Fair is fair. The Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) has produced a fine video of just under 6 minutes in length. That video is posted below.
Some clips in this video have been used by MHI or others previously. But there are short clips in this video which are apparently being used for the first time. That’s fine, because much of what their video could be used for is arguably positive.
Here’s why this new MHI video could be useful to manufactured housing.
- The thrust of their video presentation is effectively an argument that could be used with public officials in local markets as to why they should accept HUD Code manufactured homes. That is just one possible use for their video.
- The video at the date and time this report is being drafted for MHProNews is linked from MHI’s home page. That too is commendable.
While MHI hasn’t said so on the page the video is found, these are points that MHProNews in prior reports, fact-checks, and analysis on related topics has specifically questioned/encouraged MHI to do. Better late than never. That should be – and is hereby being – commended. This video they’ve produced merits some kudos.
Using the principle of wheat and chaff, the above is largely wheat. Now, let’s see what’s still missing, the proverbial chaff.
What The New MHI Video Reveals
Those are among the points that Arlington, VA based MHI deserve credit for; even though it too weeks of ‘heat’ (internal, external) to accomplish this, at least it has in fact been done.
That said, several questions, takeaways, and related issues are still outstanding. Let’s be examine those next.
The New Video, Performance, Accountability, and MHI
As the self-proclaimed trade group that represents “all segments of the factory-built housing,” MHI has the budget and responsibility to do such useful videos and more. After all, it is members’ dues and contributions that pay for such efforts.
Even independent retailers or communities that have no direct connection to MHI may be indirectly paying ‘floor dues’ by purchasing inventory from MHI member producers.
The industry has had 10 of the last 11 months with year-over-year downturns. It was arguably an embarrassment to MHI that they made grandiose claims in late 2018 in another MHI video that is still on their homepage. Some key stills from that are below, which claimed ‘momentum’ among other arguably false or misleading claims.

Just as MHI pivoted after months of sustained public pressure by MHProNews, MHLivingNews, MHARR and others, MHI has apparently pivoted to a degree with this new video. They’ve done, as noted above, precisely what MHProNews suggested. Namely, that a video of this kind ought to be prominently placed on their home page. It is now there. The next question is, how long will it remain?
But there are more takeaways that must be noted.
In no particular order of importance:
- There is an emerging pattern that reflects that when enough pressure is placed on MHI, they will at least offer a ‘fig leaf’ with which to cover themselves with their base of support. See their pivot on “enhanced preemption” in the report accessed via the linked text-image box below.
Under Pressure, MHI Pivots “HUD Must Implement and Enforce its Enhanced Preemption Authority”
- Why didn’t MHI produce this fine video immediately after the Innovative Housing Showcase ‘Homes on the Hill’ event? If they are sincere in seeking growth, why did they wait until after months of pressure from here and elsewhere occurred?
- Will MHI push this video out hard and consistently to the general public?
- Why doesn’t MHI have this video on their own YouTube page?
- Why didn’t they use the enhanced preemption theme in this video? For more on that, see the screen captures and quotes below.

- Why is it that only after months of pressure do they do what is obvious to MHARR members, some of MHI’s own members, or to other voices in the manufactured home industry?
Sadly, while this is new MHI production is a ‘fine’ video, this could have been a home run video if they had asked:
- HUD Secretary Ben Carson about enhanced preemption on camera.
- If MHI had asked Brian Montgomery to explain why HUD has failed to consistently enforce enhanced preemption made law under the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act (MHIA) of 2000. Sources tell MHProNews that while Dr. Carson may or may not know about ‘enhanced preemption,’ by contrast, Brian Montgomery, Teresa Payne, and several others at HUD most certainly do know.
The good news is that MHI after steady pressure has been relenting. But why does it take pressure to get MHI to their job in the first place? Or why did it take months of embarrassing reports to cause MHI:
- to ask their ‘big boy’ and other members to adhere to their code of ethical conduct?
- At least on paper call for full enforcement of the MHIA 2000 and its enhanced preemption clause?
- Or recall that it was pressure on MHI that caused them to pivot on the DOE energy rule?
The need to hold MHI accountable is clear. To see more on the topics noted, see the related reports, following the bylines and notices.

That’s your third episode today for accountability, fact-checks, and growth-focused manufactured home “Industry News, Tips, and Views Pros Can Use” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)
Soheyla is a managing member of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and MHLivingNews.com. Connect with us on LinkedIn here and
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