Manufactured Housing Industry


Leandra English Sues to Control CFPB, Who’s Legally in Charge?

“Leandra English, a career staffer appointed Friday to lead the CFPB,” is suing the Trump administration for control over the CFPB, reports a range of sources, including the right-of-center Wall Street Journal, and left-of-center media outlets such as the New York Times, LA Times and others. Outgoing director, Richard Cordray, appointed …

Leandra English Sues to Control CFPB, Who’s Legally in Charge? Read More


Manufactured Housing Industry Headline News 11.19.2016 to 11.26.2017 – Sunday Morning Weekly Review

RV MH Hall of Fame Inductee, Joe Kelly is the Executive Director if the Iowa Manufactured Housing Association. Kelly has described this pro-industry, pro-consumer trade publication “like a well-stocked buffet…” of relevant information to manufactured housing (MH) businesses, professionals, and investors. “A buffet is a system of serving meals in …

Manufactured Housing Industry Headline News 11.19.2016 to 11.26.2017 – Sunday Morning Weekly Review Read More


Sexual Harassment-Not Just Hollywood, Media, Politicos-Manufactured Housing Workplace Claims, High Profile MH Cases Too?

The issue of sexual harassment isn’t just a personal and legal matter, impacting mostly women who’ve been harmed. Nor is it solely a troubling issue disrupting the careers and reputations of individuals in Hollywood, the entertainment world, politics, the news media, and other industries. Sexual harassment and hostile work environment …

Sexual Harassment-Not Just Hollywood, Media, Politicos-Manufactured Housing Workplace Claims, High Profile MH Cases Too? Read More


Retailers Must Combine Technology/Personal Service, Ethan Allen CEO Said; MH Market UPdates

Under ‘If you can’t beat them, join them’ you might find the photo of Ethan Allen’s CEO, advocating for service/product firms teaming up with tech. PreFab housing moves are being made – and/or are potentially poised to be made – by hi-tech executives connected with big names like Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and …

Retailers Must Combine Technology/Personal Service, Ethan Allen CEO Said; MH Market UPdates Read More


Why Democratic Leaning Jaime Dimon, of JP Morgan, Calls Americans to Support Tax Reform

“James Dimon is an American business executive. He is chairman, president, and chief executive officer of JPMorgan Chase, the largest of the big four American banks,” says Wikipedia. James “Jaime” Dimon is calling for a tax cut and overhaul, in order to make American businesses more competitive in a tough …

Why Democratic Leaning Jaime Dimon, of JP Morgan, Calls Americans to Support Tax Reform Read More


Bloomberg, Rising “Mobile Home” Prices, and the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI)

A story on Bloomberg, a left-of-center business publication, recently drew a number of emailed tips and comments to the Daily Business News, as a heads up for possible coverage. Such emailed tips from readers are welcomed.  They often lead to one or more articles/fact checks about a given issue that …

Bloomberg, Rising “Mobile Home” Prices, and the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Read More


Manufactured Housing, Prison Reform, Production, and Factory Built Housing Opportunitie$

Prisons. Prisoners. Manufactured housing. There are already points of intersection.  Can – and should – there be more? Can the factory-built housing industry and the penal system each benefit by developing deeper ties with the other?  Can that be accomplished profitably? The private and public sides of the U.S prison …

Manufactured Housing, Prison Reform, Production, and Factory Built Housing Opportunitie$ Read More

New York Stock Exchange Photo by Eric Miller

No Market Report T-Day, Manufactured Housing Industry Reflections

With the U.S. stock markets closed on Thanksgiving day, the most recent report available is last night’s closing numbers, charts, data, insights, and commentary – which are reported at the first link below. While the manufactured home industry has been rising for several years, its potential is far greater than …

No Market Report T-Day, Manufactured Housing Industry Reflections Read More


“Drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find,” James Carville, Clinton Strategist

A Democratic strategist said in the run-up to Thanksgiving, 2017, that the holiday should be used to torture supporters of President Donald J. Trump. Then candidate Trump’s 2016 opponent, Secretary Hillary Clinton’s full infamous quote: “You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what …

“Drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find,” James Carville, Clinton Strategist Read More


Sexual Harassment, and the Manufactured Housing Workplace, Two Short Videos

Most Americans say they’ve witnessed or experienced sexual harassment, per a recent national poll reported in the Daily Business News. So, that means that what’s happening in other industries, is also taking place in MH Industry workplaces, in locations from border to border. Harassment suits are known to create serious …

Sexual Harassment, and the Manufactured Housing Workplace, Two Short Videos Read More


Record Numbers hit the Road for Thanksgiving, Sign of Improving Economy, Consumer Confidence, Good for Manufactured Housing

“President Trump isn’t wrong about the stock market’s record heights,” admitted the left-of-center flagship, the NYTimes. “Even as the unemployment rate has fallen, and…other economic” advances, the NYTimes said, “…economists expect wage growth to improve if unemployment stays low.” Thus in 30 words, the NYTimes summed up what the Daily Business News spent several articles making …

Record Numbers hit the Road for Thanksgiving, Sign of Improving Economy, Consumer Confidence, Good for Manufactured Housing Read More


High Tax State Exodus Looming? Manufactured Home Markets Update$

It has been going on for years. From states like New York, New Jersey, Illinois and California, some higher earners with flexibility are leaving for lower tax states. If the GOP tax overhaul moves ahead as it now looks, will that accelerate the trend? If you’re new, already hooked on …

High Tax State Exodus Looming? Manufactured Home Markets Update$ Read More



As promised last Saturday on the Daily Business News, exclusive comments made by university researchers about manufactured homes has been published. Those exclusive comments reveal manufactured homes (MH) means for wealth creation by MH homeowners and buyers. That means that savvy industry marketers, owners, managers, sales agents, now have a …

Kapow! Read More


DoJ Sues, Stops Vertical Mega Deal, Signal to Berkshire Hathaway & Manufactured Housing? MH Market UPdates

It’s not a deal within the manufactured housing industry, but the DoJ move may set up what could be a precedent that will send waves through offices in Omaha, metro Knoxville, and Arlington, VA. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready to get …

DoJ Sues, Stops Vertical Mega Deal, Signal to Berkshire Hathaway & Manufactured Housing? MH Market UPdates Read More


George Bush Hands Couple Keys to FEMA Manufactured Housing Unit (MHU)

“The Texas Land Commissioner [GLO] was in Rockport Thursday morning to present the keys to a FEMA manufactured housing unit to a couple who lost everything to Hurricane Harvey,” said South Texas’ KIII News. The GLO commissioner is George P. Bush, son of previous Florida Governor and one-time GOP presidential …

George Bush Hands Couple Keys to FEMA Manufactured Housing Unit (MHU) Read More


“Perverse”–Warren Buffett-Dodd-Frank, CFPB, Manufactured Housing, Loans, Independent Businesses Fact Check$

“There seems to be some perverse human characteristic that likes to make easy things difficult.” – Warren Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway (BH) Chairman, parent to Clayton Homes, Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance (VMF) & 21st Mortgage Corp, other industry suppliers, et al, cited per BrainyQuote.   The essence of simplicity for business …

“Perverse”–Warren Buffett-Dodd-Frank, CFPB, Manufactured Housing, Loans, Independent Businesses Fact Check$ Read More


Monday Morning Sales Meeting – Living the Dream by Serving Others Well

“You can get everything you want out of life, if you help enough other people get out of life what they want.” Zig Ziglar. Owners, managers, investors, and front-line sales professionals, that quote above is an important secret for manufactured housing (MH), or any other, career success. Those who learn, …

Monday Morning Sales Meeting – Living the Dream by Serving Others Well Read More


Manufactured Housing Industry Headline News, Sunday Morning Review 11.12.2017 to 11.19.2017

The November Featured Articles are live, go to this link here. “Tony, every week there is so much that happens, this [The Sunday Morning Headline News Recap] is an easy way for me to review the news, thank you for this [feature] and your team’s coverage of factory-built housing.” “If MHProNews is writing …

Manufactured Housing Industry Headline News, Sunday Morning Review 11.12.2017 to 11.19.2017 Read More


“People of Alabama Understand” Women For Moore, Wife Kayla Say “Won’t Step Down,” – MH Market Update$

“Consider the source” said Kayla Moore, speaking of those she says were contacted by the Washington Post to try to defame her husband.  Kayla says that her husband has always been “an officer and a gentleman.” Moore says the people of Alabama aren’t going to be fooled. Sexual misconduct is …

“People of Alabama Understand” Women For Moore, Wife Kayla Say “Won’t Step Down,” – MH Market Update$ Read More


Clayton’s Oakwood Accused, “Trying to Circumvent the Law,” ‘Ready for Fight’ – BoA Fracas

“The residents of Irons Acres are ready for a fight,” said Maria Counts for Coastal Point, about events unfolding in Sussex County, DE. Counts says that the 26 home sites have 21 homes on them. Angry residents are complaining about a manufactured home that they believe was placed in their …

Clayton’s Oakwood Accused, “Trying to Circumvent the Law,” ‘Ready for Fight’ – BoA Fracas Read More

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