Marketing Sales Management


What Just Happened, to Cavco, Independent Communities, Retailers, and Manufactured Housing?

  Every Sunday morning for several years, we provide this popular week in review.   It helps answer the question, ‘What Just Happened?’ It will also suggest a few answers to a question that hasn’t been asked, what’s coming up in this week ahead? Drama. Some of it is ‘manufactured …

What Just Happened, to Cavco, Independent Communities, Retailers, and Manufactured Housing? Read More


MH Marketing Insights – Where are Americans Moving? U.S. Moves, by State – Charts, Video

  There are several serious topics that are frankly heavy, and in various ways negative, that we will hold until after Thanksgiving. These include court decisions, legal, and other industry-specific items that we’ll tackle in the near term, but after the holiday.     The reason is simple. It’s time …

MH Marketing Insights – Where are Americans Moving? U.S. Moves, by State – Charts, Video Read More


#NobleNotMobile, New Contest and Video Program Launched, Exclusive Details

  As the Daily Business News on MHProNews signaled on Sunday, a new program is being promoted that aims to help change the image of manufactured homes.   In an on-the-record email, Mike Bullard, communications director for ROC USA said as follows to MHProNews’ publisher, L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach: “Good …

#NobleNotMobile, New Contest and Video Program Launched, Exclusive Details Read More

Beautiful, Harsh, Priceless Realties from a Master Builder, Monday Morning Marketing, Sales, Meeting

  There can be a bit of fun at times saying something that others think is politically incorrect. Because sometimes politically incorrect things need to be said. They are essential in debunking today’s inconvenient truths, so you might as well enjoy doing it.   Because there’s plenty to debunk. For …

Beautiful, Harsh, Priceless Realties from a Master Builder, Monday Morning Marketing, Sales, Meeting Read More


Work, Life Balance and MHVille, Monday Morning Manufactured Housing Meeting

  It goes without saying that life is a series of marathons, not just a single sprint. That: first home sale, that first business deal, that first new client, are important. But once isn’t enough.  Repetition is critical for learning.  Systems that can more routinely produce the desired outcome are …

Work, Life Balance and MHVille, Monday Morning Manufactured Housing Meeting Read More


MH Sales, Marketing, Management Life Lesson – Plan A, Plan B

  Imagine the following, because the odds are good that it has already happened to you and your business.   Let’s presume for the next few minutes that you are an ethical person, working in an honest business. Based on that, do you have to have a perfect product or …

MH Sales, Marketing, Management Life Lesson – Plan A, Plan B Read More


Business Strategy, Open and Stealth Clients, Transparency, and Manufactured Housing

  When you’re in a business, you better know as much about what influences your profession as you can. That’s a view that billionaires Warren Buffett and Donald J. Trump had in common, 3 years ago.  No doubt, both see it similarly today too. Knowing how to maneuver in an …

Business Strategy, Open and Stealth Clients, Transparency, and Manufactured Housing Read More


SMB Webinar – Digital Transformation of Small to Medium Sized Businesses, Visa’s Experience and Solutions VP, NFIB Wednesday

  In a release to the Daily Business News on MHProNews, the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) announced a live presentation by Steven Leitman, Vice President, Global Payment Experience and Solutions for Visa, Inc. “Commerce as we know it is at a tipping point, with retail environments and customer expectations …

SMB Webinar – Digital Transformation of Small to Medium Sized Businesses, Visa’s Experience and Solutions VP, NFIB Wednesday Read More


Retail in the Digital Age, and Manufactured Housing

You enter a large store for the first time. You stop, look around, turn, and walk the aisle to your right.  The odds on your doing just that were known and calculated in advance.    Security video cameras are scanning everyone that comes through that front door. Those cameras are …

Retail in the Digital Age, and Manufactured Housing Read More


Attracting and Retaining Sales Talent – Evidence and Data-Driven Potential in Manufactured Housing

  At this moment, the potential opportunity to achieve more in manufactured housing by independents may be greater than at any time in decades. But tapping those opportunities requires an openness to new facts, evidence, and ideas.   By definition, doing more of the ‘same old, same old,’ yields more …

Attracting and Retaining Sales Talent – Evidence and Data-Driven Potential in Manufactured Housing Read More


Proper Planning, Manufactured Housing, Marketing and Sales, Monday Morning Meeting

    “Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance.” –      Oxford Studies Course calls these the 5 Ps of success.  But let’s be analytical. Planning is only the start. Planning must be flexible, as Charlie “Tremendous” Jones said in his book, “Life is Tremendous.” Flexible planning must be followed up by good …

Proper Planning, Manufactured Housing, Marketing and Sales, Monday Morning Meeting Read More


Sugary Sweet Reports on Manufactured Housing Industry

  You don’t have to be a doctor of dentist to realize that a person who relies on a diet of sugar, sweets, and fails to balance or brush will end up with rotten teeth and other health issues.   That is an analogy for manufactured housing professionals to ponder. …

Sugary Sweet Reports on Manufactured Housing Industry Read More

Fall Manufactured Housing Show Features Free Education, Fun, Special Financing, & More

A big manufactured housing show is set for October 15-17, 2018 in Fort Worth, TX.    It makes several simple, yet profit-generating, promises.  Free Education, A variety of off-hours fun and entertainment, Special Financing that helps you stock and sell more homes, Marketing and Sales Tips from Pros, To learn …

Fall Manufactured Housing Show Features Free Education, Fun, Special Financing, & More Read More


“Family Owned,” a Formula for Outperforming “Big Boys,” Monday Morning MH Marketing Sales Meeting

  In today’s tip, we’re using business-to-consumer (B2C) examples below, but the same principles apply businesses-to-businesses (B2B).   It is up to each business to define itself in its own market(s). Those in the manufactured home industry that don’t define themselves will likely be defined by their competitors, and/or by …

“Family Owned,” a Formula for Outperforming “Big Boys,” Monday Morning MH Marketing Sales Meeting Read More

Frightening! Halloween – Monday Morning Manufactured Home Marketing & Sales Meeting

  The Labor Day holiday was still on, but the displays in thousands of retail stores from coast-to-coast were already promoting Halloween.    Before Halloween arrives, there will also be Thanksgiving displays in stores.  Christmas is more than 3 months away, but there are holiday promotions underway for that grand …

Frightening! Halloween – Monday Morning Manufactured Home Marketing & Sales Meeting Read More


Pain, Pleasure, Persuasion, Honesty, and Sustainable MHVille Profits

There are precisely three ways to influence any organization of whatever size. Influence can only occur: From within an organization, from outside of a given group or from a combination of both. That’s the clarity of applied logic or common-sense reasoning. Day by day, MHProNews and MHLivingNews presents facts, figures, …

Pain, Pleasure, Persuasion, Honesty, and Sustainable MHVille Profits Read More


50 States Ranked by Income, Credit – Manufactured Housing Marketers Data, Cheet Sheet

While there could be a debate about the ranking of the 50 states by which is the hardest working, a far clearer picture emerges on the topics of ranking states by income and credit.   The reason? Facts about income and credit scores are just facts. But the criteria selected …

50 States Ranked by Income, Credit – Manufactured Housing Marketers Data, Cheet Sheet Read More


Manufactured Home Retailers, Communities, Is Your Merchandising Nordstrom’s or Salvation Army? Monday MH Marketing, Sales Meeting

One of the things my husband Tony and I like doing together is merchandising – staging – a home. That’s fun, not a pitch – because there are plenty of pros in MH decorating that you should call before us.   But let’s tell a quick story from this woman’s …

Manufactured Home Retailers, Communities, Is Your Merchandising Nordstrom’s or Salvation Army? Monday MH Marketing, Sales Meeting Read More


MH Intelligence for Your Business – Incomes by U.S. Counties, How Do Your Counties Compare?

Maybe you’ve been in the manufactured housing (MH) industry business for decades.  Perhaps you’ve recently hired new people, or are new in the MH industry yourself.  What sort of inventory would you order?   What are the factors that should go into your inventory decision making? Certainly, part of what …

MH Intelligence for Your Business – Incomes by U.S. Counties, How Do Your Counties Compare? Read More


U.S. Canada Trade Deal Looming, Stocks Rise, Plus MH Market Updates

There are a few readers who’ve said to MHProNews, ‘don’t get into politics.’ Or ‘avoid industry politics.’ A few said, ‘Don’t get into economics.’ Others have said,  ‘Don’t ever say anything that cites religion or morality,’ etc. We respect and appreciate thoughtful comments from our readers. We strive to read …

U.S. Canada Trade Deal Looming, Stocks Rise, Plus MH Market Updates Read More

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