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2014’s December to Remember and…Family Feud?

A routine comment read and heard here is that manufactured housing is a ‘fractured industry.’ Those divisions – so ‘they’ say – are one of the many reasons our industry has failed to reach its potential.

Not quibbling over that, but I happen to like what Tim Williams, 21st Mortgage CEO and the new Vice-Chairman at MHI, said when he likened the MH Industry to a fraternity.

To be “fraternal” – says Google – is to be “like a brother or brothers.” The implication is one of family.

Well, even the best of families as well as frat members can have a good squabble or debate.

Mindful of my parents lessons, including:

> you catch more flies with honey than vinegar, but

> if you have a just cause, don’t be afraid to stand up for what’s right –

…we enter into a delicate topic as well as some popular ones in this new “December to Remember” issue.


Photo credits: Ankur P, FlickrCreativeCommons.

The most SENSITIVE one is meant to head off an avoidable squabble. It is also meant to get us past the ones that have hung around seemingly FOREVER!

Some times people draw lines in the sand, and then dare the other party to cross it. In many cases, that’s a…

Bad Move

Go ahead and disagree if you want, but there are essentially two ways to play the Game of Life. Dr. Stephen Covey says, there is win-win and win-lose.

For those who want to try to ‘win’ in a way that makes the other party ‘lose,’ the sad reality is that it can cause both sides to lose. That happens in courts, where the cost of litigation can be so high, that even if you win, you may not get anything (I know we have a lot of attorneys as writers, members of the bar, pardon that please…but it is what it is).


There is a practical answer to the above high costs to litigate, but I’ll hold that one for another time, because this isn’t about promoting win-lose, it should be about healing the squabbles and creating mutual victories.

Even the waring factions in Northern Ireland kinda worked it out. Can’t our industry do as well?

As I look at the off-and-on issues between the two national associations, for example, it seems to me that win-lose has cost both. Because it has cost both of them, it has cost us all.

Are you telling me that intelligent folks can’t sit down and see how they craft a plan that benefits everyone in the mix?

Is the last 3 decades about enough time to make that happen?

I’m looking at some news that one association sees as the other association trying to kill them with higher costs. Hmmm…tell me, what can we expect next from the we-feel-threatened-association?

Are you telling me the leadership can’t see what has happened for 30 plus years, with a few brief respites like the MHIA of 2000? Didn’t that MHIA 2000 lesson in working together teach us the value it can bring?

A similar point can be made about PEP and our industry, as you’ll see in one of the stories from moi below. Failure to robustly pursue PEP costs us all. Let’s spend our money wisely, and invest it in our careers, businesses and a FRATERNAL Future!


Rodney King credit: WikiCommons.

So can we all try to get along? Can we try to pull together and admit that we need one another?

Rodney King, where are you?

Once more we bring you the biggest, deepest, widest line up anywhere in manufactured housing news tips and views that pros can use.


With great new

  • A Cup of Coffee with...interview,

  • with plenty of legal advice,

  • inspirational wisdom,

  • marketing,

  • sales,

  • management,

  • loss mitigation,

  • politics and more – let’s jump in below to the 2014 December to Remember line up!

Featured Articles and Reports for Vol. 6, No. 3, 2014

Alphabetically by Category


• Cyber Crime and Cyber Liability for Manufactured Home Communities and Retailers

by Kathleen Bianculli

kathleen-bianculli-manufactured-housing-american-insurance-alliance-aia-posted--mhpronews-com-50x50-_1There’s been a lot of talk about cyber-crime over the past few years and the question of need for cyber-liability coverage.

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• Writ Petitions and Administrative Records – at What Cost? 

by C. William Dahlin, JD

bill-dahlin-hkc-law-california-posted-manufactured-housing-pro-news-com-50x50-Our modern world has created a framework where many factual and legal decisions are made by administrative agencies. This is true at the state and federal level alike.

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• Privacy Rights and Contacting Family – what’s legal for Manufactured Housing Professionals?

by Nadeen Green, JD


So many of you who manage communities in the manufactured housing sector want to “do it right” whatever “right” may mean.

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• Is My Park Manager an Employee or an Independent Contractor? If They’re an Employee, Can I Pay them a Salary vs. Hourly Wages?

by Kurt Kelley


Many park owners ask me whether they should set up their park manager as an employee or as an independent contractor (a “contractor”).

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• A Cup of Coffee with…Steve Adler

  1. cup1) Who, What and Where: (Your name and your formal title at Murex Properties).

Steven P. Adler, President & CEO of Murex Properties, LLC.

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• The Road to Success Pass through the fast-approaching 2015 Louisville Manufactured Home Show! Updates!

by Dennis Hill and Ron Thomas Sr.

dennis-hill-showways-unlimited-manufactured-housing-mhpronews-com-50x50-The Louisville Show is sort of a microcosm of all that’s available out there, and as you look over the new homes of varying designs, and the hundreds of products and services, you may have a glimpse of the vision I’m talking about.

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• 300 Hours – Revisiting Green Courte Partners Chairman Randy Rowe’s 5 Point Plan for Manufactured Housing

by L. A. “Tony” Kovach

tony-kovach-2-50How does manufactured housing capture more of the $1 trillion dollar annual U.S. housing market?

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• Who Tells Our Industry’s Stories? Videos, Visuals and Verbiage can Sell More Manufactured Homes

by L. A. “Tony” Kovach

tony-kovach-2-50Industry expert and community owner, Marty Lavin, JD has made the point that the mainstream media is telling our story on a daily basis. Where are the counter-to-the-media’s often “bad news” stories being told?

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• Wake up the Sleeping Housing Giant! Getting Realtors ® and Developers to do more MH

by L. A. “Tony” Kovach

tony-kovach-2-50Realtors ®! We as an industry could collectively sell tens-or hundreds-of-thousands of more manufactured and modular homes per year by getting more Real Estate agents to better understand and respect our homes.

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• Will Cable and Broadcast TV both Vanish by 2030?

by L. A. “Tony” Kovach

tony-kovach-2-50The CEO of Netflix thinks that by the year 2030, cable TV could be dead and gone. While that may seem extreme to some, BetaBeat states, “But 2030 seems mightly early, no? 

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• Honoring Small Business, President Obama and MHI’s President 

by L. A. “Tony” Kovach

tony-kovach-2-50The New York Times headlines reads, “Honoring Small Business, Obamas Go Book Shopping.” The photo below shows the good optics of this, and this hits many positive themes held high at MHProNews. Leaders are readers, and small business creates the most private sector jobs.

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• Too Big To Succeed The Bi-Partisan Problem with Big Government and MH

by L. A. “Tony” Kovach


We hear about too big to fail, what about too big to succeed? Quality, green, affordable homes are a growing necessity in America. Our factory-built homes industry should and does have bi-partisan appeal.

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• Perceptions, Codes and changing Energy Demands – An Opportunity for Factory-Built Homes to Leap Ahead? 

by Steven Lefler


Most people understand a code as a minimum set of regulations and rules of procedures or conduct. The definition of a dwelling is a building or place of shelter to live in; place of residence; abode; home.

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• If you want to lead, you have to master self-leadership 

by Tim Connor, CSP

tim-connor-50I am amazed at how many people in positions of leadership can’t even lead themselves effectively, consistently or with integrity.

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• What are you doing different in 2015?

by Tim Connor, CSP


What can a lost sale cost you in sales revenue and personal income? Do you want to sell more in 2015 than you did in 2014? There is only one way to guarantee you will exceed last year’s results and income and beat your competition – hands down

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• ZigOn The Ten Commandments

by Zig Ziglar


There seems to be a number of contradictions in our society. We are inundated with statistics proving that crime is decreasing.

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• Sales Tip – Promise a lot and deliver more?

by Tim Connor, CSP


Many salespeople make a lot of promises or benefit statements while trying to sell a new prospect or existing customer. The assumption these salespeople often erroneously make is that it is necessary to promise the world in order to close the sale.

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