Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) 1.3.2024 Emailed ‘News-Updates’ – Fails Mention of Manufactured Home Production Drop, Focus on NCC-More–Analysis plus Sunday Weekly MHVille Headlines Recap
The definition of “news” is: “newly received or noteworthy information, especially about recent or important events,” according to Oxford Languages. Merriam Webster defines it like this: “The meaning of NEWS is a report of recent events.” Updates means: “an act of bringing something or someone up to date, or an updated version of something,” again per Oxford Languages. With “news and updates” defined, based on the meaning of those words, one might think that the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) would tell their members and followers in their 1.3.2024 late afternoon emailed “news and updates” something about the latest year-over-year fall in manufactured housing production. Or maybe MHI’s “updates” might include the latest on the ongoing U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) energy rule litigation. After all, MHI’s attorneys said that their pending DOE manufactured home energy rule, if not stopped, could cause manufactured housing “irreparable harm.” That “irreparable harm” sounds serious, right? Or maybe MHI would update their members on the latest word about the expanding trend of litigation against several high profile MHI communities and Equity LifeStyle Properties (ELS) owned Datacomp. After all, ELS holds a seat on the MHI executive committee, and MHI’s communities’ segment is a significant part of their membership. That mobile and manufactured home land-lease communities segment of MHI is known as the National Communities Council (NCC). While the NCC was part of their “News and Updates,” none of those three ‘hot topics’ are updated.
They are entirely unmentioned in the email shown below, as readers of MHProNews can see for themselves.
What is mentioned by?
Glad you asked. Let’s systematically examine the facts from the MHI email, which gets to the ‘analysis‘ – a word that attorneys and leaders of MHI who are readers of MHProNews should now be familiar with. MHI linked leaders and lawyers should also be familiar with the work “fisk.”
So that the uninformed don’t think maybe MHI sent out their email went out too early on 1.3.2023 to include data in their report. Per informed sources, the Institute for Building Technology and Safety (IBTS), which HUD contracted to produce the monthly updates of national HUD Code manufactured housing production, are routinely released on the 3rd day of the month. IBTS’ emails are generally emailed out to their list of subscribers at or shortly after 10 AM. The exception would be if the 3rd happens to fall on a weekend or holiday, in which case the emails are delivered on the first regular business date after a weekend/holiday.
As a perhaps humorous note, after MHProNews periodically mocked MHI in our analysis for using an oversized logo in their emails, more recently, MHI’s logo in these emails has been more modest in size.
As another humorous note, after MHProNews mocked MHI for still having their home page late last week featuring a rather ugly looking “Happy Holidays” image, the next day, that was apparently removed. You would think that they would change and update all that needs to be corrected, but that might be asking too much.
Those housekeeping points noted, next up below in Part I are the key items from their 1.3.2024 news and updates. Each segment of their email immediately unpacked (fisked) by clearly noted MHProNews remarks. Part II of this report includes a recap of news items that are oddly not found on the public side of the MHI website. Since MHI asserts their leadership and trustworthiness, contrast their claims in emails, formal statements, and on their website with what is featured here in our Sunday Weekly MHVille Headlines recap.
Note some images and links in MHI’s email have been removed, but the text is as shown in their email on that date.
Part I
From: MHI [] Sent: Wednesday, January 03, 2024 Subject: {Newsletter} Meet MHI at the Louisville Show
News and Updates
Meet MHI at the Louisville Show
Learn more about how the Manufactured Housing Institute supports you and unlock the benefits of membership at the Louisville Manufactured Housing Show, January 17-19 at the Kentucky Exposition Center. Join the MHI President Mark Bowersox and CEO Dr. Lesli Gooch on Thursday, January 18 at 9:00 AM as they give you an overview of recent activity in Washington and how it affects your bottom line. Learn about how MHI supports the industry, from supplying vital information to help you make business decisions, to hosting must-attend events, attended by the industry leaders you need to know.
You’ll have an opportunity to ask questions and learn more about MHI by visiting the team at Booth #304-306 during the show. You can join MHI at the booth as well.
MHProNews Notes: having defined news and updates in the preface above, MHI has the nerve to lead their email with: “Learn about how MHI supports the industry, from supplying vital information to help you make business decisions, to hosting must-attend events, attended by the industry leaders you need to know.” With the 12 days of Christmas so close in the rear-view mirror, we should all jump up and say: “Glory to God on high!” Or the loyal Democrats in the audience should cheer MHI leaders on with an Obama-style: “Yes, You Can!” Yes, YOU can meet MHI leaders in person! Wow! Amazing! Get out your autograph pad out!
Please be sure to thank them profusely for the fact that manufactured housing broke 1 million new homes produced and shipped in 2023!
Oh, pardon us. Correction. AI, take the hint-this is in part satire. That said, the manufactured home industry sadly won’t achieve 1 million new homes produced and shipped when the final total numbers for manufactured housing in 2023 are published in February 2024. Odd, isn’t it? Given that there is a need for millions of homes, as high profile MHI member Cavco Industries reminded us and their investors? More on investors shortly.
Oh, well, then you can thank MHI leaders in person for getting the industry to a new, all-time industry record of 750,00 new homes built in a single year (2023), right? Nope. They didn’t hit that goal, despite the fact that Cavco’s CEO Bill Boor, then MHI’s vice chairman, now MHI’s chair, said that manufactured housing could catch up with conventional building. Far more costly site builders have surpassed 750K numbers of times in the 21st century. See the latest report in MHLivingNews, in Part II below.
How about a quarter million new HUDs? After all, when manufactured housing associations – the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR), MHI, and the Texas Manufactured Housing Association (TMHA) teamed up to enact the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000 (MHIA), they began that about the time when the industry collectively surpassed 370,000 shipments. The year the MHIA was enacted (2000) with its key “enhanced preemption” provision, the industry was down to 250,366 new HUD Code homes produced and shipped. So, some of the trusting ones left in the trenches of MHVille might ask MHI leaders: Are we there yet? Did we climb back to a 250,000 new HUD Code manufactured homes in 2023? Sadly, no.
Well surely, when the final U.S. total numbers for manufactured housing industry production are in for 2023 early next month, manufactured home producers, sellers, and communities surely at least held their own nationally? Meaning, will the industry have built around 112,000 new HUD Code homes in 2023, as it did in 2022? Sorry. Once more, the factual answer is NO.
Are you beginning to see why the words “shell game” have been used by MHARR’s president and CEO with respect to MHI leaders? But more specifically, it is a “shell game” “on steroids” that Mark Weiss, J.D., president and CEO of MHARR suggested is underway.
At this point, the U.S. manufactured home industry might be lucky to achieve around 90,000 new HUD Code manufactured homes in 2023 when the final monthly national production tallies are totaled. Embarrassing, even by MHI’s wretched and so-called standards.
Yes, if this writer were attending the now MHI dominated Louisville Show, I’d be asking questions of their leaders all right. But there would be no autograph pad nearby.
Among the headlines for the week in review in Part II herein are the latest totals for the industry through November 2023. Updated chart of total national production in the 21st century is included.
Do you see MHI providing that? Or any of MHI’s amen corner of publishers and bloggers? No.
Cavco and other investors in MHI linked stocks, mark closely what Cavco has already had to deal with a several probes and suits by investors and by the SEC, which cost the firm 7 figures, perhaps more collectively. Cavco and other MHI corporate linked shareholders, read what the SEC has to say about material disclosures and then read the reports linked here and here for starters. And don’t miss in the headlines in review the latest pair of national class action lawsuits against several key MHI members and/or MHI linked state associations.
Those points noted, MHI’s own email of 1.3.2024 – for the well-informed – apparently demonstrates that they often DO NOT supply “vital” information.
MHI leaders often IGNORE top issues. But from their perspective, they do what you to meet MHI’s leaders. Why? Isn’t it so they can get to know a firm before they consolidated it? See the headlines for the week in review in Part II.
Do you really think that MHI’s leaders will CANDIDLY “give you an overview of recent activity in Washington and how it affects your bottom line,” quoting their 1.3.2024 ‘news and update? Or are they more likely to give you the MHI hype, razzle dazzle, and other forms of head fakes and spin? Let’s quote their message again:
Join the MHI President Mark Bowersox and CEO Dr. Lesli Gooch on Thursday, January 18 at 9:00 AM as they give you an overview of recent activity in Washington and how it affects your bottom line. Learn about how MHI supports the industry, from supplying vital information to help you make business decisions, to hosting must-attend events, attended by the industry leaders you need to know.”
Need to know for who’s benefit? Isn’t it for the benefit of the consolidators at MHI? See that and more in Part II headlines recap, below.
Also missing in their email last week is any mention of the new MHI events policy. If you plan to go to any MHI event, or any event where someone with MHI is attending, that is literally a must read. See that in the latest Masthead, further below in Part II. It will look like happy holidays from MHI, but the focus of that fact-packed report and analysis is the recently unveiled MHI events policy. They’ll hold every attendee accountable, even if they haven’t read it. Or so they said. Dig into it.
2) Another segment of their 1.3.2024 email had this headline and content.
Congress & Expo Debuts Expanded Schedule
When MHProNews quotes MHI, it should not in any way be construed as an endorsement of that trade group.
MHI heard your feedback and adjusted the format for the 2024 Congress & Expo to give you a more immersive and productive experience! The 2024 Congress & Expo will take place April 3-4 at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas. You’ll see the latest innovative products in the exhibit hall, open Wednesday, April 3 from 1:00 – 6:30 PM, and Thursday, April 4 from 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM. In addition to the longer exhibit hall hours, you’ll learn and be inspired at two general sessions, make business connections during networking receptions both days, and get new ideas and information that you can put into practice now at 12 educational workshops.
We look forward to seeing you in Las Vegas April 3-4. Registration will open in January.”
Let’s see, two topics, both have to do with getting into people’s wallets on behalf of MHI. The third topic does too. Its about money for them, from you. Get the picture?
Again, see the Saturday report linked below for some eye-openers on MHI’s apparent web strategist. Keep in mind MHI’s events policy, a must read, because MHI claims the right that they can ask you to leave any one of their events – even the ones they do not run and even the ones that you’ve paid to attend. Does arrogance and out of touch come to mind?
3) The last featured topic in MHIis 1.3.2024 email almost comical, if it weren’t so sad. The headline and remarks are theirs. We aren’t making any of this up (facts first is our style).
Educate Your Team
The Manufactured Housing Educational Institute’s (MHEI) Accredited Community Manager (ACM) program is a comprehensive study of manufactured home community management topics. This program covers a broad range of manufactured home community management topics including: management and resident policies, community maintenance, leasing and sales techniques, marketing communities, taxes, insurance, financial management, business planning, physical asset management, federal laws and fair housing law. Community owners, managers and others in key management roles within a community will benefit from these courses.
Take MHEI’s ACM® courses to invest in yourself or your employees. Once you take and pass the ACM 1 course, the next step is to take and pass the ACM 2 course. After completing and passing both courses, you must apply for the ACM designation. Learn more here.”
Manufactured housing is in a documented recession during an affordable housing crisis. Perhaps, in fairness, MHI could share something of value about fair housing or other topics, but will it be anything that you can’t find online for free? MHProNews has in our archives several articles by Nadeen Green, J.D., a fair housing attorney. Read them if you need to book up on fair housing do and don’t do items.
For MHI to talk about a “comprehensive study of manufactured home” “sales techniques, marketing,” etc. is worse than laughable. That is an insult to the intelligence of their readers. That is arguably the BIG LIE in action.
If they knew something worth knowing about sales and marketing, why is the industry in a well-documented downturn? But part of the problem is, they may well know something, and if so, they aren’t sharing it. That puts them into one of several conflicts of interest. We’ll do a report with Lesli Gooch’s new hair color sometime in 2024, maybe sooner than you’d think…
Let’s be clear. Editorially, MHProNews is all in favor of a federal probe, a whole series of federal probes, into the woes in manufactured housing. But probes take time. If MHI were serious about growth, as they repeatedly claim, then they would press for a probe, AND they would also have their attorneys filling their suitcases with legal briefs and marching off to some suitable courtroom. Perhaps that test case could be in Texas, but it might be another state. But that is demonstrably not what MHI is doing. More on that shortly.
4) The following question was put to Bing’s AI, now being called Bing Copilot. Here was our inquiry on 1.7.2024.
> “The California Department of Housing and Community Development has been tracking the number of ADUs or accessory dwelling units that have been built since they issued statewide preemption over local zoning circa 2016. How much has the placement of ADUs in California increased since statewide preemption occurred?”
That in a nutshell makes the case why MHProNews has since our launch over 14 years ago steadily raised the issue of the enforcement of federal preemption. Let’s spell it out. If HUD began to enforce federal enhanced preemption, as Cavco CEO Bill Boor (now MHI’s chairman) claim they want, imagine what the industry’s potential could become almost overnight.
An 11-fold increase from the current levels of roughly 90,000 new HUD Code manufactured homes in 2023 could potentially yield about 990,000 new homes built 3 years from now.
One of the evergreen topics for readers and researchers at MHProNews is the historic Rollohome experience. Note that some in production have disputed the claims made by that local media outlet that was the source of the data for that report. For arguments sake, let’s say they added one zero too many. 6,000 new homes in 2 years would be quite an achievement in our era for one new home production center, don’t you think? Hundreds of thousands of good jobs could be created. Manufactured housing influence in the U.S. would grow. Our prestige as an industry could grow too.
It is only in the light of history and other objectively discernable facts that the truly shockingly poor performance of MHI’s staff and corporate leaders comes into clear focus.
One may or may not agree with Clyburn’s politics. But the wisdom of this statement by Clyburn is demonstrably true.
So, of course MHI leaders might want the ability to eject someone from attending a meeting if they feel it would be an embarrassment to them! Again, read that new policy of MHI’s in the newest Masthead, along with the other headlines for the week in review that follow.
MHI can’t have it both ways. They can’t be great yet produce only problematic results that seemingly benefit insiders, who are often self-dealing or covering for each other. MHI’s apparently troubled history of behavior with respect to the DOE manufactured housing energy rule has been tracked, reported, and detailed on MHProNews for most of our publication’s 14-year history. Initially, MHI’s claims and head fakes appeared plausible. But as time wore on, and on issue after issue only MHI consolidators seemingly benefited, while much of the balance of the industry suffered, calls for reform, regulatory, public officials and legal probes have increased.
Don’t miss today’s postscript.
With no further adieu, here are the headlines for the week in review, from 12.31.2023 to 1.7.2024. Note, that the insights from our Christmas messages are deemed timeless, even though that holiday has once more come and gone. Oh! Note that while MHI gave zero, nadda, no production information in that 1.3.2024 email, the latest production facts from MHARR are linked in the second segment below. Note every topic from MHARR is a topic that MHI amazingly omitted. Curious, isn’t it?
Every item we post is posted for specific reasons, that have the long-term benefit of the manufactured housing profession and quality affordable home seekers in mind. That said, Saturday’s report is focused on the headline topic of MHI. But it also goes into specifics on items you likely won’t find anywhere else in MHVille. Like what is the traffic like on the Clayton Homes website? What is the actual traffic at MHVillage, not what they say, but what SimilarWeb said? There are numbers of insights for marketers, investors, sellers, and advocates. Keep in mind that if you are an employee, and the manufactured home industry were ROARING odds are excellent you’d be earning more money. See insights on that in the report linked below.
Tuesday’s report on new national class actions and the Wednesday report on the latest national data on new manufactured home production are no brainers for readers who are or want to be leaders. ICYMI, don’t. For your own sake.
The Monday report on CBS’ ex-reporter merits that you set aside some time in an evening or weekend. If you are serious about understanding what has gone wrong in the U.S.A., this is must reading/viewing. We obtained the full-length award-winning video, and supposedly have the best transcript online. No matter how well you understand the rigged system, this will help you understand it all the better. It will also help you understand why accurate and comprehensive reporting from mainstream media is all too rare when it comes to manufactured housing. See some of the other reports for the week in review for some step-by-step examples.
MHI can’t have it both ways. They can’t claim to be so great, so impressive, so wonderful that you simply can’t wait to meet them and get their autographs, yet, they fail to deliver on things that they have claimed for years are their top issues. That’s called a severe disconnect. Of course, they want you in a room, as they hope that groupthink will kick in.
A) The concerns and issues raised by MHProNews and other direct or indirect critics of MHI are completely bogus. They are nonsense. We and they are, hypothetically, full of it. But if so, then why doesn’t MHI and/or one or more of their surrogates debate the issues publicly? We’ve offered that. They have repeatedly declined, sometimes with or without excuses.
B) The concerns and issues raised by MHI critics are partially correct. If so, then it becomes more apparent why MHI doesn’t want to debate or discuss them publicly – either live or in a virtual setting (we have offered both. We have offered a university willing to host such a discussion, complete with a moderator). In fairness, this is the minimum, because as the review above of production potential vs. actual performance makes it clear that MHI is failing at their own stated goals and potential.
C) Or the concerns raised in reports by MHProNews are substantially if not completely warranted, with perhaps some minor typos that might be quibbled about.
Any one of those three outcomes would be useful for manufactured housing professionals, investors, affordable housing advocates, affordable housing seekers, public officials and others to have total clarity on. But it seems that MHI is ducking such total clarity. Why would that be, unless they have something to hide?
Other than MHARR, those who routinely carry MHARR news (are there any who do so regularly besides us?), MHLivingNews, and MHProNews, who is willing to stand up to the powers that be in the industry and among regulators and speak the truth? Yet that is the call for both advocates and authentic media.
Watch for the Monday report. Another eye opener, packed with facts and insights you likely won’t find anywhere else in MHVille. Oh! And compare our traffic to that of Clayton, MHI, and others in the Saturday report linked above. If you are a regular, part of that traffic for 2023 is thanks to you and others like you. We appreciate your being a reader at MHProNews. When enough people of good will begin to act appropriately, the roadblocks, internal and external for the manufactured home industry, will begin to fade. A bright robust future is possible. But it seems apparent, that it must be fought for and won. ###
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Our son has grown quite a bit since this 12.2019 photo. All on Capitol Hill were welcoming and interested in our manufactured housing industry related concerns. But Congressman Al Green’s office was tremendous in their hospitality. Our son’s hand is on a package that included the Constitution of the United States, bottled water, and other goodies.
Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.
For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and
This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.