In one variation, the woman has a cooking accident, which sets her kitchen on fire; in another, there is a barn that is mistakenly set ablaze.
Per the JokeYard, is the following version of the politically-incorrect yarn.
“This blonde called 911, screaming “Help me, Help me my house is on fire.”
The dispatch said “Mam, please calm down. I need to get some information from you.”
Again the blonde yelled “Help me, Help me my house is on fire.”
The dispatch said “Mam calm down, How do we get to your house?”
The blonde replied “Duh… In the big red truck.”
Manufactured Housing’s “Duh, Big Red Truck” Moment
Humor can be an interesting way to start – or keep – a meeting, discussion, or talk going.
But humor and serious discussion can work hand-in-glove.
For years – but with increased intensity in recent months – MHProNews has documented the opportunities in sustainable, ethical, manufactured home sales. Bad news for conventional builders in the report below can be good news for you, and your operation’s location(s).
NAR’s Yun – No Quick Fixes Spell$ Manufactured Housing Opportunitie$
The opportunities to increase retail sales in a local market by a factor of 10 is clearly evidenced by proven results, and by third-party data/statistics; including, but not limited to, the report linked above.
While some large operators in the industry are spending 6 to 7 figures a year on marketing and sales growth, family-owned community partner Tom Fath in the video explains how applying two lessons and far more modest sums helped them profitably increase their sales by several hundred percent.
In a Q&A Discussion video intended for this year’s Tunica Manufactured Housing Show’s attendees, Fath names two key concepts, and gives examples of just how the investments in time, talent, and treasure performed.
Others we’ve worked with professionally have done similarly. For example, these proprietary processes have worked to move two other operations from low single digit monthly sales to 25 sales – sales, not leases – a month average for several months in a row.
- Get out your note pads,
- watch this video above with your sales team,
- and then discuss how this can be profitably applied to you and your location.
Don’t hesitate to call us, because no one else in MHVille is doing it like our clients and we do it.

Video | Marketing/Ads/Web | Sales Coach/Training |Royal Content Creation | Recruiting | Consulting | PR |
Only 2 Choices – Media Engagement, Manufactured Homes, & You – Monday Morning Sales Meeting
Last week’s Monday Morning Sales Meeting is linked above.
MH “Industry News, Tips, and Views Pros Can Use.” © ## (Analysis, commentary, fact checks, news, trends.)
2 Week Notice, MHProNews will be on a somewhat modified publication schedule from now through January 2nd, resuming normal scheduling in 2018. More details, click here.
Note 1: Thousands do it. You, your team, and industry colleagues can sign up to the MHIndustry leading headline news/updates – typically sent twice weekly – please click here to sign up in just seconds.
Note 2: For media, business development, training, or other professional services, click here. The more pros like you that use our services over any others, the more we can protect, educate, and promote the Manufactured Housing Revolution.
(Image credits are as shown above, and when provided by third parties, are shared under fair use guidelines.)
Kovach is the award-winning managing-member of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC,
parent to MHProNews, and
Both are #1 in their categories. Kovach is one of the most endorsed professionals in all of manufactured housing.