Manufactured Homes


“Grand Theft Mobile…”

On the other side of ‘the pond’ that is the Atlantic Ocean, the Brits don’t have a HUD Code, and so it’s more acceptable there if they want to call their version of our manufactured homes, a ‘mobile home.’ It wasn’t long ago when the Daily Business News reported on …

“Grand Theft Mobile…” Read More


Sam Zell, Randy Rowe, John Bostick, Terry Decio, Joe Stegmayer, Marguerite Nader, Barry Noffsinger – Manufactured Home Industry Interviews

A Cup of Coffee with…exclusive interviews… …they are back. For a variety of reasons, MHProNews has held several dozen stories online, but in a secluded part of the website. Now, they are back. Here are the exclusive interviews that you can find right now on the home page.   Sam …

Sam Zell, Randy Rowe, John Bostick, Terry Decio, Joe Stegmayer, Marguerite Nader, Barry Noffsinger – Manufactured Home Industry Interviews Read More


President Raises the M-Word, “Monopoly,” Plus Manufactured Housing Industry Market Update$

In the first of two anti-trust focused reports, the Daily Business News spotlights a new report that asserts that President Trump asked a billionaire twice over dinner if a U.S. giant is a monopoly. Given that some ranking Democrats are talking about monopolies too, ones that allegedly impact manufactured housing, …

President Raises the M-Word, “Monopoly,” Plus Manufactured Housing Industry Market Update$ Read More


“Accurate, but Misleading” MHI Preserving Access to Manufactured Housing Act Alert – ‘Weaponized New$,’ Fact Check$

“…the Senate Banking Committee passed legislation to clarify that a manufactured housing retailer or seller is not considered a “loan originator” simply because they provide a customer with some assistance in the mortgage loan process,” said a “Housing Alert” from Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) to their members, and through them, …

“Accurate, but Misleading” MHI Preserving Access to Manufactured Housing Act Alert – ‘Weaponized New$,’ Fact Check$ Read More


Richard William Pettet Dies in Manufactured Home Installation Tragedy

Richard William Pettet of McArthur, Ohio man was killed Monday afternoon when a manufactured home he was working on crushed him, after slipping off its blocks. “Richard Pettet was pronounced dead at the scene,” per the Vinton Courier The incident involved a new home he was installing at 63718 Route …

Richard William Pettet Dies in Manufactured Home Installation Tragedy Read More


Sex Allegations, Roy Moore, Trump Agenda, GOP Pivot; Plus MH Market Update$

Democratic Minnesota Senator Al Franken has not stepped down, even though there are photos, his apologies, and several accusers. The most senior Democratic leader in the House, John Conyers (D-GA) has announced he won’t seek re-election.  That has come from his hospital room, and only after significant pressure from within his …

Sex Allegations, Roy Moore, Trump Agenda, GOP Pivot; Plus MH Market Update$ Read More


“Mobile Home Ban” Suit Win, “Equal Justice Under Law,” Manufactured Home Owners, Buyers, Industry

“This kind of wealth-based banishment scheme is unconscionable discrimination,” said Phil Telfeyan, Executive Director of the non-profit, Equal Justice Under Law. “McCrory, [AR] and all of our communities, should invest in residents rather than criminalize poverty,” Telfeyan said. Telfeyan’s comments addressed to MHProNews related to a victory reported by the …

“Mobile Home Ban” Suit Win, “Equal Justice Under Law,” Manufactured Home Owners, Buyers, Industry Read More


Appealing Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Marketing, Finance Booklet Reviewed

The image to the left and those below are from a Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) produced booklet. It’s good. With nuanced exceptions, it’s accurate. This booklet – combined with other educational materials – are precisely the kind of document that could appeal to and inform: home buyers/consumers, public officials, policy …

Appealing Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Marketing, Finance Booklet Reviewed Read More


Powerful Takeaways from Automotive, RVs for Manufactured Home Professionals, Monday Morning Sales Meeting

Today’s Monday Morning Sales Meeting (MMSM) offers lessons, that similar to last week’s, are simple yet profound. There will be 3 actionable takeaways. We’ll use as a starting example the automotive world. We’ll begin with a series of facts, and then, make the point relevant for manufactured housing professionals. Examples There’s …

Powerful Takeaways from Automotive, RVs for Manufactured Home Professionals, Monday Morning Sales Meeting Read More


Drain Cleaning System for Manufactured Home Communities, Multi-Family Properties, Announced by Electric Eel

Owners, managers, operators, and service personnel at manufactured home communities (a.k.a., “mobile home parks”), know the often-ongoing headaches caused by clogged drain lines. Besides the hassles, there are the time delays, plus those ongoing expenses of having outside contractors come in to service those needs. There are resident satisfaction issues …

Drain Cleaning System for Manufactured Home Communities, Multi-Family Properties, Announced by Electric Eel Read More


NPR-Tornado Hits Mobile Home, Fact Check-Why Terminology Matters to Manufactured Housing Industry, Home Owners, Weather, News Pros

NPR’s Brad Palmer issued this recent report in the wake of what they said was “Possible Tornado Damages Mobile Home in Perry Co.” “Possible tornado damage to a mobile home in Du Quoin on Saturday left one resident trapped in her home for a short time,” per that NPR report. …

NPR-Tornado Hits Mobile Home, Fact Check-Why Terminology Matters to Manufactured Housing Industry, Home Owners, Weather, News Pros Read More



As promised last Saturday on the Daily Business News, exclusive comments made by university researchers about manufactured homes has been published. Those exclusive comments reveal manufactured homes (MH) means for wealth creation by MH homeowners and buyers. That means that savvy industry marketers, owners, managers, sales agents, now have a …

Kapow! Read More


George Bush Hands Couple Keys to FEMA Manufactured Housing Unit (MHU)

“The Texas Land Commissioner [GLO] was in Rockport Thursday morning to present the keys to a FEMA manufactured housing unit to a couple who lost everything to Hurricane Harvey,” said South Texas’ KIII News. The GLO commissioner is George P. Bush, son of previous Florida Governor and one-time GOP presidential …

George Bush Hands Couple Keys to FEMA Manufactured Housing Unit (MHU) Read More


“People of Alabama Understand” Women For Moore, Wife Kayla Say “Won’t Step Down,” – MH Market Update$

“Consider the source” said Kayla Moore, speaking of those she says were contacted by the Washington Post to try to defame her husband.  Kayla says that her husband has always been “an officer and a gentleman.” Moore says the people of Alabama aren’t going to be fooled. Sexual misconduct is …

“People of Alabama Understand” Women For Moore, Wife Kayla Say “Won’t Step Down,” – MH Market Update$ Read More


FEMA, Manufactured Housing Industry’s Gift that Keeps Giving?

Around the time of Hurricane Katrina, the Wisconsin Housing Alliance’s (WHA) Ross Kinzler advocated that Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) emergency housing units be designated as something other than a manufactured home. That bit of forethought was never adopted. A dozen years later, today the formal FEMA term “Manufactured Housing …

FEMA, Manufactured Housing Industry’s Gift that Keeps Giving? Read More


Flashback, Strategic Flashforward – 2016 Lessons for Manufactured Housing Industry Professionals, Investors

It was pre-dawn on November 9th, 2016 that the race for the Oval Office was called for Donald J. Trump, electing him as the 45th President of the United States. The bulk of the mainstream media had been pushing Secretary Hillary Clinton for months. The revelations by former Democratic National …

Flashback, Strategic Flashforward – 2016 Lessons for Manufactured Housing Industry Professionals, Investors Read More


Troubling University Research, “Dying Industry,” Says MHI Member Exec

“Affordable housing for middle- and lower-income families is drying up by the month in California,” opens an article sent by an MHI member company executive, in response to recent industry coverage on the Daily Business News. The subject line in the news tip had two words in it, “Dying industry.” …

Troubling University Research, “Dying Industry,” Says MHI Member Exec Read More


Historic! Affordable Manufactured Housing, Local/ National Politics, Professionals, Investors and the Home-Buying Public

From its earliest days, America had a need, a thirst, for affordable housing. About a century ago, Sears sold pre-cut kit homes by catalog as one way to obtain that affordable American Dream of home ownership. As Americans have long been a people ‘on the move,’ the original trailer houses …

Historic! Affordable Manufactured Housing, Local/ National Politics, Professionals, Investors and the Home-Buying Public Read More


Million$ Available, State Weatherization Program, Updates Mobile Homes, older HUD Code Manufactured Homes

“Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced $59 million in funding through the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) to help cut utility costs for approximately 9,200 income-eligible families and seniors across the state,” the New York Governor’s Office said in a press release to the Daily Business News. “This program has helped …

Million$ Available, State Weatherization Program, Updates Mobile Homes, older HUD Code Manufactured Homes Read More


“Born Free,” “Po-Dunk” Manufactured Homeowner Kid Rock Updates Senate Race Status

From L.A. to D.C., the left, right and center of the nation has been buzzing about the Kid Rock for Senate tease. He says, the door is still open… Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren had stated that given President Trump’s victory, the idea of Kid Rock running for the U.S. Senate …

“Born Free,” “Po-Dunk” Manufactured Homeowner Kid Rock Updates Senate Race Status Read More

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