Manufactured Housing Industry


Draft EO for Trump Administration AntiTrust Order Obtained by MHProNews

  Longtime manufactured housing industry readers know that the issues of monopoly or antitrust concerns have grown in recent years.  These relate to several sources of perceived antitrust threats that debatably harm independents, consumers, the economy, and others in the industry.   There are obviously voices and agendas on each …

Draft EO for Trump Administration AntiTrust Order Obtained by MHProNews Read More


Actions Speak Louder, But Words Followed by Deeds Matter to MHVille Owners, Professionals and Investors – Plus Sunday Morning Weekly Recap 9.16 to 9.23.2018

  Before the recap, further below, and today’s industry-connected commentary, we will begin with a programming note.   There is a local post-production issue that is brewing. It is part of a national pattern. The topic is classic efforts to zone out current and future manufactured homes (MH). It is …

Actions Speak Louder, But Words Followed by Deeds Matter to MHVille Owners, Professionals and Investors – Plus Sunday Morning Weekly Recap 9.16 to 9.23.2018 Read More

Did Google, Others Touching MHVille Take Big Step Toward AntiTrust? Plus MH Market Updates

Facts are facts. The Washington Post (WaPo) is owned by Jeff Bezos, a pro-Obama, pro-Clinton Democratic supporter. In May 2016, as President Barack Obama’s presidency was moving towards its close, WaPo reported, “But we have not seen a major shift in [antitrust] enforcement under Obama.” Slate is another left leaning media source. …

Did Google, Others Touching MHVille Take Big Step Toward AntiTrust? Plus MH Market Updates Read More


HUD Voucher Program – Presentations Video – Manufactured Housing Can Qualify

“Rental markets are local, and vary widely across country,” said Danielle Bastarche, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Housing and Voucher Programs.   It is part of the introductory remarks for the video posted below, which includes several panelists who were involved in studying the issue. It’s recorded in front of …

HUD Voucher Program – Presentations Video – Manufactured Housing Can Qualify Read More

Discerning and Sharing Truth, & Manufactured Housing

  “All warfare is based upon deception.”  – Sun Tzu, philosopher, strategist in The Art of War.     “…the truth will set you free.”  –         Jesus of Nazerth, cited in John 8:32     “Easy doesn’t pay well.” – John Bostick, Sunshine Homes.   “Arguably one of the most important …

Discerning and Sharing Truth, & Manufactured Housing Read More


New Highs, Tired of Winning Yet? Plus, MH Market UPdates

Record-after-record on the stock markets since the election of President Donald J. Trump.  Record-after-record in employment for minorities, women, and all workers since the election of the 45th U.S. president. Some of the debate and outlook of what’s ahead will all be in our featured report this evening. If you’re …

New Highs, Tired of Winning Yet? Plus, MH Market UPdates Read More


President Donald J. Trump Visit to Manufactured Home Community, Video, Hurricane Florence Update

  It’s been a year since Hurricane Irma, and the headlines now are focused upon other matters, including the still-developing post-storm conditions in the Carolinas, which President Donald J. Trump visited yesterday.   We’ll get to the news from the White House, as well as other sources about the visit …

President Donald J. Trump Visit to Manufactured Home Community, Video, Hurricane Florence Update Read More


Skyline Champion Makes Major Announcement, Plus “Insider” Look

In a media release to the Daily Business News on MHProNews, Skyline Champion Corporation (NYSE: SKY) announced that certain “shareholders (the “Selling Shareholders”) intend to offer for sale 6,000,000 shares of its common stock pursuant to the Company’s shelf registration statement filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). In …

Skyline Champion Makes Major Announcement, Plus “Insider” Look Read More


1 Million Jobs, Poof! Jack Ma Warns “20 Year Trade War,” Plus MH Market Updates

New York City Mayor Michael Rubens Bloomberg owns Bloomberg News. Bloomberg has signaled an interest in running against President Donald J. Trump in 2020 as a Democratic Party candidate. So even that brief background is enough to say that Bloomberg News is not a pro-Trump media outlet.  With that brief insight, tonight’s …

1 Million Jobs, Poof! Jack Ma Warns “20 Year Trade War,” Plus MH Market Updates Read More


HUD, Urban Institute Webcast on Housing Vouchers Thursday Sept 20th – Manufactured Housing Opportunities?

  “On July 29, 2016, the Housing Opportunity through Modernization Act of 2016, (H.R. 3700) was signed into law,” with Wisconsin Housing Alliance (WHA) reminds readers. “This gives the more than 2 million families that have a HUD Section 8 voucher the added flexibility of using the voucher to pay for …

HUD, Urban Institute Webcast on Housing Vouchers Thursday Sept 20th – Manufactured Housing Opportunities? Read More


Warren Buffett’s ‘Charitable’ Billions – Has Clayton’s Boss Funded Millions of Deaths by Abortion?

  “What’s Wrong is that We Don’t Ask What’s Right.” – G. K. Chesterton.   “Donations to Abortion Rights Organizations: Buffett is a liberal and is pro-choice. In an effort to lend his support as an abortion and reproductive rights advocate, the billionaire has donated $1.2 billion to abortion rights …

Warren Buffett’s ‘Charitable’ Billions – Has Clayton’s Boss Funded Millions of Deaths by Abortion? Read More


Sharyl Attkisson’s “Criminal Invasion” Infographics Thrust into Manufactured Housing, National Debate

  They work in our industry’s factories, and on farms that use manufactured homes as the living quarters for their ‘hands.’   They buy or lease pre-HUD Code mobile homes and post-code manufactured homes from retailers or in land lease communities. They do service work, maintain, and do grounds-keeping in …

Sharyl Attkisson’s “Criminal Invasion” Infographics Thrust into Manufactured Housing, National Debate Read More


If Dems Seriously Want Senate, Texans Beto O’Rourke vs Ted Cruz Key Contest, Plus MH Market Updates

Let’s note that new tariffs between China and the U.S. today still witnessed a strong day on Wall Street. There’s growing signs that the market is ‘getting it’ on the “America First,” POTUS Trump trade battle. That said, let’s pivot to a key Senate contest. If Democrats are going to …

If Dems Seriously Want Senate, Texans Beto O’Rourke vs Ted Cruz Key Contest, Plus MH Market Updates Read More


Electrifying Price Hikes Threatened; Manufactured Housing DOE Energy Rule Controversies Heat Up

  There could be several different reports on this Department of Energy (DOE) manufactured housing energy rule.  As of yesterday evening, over 1,000 comments had already been posted publicly on the federal regulatory comments site. That indicates several things – including, but not limited to – the array of voices …

Electrifying Price Hikes Threatened; Manufactured Housing DOE Energy Rule Controversies Heat Up Read More

Fall Manufactured Housing Show Features Free Education, Fun, Special Financing, & More

A big manufactured housing show is set for October 15-17, 2018 in Fort Worth, TX.    It makes several simple, yet profit-generating, promises.  Free Education, A variety of off-hours fun and entertainment, Special Financing that helps you stock and sell more homes, Marketing and Sales Tips from Pros, To learn …

Fall Manufactured Housing Show Features Free Education, Fun, Special Financing, & More Read More


Yom Kippur, Atonement, ADL, Manufactured Housing, Lessons Learned

This evening begins the Jewish observation of Yom Kippur, their “Day of Atonement.” It runs from the evening of September 18, until the evening of September 19th. Chabad says it is the holiest day of their year. There are numerous people of Jewish decent in manufactured housing, including in top …

Yom Kippur, Atonement, ADL, Manufactured Housing, Lessons Learned Read More


Schoolhouse Rock on This Historic Day

  There have been 5.3 million views on this cute video since it was first posted on Oct 31, 2011.   The pseudonymous poster of the video concluded his comments with these words, “I don’t believe America will survive as the Nation our founding fathers left us; “One Nation under …

Schoolhouse Rock on This Historic Day Read More


HUGE Hurricane Florence Damage Estimates, Plus Manufactured Housing Industry Updates

CNBC reports that Moody Analytics has estimated the damage from Hurricane Florence in the tens of billions, and could go higher.  That’s bad, but an estimate from CoreLogic would make that estimate look puny. Frankly, news of China appeared to be the bigger market-mover today, but our focus this evening …

HUGE Hurricane Florence Damage Estimates, Plus Manufactured Housing Industry Updates Read More


Appeal in Manufactured Home Community Closure Case Denied

An attorney representing the City of Schofield, Wisconsin says an appeal to keep the Northern Housing Community open, has been denied, WSAW tells the Daily Business News on MHProNews.   Residents and the owners of the community have both opposed the closure. Last April, the Schofield City Council revoked the …

Appeal in Manufactured Home Community Closure Case Denied Read More

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