Manufactured Housing Industry


Inside Washington, Knoxville, Omaha, and Arlington Sept, 2017

In Omaha, some call it “Warren Watch.” In Knoxville and Maryville, from the manufactured housing industry perspective, its Clayton, 21st and VMF watch. In Arlington, VA – it’s the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) watch. In Washington, D.C., there’s sadly way too much to watch. Today, the insider watch could be …

Inside Washington, Knoxville, Omaha, and Arlington Sept, 2017 Read More


White House Points MHProNews To Michigan Success Story

With healthcare repeal and replace apparently a dead issue for 2017, the Oval Office is pivoting to President Donald J. Trump’s tax reform plan. In a release to MHProNews, the Oval Office has noted the success Michigan has had with their state tax reform plan at creating economic growth and …

White House Points MHProNews To Michigan Success Story Read More


Skyline Spotlight, Manufactured Housing Industry Market Report Updates

If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready to get the MH professional fever – our headline reports’ are found further below, just beyond the Manufactured Housing Composite Value for today. The evolving Daily Business News market report sets the manufactured home industry’s stocks in the broader …

Skyline Spotlight, Manufactured Housing Industry Market Report Updates Read More


AI, Robots Replacing Skilled Positions More Rapidly Than Expected

“Wow! What an achievement,” says cardiologist David Murdock, M.D. Dr. Murdock was referring to a report that a Chinese robot has successfully done a medical procedure with no human involvement, per the South China Morning Post (SCMP). The robot used 3D printing and precision techniques to do a dental implant …

AI, Robots Replacing Skilled Positions More Rapidly Than Expected Read More


Field Reports – Clayton to Continue Push for Industry Dominance

The Daily Business News (DBN) on MHProNews has been told by informed sources that Berkshire Hathaway owned Clayton Homes plans to increase their industry dominance in the retail sector. Strategies to accelerate their dominance will be accelerated in the coming months, per sources in the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI), among …

Field Reports – Clayton to Continue Push for Industry Dominance Read More


Manufactured Housing Association Benefits Survey

The Ohio Manufactured Home Association (OMHA) tells MHProNews about their new survey of members that asks some key questions, including: what association benefits do you currently use, and what benefits would you like to see that aren’t currently offered? This is an interesting topic for consideration, not just for OMHA, …

Manufactured Housing Association Benefits Survey Read More


Strange vs. Moore, Trump vs. Bannon?

As tomorrow’s special election to fill the vacated seat by Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ previous AL Senate seat looms, the heat and “controversies” from left-to-right wing media is rising.  So too is the spin that routinely fits a given media’s typical perspective. Recent polling seems to indicate that appointed-Senator Luther …

Strange vs. Moore, Trump vs. Bannon? Read More


LPX Surges (…Duh…), Other MH Connected Market Updates

If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready to get the MH professional fever – our headline reports’ are found further below, just beyond the Manufactured Housing Composite Value for today. The evolving Daily Business News market report sets the manufactured home industry’s stocks in the broader …

LPX Surges (…Duh…), Other MH Connected Market Updates Read More


Emmy Winning Sharyl Attkisson Reports Obama-Era Surveillance Timeline, Plus How Fake News Seeks to Control What You See and Think

George Orwell was arguably wrong about the year that drew the title of his best seller, “1984.”  But much that Orwell predicted in 1948 when he penned that tome has come to pass, albeit not always as his political and social novel projected. “War is Peace.  Freedom is Slavery.  Ignorance …

Emmy Winning Sharyl Attkisson Reports Obama-Era Surveillance Timeline, Plus How Fake News Seeks to Control What You See and Think Read More


“Unprecedented Amount of Damage,” Says HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson

Officials from both parties are praising the more organized response by FEMA and others in dealing with disaster recovery, as the Daily Business News has previously reported.  But reminiscent of the post-Katrina disaster, revival will still take years, HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson stated. Carson has recently toured some disaster …

“Unprecedented Amount of Damage,” Says HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson Read More


FEMA, Clayton Growing “Threat” to Independent “Non-Corporate” Companies – from Omaha

Reporting from Omaha, Nebraska. “Not everything is some dark conspiracy,” an informed source said to MHProNews. “Clayton and their [Warren] Buffett owned sister companies didn’t plan [Hurricane] Harvey. But they are benefiting from it in direct and indirect ways, that will allow them to increase their hold over manufactured housing …

FEMA, Clayton Growing “Threat” to Independent “Non-Corporate” Companies – from Omaha Read More


Clayton, Berkshire Hathaway, FEMA Preview – Manufactured Home Market Updates

If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready to get the MH professional fever – our headline reports’ are found further below, just beyond the Manufactured Housing Composite Value for today. The evolving Daily Business News market report sets the manufactured home industry’s stocks in the broader …

Clayton, Berkshire Hathaway, FEMA Preview – Manufactured Home Market Updates Read More


Skyline 1 Years Snapshot, Manufactured Housing Market Updates

If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready to get the MH professional fever – our headline reports’ are found further below, just beyond the Manufactured Housing Composite Value for today. The evolving Daily Business News market report sets the manufactured home industry’s stocks in the broader …

Skyline 1 Years Snapshot, Manufactured Housing Market Updates Read More


Big Horn, Fire Alarms, Deal Making & Big Time at Deadwood

Big horn sheep and mountain goats. Mixers. Meals. Networking. Gaming. Dining. Local and nearby tourist sights. Buffalo burgers. And let’s not forget business, golfing, presentations, deal making, auctions, and meetings.  All this and more were found at the popular 5 State Convention in Deadwood, South Dakota. Some snapshots from the …

Big Horn, Fire Alarms, Deal Making & Big Time at Deadwood Read More


City Economies Struggling, New Court Ruling, Manufactured Housing Fix?

The state and local media outlet Governing reports on the looming potential for municipal economic turmoil here in the U.S. The “National League of Cities (NLC), the report says municipal finance officers are expecting minimal growth this year — less than 1 percent,” per the report, adding “This year, 69 …

City Economies Struggling, New Court Ruling, Manufactured Housing Fix? Read More


If ObamaCare Repeal/Replace Passes Senate this Month, A Haircut Could Have Been Critical to that Cause

“I was up on the Hill, I happened to just go by the barbershop to see if I could get a haircut, and Lindsey [Graham, (R-SC)] was in the chair,” former Pennsylvania Senator and two-time GOP presidential candidate, Rick Santorum said. “And Lindsey asked me what I was doing, and …

If ObamaCare Repeal/Replace Passes Senate this Month, A Haircut Could Have Been Critical to that Cause Read More


“Egregious and Unacceptable,” Fed Chair about Manufactured Home Connected Lender, MH Market Updates

If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready to get the MH professional fever – our headline reports’ are found further below, just beyond the Manufactured Housing Composite Value for today. The evolving Daily Business News market report sets the manufactured home industry’s stocks in the broader …

“Egregious and Unacceptable,” Fed Chair about Manufactured Home Connected Lender, MH Market Updates Read More


HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson’s Comment Strikes Latest Hot Chord, Recovery Programs, 1 Minute Video

Americans have “allowed themselves to be manipulated into believing they’re enemies,” Housing and Urban Development Secretary Dr. Ben Carson said, per ABC News. He made the statement in response to the divide exposed by sometimes violent – and deadly – protests spotlighted last month in Charlottesville, Virginia. “I think a lot …

HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson’s Comment Strikes Latest Hot Chord, Recovery Programs, 1 Minute Video Read More


Markets Reach New Highs, MH Industry Stock UPdates

Due to technical and human factors, this market report was unavoidably delayed.  For the next several days, it will be produced later than normal in the day. Some standard features will not be included in today’s report. The Daily Business News apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause regular readers …

Markets Reach New Highs, MH Industry Stock UPdates Read More


USA Today Network’s Naples Daily News Hyperventilation – “East Naples Senior Community ‘Unliveable’ After Irma

“The putrid smell of rotting fish wafts through the air at West Wind Estates in East Naples, and it’s made all the worse by the relentless sun beating down upon the decaying corpses. Still, sun is better than rain since most of the homes in the community have roof damage, …

USA Today Network’s Naples Daily News Hyperventilation – “East Naples Senior Community ‘Unliveable’ After Irma Read More

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