After a 17-year-old manufactured home (MH) was sited in Buffalo, Texas, two nearby property owners filed a complaint asking that the home be removed because it violated the city ordinance requiring MH to be eight years old or newer. At a workshop on the topic held April 14, 2014, the Buffalo City Council was informed by attorney Gayle Ray that since 1976 manufactured homes are federally protected. As tells, Ray said a designated area for MH needs to be determined before any are moved into the city, and she did not think an age restriction would be valid. In her opinion the home needs only to be safe and free of hazards. The council instructed Ray to do more research by its next meeting, April 28, and council members will determine if there are areas within the city limits that might be designated for MH. Meanwhile, the MH that spurred the discussion remains where it was sited Feb. 2013.##
(Photo credit: Van Go/–manufactured home)