The Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) provided the following emailed plug for an “Op-Ed Encouraging Bipartisan Support for Manufactured Housing” by “President and CEO of UMH Properties” Samuel “Sam” Landy which was published in HousingWire on 1.20.2023. Part I of today’s Daily Business News on MHProNews will feature the MHI promo of Landy’s opinion column which follows the relevant excerpt from MHI’s “Federated States” email of 1.23.2023. Part II will unpack – provide a fact check, analysis, and expert commentary on the MHI messaging as well as the Landy HousingWire column. Part III is our signature left-right ‘market moving’ headlines recap (CNN (left) – Newsmax (right)) along with the updates on the various manufactured home community equities, which includes Landy-led UMH Properties (UMH).
Part I.
A. – MHI Federated States ‘News’ Item
President and CEO of UMH Properties Publishes Op-Ed Encouraging Bipartisan Support for Manufactured Housing

Last week, Sam Landy, President and CEO of UMH Properties published a piece at HousingWire titled “It’s time for bi-partisanship on affordable manufactured housing homeownership.” In the article, Landy notes the dramatic increase in interest rates and a lack of affordable housing while observing that manufactured housing remains one of the most affordable and accessible housing products available. Landy calls on Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae to increase financing for manufactured homes, particularly as they been largely absent from the space in recent years. Additionally, Landy calls on Congress to support the upkeep and renovation of aging manufactured home communities, specifically through the deployment of Opportunity Zone tax incentives to support the initiatives and encourage investment in older communities. Read the full article here.
To keep you informed of what is being said in the media, below are some news stories and articles about manufactured housing that appeared in publications across the country last week.
- Riverdale mobile home park tenants offered money to help with move, Standard-Examiner
- Commissioners vote to allow mobile home expansion near 100-year-old farm, Yahoo News
- The Shockingly Affordable Home This Couple Risked Buying – Should You Get One, Too?,com
Part I.
b. HousingWire Op-Ed by UMH CEO Sam Landy
Opinion: It’s time for bipartisanship on affordable manufactured housing
Unlocking affordable housing opportunities is worth reaching across the aisle
January 20, 2023, 2:29 pm By Sam Landy
As the 118th Congress begins, we return to a divided government in Washington. The American public will be looking to Washington for bi-partisan initiatives and real accomplishments. One of the prime areas of opportunity is affordable manufactured housing homeownership.
Last year was challenging for housing and mortgage markets. For the first time in many years, we experienced falling home prices, in part due to skyrocketing mortgage rates which almost doubled from around 3.5% a year ago to nearly 7% today.
Federal policymakers should take note of the fact that manufactured housing is the most affordable homeownership option available for low and moderate-income families in America. The average income of a manufactured housing homebuyer is around $50,000, while the average income of a buyer of a site-built home is over $100,000. Manufactured homes are often less expensive to own than rent.
There are actions federal agencies can take to help. Last May, the Department of Energy (DOE) released manufactured home energy standards that would add thousands of dollars to the average price of each new home, when they are scheduled to take effect this May. These standards were not developed with any real input from HUD, which has exclusive statutory authority for manufactured home construction and safety standards nationwide, through the HUD Code.
The annual homeownership costs of the new DOE requirements far exceed annual energy savings, and the HUD Manufactured Housing Consensus Committee found that portions of the standards are unworkable. DOE should delay its effective date, while it works with HUD to develop more balanced standards.
FHA, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac can help. Personal property loans, which make up most of the manufactured home loans, are loans for manufactured homes sited in manufactured home communities, on other leased land, or on owned land not pledged on the loan. But while FHA, Fannie and Freddie combined are responsible for over two-thirds of all new home loans nationwide, they financed only three (FHA) personal property manufactured homes last year.
These three mortgage programs can also take steps to improve appraisal accuracy for so-called CrossMod homes, which offer more amenities at more affordable prices.
Congress can help. Manufactured home communities — also known as land-lease communities — are a critical model for the delivery of affordable manufactured homes, with half of the new manufactured homes currently being placed in such communities.
UMH Properties, a nationwide owner of 134 manufactured home communities in 10 states with approximately 25,600 developed homesites, has a front-row seat to the efforts nationwide to preserve communities in which affordable manufactured homes are sited.
A key component of our national affordable homeownership strategy must be to preserve aging manufactured communities. Many are in need of significant repairs but are owned by mom-and-pop operators without the capital necessary to carry out critically needed renovations.
Our national strategy to promote homeownership affordability should encourage qualified manufactured community owners with the capital resources to buy aging communities, carry out deferred maintenance and infrastructure, and preserve the communities for the low and moderate homeowners living there.
A prototype of this is a community UMH Properties purchased in 2013 called Holiday Village, in Tennessee, which serves a mix of 300 manufactured homeowners and renters. At the time of our purchase, many homes were abandoned, streets were in deplorable conditions, sewer lines were collapsed, water lines were corroded and crumbling, and the playground was abandoned and dangerous.
UMH made the significant capital investments needed to correct these problems and maintain the community. Rents increased only nominally over the following nine years, commensurate with the cost of the work to renovate the community – and still very affordable. UMH invests over $70 million a year in new rental homes and capital improvements to improve manufactured home communities like this and restore them as desirable places to live.
Recently, we have had success in raising funds for these critical investments through the use of Opportunity Zones, a 2017 program that creates investment tax incentives for areas local officials designated as economically depressed.
Opportunity Zone tax incentives offer investors tax deferral and relief from recognizing capital gains that are reinvested within 180 days in these economically depressed Opportunity Zones. This program has been successful.
Building on that track record, its bi-partisan sponsors, Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) and Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) filed legislation last Congress — S. 4065, “The Opportunity Zones Transparency, Extension, and Improvement Act” — to extend the program and make modest changes that reflect lessons learned from the program to date. Congress should make the adoption of such legislation a priority this year.
This legislative package should also be augmented to include a targeted tweak to encourage investments in manufactured home communities, by allowing the 10-year step-up basis authorized in the Opportunity Zone statute — but without the requirement that invested funds be a reinvestment of a capital gain in the prior 180 days. This would open up a significant new source of capital for building and maintaining affordable manufactured homeownership.
With this change, UMH and other owners/operators of affordable manufactured home communities could do so much more to build new communities and renovate and preserve aging communities. The affordable homeownership opportunities created by this change would augment the primary goal of Opportunity Zones — economic development — with affordable workforce housing for new employees hired for jobs created by Opportunity Zones.
That is an objective that both Republicans and Democrats alike should be able to agree on. ##
Sam Landy is the President and CEO of UMH Properties, which owns and operates 134 manufactured home communities nationwide.
This column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Housingwire’s editorial department and its owners.
To contact the author of this story:
Sam Landy at …
Part II.
Additional Information with More MHProNews Analysis and Commentary
Let’s begin this fact check, analysis and commentary by saying that Landy is correct about the following. It should be obvious that bipartisanship is good and useful for promoting HUD Code manufactured homes during an affordable housing crisis. While the numbers he used were rounded off, it is fair to say that Landy is largely correct in his HousingWire op-ed asserting this. “Federal policymakers should take note of the fact that manufactured housing is the most affordable homeownership option available for low and moderate-income families in America. The average income of a manufactured housing homebuyer is around $50,000, while the average income of a buyer of a site-built home is over $100,000. Manufactured homes are often less expensive to own than rent.” But isn’t this what MHI brags they are engaged in? When Landy calls on Congress to step up for manufactured housing, isn’t it a tacit admission that MHI has not been as successful as they posture in their messaging? After all, if MHI were successful on the issues Landy raised, then his letter to the HousingWire editor would not have been necessary. The letter is written because MHI apparently hasn’t been as successful as their apparent paltering and posturing might lead the trusting to believe.
A. Specifics Notable from MHI’s “Federated States” plug for UMH’s letter
Starting with the other articles MHI plugged, note that these mainstream media articles were relatively rosy compared to the top ones from this date found in a Google news check (shown further below). Perhaps understandably so. But try to find a section on the MHI website that has good news about manufactured housing found in a single collection? Fuggedaboutit!
Here are the reports MHI cherry picked.
- Riverdale mobile home park tenants offered money to help with move, Standard-Examiner
- Commissioners vote to allow mobile home expansion near 100-year-old farm, Yahoo News
- The Shockingly Affordable Home This Couple Risked Buying – Should You Get One, Too?,com
Did MHI retweet those articles? Fuggedaboutit! MHI hasn’t tweeted from their page below in years. See for yourself.

But perhaps the more important question is this. Why hasn’t MHI implemented what past chairman and still prominent MHI member, Tim Williams – president and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway owned 21st Mortgage Corporation said in exclusive remarks to MHProNews.

That was some years ago. MHI hired a full-time communications person since Williams’ remarks. Where is the evidence that MHI has done any of what Williams indicated was the plan? Did MHI respond to the negative news headlines that they failed to share with their “Federated States” email list? Two different Google searches were done, one under “mobile homes” and one under “manufactured home” both in their “news” category.
Obviously, MHI listed for their Federated States readers only a few of the more positive examples vs. the pages and pages of search results that routinely highlight often negative stories. Says who? How about a faithful MHI member?

Perhaps more to the point, based on past spot-checks, MHProNews has yet to contact a media outlet that ran a negative story about manufactured housing where MHI had reached out to them to provide a different, more positive perspective. Put differently, the evidence is plain. Williams and MHI have postured and made promises, but failed to do what they said they would do to defend the image and educate the public on the truth’s about manufactured housing.
With that backdrop, let’s pivot back to UMH and Landy’s message.
Part II B. Unpacking Sam Landy’s Glowing Missive
UMH Properties (UMH) is an MHI member. They have supported financially and otherwise MHI and several MHI events in recent years. UMH is focused on consolidation but has done some greenfield developing or expansions of existing communities. MHProNews sent an inquiry to Landy this morning that asked about this article and MHI’s involvement in it.
To my eye, this article has some of MHI’s fingerprints on it. Please advise to what extent you had MHI input?
You know the drill. Kindly email your reply. We plan to make this our feature today, so sooner than later, please.
Tony …
[For MHProNews] ##
Several hours later, no reply. But as a faithful MHI member, it would not be a shock if Landy follows MHI lead in recent years and declines direct comment. That said, per sources deemed reliable, Landy is a regular reader of MHProNews. As a disclosure, MHProNews’ parent company’s consulting and professional manufactured housing services division did work for UMH some years ago. Staff newcomers around that time began the push for ESG style policies and advocated for more rentals than selling. Investors, take note. While UMH has grown their footprint significantly since then, the manufactured housing equities market year in review for 2022 reflected that UMH’s stocks lost value. So did others that are MHI members.

In fairness, UMH’s business model has largely ‘worked’ to the extent that they have been profitable. Note, their stock performance for 1.23.2023 are shown further below in Part III, along with over 2 dozen other manufactured housing industry connected equities. That noted, one of the case studies on MHProNews of UMH’s performance is unpacked below.

Also in fairness, UMH has not developed a reputation which is like that of several other MHI community operators who have engaged in aggressive site fee rate hikes or other so called ‘predatory’ policies.

Some years ago, UMH was quietly mocked by certain other MHI community members as a company with a “$10 stock.” So, what? Speculating, perhaps UMH should have taken the lead to work with NAMHCO. For whatever reasons, they did not do so. Why not? Investors have a right to know.

NAMHCO has essentially gone dormant, having made what was arguably a mistaken strategy of using a former MHI vice president to represent their interests in Washington, D.C. Nor was their any indication that NAMHCO teamed up with the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) in their lobbying efforts. Landy/UMH – or others – might have made a difference in NAMHCO if they had not made the apparently mistaken support for MHI. See the two MHARR White Papers linked below for additional insights.

MHARR operates in the same Washington, D.C. metro-based environment that MHI does. MHARR is based in D.C., while MHI is based across the Potomac River from Washington in Arlington, VA. In recent years, MHI has touted their alliance with mainstream housing providers. MHI has pretended that MHARR or MHProNews/MHLivingNews don’t exist, an oddity, given that years before MHI and MHARR teamed up to get legislation successfully enacted. Additionally, MHI and MHI connected leaders praised MHProNews and our sister site for years for our unbiased and fact-driven reporting and analysis. When an MHI member tipped off MHProNews on an issue during the Preserving Access legislative push era, a close look at the patterns and results vs. the rhetoric revealed something quite similar to what Danny Ghorbani and MHI award winner Marty Lavin said.

There is ample evidence that MHI has since the dawn of the Berkshire Hathaway era of manufactured housing history in the 21st century has postured, paltered, and has generally provided cover for consolidation. Neither MHI nor their attorneys would respond to the concerns raised in the reports like those linked below.
Landy’s pitch for Clayton-backed and MHI branded CrossMod© homes is apparently a tell for MHI involvement. CrossMods make less than no sense in a land-lease setting, which is what Landy’s firm is involved in. CrossMods are yet another example of MHI posturing, promising, but failing to deliver.

Indeed, on much of the content in Landy’s op-ed, they are like examining a bas relief. Merriam Webster says of bar relief that it “is sculptural relief in which the projection from the surrounding surface is slight…” While the eye is drawn to the higher portions of the relief (in this analogy, whatever MHI and their member/surrogates are bragging about), the informed look at the background too. Without looking at the foreground and background in a bas relief, you don’t have a complete picture. The same is true in examining the claims of MHI and their amen corner. One must look at the foreground (their often bold, in your face claims) and the background (their actual history on this or other claims or on that specific claim). When doing so, a complete picture is obtained.
Landy is arguably sullying his firm’s reputation by associating the UMH name with behavior like those shown in the reports linked above or is revealed in the report linked below. While it may feel good to say that some firm (e.g.: UMH) got an MHI award, what does an award from such a problematic trade group actually do for you?

If someone wants an award, why not create a new post-production trade group for ‘white hat’ brands? Isn’t that arguably a better course for Landy and company to take? Wouldn’t some others at MHI be better off by associating themselves with a positive vs. negative post-production trade group?
The answers should be obvious. Landy and UMH have the resources to pull it off.
In talking about problems facing manufactured housing, every one of those problems are apparent examples of years, sometimes over 2 decades, of MHI’s failures to perform.
While it may be true that those who read the article on HousingWire may not think of such things, it is also true that years of such letters have not caused Congress to do a follow up to the hearings on the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act (MHIA) of 2000 or the Duty To Serve (DTS) mandated for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. More on that will be planned in a different kind of outreach that will be a focused report set for later this week. Stay tuned. ##
Part III. Daily Business News on MHProNews Markets Segment
The modifications of our prior Daily Business News on MHProNews format of the recap of yesterday evening’s market report are provided below. It still includes our signature left (CNN Business) and right (Newsmax) ‘market moving’ headlines. The macro market moves graphics will provide context and comparisons for those invested in or tracking manufactured housing connected equities.
In minutes a day readers can get a good sense of significant or major events while keeping up with the trends that are impacting manufactured housing connected investing.
Reminder: several of the graphics on MHProNews can be opened into a larger size. For instance: click the image and follow the prompts in your browser or device to OPEN In a New Window. Then, in several browsers/devices you can click the image and increase the size. Use the ‘x out’ (close window) escape or back key to return.
Headlines from left-of-center CNN Business – from the evening of 1.23.2023
- ‘420 price was not a joke’
- Elon Musk testifying in a California courtroom for a second day in the Tesla shareholder lawsuit on January 23.
- Sketch by Vicki Behringer
- Elon Musk testifies again in trial over the controversial ‘funding secured’ tweet that led to a shareholder lawsuit
- The short and very lucrative career of one former Disney PR boss
- Argentina and Brazil are discussing a common currency. Don’t hold your breath
- The Washington Post is not for sale, owner Jeff Bezos and the newspaper say
- M&M’S says it’s taking a ‘pause’ from polarizing spokescandies
- Greatest trade ever? Citadel’s $16 billion haul smashes hedge fund records
- More layoffs are on the way, survey of business economists finds
- Microsoft confirms it’s investing billions in the creator of ChatGPT
- Economic barometer warns that a US recession could come soon
- Nearly 220 million people in Pakistan without power after countrywide outage
- Here’s what will happen to the economy as the debt ceiling drama deepens
- How Big Tech’s pandemic bubble burst
- Did the economy end 2022 with a bang or a whimper?
- Your tax refund may be smaller this year. Here’s why
- This ‘Cryptoqueen’ scammed investors out of $4 billion, the FBI says. Then she boarded a plane and disappeared
- A burger chain switches to Coca-Cola. Pepsi fans are furious
- Shopping carts keep disappearing from stores
- Southwest pilots, others to get bonus pay for working during meltdown
- Retailers are tripping over themselves for Millennial and Gen Z shoppers. But not this one
- Egg shortage sends New Zealanders rushing to buy their own hens
- Elon Musk takes the stand in class-action lawsuit over controversial tweet
- Elizabeth Holmes made an ‘attempt to flee the country’ after her conviction, prosecutors say
- FTC calls on federal court to hold ‘pharma bro’ Martin Shkreli in contempt

Headlines from right-of-center Newsmax 1.23.2023
- US Says Finland, Sweden Are Ready to Join NATO Alliance
- Kiley: House Will Hold Biden to ‘His Own Standard’
- Ex-AG Whitaker: Court Leaker Could Be a Justice | video
- Blaine Holt: Ukraine Can’t Wait for Weapons to Attack | video
- Norman: WH ‘Stonewalling’ on Biden Documents | video
- Mullin: House Bills Will Die With Senate Dems’ Delays | video
- Donalds: Biden Docs Imply Espionage Act Violations | video
- Fred Fleitz: FBI’s Biden Search ‘Kinder and Gentler’ | video
- Newsfront
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- Ticketmaster Blames Bots for Taylor Swift Ticket Fiasco
- Ticketmaster learned “valuable lessons” from the Taylor Swift concert [Full Story]
- DeSantis Proposes Bill of Rights for Florida Teachers
- Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced a potentially [Full Story]
- Poland Signals Intent to Send Leopard Tanks to Ukraine
- Poland’s prime minister said Monday his government would ask Germany [Full Story]
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- NOTE 1: The 3rd chart above of manufactured housing connected equities includes the Canadian stock, ECN, which purchased Triad Financial Services, a manufactured home industry finance lender.
- NOTE 2: Drew changed its name and trading symbol at the end of 2016 to Lippert (LCII).
- NOTE 3: Deer Valley was largely taken private, say company insiders in a message to MHProNews on 12.15.2020, but there are still some outstanding shares of the stock from the days when it was a publicly traded firm. Thus, there is still periodic activity on DVLY.
- Note 4: some recent or related reports to the REITs, stocks, and other equities named above follow in the reports linked below.

2023 …Berkshire Hathaway is the parent company to Clayton Homes, 21st Mortgage, Vanderbilt Mortgage and other factory-built housing industry suppliers.
· LCI Industries, Patrick, UFPI, and LP each are suppliers to the manufactured housing industry, among others.
· AMG, CG, and TAVFX have investments in manufactured housing related businesses. For insights from third-parties and clients about our publisher, click here.
Disclosure. MHProNews holds no positions in the stocks in this report.
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That’s a wrap on this installment of “News Through the Lens of Manufactured Homes and Factory-Built Housing” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © (Affordable housing, manufactured homes, stock, investing, data, metrics, reports, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary. Third-party images or content are provided under fair use guidelines for media.) (See Related Reports, further below. Text/image boxes often are hot-linked to other reports that can be access by clicking on them.)

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for MHProNews.
Tony earned a journalism scholarship along with numerous awards in history. There have been several awards and honors and also recognition in manufactured housing. For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.