Manufactured Housing Leader Who’d Sell Out Own Mother? Would You Trust Firm on Other Deals? ‘Good Deals with Bad People’ or Organizations-Names-Sources-Evidence Packed Editorial; plus MHMarkets


God‘s ways have been described as mysterious. Humanity has free will. People and organizations reveal themselves in surprising and sometimes unexpected ways. Warren Buffett paradoxically said, ‘you can’t make a good deal with a bad person.’ Some hail Buffett for being a great investor. Successful as measured solely by stated net worth? Yes. But could Buffett and his firm have earned and more for himself and investors without hurting tens of millions of people in the process? Hold that thought, because it isn’t just Buffett and claims of integrity that are the first “top of mind” thoughts that are on the line. It’s also Gary Shiffman at Sun Communities (SUI) that will also be among those in MHVille probed in this article. Shiffman is Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, and President at Sun, and per that firm he “has been a director and an executive officer since our inception in 1993.” GuruFocus said the “estimated net worth of Gary A Shiffman is at least $164 Million dollars as of 2024-05-10.” Not bad. But again, according to some of his own remarks and the takeaways from those of an industry and Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) colleagues, could Shiffman led Sun be doing far better than it has? The answer may well be an emphatic yes.

Someone can do or say certain things seemingly well yet may nevertheless have failed to do things properly. They may even have done things in apparently wrong by traditional moral, legal, ethical, financial, and so on measures. So, who would sell out their own mother?

Part I

1) Beyond the dollars and cents, properly understood, the ends does not justify the means. In Shiffman’s case, there is a man who purportedly ‘sold out his own mother’ according to the evidence supported allegation of insurance fraud by a man who says he was his former colleague. Sun has been hit by cases from state attorney generals. Given the evidence of purported fraud, the actions of attorney generals, and based on what the Landy’s have revealed, are we in MHVille supposed to simply supposed to believe Shiffman-led Sun Communities (SUI) who apparently assigned SVP Nate Philippsen to address a matter just because Philippsen says so? Just based on what is known, should thinking professionals’ hand over our trust to a man who contradicted himself within the same day, when those distinctive and in some ways contradictory emailed remarks were mere hours apart from each other?


‘Keeping Our Mobile Home Communities Safe, Well-Maintained, Affordable is Vital’ – Attorney General Wm Tong Testimony, More Follow Probe of Sun Communities (SUI) Issue–Latest MHI Member Scandal?


2) Buffett and his methods have been exposed:

3) We at MHProNews are reporting, doing the fact-based analysis, and reminding readers of the inconvenient realities revealed by research reported by Lebowitz, Harding, and numbers of others. Why is it that most others in MHVille trade media don’t report on items that are evidenced based and supported from a range of seemingly credible sources?

4) The Pine Haven Controversy

MHProNews does not claim to know all of the specifics of the ownership of the Pine Haven community in Delaware. There are apparently reasons why Sun has decided to use over 1000 LLCs to mask transactions and ownership. What we reported was nevertheless factually accurate in as much as MHProNews accurately cited sources and gave Shiffman an opportunity to respond well before publishing.

5) Sun’s denial made by SVP Philippsen after the fact may be true in some sense. But as our report with update revealed yesterday, something can be technically true but can still be misleading.

6) Buffett’s arguably evil genius is that he can say something seemingly wise and technically true, but then he can go and demonstrate the opposite behavior! Providing such insights are the favor Michael Lebowitz, Robin Harding, and others have done for America and the world! Harding specifically exposed Buffett not as a hero of capitalism, but rather as a destroyer of free market capitalism, not its exemplar or savior.

Here is how left-leaning Bing’s AI powered Copilot answered this inquiry. Note that one of the linked results is the Nation’s special report that used the Clayton Homes example.

Who has accused Warren Buffett of being not a savior of capitalism but rather a destroy of free markets while cloaking himself in a veneer of wisdom and philanthropy? What examples can be given of that contention? Link results.

BingCopilotAI-Screen1.3.2024MHLivingNewsWarren Buffett, despite his revered status among investors, has faced several controversies over the years. While he is widely respected for his investment acumen, some critics have raised concerns about certain aspects of his actions and business practices. Let’s delve into some of these controversies:

  1. Goldman Sachs Investment during the 2008 Financial Crisis:
  2. Blue Chip Stamps and Wesco Financial Corporation:
  3. Buffalo Evening News Acquisition:
  4. Berkshire Hathaway’s Board of Directors:
  5. Monopoly Power and Unfair Advantages:
  6. Potential Violation of Ethics Policies:

In summary, while Warren Buffett is celebrated for his investment success, these controversies demonstrate that even the Oracle of Omaha is not immune to criticism. His actions have been scrutinized, and opinions about his impact on capitalism and free markets vary. It’s essential to recognize both his achievements and the challenges he has faced throughout his career123

More recent examples are linked below.



7) There are dark forces that have steadily, sometimes in fits and starts, swept away much of the illusion of what America is supposed to be. Those who have used manipulation of free markets deploy paltering, half-truths, and sometimes wise expressions in misleading ways with finesse. But what they cannot successfully do is keep everyone on their team on the same page all the time. For example. It’s not that Abraham Lincoln was perfect, he wasn’t. But he did much good at great cost. Lincoln said some wise things based on faith, reason, and at least the appearance of morality during a dark time in our national history.

8) Lincoln observed that no man can be a successful liar because sooner or later they trip themselves up.

9) To extend Lincoln’s point, he could have also said that the circle of a liar’s henchmen may expose a con man and his confidence job. In remarks similar to those of Lincoln’s, GoodReads credits Mark Twain with observing that: “If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.” Parade cited Twain saying: “Do the right thing. It will gratify some people and astonish the rest.”

10) Deceptive behavior has consequences.

While every typical human since Adam and Eve has erred and done so repeatedly, some errors are not deceptive or manipulative. Even tragic mistakes can be unintentional, as some auto or other accidents attest. But if someone is doing business with a problematic man and his business, well, Buffett’s quotable quip has a point.




13) There is a web of deceptive behavior that has operated for far too long in the manufactured housing professional. But to be fair, it isn’t just our industry that is plagued by evidence of paltering, manipulation, what the Capital Research Center has called “Deception and Misdirection” or the like.

14) The likes of Buffett-led Berkshire’s brands in manufactured housing have left in its wake a path of destruction as visible to trained eyes as a tornado that cuts through Moore OK, Joplin MO, or other tragedies be they in conventional housing, commercial construction, old mobile homes, or newer manufactured homes.



14) What Kevin Clayton said to Congress was largely supported by the facts and evidence that he cited.

KevinClaytonPhotoClaytonHomesQuotesDutyToServeManufacturedHousingFannieMaeFreddieMacFHFAManufacturedHousingDecelineDataMHProNews Several of the illustrations shown in this report can be opened in many browsers to reveal a larger size. To open this picture, click the image once. When the window opens, click it again to reveal the larger size photo. Use your browsers back key to return to the article.


15) It is what Clayton didn’t tell Congress that could qualify his remarks as paltering. Paltering is one of several apparently deceptive methods that have been used with respect to manufactured housing, as well as in other parts of American business, society, and politics.  That is why as left-leaning Wikipedia has put it, the oath taken before giving testimony is routinely framed as follows:  “I swear that the evidence that I shall give shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God.”

Leaving out or shading the testimony by misleading or omitted information can take something that appears to be true and turn it into something deceptive. This has become a serious enough issue where Harvard and others have researched and reported on the phenomena.

16) That noted, back to Clayton’s remarks. What is missing from Clayton’s remarks is what Buffett acolyte Bud Labitan said about Buffett-Munger-Berkshire Hathaway and their moat methods, specifically citing Clayton Homes and their related lending in a chapter of his book.

As if by magic, much of the lending that was long available to manufactured housing for decades vaporized in the 21st century. Is it any wonder that sales dropped sharply? Credit, after all, is the lifeblood of housing sales, as then Harvard Joint Center on Housing Studies fellow Eric Belsky said.



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From a MHI President and CEO Gail Cardwell era presentation. Title I lending all but ended around the same time as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac securitized manufactured home “chattel” loans. While it is true that there was fraud, fraud didn’t keep lenders from continuing to do loans on conventional housing. The ramifications of the loss of lending in manufactured housing are still being felt, per sources inside and beyond manufactured housing. Learn more at this link:


16) There are examples of public officials who seemingly do the right things on several occasions. But what is necessary is for women and men of good will to stand up, pull back the curtain of corruption that ought to clearly separate the good from the problematic.

17) Buffett ally Bill Gates needs to be routinely added to discussions involving manufactured housing. So too should remarks made by the late Sam Zell.

18) Manufactured housing crashed after Buffett pulled Berkshire investments in Fannie Made and Freddie Mac. Manufactured home lending melted.  Kevin Clayton said so. It is the rest of the story that Clayton and others have all too often ignored.




19) Since Buffett’s moves, manufactured housing has never recovered. Coincidence? This despite the fact that Clayton bragged in a pro-Buffett, pro-Berkshire video interview that Buffett said he could get whatever he needed. The implication is that Clayton, Buffett, and others who follow this business philosophy like the status quo.






20) There is no need to recreate the wheel. Ample information on Shiffman and Sun are found linked below.


See the belated denial and related update.

21) There is ample evidence of purported collusion between several manufactured home community operators, including, but not limited to Sun Communities, linked below.



22) From the article with transcript linked below.


“Politicians“ “Rich Want More Power“ Warren Buffett – “Bad Guys Win“ – Buffett-Charlie Munger Interview Transcript – “Regulators Aren’t“ Regulating – Clayton Homes, Praising Chinese Communists, More Shock Insights – Analysis; plus, Manufactured Home Stocks Update


“We learned a long time ago that you can’t make a good deal with a bad person. Just forget it. Now, if you think you can draw up a contract that, that is going to work against a bad person, they’re gonna win. They probably enjoy litigation.”

“The bad guys win. They know more games. They may lose eventually. But it’s no way to spend your life.”

Was that a coy admission? Was that a double mean from Buffett and Munger that was a way of saying, don’t mess with us, you may eventually win, but your life will be lived in courtrooms for a long time?

But think about the implications of their own advice. How many are doing business with firms in MHVille that have ‘bad people’ at the helm, or whose business practices are clearly problematic?


23) This writer for MHProNews and our parent company don’t claim to be a prosecuting attorney, nor a plaintiff’s attorney, nor an attorney of any kind.  But someone doesn’t have to be an attorney or legal scholar to see what other attorneys, researchers, and legal sources have said about what is going wrong in manufactured housing or other aspects of American society.


In 2022, Donald Trump Jr made a similar observation in response to an MHProNews inquiry. Namely, Don Jr said that monopoly power is the #2 or #3 issue plaguing the U.S. From both the left (Frerick, RFK Jr., and others) and the right (Trump, Herland, and others) monopoly power is being decried. Surveys suggest that most Americans are catching onto the importance of the issue.


24) Much of it comes down to the notion of oligopoly style monopolization. If it were just Clayton, or just Equity LifeStyle Properties (ELS) and Sun Communities (SUI) perhaps the pattern would be more self-evident. But perhaps because it is oligopoly style monopolization, it is not as obvious to an outsider looking in at a glance. It takes time and evidence to see the facts, sometimes, even for industry insiders.




True Tale of Four Attorneys Research into Manufactured Housing – What They Reveal About Why Manufactured Homes Are Underperforming During an Affordable Housing Crisis – Facts and Analysis


25) Several of our reports anticipated by months or years what began to emerge on the community sector side as claims of antitrust violating practices in manufactured housing. It is apparent, or should be, that there is much more work to be done. Isn’t it reasonable to believe that the production, retail, and finance side of the picture in manufactured housing could be next?


See the related report linked here. Waters and her colleagues filed complaints with the DOJ and CFPB, per their letter.



26) Regrettably, justice in America for those with higher profiles can be slow and it can become political. Until such a time as the heat on politicos and public officials hits a point where enough souls are willing to dig into the evidence, the battles may be waged by private attorneys or the occasional public official or department willing to expose some of the apparent corruption. Until the day when corruption is more vigoriously tackled and rooted out, be warned. You can’t make a good deal with a bad person, organization, or corporation.









Economist E. J. Antoni-Green Housing Mandates Add Tens of Thousands to Costs Paid by Renters-Other Taxpayers While Taking 90 Years to Achieve Breakeven – Facts-MHVille Analysis; plus MHMarkets


27) Surf the site or follow the cross links to learn still more.



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The research by senior economist at the Minneapolis Federal Reserve James “Jim” Schmitz Jr., his colleagues, the legal research by Samuel “Sam” Strommen at Knudson Law, and a grasp of what Warren Buffett, Kevin Clayton, and Tom Hodges have called “the Moat” – among others insights – are useful in understanding the decline of HUD Code manufactured housing. Note: depending on your browser or device, many images in this report and others on MHProNews can be clicked to expand. Click the image and follow the prompts. For example, in some browsers/devices you click the image and select ‘open in a new window.’ After clicking that selection you click the image in the open window to expand the image to a larger size. To return to this page, use your back key, escape or follow the prompts. See the Rise and Fall of HUD Code Manufactured Housing. and the lessons learned from the California ADU phenomenal growth.


Part II – Our Daily Business News on MHProNews stock market recap which features our business-daily at-a-glance update of over 2 dozen manufactured housing industry stocks.

This segment of the Daily Business News on MHProNews is the recap of yesterday evening’s market report, so that investors can see at glance the type of topics may have influenced other investors. Thus, our format includes our signature left (CNN Business) and right (Newsmax) ‘market moving’ headlines.

The macro market moves graphics below provide context and comparisons for those invested in or tracking manufactured housing connected equities. Meaning, you can see ‘at a glance’ how manufactured housing connected firms do compared to other segments of the broader equities market.

In minutes a day readers can get a good sense of significant or major events while keeping up with the trends that may be impacting manufactured housing connected investing.


Headlines from left-of-center CNN Business – 5.10.2024

  • Why tonight’s massive solar storm could disrupt communications and GPS systems
  • Consumers are feeling a lot worse about the economy as inflation has been heating up again.
  • Consumers haven’t felt this bad about the economy since November
  • Target signage on a shopping cart outside a store front, Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2024, in Houston.
  • Target is dialing back on Pride merchandise after right-wing backlash
  • Protesters attempt to storm Tesla’s factory in Germany
  • The Chevy Malibu, the brand’s last sedan, will end production
  • Hyundai and Kia models topped US auto theft rankings last year
  • Ascension St. Vincent
  • Cyberattack forces major US health care network to divert ambulances from hospitals
  • Apple faces growing labor unrest at its retail stores
  • Locust Walk with students in fall, University of Pennsylvania, University City area, Philadelphia, PA, USA on November 16, 2023.
  • You just heard your college-bound child is getting less aid than you hoped. Now what?
  • There’s a surprising bit of good news lurking in the stock market
  • Social media platforms race to address AI-generated images ahead of November election
  • UK exits recession in ‘fragile’ recovery ahead of election
  • Oprah Winfrey: I set an unrealistic standard for dieting
  • Welcome to the AI dystopia no one asked for, courtesy of Silicon Valley
  • Dozens of Chinese companies hit with US trade restrictions over 2023 spy balloon incident
  • ‘The next decade belongs to India’: Meet the winners of rising power’s economic boom
  • Chinese tech exec’s fiery endorsement of toxic workplace culture sparks backlash — and costs her job
  • Apple apologizes for its controversial iPad Pro ad
  • US regulators are looking at potential ‘bait and switch’ schemes with airline-affiliated credit card reward points
  • Inside the tense talks between Columbia protesters and administrators before NYPD moved in
  • Investor found guilty in Trump Media insider trading case
  • The four-day work week is here to stay at UK companies that tried it
  • This ALS patient has a brain implant that translates his thoughts to computer commands


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In the business world, the rear-view mirror is always clearer than the windshield.” – Warren Buffett. That begs a key question. Why don’t more people LOOK at the rearview mirror more so they can learn more about the patterns that influence what’s ahead? Note: depending on your browser or device, many images in this report can be clicked to expand. For example, in some browsers/devices you click the image and select ‘open in a new window.’ After clicking that selection, you click the image in the open window to expand the image to a larger size. To return to this page, use your back key, escape or follow the prompts.


Headlines from right-of-center Newsmax – 5.10.2024

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  • Former President Donald Trump warned Friday that electing President Joe Biden to a second term in office would result in bringing back Great Depression-era numbers to the United States. [Full Story]
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  • UN General Assembly Backs Palestinian Membership Bid
  • Officials: US Still Sending Weapons to Israel
  • AP: Israel Not Accused of Weapons Deal Violations
  • Israeli Tanks Encircle Eastern Half of Rafah
  • 7 Was ‘Managed and Planned’ by Iran’s Quds Force: Expert
  • 1,533 Israeli Citizens, Soldiers Have Fallen Since Oct. 7 Attacks
  • Dem Mega Donor Rips Biden Blocking Israel Weapons
  • Eurovision Draws Street Protests Calling for Israel’s Ejection
  • UK’s Cameron: UK Won’t Halt Arms Sales Over Rafah
  • Newsmax TV
  • Mike Huckabee: Biden Stabbed Bibi in Back
  • AGs: Title IX Changes ‘Illegal’
  • Zach Nunn: Biden Betrays Israel | video
  • D’Esposito: 4th District Columbia Students Will Get a Graduation | video
  • Lara Trump: ‘Cool Opportunity’ for Barron Trump | video
  • Donalds: Biden Shouldn’t Talk Taxes Given Hunter | video
  • Newsfront
  • Lawmakers: Rutgers Ignored Pleas of Jews on Campus
  • Rutgers University administrators failed to address concerns of on-campus antisemitism months before anti-Israel protests began at the school, according to two New Jersey lawmakers. U.S. Reps. Donald Norcross, D-N.J., and Josh Gottheimer, D-N.J., sent a letter to Rutgers …… [Full Story]
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In instances such as Apollo, Berkshire Hathaway, Blackstone or others, manufactured housing may only be part of their corporate interests. Note: depending on your browser or device, many images in this report and others on MHProNews can be clicked to expand. Click the image and follow the prompts. For example, in some browsers/devices you click the image and select ‘open in a new window.’ After clicking that selection you click the image in the open window to expand the image to a larger size. To return to this page, use your back key, escape or follow the prompts.
Notice: MHProNews invites the firms named in these reports to respond to any concerns about possibly inaccurate information via email that identifies the concern and offers evidence that sheds a different light on the topic discussed. That said, until 5.9.2024, neither MHI nor most MHI publicly traded ‘insider brands’ have done so. They’ve been repeatedly invited to do so, including but not limited to an outreach on Dec 7, 2o23 and Feb 25, 2024.


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