Manufactured Homes


How Warren Buffett Built Berkshire Hathaway Investment Empire, Infographic

Wheat and chaff.  Everyone, and any organization that one cares to study, will have good and ill to be found.  The wheat from Warren Buffett can include his understanding of the need for long-term investing in common sense arenas that have an endurable competitive advantage. The chaff could be could …

How Warren Buffett Built Berkshire Hathaway Investment Empire, Infographic Read More


Forbes Boast$ about Manufactured Home Community Operation

When Jon Markman reveals much with his first paragraph in Forbes, which said: “Since 1975, Sun Communities has been flying under the radar. Managers have been buying and operating trailer parks.1 And they have been making a fortune for shareholders.”   Markman’s bio says Analyzing tech stocks through the prism …

Forbes Boast$ about Manufactured Home Community Operation Read More



“The rule of law, and the supremacy of law over the arbitrary whims of individuals who happen to wield government power, was a profound concern for the founders who debated and developed the Constitution of the United States. For over two centuries, legal scholars have pointed to the primacy of …



Dog Whistles, as Epic Battle for Business Effecting Manufactured Housing, Others Looms

As Campus Reform humorously pointed out, the battle over the next nominee to the Supreme Court of the United States began almost immediately after the announcement that Justice Anthony “Tony” Kennedy would retire.   While the manufactured home industry veteran did not mention SCOTUS or the vacancy, in what reads …

Dog Whistles, as Epic Battle for Business Effecting Manufactured Housing, Others Looms Read More


U.S. vs China, SCOTUS Pick, Biz Effects, and MH Market Updates

Before diving into tonight’s feature, millions will tune in tonight to see who President Donald J. Trump will nominate to replace retiring Justice Anthony “Tony” Kennedy on the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS). Some have speculated on a variety of supposed top contenders. An interesting op-ed by Senator …

U.S. vs China, SCOTUS Pick, Biz Effects, and MH Market Updates Read More


“Unconstitutional Taking,” “Gentrification on Trial” in Recent Oak Hill Manufactured Home Community Ruling

  “Easy doesn’t pay well.” – John Bostick, Sunshine Homes   “In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem. From time to time we’ve been tempted to believe that society has become too complex to be managed by self-rule, that government by …

“Unconstitutional Taking,” “Gentrification on Trial” in Recent Oak Hill Manufactured Home Community Ruling Read More


Beautiful Dreamers, Looks vs. Results? Monday Morning Manufactured Housing Sales, Marketing Meeting

  We will start by “setting the table” or “teeing up” today’s topic with a series of thought provoking facts.   Then, we’ll dive into the reality-based action steps for today’s marketing and sales theme. As hard to imagine as it may be to someone in the year 2018,   …

Beautiful Dreamers, Looks vs. Results? Monday Morning Manufactured Housing Sales, Marketing Meeting Read More


Manufactured Home Shipments, State by State Breakdown, May 2018 Official HUD Data

The Institute for Building Technology and Safety (IBTS) compiles data for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) on manufactured home shipments.   For May of 2018, the new HUD Code manufactured home shipments by state, is as shown below, per IBTS. Notice those shipments to Hawaii? There …

Manufactured Home Shipments, State by State Breakdown, May 2018 Official HUD Data Read More


“Why Advocates Need to Rethink Manufactured Home Quality,” Harvard, GSE, Genz, “High Satisfaction”

There are those who slam manufactured housing as being less expensive due to inferior quality. But a “Harvard study refutes that, labeling as “exaggerated” the “concerns about the difference between manufactured homes…and [homes] built to applicable local building codes” (Vermeer and Louie 1995, section IV, 2). The study found that …

“Why Advocates Need to Rethink Manufactured Home Quality,” Harvard, GSE, Genz, “High Satisfaction” Read More


“Challenges to Obtaining Manufactured Home Financing,” Urban Institute Report Fact Check, Analysis

Is the Urban Institute (UI) attempting to use their “research” to blunt the manufactured housing industry’s steady yet modest recovery?  If so, why?   It’s a debatable point that could be made after a close analysis of the UI nonprofits’ most recent – and once again, problematic – manufactured home …

“Challenges to Obtaining Manufactured Home Financing,” Urban Institute Report Fact Check, Analysis Read More


The American Dream, Manufactured Homes, and America’s Independence Day

Various forms of shelter – or housing – have been part of human history for thousands of years. The desire for homeownership is part of the American Dream, but it is more properly part of a larger struggle for freedom and independence.   On July 4, 1776, a group of …

The American Dream, Manufactured Homes, and America’s Independence Day Read More


Affordable Housing, Subsidized Housing, Manufactured Homes, Private Property, and Proclaiming Liberty

It’s the 3rd of July, 2018. 242 years have elapsed since the founding fathers singed the Declaration of Independence. 242 years later, there are voices and forces that are making promises like free education, $15 minimum wage, “affordable” subsidized rental housing, and are openly proclaiming a socialist agenda. The problem …

Affordable Housing, Subsidized Housing, Manufactured Homes, Private Property, and Proclaiming Liberty Read More


HUD Code Manufactured Home Production Report, May 2018, State-by-State Total

  The Institute for Building Technology & Safety (IBTS) released the statistics for May 2018 this morning. The data is shown as below, based upon facts compiled for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). A more complete breakdown of HUD Code new manufactured home shipments data will …

HUD Code Manufactured Home Production Report, May 2018, State-by-State Total Read More


Wheat, Chaff, and the Monday Morning Manufactured Housing Sales, Marketing Meeting

Billions of humans depend on wheat as an important part of their nutritional needs. But chaff?   Succeed Equine says, “feeding chaff with your horse’s concentrated feeds is all about increasing chewing time. Along with free choice hay or turnout on quality pasture, this is a great way to help …

Wheat, Chaff, and the Monday Morning Manufactured Housing Sales, Marketing Meeting Read More


Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing Studies 2018 – Affordability, Manufactured Homes, and Modular Housing Report

“Since 1988, our annual State of the Nation’s Housing report has provided an overview of housing market conditions in the U.S.,” said Harvard University’s Joint Center for Housing Studies (JCHS) to the Daily Business News via a press release.   “As we mark the 30th anniversary, this year’s report not …

Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing Studies 2018 – Affordability, Manufactured Homes, and Modular Housing Report Read More


America First, Economic Nationalism, Sycophancy, Presidents and Manufactured Housing’s Future

  There are millions who find the truth to be uncomfortable.   Millions are misinformed about manufactured housing. The obvious answer is education. Millions don’t know, so they don’t understand just how failed many public policies have been. Millions don’t understand how public policy impacts business and jobs, including those …

America First, Economic Nationalism, Sycophancy, Presidents and Manufactured Housing’s Future Read More


U.S. President Praised “The Mobile Home Industry,” Manufactured Homes are “Here to Stay”

“You are entrepreneurs in the best tradition of the free enterprise system.” ~ The President of the United States to the MH Industry   The U.S. President began his talk with these words, “There are problems in the economy and in the mobile home industry.  I am not so naïve …

U.S. President Praised “The Mobile Home Industry,” Manufactured Homes are “Here to Stay” Read More


Factory-Crafted Home Living, Reimagined – “The Art Park” vs. MHCs – Interview with Robbie Antonio, Founder of Unicorn Revolution Precrafted Homes

Housing is a global need, and Asia is the largest market. As the Daily Business News recently reported, U.S. based Hometown America is one of several operations in manufactured housing that has ties to Asia, some of which are deepening.  Hometown’s recently announced deal is valued at nearly ½ a …

Factory-Crafted Home Living, Reimagined – “The Art Park” vs. MHCs – Interview with Robbie Antonio, Founder of Unicorn Revolution Precrafted Homes Read More


Ease Shortage with 400,000 More Manufactured Homes for California, says Jonathan Lansner, MHI’s Next CEO?

Industry professionals should note the mixing of nomenclature, or feel a level of angst in reading in California’s Orange County Register the following.   “Look, I know mobile homes[1] are not for everybody and have a nasty stigma that is sometimes deserved.” That line was preceded by the opening words, …

Ease Shortage with 400,000 More Manufactured Homes for California, says Jonathan Lansner, MHI’s Next CEO? Read More


Flag Day, POTUS Trump Doctrine, Supply, Demand, Financing, Affordable Housing, Jobs, Economic Growth, Human Dignity, and God

People crave dignity.   “The System has been Rigged,” the 45th President of the United States (POTUS), Donald J. Trump, has said. He understands these realities. POTUS Trump undertook to break the grip of those who’ve rigged the free markets that harm the opportunities, and diminish the dignity of tens …

Flag Day, POTUS Trump Doctrine, Supply, Demand, Financing, Affordable Housing, Jobs, Economic Growth, Human Dignity, and God Read More

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