Marketing Sales Management


Only 2 Choices – Media Engagement, Manufactured Homes, & You – Monday Morning Sales Meeting

As we approach Christmas – and begin to wrap up 2017 – let’s keep this Monday Morning Sales Meeting hyper-simple today. Almost everyone in the industry agrees that mainstream news-and-entertainment industries impact – mostly harmfully – the manufactured housing industry. A Harvard report predicted that the first decade of 2000 …

Only 2 Choices – Media Engagement, Manufactured Homes, & You – Monday Morning Sales Meeting Read More


Manufactured Housing Industry Headline News, Sunday Morning Review 12.3.2017 to 12.10.2017

Notice, MHProNews will be on a somewhat modified publication schedule from now through January 2nd, resuming normal scheduling in 2018. There will still be daily content relevant to industry professionals and investors, but some of it will appear later in the day than normal. If you are a regular here …

Manufactured Housing Industry Headline News, Sunday Morning Review 12.3.2017 to 12.10.2017 Read More


Billionaire Titans Battle, Overshadowing Modest Independents – Surviving, Thriving in Manufactured Housing Industry Today, Tomorrow

“They call it the rope-a-dope. Well, I’m the dope. Ali just laid on the rope and I, like a dope, kept punching until I got tired. But he was probably the most smart fighter I’ve ever gotten into the ring with.” – former boxing champion George Foreman, speaking about Mohammed …

Billionaire Titans Battle, Overshadowing Modest Independents – Surviving, Thriving in Manufactured Housing Industry Today, Tomorrow Read More


Powerful Takeaways from Automotive, RVs for Manufactured Home Professionals, Monday Morning Sales Meeting

Today’s Monday Morning Sales Meeting (MMSM) offers lessons, that similar to last week’s, are simple yet profound. There will be 3 actionable takeaways. We’ll use as a starting example the automotive world. We’ll begin with a series of facts, and then, make the point relevant for manufactured housing professionals. Examples There’s …

Powerful Takeaways from Automotive, RVs for Manufactured Home Professionals, Monday Morning Sales Meeting Read More


Manufactured Housing Industry Headline News, Sunday Morning Review 11.26.2017 to 12.3.2017

If you are a regular here daily, you read last week that the most important habit that Warren Buffett says he has is reading.  You’ve also read how the majority of those who are successful leaders make reading a habit; with many getting up 3 hours before work, so that they can …

Manufactured Housing Industry Headline News, Sunday Morning Review 11.26.2017 to 12.3.2017 Read More


Drain Cleaning System for Manufactured Home Communities, Multi-Family Properties, Announced by Electric Eel

Owners, managers, operators, and service personnel at manufactured home communities (a.k.a., “mobile home parks”), know the often-ongoing headaches caused by clogged drain lines. Besides the hassles, there are the time delays, plus those ongoing expenses of having outside contractors come in to service those needs. There are resident satisfaction issues …

Drain Cleaning System for Manufactured Home Communities, Multi-Family Properties, Announced by Electric Eel Read More



As promised last Saturday on the Daily Business News, exclusive comments made by university researchers about manufactured homes has been published. Those exclusive comments reveal manufactured homes (MH) means for wealth creation by MH homeowners and buyers. That means that savvy industry marketers, owners, managers, sales agents, now have a …

Kapow! Read More


Monday Morning Sales Meeting – Living the Dream by Serving Others Well

“You can get everything you want out of life, if you help enough other people get out of life what they want.” Zig Ziglar. Owners, managers, investors, and front-line sales professionals, that quote above is an important secret for manufactured housing (MH), or any other, career success. Those who learn, …

Monday Morning Sales Meeting – Living the Dream by Serving Others Well Read More

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