napavalleyregister reports 80 people, representing a three county area just north of San Francisco, heard five speakers at the Golden State Manufactured-Home Owners League (GSMOL) address issues of rent control, recruitment, civil law and fair housing. Two attorneys who specialize in construction and property law discussed responsibilities landlords have to their tenants. They said if there is a problem that can be documented with a photograph, take pictures. A representative from State Sen. Lou Correa’s office who compiles information on rent control ordinances said there is no single state law governing rent control in manufactured home communities, so it must be done on a city-by-city basis. MHProNews has learned American Canyon, where the convention was held, last year passed a rent stabilization ordinance for the MHCs in town. The city’s lawsuit to prevent Napa Olympia Mobilelodge from converting from seniors only to unrestricted resulted in American Canyon paying $575,000 to Napa’s owners as settlement.