The manufactured housing (MH) industry in Wisconsin saw the number of home shipments decline from 2,760 in 2003 to 306 in 2013, which is up from the 207 homes in 2009. As MHProNews has posted monthly, the national MH industry production has been growing, although slowly, since Aug. 2011. Amy Bliss of the Wisconsin Housing Alliance (WHA), noting the decline of the overall housing industry following the Great Recession, says, “The No. 1 reason for the building industry’s troubles is due to a lack of available financing,” citing the Dodd-Frank Act and the SAFE Act as over reacting to poor lending practices of the past. Ross Klinzler, Executive Director of the Wisconsin Housing Alliance (WHA), echoes her sentiment: “Once some rationale returns to the lending industry, we’ll be fine.” ##
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