In the internet age, the amount of data that is available for a savvy manufactured home marketer is quite amazing.
This chart from Visual Capitalist and Title Max grabs data points that you could gather on your own, given some research.
To see this chart full size, click to expand and/or here to download.
Some of the highest income counties would often be more wealthy, urban scenarios that the current state of post-production advocacy makes more difficult for manufactured housing placements, despite what the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000 says.
Be sure to send a thank you note for that reality check to folks who office in Arlington, VA and their masters in Omaha-Knoxville, and their related allies.
As the runaway most-read, pro-sustainable growth manufactured housing trade media – plus given our experience in consulting or as a professional services provider – we wonder aloud why certain steps have not yet occurred at MHI to truly help grow the industry? “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)
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Democrats, Republicans Agree – “Manufactured Homes Can Play a Vital Role in Easing” the Affordable Housing Shortage –
For years here on MHLivingNews and our professional sister site, MHProNews, we’ve worked with a simple premise. Affordable quality living is a non-partisan issue. Rephrased, that means it should be a bipartisan effort to understand and promote the most proven kind of affordable housing that America has ever known.