Manufactured Housing Industry


Acclaimed Poverty Inc. Video, MHVille – Why Left & Right Should Listen, Learn From Each Other

  “Having a heart for the poor isn’t hard. Having a mind for the poor, that’s the challenge.” –      Poverty, Inc. “You cannot start an economy when ownership is in question.” –      Chinery-Hesse, in Poverty, Inc.   Affordable housing and an opportunity society – properly understood – are non-partisan issues. …

Acclaimed Poverty Inc. Video, MHVille – Why Left & Right Should Listen, Learn From Each Other Read More

Frightening! Halloween – Monday Morning Manufactured Home Marketing & Sales Meeting

  The Labor Day holiday was still on, but the displays in thousands of retail stores from coast-to-coast were already promoting Halloween.    Before Halloween arrives, there will also be Thanksgiving displays in stores.  Christmas is more than 3 months away, but there are holiday promotions underway for that grand …

Frightening! Halloween – Monday Morning Manufactured Home Marketing & Sales Meeting Read More


Pain, Pleasure, Persuasion, Honesty, and Sustainable MHVille Profits

There are precisely three ways to influence any organization of whatever size. Influence can only occur: From within an organization, from outside of a given group or from a combination of both. That’s the clarity of applied logic or common-sense reasoning. Day by day, MHProNews and MHLivingNews presents facts, figures, …

Pain, Pleasure, Persuasion, Honesty, and Sustainable MHVille Profits Read More


Shanah Tovah, Happy Rosh! About Leaping Cultural Barriers, and Where the Buck Stops

    “Here is important information for Rosh Hashanah 2018,” says Chabad, in their Jewish Practices module. Rosh is the Jewish new year and the date varies due to the fact that it operates based upon a lunar calendar. Manufactured housing has a number of people who are Jewish, at …

Shanah Tovah, Happy Rosh! About Leaping Cultural Barriers, and Where the Buck Stops Read More


Former President Barack Obama Says President Trump is “Symptom, Not the Cause,” plus MH Market Updates

It is no secret that the Daily Business News on MHProNews editorially opposed the policies of prior President Barack H. Obama, just as it is no secret that this industry-leading trade media favored the candidacy – and still robustly supports – the Presidency of Donald J. Trump.  But tonight’s spotlight …

Former President Barack Obama Says President Trump is “Symptom, Not the Cause,” plus MH Market Updates Read More


Clayton Homes and 21st Mortgage’s Manufactured Housing “Spies”

“It’s [a] standard operating procedure…” –        Clayton representative, to the Daily Business News on MHProNews.   “At 21st Mortgage, we have access to a wide variety of resources that the independent business or professional in MH may lack.” – Tim Williams, President and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway owned 21st Mortgage Corp., …

Clayton Homes and 21st Mortgage’s Manufactured Housing “Spies” Read More


Manufactured Housing Production Report – After Slow June 2018, July 2018 Increases

  After a modest 1 percent increase in year over year (YoY) production increases in 2018 vs. 2017, the growth in production for manufactured housing has taken a heftier bump up.   A total of 6,781 homes shipped in July 2018.  By comparison, 5,803 shipped in July 2017. That is …

Manufactured Housing Production Report – After Slow June 2018, July 2018 Increases Read More


“Growth,” “Fight on to Victory,” “One People, One Family, and One Glorious Nation Under God”

  “Together, we will make America wealthy again. We will make America strong again. It’s already happening. We will make America safe again. And above all, we will make America great again.” – President Trump, in 9.6.2018 Billings, Montana Rally.   It’s an epic battle by a populist president and …

“Growth,” “Fight on to Victory,” “One People, One Family, and One Glorious Nation Under God” Read More


Facebook Recent Big Hit, More Trouble Ahead? Plus, MH Market Updates

The Daily Business News on MHProNews has noted several times of the importance that Facebook has for marketers, and others in the industry. More hearings on Capitol Hill, plus impact of the stock on the markets. It’s a technical, traders look, and will be our featured report for this evening. …

Facebook Recent Big Hit, More Trouble Ahead? Plus, MH Market Updates Read More


Hot MHVille Issue, Boils Among Most Americans too

  There are thousands of undocumented or illegal immigrants living in manufactured home communities, and/or working in various manufactured housing businesses.   Articles on illegal immigration published by the Daily Business News – some under the related reports, at the bottom of this post – are thus a magnet for …

Hot MHVille Issue, Boils Among Most Americans too Read More


“Disastrous,” “Uncompetitive” “Takeover” of “Government Sanctioned Monopoly” Blasted in Congress as Bi-Partisan Fix Unveiled

  In a video statement today announcing a bipartisan measure, Financial Services Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) raised the alarms about the dangerous “monopoly” that is increasingly placing housing finance “at systematic risk.”   Hensarling said that today 9.6.2018, marks the 10th anniversary of the housing finance takeover by the Federal …

“Disastrous,” “Uncompetitive” “Takeover” of “Government Sanctioned Monopoly” Blasted in Congress as Bi-Partisan Fix Unveiled Read More


Like No Place Else, plus Manufactured Housing, Stocks, Market Updates

Tonight’s feature is sooooooooooooo simple, and is summed up with the words, “Like No Place Else.” See that, in our spotlight feature, further below. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready to get the MH professional fever – our headline report is found …

Like No Place Else, plus Manufactured Housing, Stocks, Market Updates Read More


8 Questions for Joe Stegmayer, George Allen, Spencer Roane, GSEs, MHI, FHFA, Other Presenters At Indianapolis Roundtable Meeting

  You can be a citizen reporter! You can make a difference in breaking the purple wall of MHI silence!  You can get George Allen, Spencer Roane, federal and GSE officials, or others to answer questions that in many cases they’ve avoided for months.   Here are our suggestions and …

8 Questions for Joe Stegmayer, George Allen, Spencer Roane, GSEs, MHI, FHFA, Other Presenters At Indianapolis Roundtable Meeting Read More


NDAs, Warren Buffett, Richard ‘Dick’ Jennison, Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI), and MHVille

  “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.” –  Abraham Lincoln   “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” – George Horne, according to …

NDAs, Warren Buffett, Richard ‘Dick’ Jennison, Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI), and MHVille Read More


Senate Hearings, “High Tech Lynching” plus MH Market Updates

There are those who believe that the politics and media bias have never been nastier than it is now.  While there is a case to be made, it would be inaccurate to presume that the tactics visible today have not been previously employed. In fact, they’ve been used to various …

Senate Hearings, “High Tech Lynching” plus MH Market Updates Read More


Blue Collar Worker Attitude, Outlook, Finances – Latest Data, Express-Harris Survey

  Blue collar workers represent the core of the manufactured housing industry’s workers, and are a key demographic that manufactured home (MH) professionals seek to engage, attract and sell. Much of what follows should therefor be of keen interest to MH professionals and investors.   It’s a peek into the …

Blue Collar Worker Attitude, Outlook, Finances – Latest Data, Express-Harris Survey Read More


Main Place in MHVille That’s Cracked the Glass Ceiling?

  The glass ceiling is the terminology used to describe an invisible – yet solid and real – barrier for advancement commonly applied to women.   Let’s be clear. In many respects, MHVille is a male-dominated profession. That’s not to say that the glass ceiling doesn’t exist in other areas …

Main Place in MHVille That’s Cracked the Glass Ceiling? Read More


50 States Ranked by Income, Credit – Manufactured Housing Marketers Data, Cheet Sheet

While there could be a debate about the ranking of the 50 states by which is the hardest working, a far clearer picture emerges on the topics of ranking states by income and credit.   The reason? Facts about income and credit scores are just facts. But the criteria selected …

50 States Ranked by Income, Credit – Manufactured Housing Marketers Data, Cheet Sheet Read More


2018’s Hardest-Working States in America, How Does Your State Rank?

Labor Day is as good a time as any to see how the fifty states rank in terms of which state workers are said to be harder workers, or less so.   The source of the data is Wallet Hub.  Here are some of the main metrics they used to …

2018’s Hardest-Working States in America, How Does Your State Rank? Read More


Manufactured Housing’s Labor Day, Celebrating Those That Do the Work

Manufactured housing trade media often gives attention to owners, managers, executives, investors, and experts. Policy-makers, advocates, attorneys, elected or appointed officials are among those that get attention too.  Sales people get articles…but what about general or office ‘labor?’   So, it’s fitting that on this Labor Day, that the Daily …

Manufactured Housing’s Labor Day, Celebrating Those That Do the Work Read More

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