Manufactured Housing – “Giants vs. Independents” – Tunica Talk – “You’ve Got to See This”


An independent manufactured home retailer walked up to the Daily Business News team in Tunica Wednesday to say, thank you” for the depth of coverage of the industry’s news.

A HUD Code home producer said, “I wish you’d tone it down a bit,” on the controversies, while expressing “appreciation for the unrivaled coverage of industry events not found anywhere else” in the manufactured home industry’s trade media.

Another independent retailer and his family approached the MHProNews squad during the lunchtime hospitality. He wanted to give his family and team members a chance to discuss what’s been taking place on finance related issues, such as the Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs) Duty to Serve (DTS).


A long-time Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) member said, “you [MHProNews] were right about HUD, Pam Danner, and Lois Starkey,” but took exception to the controversy surrounding the so-called “new class” of manufactured homes that MHI is promoting.


Meanwhile, a veteran factory-built housing professional that had previously been “open minded” about MHI’s project for a “new class” of manufactured homes has after reading and doing his own research, turned against the plan (see Related Reports, linked below, for more details about these hot topics, plus more from the 2018 Tunica Show).

Rephrasing, the comments and reactions to the industry’s issues have run the gamut. From management team members in the industry’s biggest companies, to mom and pop operations and all others in between, the data and engagement reflects the pragmatic respect given to this MH Industry trade media resource.


We are not wearing bold branded t-shirts, ball-caps or neon signs in Tunica. Part of what’s noteworthy is that lacking any identification of MHProNews other than the Tunica Show’s badge – which the wind routinely whips around – many professionals are eager to engage and express their views to the manufactured housing industry’s most popular and independent trade news.



You’ve Got to Read This…”

Walking through a display model for a new HUD Code producer, a retailer and his colleague from Texas engaged with us. “I used to forward your news emails to” his partner, with the message – “You’ve got to read this.”  Then he shared later email news updates, saying, “You’ve got to see this and read this one too.” That went on for some time, until his colleague signed up for his own email news.


That same Texan said “We’re giving the giants a run for their money” in his market area.

They were looking for a non-Clayton producer to buy new homes from. “Why?” was our question. “Because of the issues raised in stories you’re reporting on, like the long-lead times” post-Harvey in Texas.


You sure do keep it stirred up,” opined a straight-faced industry professional, who paused – adding “keep it up – followed by a slight smile.

Tony, I read every emailed news update, from top to bottom” said another retailer, with exhibitors and community professionals often saying something similar.



Upbeat, But Aware…

Attendance is up slightly over last year, say show sources.

Independent producers are becoming more aware than ever of the trajectory of the industry, the causes of that trend, and are taking steps to address it, say industry sources.

Rain on Tuesday didn’t dampen traffic in the display homes, said several manufacturing exhibitors.  Wednesday was windy, but warmer and sunny.  Traffic in the homes was brisk.

Tamas Kovach (pronounced like “TahMash CoVatch), is part of the MHProNews MHLivingNews family, with a Tunica Show attendee. Numerous such photos are taken during the course of the event.

The mood of attendees has been overall upbeat, association executives, and exhibitors told the Daily Business News. Comments from attendees made directly to the MHProNews confirmed those observations.

We’re more upbeat about the industry in some ways, but we are also more aware of the trajectory of the industry toward consolidation,” said an attendee.  “Those who don’t plan according to reality are in denial.”



Everyone Knows Your Name…

As one attendee said after another industry mom and pop couple stopped us to say hi, “It’s like a line out of the TV comedy, Cheers – where everyone knows your name.

Stopping to chat with industry professionals in Tunica, happy to have their photos shared.

Your son is getting taller, and stronger” said one after getting a hand-shake from Tamas Kovach.



The industry’s professionals “are hungry for real news, not happy talk” explained a factory-producer.

Note: the photos are randomly placed, and should not be construed to match the commentary.

One attendee pointed to stacks of a new trade publication in high-visibility racks near the exhibit hall.  They appeared to be untouched.  “It’s not ‘rah rah’ that will help a company navigate the challenging waters of the industry,” said an exhibitor.

There are several websites and trade media that are de facto surrogates for MHI ‘news,’ per industry sources.  Those media routinely have far less engagement from the industry than what readers say is our “hard-hitting coverage on issues that matter to investors and professionals.” The proof is shown dramatically in images like the above. Racks like this posted near the entrance of the exhibit hall looked untouched, with every glossy magazine going unread. MH professional readers vote with their time, browsers and engagement – or lack of engagement.

The feedback in many ways confirms what calls and messages to MHProNews between events likewise reflects.


Naturally, not everyone agrees with everything that is spotlighted by our pro-industry publications. But reader feedback, along with analytical data, reflects the dominance of MHProNews over other trade mediaCandid, fact-base reports and analysis are reasons routinely cited by pros.

The quality and appeal of today’s manufactured homes continues to rise. While prices are going up, so too are costs for conventional housing, so the percentage savings for a consumer buying a manufactured home vs. conventional housing remains favorable and strong. A rep from Fannie Mae told MHProNews that as a newcomer to the industry’s product, he is impressed with the quality and value. 


A post-Tunica report will be coming soon, which will break new ground on issues ranging from:

  • manufactured home lending,
  • association related,
  • new class of homes,
  • ongoing “consolidation” of the industry – and possible steps to address that challenge,
  • HUD and regulators at all levels,
  • marketing, sales, and image related issues, plus more.


It’s part of manufactured housing’s leading Industry News, Tips and Views Pros Can Use.” ©

The Tunica Show in 2018 has thus far confirmed what the Louisville Show did earlier this year. With the affordable housing crisis raging, how is it possible that the manufactured home industry sunk to such a low ebb?  Why are HUD Code manufactured homes  only rising slowly from it’s bottom in 2009?

It was summed up late last year by an industry executive, who said. “Tony, if MHProNews is writing about it, I want to know about it.” ## (News, analysis and commentary.)


Finance related news was made Tuesday in Tunica, click the image above or the link here to learn more.

Tunica Manufactured Housing Show, Photo Report, Day One

Tunica, Nashville Trade Shows and Manufactured Housing Glory Days


Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform Demands Clarification on “New Class” of HUD Code Manufactured Home

The Masthead

Not necessarily in this order of importance, but count us as true believers in: Manufactured Homes, America as a Constitutional Republic with free enterprise, and in the four F’s – Faith, Family, Flag, and Fortune (career). Count me as a pragmatist too.

4 Concerns of Homebuilders Have Impacting Every American

(Third party images, cites are provided under fair use guidelines.)

ThereAreOnly2WaysToLearnOwnOthersExperiencesLATonyKovachManufacturedHousingIndustryMHProNews-575x235By L. A. “Tony” Kovach,
award-winning consulting, publisher, web, video, recruiting, sales training, business development service provider. | | Office 863-213-4090 |

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