Zacks reports that UMH Properties and Equity Lifestyle Properties are among the five REITs with relatively low P/E ratios. UMH Properties (AMEX:UMH) has the lowest with a P/E of 17.4x. Equity Lifestyle Properties (NYSE:ELS) is second lowest with a P/E of 37.0x; American Campus Communities (NYSE:ACC) comes in third lowest with a P/E of 40.3x. Post Properties (NYSE:PPS) follows with a P/E of 59.6x and Mid-America Apartment Communities (NYSE:MAA) came in fifth lowest with a P/E of 65.6x. A P/E ratio is an important valuation tool for comparing companies in the same industry. A higher P/E ratio means that investors are paying more for each unit of net income, so the stock is more expensive compared to one with a lower P/E ratio. Both UMH and ELS are part of our Daily Business News market reports.