendants in the trial, Barry Croft and Adams Fox.
U.S. Attorney Andrew Birge said he was disappointed, but credited the jury with listening “to a lot of evidence.”
He indicated there wasn’t much more he would say at this point. Prosecutors could decide to bring Croft and Fox to trial yet again.
Prosecutors built their case on social media posts and chat messages among the defendants, and presented audio secretly recorded by an FBI informant.
However, the fact that the FBI had a multitude of informants within the group of defendants probably got more attention than some of the other evidence. In fact, defense lawyers had charged before the trial began that their clients were manipulated by those in the pay of the federal government.
Witnesses testified to shooting drills, training and more in which the defendants participated.
Witnesses also claimed they scoped out the governor’s vacation home.
But no attack ever took place and testimony from various witnesses differed.
Joshua Blanchard, a lawyer for Croft, told the jury, “There was no plan to kidnap the governor, and there was no agreement between these four men.”
He blamed the paranoia of the prosecutors for conjuring up a conspiracy using the government’s own informants and undercover agents.
The New York Times said Whitmer “took a more restrictive approach than some other Midwestern governors” regarding COVID rules, and continually blasted President Donald Trump and his actions.
The defendants did discuss their anger at the governor, but the defense said the comments all were free speech, not a crime.
Several defendants pleaded guilty to some charges earlier.
NBC said the various charges included conspiring to use a weapon of mass destruction, possession of an unregistered device, possession of a rifle, conspiracy and more.
JoAnne Huls, a spokeswoman for Whitmer, lashed out at the jury for creating the “normalization of political violence.”
WND reported as the trial approached that Fox testified about being “pressured” and “manipulated” by government agents to work with an alleged conspiracy.
Defense attorneys explained evidence they acquired “depicts an elaborate tale of FBI entrapment,” wrote Julie Kelly, who has reported extensively on both cases for the website American Greatness.
She pointed out at least a dozen FBI informants were involved in the failed plot to kidnap the Michigan governor, amounting to about one FBI asset per defendant.
“FBI agents handling the informants directed every move,” Kelly writes. “They funded training and reconnaissance trips, and even organized a ‘national militia’ conference in Ohio in June 2020 to lure potential accomplices.”
The case already has seen two government operatives fall in disgrace.
For example, FBI Special Agent Richard Trask, the government’s public face of the investigation, was arrested on a domestic violence charge and later fired and convicted of a misdemeanor. And a government informant, Stephen Robeson, was dropped by federal investigators after he was caught with an illegal sniper rifle.
Government lawyers have claimed their agents were not pushing the defendants to illegal activity in order to entrap them. But the FBI’s reputation has taken a shellacking in recent years because of the involvement of its employees in the debunked “Russiagate” collusion conspiracy theory it made up and worked to promote against President Trump.
The Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee recently were fined by the Federal Election Commission more than $100,000 for paying for opposition research material on that agenda and calling those payments legal fees. ##
Additional Information, More MHProNews Analysis and Commentary
Beyond the manufactured home raid and that angle, this issue may well have other relevance to our time and profession. The first two acquittals in this case are good reasons why the word “alleged” is used by ethically minded media when the government charges a defendant(s) with a crime. But beyond this acquittal of two defendants, there may be some possible parallels between this matter and another incident that drew even more attention. Detail and historically minded longer-term readers of MHProNews may recall that there have been several allegations raised that the January 6 breech of the U.S. Capitol may have involved federal agents and/or assets.
It ought to be logically apparent that if there was a lack of “insurrection” charges roughly a year after the so-called J6 “insurrection” that what took place on that fateful day may not have been quite what was being projected at the time. Certainly, the Capitol Building was illegally breached. But there have been allegations since early on that there were federal agents or assets among those who encouraged the Capitol breach. The Biden junta and their backers certainly wanted to (still does) to make an example of those who were accused with unlawfully entering the Capitol building. So long as entrapment wasn’t involved, those guilty of various offenses on that day ought to be dealt with according to the law. But if those hundreds who ‘stormed’ the Capitol committed no “insurrection” then it should be logically apparent that President Trump didn’t ‘lead’ an insurrection.
MHProNews has previously informed readers that there is video of Trump pre-Capitol breech telling the crowd to “peacefully and patriotically” march to the Capitol and let their voices be heard. There were no calls for violence by the 45th President. The time line below makes it clear that those who breached the Capitol did so before speech attendees arrived at the building. That too goes against the narrative of some in media.
Now, against that backdrop, there ought to be an array of logical questions that truth-seekers and bias-free media should ponder and probe. For instance. Who benefited from the Capitol breech? Did Trump? Hardly. Inside the Capitol Building, for the first time in the 21st century a lawful challenge of the election was raised where both Congressmen and at least one U.S. Senator signed onto that challenge. Democrats had done similarly in 2000, 2004, and 2016, but no House Dem could get a Senate Democrat to go along with them.
Clearly, some have pled guilty to offenses that did not include insurrection. The day may come when enough evidence comes forward to reveal that this too was entrapment by feds who ran a psy-op on the U.S. public. It wouldn’t be the first time, as the Whitmer case reminds us.

This Whitmer case verdict is a reminder that propaganda has been deployed on Americans off and on for decades. For example, using a case against Republicans (because this is not a partisan issue, as the J6 case has been made by numbers of Democrats).
‘A Tapestry of Lies,’ With Bi-Partisan Examples
President George W. Bush (R-43) and his team, with both left- and right-wing media in tow, arguably lied their way into the 2-decade war in the Middle East by invading Iraq for ‘weapons of mass destruction’ that never existed. It was apparently a type of mass psychosis psy-op. Clearly, Osama Bin Laden was a ‘bad dude.’ But Bin Laden was also a prior asset of the CIA. Why is that part of the history overlooked? It was after the Iraqi and Afghanistan Wars were underway that NBC News reported “U.S. ties to Osama bin Laden, trained and funded by the CIA to wreak havoc on the Soviet Army and now turning his talents…” on 12.10.2003.
President Barack Obama (D-44) was in the Oval Office when the U.S. invaded Libya. That too was proceeded by a barrage of claims that much of the media regurgitated to the American public. However problematic Libyan leader Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi was, without him Libya has turned into a hotbed of radical groups and internal warfare. Reuters reported on 9.3.2011 that “Western intelligence services began cooperating with Libya after Gaddafi abandoned his programme to build unconventional weapons in 2004.” Apparently, dictators are fine as long as they are aligned with the U.S. and/or British, Australian, Canadian, or New Zealand’s intelligence services?
Those ‘western’ nations make up what has been called “The Five Eyes is an intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States.” Part of the point is that narratives often morph and change according to political expediency. It is often the citizenry, domestic and foreign that are the true target of propaganda. After all, governments have spies and analysts that help them sort out what is real and what is manufactured or ‘faked’ news.
This writer for MHProNews has editorially shared this understanding in case specific examples of how the ‘tapestry of lies’ is playing out in the Ukrainian invasion of Russia.
Now, let’s apply such insights to our profession.
Despite being an award winner in history, even with such historic knowledge of propaganda and its effects, it did not occur to this writer (my bad) that what the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) was doing in our industry was little more than stage acting. There was a clever paltering propaganda at work, with diversions, photo ops, and ‘efforts’ that looked plausible that aimed to gain the trust of independent businesses. To what purpose? So that a fairly small group of firms that dominate MHI that are keen for consolidation could over time dominate our profession. The mantra that the first casualty of war is the truth should be paired with Warren Buffett’s clear declaration of class warfare against the masses who make up this nation.

It is also a principle of business that barriers of entry, persistence, and exit from an industry or sector that is underperforming are greater. For those like Berkshire Hathaway’s Chairman Buffett who believe in and preach about ‘moats’ to keep out the competition, that sheds light our once greater profession.
The Trump Effect?
One should keep in mind that Buffett and numbers of his fellow billionaires backed Barack Obama, then Hillary Clinton and more recently billionaires and their corporate interests largely supported Joe Biden for the Oval Office. Buffett loathed Trump, and even before Trump became a candidate, Buffett would on occasion speak ill of the man.
So, beyond industry politics and motivations is the issue of President Donald J. Trump.
Tens of millions have essentially been brainwashed or gaslighted into believing that Trump was a criminal who cooperated with Putin to steal the 2016 election from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Ironically, quite the opposite has since been discovered to be closer to the truth.
Think back over the 5 years he spent in office and running for the White House. Ponder how many things was Trump accused of doing wrong, the bulk of which has since been disproven. But a seemingly endless series of allegations have been used by RINO Republicans as well as Democrats to make Trump look like an enemy to the people, when in fact his policies and leadership helped give Americans more peace abroad with more prosperity at home. What some called ‘Trumponomics’ worked to create a rising standard of living, with a fraction of the rate of inflation that currently exists. Facts and evidence matter. Incomes were largely stagnant or in decline adjusted for inflation, pre-Trump. That’s per the graphic below by CNN, which is clearly not a pro-Trump network.

Our country is currently in trouble. Who says? Most Americans, who per recent polling from even normally pro-Biden news sources, say the nation is on the wrong track. Those surveys reveal that ‘wrong track’ or ‘disapprove’ polling data indicates those giving a thumbs down on the economy, inflation, the border, or other domestic and international issues includes a growing number of Democratic voters. A concern on the left is with Biden’s #2 Kamala Harris being as or even more unpopular, who on their side of the political aisle is ready to lead that party?
Among Republicans, the bench for the so-called “Grand Old Party” or GOP is demonstrably different. But while there are rising stars among the GOP like Governors Ron DeSantis (FL-D), Kristi Noem (SD-R), there is currently no one who attracts a larger crowd or whose endorsement carries more weight with voters than deposed President Trump.
As Palm Sunday, Holy Week, Good Friday and Easter Sunday are approaching, it is worth mentioning the following. To Trump’s credit, during the Advent and Christmas season in 2021, he said several times last year that the nation needs a Savior, and that savior isn’t himself. Trump said our Savior is Jesus Christ.
It is apparent that a pack of liars in league with some of the wealthiest men and corporations in this nation worked to depose President Trump. Sources such as Time’s Mary Ball or independent journalist Glen Greenwald on the left, and scores of media and pundits on the right have made that analysis.
As Warren Buffett and his partner Charlie Munger said last July to CNBC, politicians want more power and businesses want more power too. It is some of those same souls that dominate the economic, and through money, political landscape. Once someone grasps that numbers of business, politicos, and bureaucrats practice heavy spin and/or paltering – sometimes saying something factual and accurate, while at other times saying or ignoring information that rounds out a more complete picture – the need to ‘separate the wheat from the chaff‘ becomes apparent.

Thus, in the modern era, there is no need to forge a ‘conspiracy theory’ in the semi-mythic sense of a dark smoke-filled room where people gather and cut deals. Rather, some of the conspiracies of our era are quite out in the open. Whistleblower Edward Snowden told podcaster Russell Brand in a video interview dated 4.16.2021 that “The Worst Conspiracies Are In Plain Sight.”
To Snowden’s claim about conspiracies hiding in plain sight are the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) at Davos. A similar gathering is the World Government Summit (WGS) which was recently held where the notorious phrase “the New World Order” was freely mentioned. As the report below reminds readers, Joe Biden in an address to the U.S. based Business Roundtable spoke to them about the “New World Order” too. What was once mocked on the left and by some on the right too as ‘tin foil hat’ style ‘conspiracy theories’ is now increasingly out in the open.
Using sources that span the left-right media divide, MHProNews has kept our readers informed on developments such as what billionaire Nick Hanauer wrote about in left-leaning Politico during the Obama-Biden Administration. Said Hanauer, the pitchforks are coming for plutocrats and oligarchs – or there will be a police state.

Due to such ‘candor,’ Hanauer has been painted by some as a billionaire with a heart for the working class. But there is a case to be made that is quite different than that image of “the pitchfork economics” advocate.
There is evidence that what Hanauer was doing was warning his fellow plutocrats and oligarchs that they better mollify the masses – or create a police state to control them. From such a vantagepoint – as in ancient Rome during its decline, a mix of “bread and circuses” can keep the U.S. masses ‘fat and happy’ and away from pitchforks – while the opportunities once available to grab the American Dream steadily slip.
The increasing unaffordability of housing, automobiles, and even sharp rise in food costs are among the indicators. Thus, the increasingly negative polls for Biden and Democrats in general. But it is an oversimplification to make this an issue of Democrats vs. Republicans. There have clearly been Republicans in the pockets of the financial, tech, and media elites just as there have been for Democrats in recent decades. Some got richer due to Middle East and other conflicts during the Bush 43 years, for instance. Some got wealthier during the Clinton and Obama terms of office. The rich got richer, the poor and middle class largely languished or slid. That’s what the data indicates.
By questioning authorities, by following the facts, evidence, and money trail, and using sources that span the left-right media divide, MHProNews has kept our readers informed on which way is up consistently and accuracy for years.
To boil much of this down, it is financial, tech, media, and corporate elites and their cronies that have routinely benefited. Again, that’s what the data tells us. Policies helped big businesses. Those same policies often hurt smaller businesses.

With this jury verdict in Michigan, the episode of the so-called ‘plot’ to kidnap or kill Gov. Whitmer is apparently the latest example of an apparent psy-0p where government agents, allies, and/or assets attempted to manufacture and manipulate the masses. Manipulation of the population has occurred in the U.S. and abroad for centuries. Gaslighting and propaganda to manipulate as many is possible is not new. Abraham Lincoln alluded to it in this classic and quoted comment below.

This decision to acquit two is an example of why initial mainstream media reporting may be misleading. Sadly, public officials and corporate leaders cannot be blindly trusted. The case is being made by events and such reports that Americans and industry professionals are awakening to the various threats to their rights and liberties. While progress in that awakening is uneven, some bellwether race results are indicating that a shift is underway. Industry independents might have an opportunity to break through, but among the factors standing in the way of more progress is the ongoing lack of the post-production equivalent of MHARR. ##
Next up is our daily business news recap of yesterday evening’s market report, related left-right headlines, and manufactured housing connected equities.
The Business Daily Manufactured Home Industry Connected Stock Market Updates. Plus, Market Moving Left leaning CNN and Right-leaning (Newsmax) Headlines Snapshot. While the layout of this daily business report has been evolving over time, several elements of the basic concepts used previously are still the same. For instance. The headlines that follow below can be reviewed at a glance to save time while providing insights across the left-right media divide. Additionally, those headlines often provide clues as to possible ‘market-moving’ news items.
Market Indicator Closing Summaries – Yahoo Finance Closing Tickers on MHProNews…

Headlines from left-of-center CNN Business – from the evening of 4.8.2022
- Taking a stand
- A worker monitors an electrolysis bath in the electrolysis shop at the Khakas aluminium smelter, operated by United Co. Rusal, in Sayanogorsk, Russia, on Wednesday, May 26, 2021. United Co. Rusal International PJSCs parent said the company has produced aluminum with the lowest carbon footprint as the race for cleaner sources of the metal intensifies. Photographer: Andrey Rudakov/Bloomberg via Getty Images
- Russian metal giant Rusal calls for an investigation into Bucha ‘crime’
- Europe turns its back on Russian coal. Is oil next?
- Deadly avian flu sends egg prices soaring
- Russia has lost 79 planes to sanctions
- Microsoft says it disrupted Russian hacking infrastructure aimed at Ukraine
- Ex-Goldman banker convicted in 1MDB corruption case
- Formula 1 stock zooms higher on nascent US fandom
- What a real estate bubble would mean for homebuyers
- Here’s when you should hire a tax pro
- This adorable robot wants to give you emotional support
- Warren Buffett is buying big again
- This Walmart job starts at $95,000 a year
- ‘Dancing with the Stars’ is leaving ABC for a streaming service
- SpaceX just launched paying customers to the ISS. Here’s everything you need to know
- People arrive for work at the Amazon distribution center in the Staten Island borough of New York, on Oct. 25, 2021.
- Amazon plans ‘substantial’ objections to historic union vote at New York City warehouse
- NEW YORK – NEW YORK – MARCH 1: A woman walks by Pfizer headquarters on March 1, 2022. In New York. New studies seem to suggest that the Pfizer v COVID-19 vaccines didn’t protect kids against omicron infections, but did help to prevent serious disease.
- Recession-proof stocks are having a moment
- Ax-1 Crew (left to right) Larry Connor, Mark Pathy, Michael López-Alegría, and Eytan Stibbe.
- The company behind the first all-private mission to the ISS
- Why SpaceX’s satellite launches could be a problem
- SpaceX will now launch satellites for OneWeb
- Satellites catch heat in China
- Musk wants to get to Mars with this behemoth rocket
- Colorful plates on display at Bollant’s retail store in Hyderabad. The company sells its products to around 200 small and medium enterprises across India.
- How an Indian company is transforming palm leaves into tableware
- H&M says you can compost its new line of baby clothes
- Ikea will pay you to get its old furniture back
- Starbucks is planning to phase out its iconic cups
- Maersk has 8 carbon neutral ships. It needs green fuel
Headlines from right-of-center Newsmax – evening of 4.8.2022
- Russians Bury Dead Soldiers as Kremlin Admits Major Losses in Ukraine
- US Official: Russia Likely Used Short-Range Ballistic Missile in Railway Station Strike
- Russians Bury Dead Soldiers as Kremlin Admits Major Losses in Ukraine
- Report: Russians Using Phosphorus Bombs on Mariupol
- Zelenskyy: Ukraine Defending People’s Right to Live in Modern World
- ‘Hero of Russia’ Resigns Over War: People ‘Will Be Horrified’
- Death Toll in Russian Strike on Rail Station Rises to 50: Governor
- Britain Sending Anti-Ship Missiles to Ukraine
- EU Forms Team to Start Jointly Buying Non-Russian Gas
- Russia Denies Missile Strike on Kramatorsk Railway Station: RIA
- Ukraine Envoy Raps Germany Over ‘Shameful’ Energy Dependence on Russia
- Zelenskyy: Attack on Borodyanka ‘More Dreadful’ Than Bucha
- More Russian Invasion of Ukraine
- Newsmax TV
- Ric Grenell: Chinese ‘Laughing All the Way’ Over Hunter
- Ric Grenell: Chinese ‘Laughing All the Way’ Over Hunter | video
- Bolton: Risk of Ukraine-Russia Becoming WWIII ‘Very Low’ | video
- Jack Maxey: US Intel Took Down Hunter Biden’s Laptop Files | video
- Savage: Justice Jackson Exposes ‘Perverted’ Left | video
- Loudermilk: Border Crisis Akin to Home Invasion | video
- Ukraine Politician: Russians Violating ‘Human Dignity’ | video
- Jordan: GOP Will Investigate Hunter Biden | video
- Mullin: Busing Migrants to DC Is ‘Brilliant’ | video
- More Newsmax TV
- Newsfront
- Will Smith has been banned from attending the Oscars, either in person or virtually, and from other film academy events, for 10 years for striking Chris Rock onstage at Academy Awards. In an open letter to its members, the Academy president, David Rubin, and CEO Dawn Hudson,…… [Full Story]
- Trans Kids, Parents Fight Wave of Legislation in Red States
- Ninth grader Harleigh Walker, 15, spends her time after school like [Full Story]
- Rasmussen Poll: Majority of US Voters Think Crime Is Getting Worse, Biden Isn’t Helping
- A majority of U.S. voters believe that America’s violent crime [Full Story]
- New York City Crime Surges as Mayor Focuses on Florida Law
- With his city’s crime rate skyrocketing, parents perplexed about why [Full Story] | Platinum Article
- FAA Proposes Biggest Fine Ever, $82K, for Unruly Passenger
- An American Airlines passenger who allegedly shoved a flight [Full Story]
- President Biden Rips Senate GOP for ‘Vile’ Conduct During SCOTUS Hearings
- President Joe Biden took a shot at Republican senators on Friday, [Full Story]
- Ohio Venue Rejects Trump Rally
- Former President Donald Trump had a bid to host a rally at a [Full Story]
- South Korea Poised for Closer US Ties in Blow to China, North Korea
- Amid increased weapons testing by North Korea and an ongoing war of [Full Story] | Platinum Article
- South Carolina Inmate Slated for Execution Has Option of Firing Squad
- 2 Acquitted, Jury Hung on 2 More in Whitmer Kidnap Plot
- Two of four men were acquitted Friday in a conspiracy to kidnap [Full Story]
- As US Looks to Nuclear Power, Uranium Sourcing a Concern
- As the Biden administration continues to push for green energy and [Full Story]
- Zelenskyy: Ukraine Defending People’s Right to Live in Modern World
- Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy had just three words when he [Full Story]
- FBI Finds Weapons, ID Tools Among ‘Fake’ Federal Agents’ Gear
- Two men with possible ties to Pakistani intelligence arrested [Full Story]
- Special Counsel Durham Seeks Documents From DNC, Clinton Campaign
- Special counsel John Durham has accused the Democratic National [Full Story]
- SpaceX Launches 3 Visitors to Space Station for $55M Each
- SpaceX launched three rich businessmen and their astronaut escort to [Full Story]
- Judge Restores Jan. 6 Defendant’s Right to Bear Arms Despite DOJ Objection
- A Texas florist’s right to possess firearms was restored by a judge [Full Story]
- Elon Musk Set for ‘Ask Me Anything’ Meeting With Twitter Staff
- Elon Musk will host an “ask me anything” session with Twitter [Full Story]
- Bogus Test Taker to Be Sentenced in College Admissions Scam
- A former Florida prep school administrator paid handsomely to take [Full Story]
- Macron’s Reelection Threatened by French National Party Candidate’s Rally
- A right-wing candidate appears to be within striking distance of [Full Story]
- Britain Seeks Energy Independence Through Nuclear Power
- While Europe tries to reduce its dependence on Russian energy imports [Full Story]
- US Life Expectancy Drops for 2nd Year in a Row
- US Life Expectancy Drops for 2nd Year in a Row
- Researchers report that life expectancy in the United States dropped [Full Story]
- Opponents Question if It’s Legal for Abbott to Bus Migrants to DC
- GOP Gov. Greg Abbott’s plan to bus migrants from Texas to Washington, [Full Story]
- New Jersey Requiring 2nd Graders to Learn About Gender Identity
- Second graders in New Jersey public schools will be learning about [Full Story]
- White House Team Rips Politico for Not Promoting Biden’s Achievements
- With President Joe Biden receiving poor job performance numbers and [Full Story]
- Britain Sending Anti-Ship Missiles to Ukraine
- In an effort to aid in the fight against a more concentrated Russian [Full Story]
- Kansas Researcher Convicted of Illegal Secret China Work
- A researcher was convicted on Thursday of illegally concealing work [Full Story]
- Food Prices Soar to Record Levels on Ukraine War Disruptions
- Prices for food commodities like grains and vegetable oils reached [Full Story]
- Marjorie Taylor Greene: Kimmel Fans Called In Threats After ‘Joke’
- Four US Troops Monitored for Brain Injuries After Syrian Rocket Attack
- Four U.S. service members are being evaluated for minor injuries, and [Full Story]
- Susan Collins Tests Positive for Coronavirus After Senate SCOTUS Vote
- Susan Collins, R-Maine, has tested positive for COVID-19, [Full Story]
- Ukrainian Refugees Find Fastest Route to US Is Through Mexico
- Hundreds of Ukrainian refugees arriving daily have a message for [Full Story]
- More Newsfront
- Finance
- Musk: Tesla to Build ‘Futuristic’ Robotaxi
- Tesla will build a vehicle dedicated for use as a robotaxi, and it will start making three new vehicles next year, CEO Elon Musk told fans at a party celebrating the opening of its new Austin, Texas, factory…. [Full Story]
- One-Third of Americans Cut Back on Groceries to Buy Gas
- Goldman Shareholders Urged to Vote Against CEO, Prez Bonuses
- Ex-Goldman Banker Found Guilty of Looting Malaysian Fund
- S. Recession Not Imminent Despite Yield Curve Inversion, BlackRock Executive Says
- More Finance
- Health
- Eisai Seeks Accelerated FDA Approval of Alzheimer’s Drug Despite Medicare Decision
- Eisai Co Ltd on Friday said it still planned to seek an accelerated U.S. approval pathway for its experimental Alzheimer’s drug even after the Medicare health plan decided to severely limit coverage of medicines approved in that manner. On Thursday, after a months-long…… [Full Story]
- Snapchat Launches New Tool to Learn American Sign Language
- Researchers Discover Why Alzheimer’s Causes Daytime Drowsiness
- Omicron Symptoms Ease 2 Days Earlier Than Delta in Vaccinated
- Lumpectomy as Effective as Mastectomy for Young Women With Breast Cancer
MHProNews has pioneered in our profession several reporting elements that keep our regular and attentive readers as arguably the best informed in the manufactured housing industry. Among the items shared after ‘every business day’ (when markets are open) is our left-right headline recap summary. At a glance in two to three minutes, key ‘market moving’ news items are covered from left-of-center CNN Business and right-of-center Newsmax. “We Provide, You Decide.” © Additionally, MHProNews provides expert commentary and analysis on the issues that others can’t or won’t cover that help explain why manufactured housing has been underperforming during the Berkshire era while an affordable housing crisis and hundreds of thousands of homeless in America rages on. These are “Industry News, Tips, and Views Pros Can Use” © features and others made and kept us the runaway #1 in manufactured housing trade publisher for a dozen years and counting.

Manufactured Housing Industry Investments Connected Equities Closing Tickers
Some of these firms invest in manufactured housing, or are otherwise connected, but may do other forms of investing or business activities too.
- NOTE: The chart below includes the Canadian stock, ECN, which purchased Triad Financial Services, a manufactured home industry lender
- NOTE: Drew changed its name and trading symbol at the end of 2016 to Lippert (LCII).
- NOTE: Deer Valley was largely taken private, say company insiders in a message to MHProNews on 12.15.2020, but there are still some outstanding shares of the stock from the days when it was a publicly traded firm. Thus, there is still periodic activity on DVLY.

https://www.manufacturedhomepronews.com/nobility-homes-financial-position-very-strong-sales-strong-but-challenges-including-lending-and-others-examined-plus-manufactured-housing-stocks-update/ - 2022 …Berkshire Hathaway is the parent company to Clayton Homes, 21st Mortgage, Vanderbilt Mortgage and other factory-built housing industry suppliers.
· LCI Industries, Patrick, UFPI, and LP each are suppliers to the manufactured housing industry, among others.
· AMG, CG, and TAVFX have investments in manufactured housing related businesses. For insights from third-parties and clients about our publisher, click here.
Enjoy these ‘blast from the past’ comments. MHProNews. MHProNews – previously a.k.a. MHMSM.com – has celebrated our 11th year of publishing and have completed over a dozen years of serving the industry as the runaway most-read trade media.
- 2022 …Berkshire Hathaway is the parent company to Clayton Homes, 21st Mortgage, Vanderbilt Mortgage and other factory-built housing industry suppliers.
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Disclosure. MHProNews holds no positions in the stocks in this report.

That’s a wrap on this installment of “News Through the Lens of Manufactured Homes and Factory-Built Housing” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © (Affordable housing, manufactured homes, stock, investing, data, metrics, reports, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary. Third-party images or content are provided under fair use guidelines for media.) (See Related Reports, further below. Text/image boxes often are hot-linked to other reports that can be access by clicking on them.)

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for MHProNews.
Tony earned a journalism scholarship along with numerous awards in history. There have been several awards and honors and also recognition in manufactured housing. For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and MHLivingNews.com. This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.