Manufactured Housing Industry


New Long-Term, Market Rate Loans in Manufactured Home Communities, Report, Reactions

“Great announcement, huh?  Here’s my take and on-the-record comments,” said ROC USA President, Paul Bradley to MHProNews.  Bradley was commenting on an article by Patrick Barnard in Mortgage Orb, that ran under the headline, “New 30-Year Loan Program for Manufactured Homes Launched in New Hampshire.” “Getting a jumpstart on its mandate …

New Long-Term, Market Rate Loans in Manufactured Home Communities, Report, Reactions Read More


What the Public Thinks of Manufactured Housing, the Story of Elgin’s New Development

“I drive past this area twice a day. It is the low point of my day – very sad and disgusting to see what the land around here is turning into. Why are there no restrictions to prevent this?” So reads a posted reader’s comment on the Elgin Courier. The …

What the Public Thinks of Manufactured Housing, the Story of Elgin’s New Development Read More


5 Biggest Contributors to Market Rise, See #3 – Broader Market Records, MH Related Updates

If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready to get the MH professional fever – our headline reports are found further below, just beyond the Manufactured Housing Composite Value for today. The evolving Daily Business News market report sets the manufactured home industry’s stocks in the broader …

5 Biggest Contributors to Market Rise, See #3 – Broader Market Records, MH Related Updates Read More


Home Builder Report Released, Single Family Home Market Insights

“Builder confidence in the market for newly-built single-family homes rose four points to a level of 68 in October on the National Association of Home Builders/Wells Fargo Housing Market Index (HMI),” the NHAB told MHProNews. This is the highest reading since May, and you have to go back to October …

Home Builder Report Released, Single Family Home Market Insights Read More


Frank Rolfe Video, Manufactured Housing Institute, Media Engagement, Context, Richard “Dick” Jennison, Manufactured Home Industry, and You

It’s axiomatic. Business professionals, and investors tend to be goal, results, profits, and solution oriented. The manufactured housing industry is no different. Restating the above, professionals care about results.  Explanations of why something doesn’t work – which after a time, begins to resemble excuses – only lasts for so long …

Frank Rolfe Video, Manufactured Housing Institute, Media Engagement, Context, Richard “Dick” Jennison, Manufactured Home Industry, and You Read More


Public Official, Senators Tour Manufactured Home Community, Production Center

“New York State Homes and Community Renewal Commissioner RuthAnne Visnauskas, Senator Betty Little, Senator Joseph Griffo and their staffs spent the day visiting the Champion Home Builders Titan Homes Division factory in Sangerfield, N.Y. and Jensen’s Cherrywood Community in Clinton, N.Y.,” the New York Housing Association (NYHA) said in a …

Public Official, Senators Tour Manufactured Home Community, Production Center Read More


President Trump Majority Leader McConnell, Tax Reform, Markets Hit New Records

The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), and the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) are among the trade groups that have sounded off in favor of getting tax reform done in 2017. Typically, the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) and the Manufacturing Housing Institute (MHI) don’t make public …

President Trump Majority Leader McConnell, Tax Reform, Markets Hit New Records Read More


Latest Consumer Confidence Survey, and Why It Matters to Manufactured Housing

It is axiomatic that consumer confidence is an important driver of big ticket sales, including the sales of manufactured homes. Without consumer confidence, a prospective home buyer may delay or even cancel a purchase, as veteran manufactured home professionals know from first-hand experience. When publicly traded manufactured home producers and …

Latest Consumer Confidence Survey, and Why It Matters to Manufactured Housing Read More

Manufactured Housing Institute Outgoing Chair Tim William’s Remarks vs. MHI CEO Richard “Dick” Jennison Comments, Fact Checks

“I especially want to take this opportunity to recognize our President & CEO Dick Jennison and his senior leadership team: Lesli Gooch, Mark Bowersox and Rick Robinson at MHI. Our team in Washington is highly respected,” said Tim Williams, President and CEO of 21st Mortgage and the outgoing chairman of …

Manufactured Housing Institute Outgoing Chair Tim William’s Remarks vs. MHI CEO Richard “Dick” Jennison Comments, Fact Checks Read More


What Happened to Those Anti-MHI Resident Group Protests?

The headline is a fair question, one asked by industry professionals, which the Daily Business News assured industry readers would be part of a follow up report.  This is that report. A recap of facts is warranted. Shortly before and after Hurricane Irma, the responses to MHProNews inquiries from resident …

What Happened to Those Anti-MHI Resident Group Protests? Read More


Aptly Named, “Journey’s End,” Manufactured Home Community Tragedies, Wildfires, Video

As a follow up to the wildfire fatality story, linked here, an industry source in California, plus ABC7 News have been informed the Daily Business News about the tragic loss of life and property in Santa Rosa, CA. “James Cook, the manager of Journey’s End, says he tried to get …

Aptly Named, “Journey’s End,” Manufactured Home Community Tragedies, Wildfires, Video Read More


Kid Rock vs. Rapper Eminem – F-Bombers ‘Running for U.S. Senate,’ Video Speech

“If Kid Rock does this right, he can win and it could be good for the people, and manufactured housing.”   So said factory-built housing owner, and self-proclaimed manufactured home advocate, the Rev. Donald Tye, Jr. Tye said that Kid Rock has the ingredients needed for success.  In recent comments …

Kid Rock vs. Rapper Eminem – F-Bombers ‘Running for U.S. Senate,’ Video Speech Read More


HUD’s Pam Danner Confirms Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Industry Data, But Other Questions, Problems Remain

Pam Danner, JD – the current administrator for the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Manufactured Housing Program – recently confirmed for MHProNews some of the research that the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) has done (see graphic at the top left.) Danner had a staff member thoughtfully and promptly provide information …

HUD’s Pam Danner Confirms Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Industry Data, But Other Questions, Problems Remain Read More

2020 U.S. Census, and Manufactured Housing

It’s only 2017, but the budget for the 2020 Census is being considered right now. This is the time to seek some changes that would serve the industry well for decades to come, says MHProNews publisher, L.A. “Tony” Kovach. “Part of the problem with statistics being used by researchers, be …

2020 U.S. Census, and Manufactured Housing Read More


Technical Review of Skyline Homes, Broader Manufactured Home Market Snapshots

If you are into technical market reviews, you are in for a yet another treat today. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready to get the MH professional fever – our headline reports are found further below, just beyond the Manufactured Housing Composite Value …

Technical Review of Skyline Homes, Broader Manufactured Home Market Snapshots Read More


Frank Rolfe, Manufactured Home Community Pro – Shocking! Or Evolutionary? Video

The factory-built home industry has struggled for over 40 years with nomenclature. Perhaps one of the better known “offenders” in MHVille – in the view of George Allen, or several other industry professionals – has been Frank Rolfe. Rolfe has commanded more mainstream media news stories that featured him and …

Frank Rolfe, Manufactured Home Community Pro – Shocking! Or Evolutionary? Video Read More


Realtors Selling Manufactured Homes, The Law, and Your Business

The law regarding how realtors might list or sell manufactured homes, particularly in a land-lease setting, is in flux. Sources tell MHProNews that those real estate laws vary from state to state. As readers on MHLivingNews know, we’ve spotlighted realtors – active and retired – that have fallen in love …

Realtors Selling Manufactured Homes, The Law, and Your Business Read More


Need Capital? Meet the 15 Member, Trillion Dollar AUM Club

“Money rules the world, and doubtless also, here and there, the bit of love within it…” ― Robert Walser. “Follow the money,” and “Pay more attention to what people do than what they say.” – Marty Lavin, MHI award winner and industry veteran. Before a: new factory, a community acquisition, …

Need Capital? Meet the 15 Member, Trillion Dollar AUM Club Read More


Secretive “NEW” Class of Manufactured Housing Raises Serious Concerns

An increasing number of inquiries expressing concern about “secretive discussions within the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) regarding “research” and other activity apparently designed to result in the development of a new “class” of manufactured homes,” has been brought to the attention of the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR). …

Secretive “NEW” Class of Manufactured Housing Raises Serious Concerns Read More


FED Minutes Released, Rate Hike New$, MH Market Updates

About forty percent of the manufactured housing stocks tracked are at or near record highs, per our Bloomberg ticker found below. Also, the Federal Reserve has released its September meeting minutes.  Hang on to your wallet, that report is also found below in the Daily Business News market spotlight section. …

FED Minutes Released, Rate Hike New$, MH Market Updates Read More

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